• 제목/요약/키워드: Current concepts

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Current Mechanistic Approaches to the Chemoprevention of Cancer

  • Steele, Vernon E.
    • BMB Reports
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    • 제36권1호
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    • pp.78-81
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    • 2003
  • The prevention of cancer is one of the most important public health and medical practices of the $21^{st}$ century. We have made much progress in this new emerging field, but so much remains to be accomplished before widespread use and practice become common place. Cancer chemoprevention encompasses the concepts of inhibition, reversal, and retardation of the cancer process. This process, called carcinogenesis, requires 20-40 years to reach the endpoint called invasive cancer. It typically follows multiple, diverse and complex pathways in a stochastic process of clonal evolution. These pathways appear amenable to inhibition, reversal or retardation at various points. We must therefore identify key pathways in the evolution of the cancer cell that can be exploited to prevent this carcinogenesis process. Basic research is identifying many genetic lesions and epigenetic processes associated with the progression of precancer to invasive disease. Many of these early precancerous lesions favor cell division over quiescence and protect cells against apoptosis when signals are present. Many oncogenes are active during early development and are reactivated in adulthood by aberrant gene promoting errors. Normal regulatory genes are mutated, making them insensitive to normal regulatory signals. Tumor suppressor genes are deleted or mutated rendering them inactive. Thus there is a wide range of defects in cellular machinery which can lead to evolution of the cancer phenotype. Mistakes may not have to appear in a certain order for cells to progress along the cancer pathway. To conquer this diverse disease, we must attack multiple key pathways at once for a predetermined period of time. Thus, agent combination prevention strategies are essential to decrease cancer morbidity. Furthermore, each cancer type may require custom combination of prevention strategies to be successful.

중학생들의 수학적 언어 수준 (Mathematical language levels of middle school students)

  • 김선희;이종희
    • 대한수학교육학회지:수학교육학연구
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    • 제13권2호
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    • pp.123-141
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    • 2003
  • 본 연구는 Freudenthal의 언어 수준을 토대로 중학생들의 수학적 언어의 이해 수준과 사용수준을 조사하였다. 본 연구에서 개발한 기하 개념에 대한 언어 이해 검사는 신뢰도와 타당도를 가진 것이었으며, 이 검사를 통해 학생들이 수학적 언어를 이해하는 것에 수준의 위계가 있음이 밝혀졌다. 학생들이 수학 개념을 설명하면서 사용하는 언어의 수준은 수학적 언어를 이해하는 수준과 상관이 없었으며. 과제에 따라 정답에 기여하는 언어 사용 수준이 달랐다. 마지막으로 중학생들이 이해하기에 쉬운 언어는 수학적 대상에 이름을 붙인 지표를 일상언어의 관계로 설명되는 3 수준이었으며 이것은 언어 이해 수준, 언어 사용 수준과 상관이 없었다. 본 구의 결과를 토대로 교사는 학생들의 이해 수준과 사용 수준이 다르다는 점을 염두에 두고 그에 맞게 수학 학습 지도를 해야 할 것이며, 수학적 언어를 자신 있게 사용 할 수 있는 의사소통의 과제를 제시해야 할 것이다.

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동서의학 융합연구: 개념, 유형, 활성화를 위한 제언 (Convergent Research of Korean-Western Medicine: the Concept, Types and Suggestions for Promoting the Research)

  • 이충열
    • 동의생리병리학회지
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    • 제33권6호
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    • pp.311-321
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    • 2019
  • In this paper, we try to define and classify the concepts of Convergent Research of Korean-Western Medicine (CRKWM) to clarify the goals of research. In addition, some suggestions that are necessary to promote the CRKWM were made. The results are as follows. First, the CRKWM should be used as a concept that refers to 'interdisciplinary research' jointly conducted by experts in both Korean and Western medicines beyond their own fields. Second, True CRKWM is an "eclectic combination of East-West" that combines the advantages of traditional Korean medicine and western medicine to create a new field; it is necessary to redefine the concept of 'Integrative medicine', which is used in different context by the traditional Korean medicine and western fields in Korea, as an "eclectic combination of East-West" type. Third, In order to promote the CRKWM, it is necessary to convert the current dual medical system of relativism to one of pluralism. Forth, In order for CRKWM to be promoted, methodologies, theories, and models that become the backbones of convergence should be developed. As of now, systems medicine and network science are the best fit. Fifthly, In order to promote convergent clinical research, the development of Korean-Western diagnostic model that integrates the pathologies of Western medicine and symptoms of Korean medicine is urgent. Lastly, Mutual understanding between Korean and Western medicine fields should be preceded in order for CRKWM to be stimulated.

치매노인을 위한 신체활동 프로그램이 인지기능에 미치는 영향 : 국내연구의 메타 분석 (The Effect of Physical Activity Program for Elderly with Dementia on Cognitive Function: Meta-Analysis of Studies in Korea)

  • 이한숙;박유정
    • 대한물리의학회지
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    • 제11권2호
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    • pp.115-121
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    • 2016
  • PURPOSE: Many studies have reported the improvement of cognition through physical activity among subject with dementia. This study aimed to whether the current studies supports that physical activity intervention is efficacious on cognitive performance in subject with dementia. METHODS: Two independent reviewers searched National assembly library, RISS, KISS (2005-2015) using the concepts of dementia, exercise, and physical activity. We included randomized controlled trials that examined the efficacy of physical activity in subject with dementia. A meta-analysis was performed to estimate the effect sizes cognition with CMA (Comprehensive Meta-Analysis, version 2.2.064) soft-ware program. Nine randomized controlled trials were included, providing data from 133 individuals and excluding those failing to criteria of this study. RESULTS: The meta-analysis showed that physical activity intervention had a rather small effect sizes of 0.36 (95% confidence interval 0.14-0.59) on cognition performance in subject with dementia. Outcome measurement were MMSE-K (Mini-mental state examination Korean version) and LOCTA (Loewenstein Occupational Therapy Cognitive Assessment). We found heterogeneous among studies and there was difference between the studies (Q = 19.63, d(f)=12, $I^2= 38.88$). CONCLUSION: The present analysis suggests that physical activity interventions have the low effect sizes on cognition performance in subject with dementia Further studies will be required to develop the various programs for improving the cognitive performance in subject with dementia.

