• 제목/요약/키워드: DRASTIC aquifer vulnerability

검색결과 8건 처리시간 0.026초

Evaluation of Meymeh Aquifer vulnerability to nitrate pollution by GIS and statistical methods

  • Tabatabaei, Javad;Gorji, Leila
    • Membrane and Water Treatment
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    • 제10권4호
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    • pp.313-320
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    • 2019
  • Increasing the concentration of nitrate ions in the soil solution and then leaching it to underground aquifers increases the concentration of nitrate in the water, and can cause many health and ecological problems. This study was conducted to evaluate the vulnerability of Meymeh aquifer to nitrate pollution. In this research, sampling of 10 wells was performed according to standard sampling principles and analyzed in the laboratory by spectrophotometric method, then; the nitrate concentration zonation map was drawn by using intermediate models. In the drastic model, the effective parameters for assessing the vulnerability of groundwater aquifers, including the depth of ground water, pure feeding, aquifer environment, soil type, topography slope, non-saturated area and hydraulic conductivity. Which were prepared in the form of seven layers in the ARC GIS software, and by weighting and ranking and integrating these seven layers, the final map of groundwater vulnerability to contamination was prepared. Drastic index estimated for the region between 75-128. For verification of the model, nitrate concentration data in groundwater of the region were used, which showed a relative correlation between the concentration of nitrate and the prepared version of the model. A combination of two vulnerability map and nitrate concentration zonation was provided a qualitative aquifer classification map. According to this map, most of the study areas are within safe and low risk, and only a small portion of the Meymeh Aquifer, which has a nitrate concentration of more than 50 mg / L in groundwater, is classified in a hazardous area.

Groundwater pollution risk mapping using modified DRASTIC model in parts of Hail region of Saudi Arabia

  • Ahmed, Izrar;Nazzal, Yousef;Zaidi, Faisal
    • Environmental Engineering Research
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    • 제23권1호
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    • pp.84-91
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    • 2018
  • The present study deals with the management of groundwater resources of an important agriculture track of north-western part of Saudi Arabia. Due to strategic importance of the area efforts have been made to estimate aquifer proneness to attenuate contamination. This includes determining hydrodynamic behavior of the groundwater system. The important parameters of any vulnerability model are geological formations in the region, depth to water levels, soil, rainfall, topography, vadose zone, the drainage network and hydraulic conductivity, land use, hydrochemical data, water discharge, etc. All these parameters have greater control and helps determining response of groundwater system to a possible contaminant threat. A widely used DRASTIC model helps integrate these data layers to estimate vulnerability indices using GIS environment. DRASTIC parameters were assigned appropriate ratings depending upon existing data range and a constant weight factor. Further, land-use pattern map of study area was integrated with vulnerability map to produce pollution risk map. A comparison of DRASTIC model was done with GOD and AVI vulnerability models. Model validation was done with $NO_3$, $SO_4$ and Cl concentrations. These maps help to assess the zones of potential risk of contamination to the groundwater resources.

경기도 일부 공원묘역의 지하수 오염가능성 (Groundwater Vulnerability of Some Cemeteries in Gyeonggi Province)

  • 이재황;이준수;김계훈
    • 한국토양비료학회지
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    • 제41권5호
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    • pp.330-341
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    • 2008
  • 본 연구는 묘역의 운영에 의한 지하수의 오염가능성을 조사하기 위하여 경기도 지역의 43개 묘역 중 28개를 대상으로 수행하였다. 이를 위하여 대상 묘역에 일곱가지의 수리지질학적 인자들(지하수위, 지하수 함양량, 대수층 매질, 토양 매질, 지형 구배, 비포 화대 구성물질, 대수층의 수리전도도)을 사용하여 지하수 오염 가능성을 평가하는 DRASTIC 모델을 적용하였다. 본 연구에서 연구대상지 DRASTIC 지표는 82 126범위였고 평균은 113.99(1.48)이었다. 연구대상지인 경기지역의 묘역의 DRASTIC 지표는 북부가 남부보 다 상대적으로 높은 값을 보였다. DRASTIC 지표는 동일한 매장률과 매장밀도를 가지는 지역들 간에는 비슷한 값을 보였다. 이 연구는 DRASTIC 모델을 이용하여 묘역의 지하수 오염가능성을 평가할 때 모델적용에 필요한 일곱 가지 기본 인자뿐 아니라 매장률과 매장밀도도 고려하는 것이 필요함을 보였다.

Evaluation of waste disposal site using the DRASTIC system in Southern Korea

  • Lee, S.
    • 대한원격탐사학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 대한원격탐사학회 2003년도 Proceedings of ACRS 2003 ISRS
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    • pp.126-128
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    • 2003
  • As a systematic approach to waste disposal site screening for groundwater pollution protection, the DRASTIC system developed by the US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) was introduced at Younggwang County in Korea. Hydrogeologic spatial databases for the system include info rmation on depth to water, net recharge, aquifer media, soil media, topographic slope, hydraulic conductivity and lineament. Using the databases, the DRASTIC system and a GIS, the regional groundwater pollution vulnerability of the study area was assessed. The fracture density extracted from lineament maps was added to the DRASTIC system to take into account the preferential migration of contaminants through fractures. From the results of the study, a degree of groundwater pollution vulnerability through the study area was easily interpreted, and waste disposal sites could be screened for groundwater protection.

