• Title/Summary/Keyword: Cycle simulation

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Groundwater Flow Modeling in the KURT site for a Case Study about a Hypothetical Geological Disposal Facility of Radioactive Wastes (방사성폐기물 지하처분장에 대한 가상의 사례 연구를 위한 KURT 부지의 지하수 유동 모의)

  • Ko, Nak-Youl;Park, Kyung Woo;Kim, Kyung Su;Choi, Jong Won
    • Journal of Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Waste Technology(JNFCWT)
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.143-149
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    • 2012
  • Groundwater flow simulations were performed to obtain data of groundwater flow used in a safety assessment for a hypothetical geological disposal facility assumed to be located in the KURT (KAERI Underground Research Tunnel) site. A regional scale modeling of the groundwater flow system was carried out to make boundary conditions for a local scale modeling. And, fracture zones identified at the study site were involved in the local scale groundwater flow model. From the results of the local scale modeling, a hydraulic head distribution was indicated and it was used in a particle tracking simulation for searching pathway of groundwater from the location of the hypothetical disposal facility to the surface where the groundwater reached. The flow distance and discharge rate of the groundwater in the KURT site were calculated. It was thought that the modeling methods used in this study was available to prepare the data of groundwater flow in a safety assessment for a geological disposal facility of radioactive wastes.

Travel Times of Radionuclides Released from Hypothetical Multiple Source Positions in the KURT Site (KURT 환경 자료를 이용한 가상의 다중 발생원에서의 누출 핵종의 이동 시간 평가)

  • Ko, Nak-Youl;Jeong, Jongtae;Kim, Kyung Su;Hwang, Youngtaek
    • Journal of Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Waste Technology(JNFCWT)
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.281-291
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    • 2013
  • A hypothetical repository was assumed to be located at the KURT (KAERI Underground Research Tunnel) site, and the travel times of radionuclides released from three source positions were calculated. The groundwater flow around the KURT site was simulated and the groundwater pathways from the hypothetical source positions to the shallow groundwater were identified. Of the pathways, three pathways were selected because they had highly water-conductive features. The transport travel times of the radionuclides were calculated by a TDRW (Time-Domain Random Walk) method. Diffusion and sorption mechanisms in a host rock matrix as well as advection-dispersion mechanisms under the KURT field condition were considered. To reflect the radioactive decay, four decay chains with the radionuclides included in the high-level radioactive wastes were selected. From the simulation results, the half-life and distribution coefficient in the rock matrix, as well as multiple pathways, had an influence on the mass flux of the radionuclides. For enhancing the reliability of safety assessment, this reveals that identifying the history of the radionuclides contained in the high-level wastes and investigating the sorption processes between the radionuclides and the rock matrix in the field condition are preferentially necessary.

A Basic Study on the Design of the Flexible Keel in the Energy-Storage Prosthetic Foot for the Improvement of the Walking Performance of the Below Knee Amputees (하지 절단환자의 보행 능력 향상을 위한 에너지 저장형 의족의 유연 용골 설계를 위한 기초연구)

  • 장태성;이정주;윤용산;임정옥
    • Journal of Biomedical Engineering Research
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.519-530
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    • 1998
  • In this paper, the basic study on the design of the flexible keel of the energy-storage prosthetic foot was performed in order to Improve the walking performance and Increase the activities of the below knee amputees. Based on the analysis of the anthropometric data and the normal gait on two dimensional sagittal plane available In the literature, we presented a model of the basic structure of the flexible keel of the prosthetic foot. The model of the basic structure was composed of the simple beams, and linear rotational spring and damper. Laminated carbon fiber-reinforced composites were selected as the material of the basic structure model of the flexible keel In order to apply the high strength and light weight materials to the basic structure of the flexible keel of the prosthetic foot. The recoverable strain energy In response to the change of beam shape was calculated bur the finite element analysis and it was suggested that the change of beam shape could be the design variable in flexible keel design. The simulation process was systematically designed by using orthogonal array table in order to design the flexible keel structure which could store the more recoverable strain energy. finite element analysis was carried but according to the design of simulations by using the finite element program ABAQUS and the flexible keel structure of the energy-storage prosthetic foot was obtained from the analysis of variance(ANOVA). The dynamic simulation model of the prosthetic walking using the flexible keel structure was made and the dynamic analysis was carried but during one walk cycle. Based on the above results, an effective design process was presented for the development of the prosthetic fool system.

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A Simulation Study for Selecting Optimum Position of a Superheater in a Waste Heat Recovery System Integrated with a Large Gasoline Engine (대형 가솔린 엔진의 폐열 회수 장치인 슈퍼히터의 최적 위치선정을 위한 시뮬레이션 연구)

  • Kim, Se Lin;Choi, Kyung Wook;Lee, Ki Hyung;Kim, Ki Bum
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B
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    • v.40 no.2
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    • pp.69-73
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    • 2016
  • Recently, automotive engineers have paid much attention to waste heat recovery technology as a possible means to improve the thermal efficiency of an automotive engine. A large displacement gasoline engine is generally a V-type engine. It is not cost effective to install two superheaters at each exhaust manifold for the heat recovery purposes. A single superheater could be installed as close to the exhaust manifold as possible for the higher recovery efficiency; however, only half of exhaust gas can be used for heat recovery. On the contrary, the exhaust temperature is decreased for the case where the superheater is installed at a junction of two exhaust tail pipes. With the fact in mind, the optimum position of a single superheater was investigated using simulation models developed from a commercial software package (i.e. AMESim). It was found that installing the superheater near the exhaust manifold could recover 3.8 kW more from the engine exhaust despite utilizing only half of the exhaust mass flow. Based on this result, the optimum layout of an automotive waste heat recovery system was developed and proposed in this paper.

An Effects of Signal Phase Plan on the Traffic Signal Operation of 4-legged Intersection (신호현시 순서가 교차로 신호운영 효율에 미치는 영향 분석 분석)

  • Lee, Junhyung;Son, Bongsoo
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.40-51
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    • 2015
  • This study analysis traffic phase order alternatives to maximize throughput. According to theoretical analysis alternative2(EW: left turn after through, NS: through after left turn) and alternative5(EW: through after left turn, NS: left turn after through) can minimize the maximum delay. Both alternatives split the phase that have the same destination link under the whole cycle length. This shows that phase order alternative can effect to the fully saturated intersection. In side of simulation analysis by microscopic traffic simulator PTV VISSIM F 7.0, each phase order alternatives can't effect throughput under the non saturated condition. However under the saturated condition, the average controlled delay of the intersection has been changed by phase order alternatives. The simulation analysis shows that alternative2 and alternative5 increase throughput 3.8% to 5.1% under the saturated condition.

Molecular characterization and docking dynamics simulation prediction of cytosolic OASTL switch cysteine and mimosine expression in Leucaena leucocephala