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Groundwater vulnerability assessment in the southern coastal sedimentary basin of Benin using DRASTIC, modified DRASTIC, Entropy Weight DRASTIC and AVI

  • Agossou, Amos;Yang, Jeong-Seok
    • 한국수자원학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국수자원학회 2021년도 학술발표회
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    • pp.152-152
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    • 2021
  • The importance of groundwater has long been recognized, but the ground water potential to become contaminated as a result of human activities has only been recognized in recently. Before 1980 it was thought that soils served as filters, preventing harmful substances deposited at the surface from migrating into groundwater. Today it is known that soils have a finite capacity to protect groundwater. It can be contaminated from divers sources. Therefore, Assessment of aquifer vulnerability to pollution is essential for the protection and management of groundwater and land use planning. In this study, we used DRASTIC and AVI for groundwater vulnerability to contamination assessment. the different methods were applied to the southern coastal sedimentary basin of Benin and DRASTIC method was modified in two different steps. First, we modified DRASTIC by adding land use parameter to include the actual pollution sources (DRASTICLcLu) and second, classic DRASTIC weights was modified using Shannon's entropy (Entropy weight DRASTIC). The reliability of the applied approaches was verified using nitrate (NO3-) concentration and by comparing the overall vulnerability maps to the previous researches in the study area and in the world. The results from validation showed that the addition of landcover/land use parameter to the classic DRASTIC helps to improve the method for better definition of the vulnerable areas in the basin and also, the weight modification using entropy improved better the method because Entropy weight DRASTICLcLu showed the highest correlation with nitrate concentration in the study basin. In summary the weight modification using entropy approach reduced the uncertainty of the human subjectivity in assigning weights and ratings in the standard DRASTIC.

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제주도 서부지역의 지하수 오염취약성 작성 연구

  • 이용두;송희경
    • 한국지하수토양환경학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국지하수토양환경학회 2006년도 총회 및 춘계학술발표회
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    • pp.316-318
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this research is to write out vulnerability for western area in Jeju island by using drastic method which is the most frequently utilized among the writing techniques of underground water vulnerability. In case of aquifer, it was divided into two types, gravel layer or not and rated. And soil media was rated two kinds of method. Plan 1 is concerned with only soil class and plan 2 is concerned with soil class and gravels (or rocks), Vadose zone was rated differently according to the ratio of gravel layer. In case of plan 1, the scope of drastic index is from the minimum 77 to the maximum 176, on the other hand, plan 2, the scope of drastic index is from the minimum 79 to the maximum 182. In case of using the water quality data of Nitrate from 1994 to 2004, Pearson correlation coefficient are 0.164(Plan 1) and 0.124(Plan 2) and Spearman correlation coefficient are 0.132(Plan 1) and 0.113.

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밀양시 지하수 수질 특성과 DRASTIC 지수를 이용한 지하수 오염취약성 평가 (Evaluation of Vulnerability to Groundwater Contamination using Groundwater Quality Characteristics and DRASTIC Index in Miryang City)

  • 정성연;김시은;윤설민;오제헌;이충모
    • 한국지하수토양환경학회지:지하수토양환경
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    • 제29권3호
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    • pp.23-36
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    • 2024
  • Miryang City, the study area, has a water supply rate of 87.4%, which is 12% lower than the national water supply rate of 99.4%, but has a high dependence on groundwater due to the high ratio of farms. In agricultural areas, contamination becomes relatively more critical, requiring significant attention to the management and conservation of groundwater resources. This study aims at estimate groundwater vulnerability of Miryang City using the DRASTIC index map, Piper diagram, and water quality data to correlated with the DRASTIC index. The results from DRASTIC map were divided into five classes: very high, high, moderate, low, and very low. The areas in central and southern part of study area, which are characterize by a very high index with [Ca-Cl] and [Na-Cl] water types, covering a large alluvium with the Miryang River and Nakdonggang River. In addition, a correlation analysis between groundwater quality parameters and the DRASTIC index was carried out. Chloride, sodium, and sulfate ions showed a weak relationship with DRASTIC index, with correlation coefficient was 0.507, 0.487 and 0.344, respectively. These results suggest that aquifer media, soil media, hydraulic conductivity, and chloride ion are important factors for groundwater vulnerability.

잠재오염원을 이용한 포항지역의 광역적 지하수 오염 위험성 평가 (Assessment of Regional Groundwater Pollution Hazard using Potential Pollutant of Pohang Area)

  • 이사로;김용성;김덕근
    • 한국지리정보학회지
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    • 제9권3호
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2006
  • 본 연구에서는 미국 EPA에서 개발된 DRASTIC 시스템을 이용하여 지하수 오염 취약성을 평가 후, 잠재오염원 자료를 이용하여 광역적인 지하수 오염 위험성을 평가하였다. 이를 위해 포항지역에 대해 지하수면의 깊이, 충진량, 대수층, 토양층, 지형경사, 수리전도도, 선구조, 잠재오염원 등 수리지질학적 자료와 현장조사를 통해 잠재오염원을 공간 데이터베이스로 구축하였다. 구축된 공간 데이터베이스를 GIS 기반으로 DRASTIC 시스템에 적용하여 광역적 지하수 오염 취약성을 평가하였으며, 지하수 오염 취약성 평가 결과와 잠재오염원의 분포를 중첩 분석하여 지하수 오염 위험성을 평가하였다. 이를 통해 지하수 오염 위험성은 대수층의 지하수 오염에 대한 취약성과 잠재오염원의 분포 정도에 따라 4가지 유형으로 분류할 수 있으며, 그 유형에 따라 적절한 지하수 수질관리의 방향을 제시할 수 있도록 하였다. 또한 그 결과는 행정구역별로 도출하여 향후 관리상의 편의를 도모할 수 있도록 하였다. 본 연구에서 도입한 지하수 오염 위험성 평가 기법은 비교적 손쉽게 기존의 지하수 오염 취약성 평가를 실제 지하수 수질관리 계획 수립 시에 활용될 수 있다.

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