  • Harun-Ur-Rashid, Md.;Masakazu, Fukuta;Amzad Hossain, Md.;Oku, Hirosuke;Iwasaki, Hironori;Oogai, Shigeki;Anai, Toyoaki
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Crop Science Conference
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    • 2017.06a
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    • pp.36-36
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    • 2017
  • Out of twenty common protein amino acids, there are many kinds of non protein amino acids (NPAAs) that exist as secondary metabolites and exert ecological functions in plants. Mimosine (Mim), one of those NPAAs derived from L. leucocephala acts as an iron chelator and reversely block mammalian cell cycle at G1/S phases. Cysteine (Cys) is decisive for protein and glutathione that acts as an indispensable sulfur grantor for methionine and many other sulfur-containing secondary products. Cys biosynthesis includes consecutive two steps using two enzymes-serine acetyl transferase (SAT) and O-acetylserine (thiol)lyase (OASTL) and appeared in plant cytosol, chloroplast, and mitochondria. In the first step, the acetylation of the ${\beta}$-hydroxyl of L-serine by acetyl-CoA in the existence of SAT and finally, OASTL triggers ${\alpha}$, ${\beta}$-elimination of acetate from OAS and bind $H_2S$ to catalyze the synthesis of Cys. Mimosine synthase, one of the isozymes of the OASTLs, is able to synthesize Mim with 3-hydroxy-4-pyridone (3H4P) instead of $H_2S$ for Cys in the last step. Thus, the aim of this study was to clone and characterize the cytosolic (Cy) OASTL gene from L. leucocephala, express the recombinant OASTL in Escherichia coli, purify it, do enzyme kinetic analysis, perform docking dynamics simulation analysis between the receptor and the ligands and compare its performance between Cys and Mim synthesis. Cy-OASTL was obtained through both directional degenerate primers corresponding to conserved amino acid region among plant Cys synthase family and the purified protein was 34.3KDa. After cleaving the GST-tag, Cy-OASTL was observed to form mimosine with 3H4P and OAS. The optimum Cys and Mim reaction pH and temperature were 7.5 and $40^{\circ}C$, and 8.0 and $35^{\circ}C$ respectively. Michaelis constant (Km) values of OAS from Cys were higher than the OAS from Mim. Inter fragment interaction energy (IFIE) of substrate OAS-Cy-OASTL complex model showed that Lys, Thr81, Thr77 and Gln150 demonstrated higher attraction force for Cys but 3H4P-mimosine synthase-OAS intermediate complex showed that Gly230, Tyr227, Ala231, Gly228 and Gly232 might provide higher attraction energy for the Mim. It may be concluded that Cy-OASTL demonstrates a dual role in biosynthesis both Cys and Mim and extending the knowledge on the biochemical regulatory mechanism of mimosine and cysteine.

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A Variable Speed Limits Operation Model to Minimize Confliction at a Bottleneck Section by Cumulative Demand-Capacity Analysis (대기행렬이론을 이용한 병목지점 충돌위험 저감 가변속도제어 운영모형)

  • LEE, Junhyung;SON, Bongsoo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.33 no.5
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    • pp.478-487
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    • 2015
  • This study proposed a Variable Speed Limits(VSL) algorithm to use traffic information based on Cumulative Demand-Capacity Analysis and evaluated its performance. According to the analysis result, the total of delay consisted of 3 separate parts. There was no change in total travel time although the total of delay decreased. These effects was analysed theoretically and then, evaluated through VISSIM, a microscopic simulator. VISSIM simulation results show almost same as those of theoretical analysis. Furthermore in SSAM analysis with VISSIM simulation log, the number of high risk collisions decreased 36.0 %. However, the total delay decrease effect is not real meaning of decrease effect because the drivers' desired speed is same whether the VSL model is operated or not. Nevertheless this VSL model maintains free flow speed for longer and increases the cycle of traffic speed fluctuation. In other words, this is decrease of delay occurrence and scale. The decrease of speed gap between upstream and downstream stabilizes the traffic flow and leads decrease number of high risk collision. In conclusion, we can expect increase of safety through total delay minimization according to this VSL model.

Radionuclides Transport from the Hypothetical Disposal Facility in the KURT Field Condition on the Time Domain (KURT 부지 환경에 위치한 가상의 처분 시설에서 누출되는 방사성 핵종의 이동을 Time Domain에서 해석하는 방법에 관한 연구)

  • Hwang, Youngtaek;Ko, Nak-Youl;Choi, Jong Won;Jo, Seong-Seock
    • Journal of Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Waste Technology(JNFCWT)
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.295-303
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    • 2012
  • Based on the data observed and analyzed on a groundwater flow system in the KURT (KAERI Underground Research Tunnel) site, the transport of radionuclides, which were assumed to be released at the supposed position, was calculated on the time-domain. A groundwater pathway from the release position to the surface was identified by simulating the groundwater flow model with the hydrogeological characteristics measured from the field tests in the KURT site. The elapsed time when the radionuclides moved through the pathway is evaluated using TDRW (Time Domain Random Walk) method for simulating the transport on the time-domain. Some retention mechanisms, such as radioactive decay, equilibrium sorption, and matrix diffusion, as well as the advection-dispersion were selected as the factors to influence on the elapsed time. From the simulation results, the effects of the sorption and matrix diffusion, determined by the properties of the radionuclides and underground media, on the transport of the radionuclides were analyzed and a decay chain of the radionuclides was also examined. The radionuclide ratio of the mass discharge into the surface environment to the mass released from the supposed repository did not exceed $10^{-3}$, and it decreased when the matrix diffusion were considered. The method used in this study could be used in preparing the data on radionuclide transport for a safety assessment of a geological disposal facility because the method could evaluate the travel time of the radionuclides considering the transport retention mechanism.

Numerical simulation of groundwater flow in LILW Repository site:I. Groundwater flow modeling (중.저준위 방사성폐기물 처분 부지의 지하수 유동에 대한 수치 모사: 1. 지하수 유동 모델링)

  • Park, Kyung-Woo;Ji, Sung-Hoon;Kim, Chun-Soo;Kim, Kyung-Su;Kim, Ji-Yeon
    • Journal of Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Waste Technology(JNFCWT)
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.265-282
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    • 2008
  • Based on the site characterization works in a low and intermediate level waste(LILW) repository site, the numerical simulations for groundwater flow were carried out in order to understand the groundwater flow system of repository site. To accomplish the groundwater flow modeling in the repository site, the discrete fracture network(DFN) model was constructed using the characteristics of fracture zones and background fractures. At result, the total 10 different hydraulic conductivity(K) fields were obtained from DFN model stochastically and K distributions of constructed mesh were inputted into the 10 cases of groundwater flow simulations in FEFLOW. From the total 10 numerical simulation results, the simulated groundwater levels were strongly governed by topography and the groundwater fluxes were governed by locally existed high permeable fracture zones in repository depth. Especially, the groundwater table was predicted to have several tens meters below the groundwater table compared with the undisturbed condition around disposal silo after construction of underground facilities. After closure of disposal facilities, the groundwater level would be almost recovered within 1 year and have a tendency to keep a steady state of groundwater level in 2 year.

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An Analysis of the water balance of Low Impact Development Techniques According to the Rainfall Types (강우 유형에 따른 저영향개발 기법별 물수지 분석)

  • Yoo, Sohyun;Lee, Dongkun;Kim, Hyomin;Cho, Youngchul
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.163-174
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    • 2015
  • Urbanization caused various environmental problems like destruction of natural water cycle and increased urban flood. To solve these problems, LID(Low Impact Development) deserves attention. The main objective of LID is to restore the water circulation to the state before the development. In the previous studies about the LID, the runoff reduction effect is mainly discussed and the effects of each techniques of LID depending on rainfall types have not fully investigated. The objective of this research is to evaluate the effect of LID using the quantitative simulation of rainwater runoff as well as an amount of infiltration according to the rainfall and LID techniques. To evaluate the water circulation of LID on the development area, new land development areas of Hanam in South Korea is decided as the study site. In this research, hydrological model named STORM is used for the simulation of water balance associated with LID. Rainfall types are separated into two categories based on the rainfall intensity. And simulated LID techniques are green roof, permeable pavement and swale. Results of this research indicate that LID is effective on improvement of water balance in case of the low intensity rainfall event rather than the extreme event. The most effective LID technique is permeable pavement in case of the low intensity rainfall event and swale is effective in case of the high intensity rainfall event. The results of this study could be used as a reference when the spatial plan is made considering the water circulation.