The Impact of Social Network Service, Trust and Cognition on Customer Loyalty in Internet Shopping

  • Sun, Han-Gil
    • 정보관리연구
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    • 제42권2호
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    • pp.211-234
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    • 2011
  • The development of information technology improves the globalization of the world economy. This change was able to expand the cyber space, and the online community known as the cyber community is made within the existing offline community. From the cyber community's activity, the concept of social network services created, and recently developed social computing. Social computing is the current situation and the next step in the online community. Currently, most CIOs are using social computing for workplace empowerment. As online transactions become more active, the strategy to increase customer loyalty in Internet shopping is an effective tool to increase profit for the company, and as a method to maintain competitive. With the growth of electronic commerce, through insurance of customer loyalty on the Internet, a company can establish a long-term relationship with customers, so for this, it is important to have reliable relationship with customers. Also, through advertisement and commercial information, the cognition of Internet shopping looks can be effective in retaining customers. In this study, it explores how social computing and trust and cognition of Internet shopping are effective in maintaining customer loyalty. As the result of study, the trust and cognition of Internet shopping are significantly effective on customer loyalty, but the sense of social computing. Still, social computing has not matured enough to be as effective in retaining customer loyalty. However, it does indicate that social computing has significantly increased the trust and cognition in Internet shopping. In this study, as the concepts of the social network service and social computing are applied in Internet shopping, which are actively discussed by scholars, it is expected that the basis of the study could improve and present the idea of social shopping.

미국 연방정부의 정보통신연구개발 전략 (Information and Telecommunications R&D Strategy of United States federal Governments)

  • 이근구;성종진;김장경
    • 한국정보통신학회논문지
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    • 제2권4호
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    • pp.447-454
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    • 1998
  • 최근 세계적으로 그 사용이 폭발적으로 계속 증가하고 있는 인터넷이나 점점 그 중요성이나 관심이 높아지고 있는 전자상거래는 미국이 주도하고 있는 전략 분야이다. 이러한 미국 정보통신 추진 전략의 의미를 정확히 파악하기 위해서는 지난 1985년 시작된 슈퍼컴퓨터 센터 프로그램을 시작으로 14년간 지속되고 있으며 점점 그 예산 규모가 증가하고 있는 미국 연방정부의 정보통신 연구개발 내용과 정보통신 정책 대한 분석이 필요하다. 본 논문은 그 동안 미국 연방정부가 추진한 주요 산업정책, 과학기술정책을 전체적으로 살펴보고, 클린턴행 정부가 추진한 NII 추진 내용과 정보통신 연구개발 프로그램인 HPCC와 CIC R&D 프로그램을 소개한다. 또한 민간 기업들의 경쟁력 확보를 위한 연방정부와 의회의 규제 완화 노력의 결과인 96 통신법의 개요를 소개한다.

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Developments and Trends in Fisheries Processing: Value-Added Product Development and Total Resource Utilization

  • Meyers Samuel P.
    • 한국수산과학회지
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    • 제27권6호
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    • pp.839-846
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    • 1994
  • Changing concepts in fishery science increasingly are recognizing depletion of traditional stocks, utilization of alternate(non-traditional) species, demand for high quality products, and a total resource utilization approach. Innovative practices are occurring in fisheries processing wherein solid and liquid discharges are no longer treated as 'waste,' but rather as valuable feedstocks for recovery of a variety of value-added ('value enhanced') by-products. Among these are protein hydrolysates, soluble proteins and amino acids, proteolytic enzymes, flavor and flavor extracts, pigments, and biopolymers such as chitosan. Properties and applications of this deacetylated derivative of chitin are noted. Crustacean processing by-products are discussed in terms of their serving as materials for generation of natural flavors and flavor extracts, and products such as fish sauces using contemporary enzymatic techniques. Various food and feed applications of fisheries processing by-products are illustrated with increased usage seen in formulated diets for an expanding aquaculture market. Examples are given of aquaculture becoming increasingly significant in global fisheries resource projections. Critical issues in the international seafood industry Include those of seafood quality, processing quality assurance (HACCP), and recognition of the nutritional and health-related properties of fisheries products. A variety of current seafood processing research is discussed, including that of alternate fish species for surimi manufacture and formulation of value-added seafood products from crawfish and blue crab processing operations. Increasing emphasis is being placed on international aspects of global fisheries and the role of aquaculture in such considerations. Coupled with the need for the aquatic food industry to develop innovative seafood products for the 21st century is that of total resource utilization. Contemporary approaches in seafood processing recognize the need to discard the traditional concept of processing 'waste' and adapt a more realistic, and economically sound, approach of usable by-products for food and feed application. For example, in a period of declining natural fishery resources it is no longer feasible to discard fish frames following fillet removal when a significant amount of residual valuable flesh is present that can be readily recovered and properly utilized in a variety of mince-based formulated seafood products.

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간호대학생의 임상시험실무역량강화를 위한 '임상연구관리' 교과목 개발 (Development of Clinical Research Management: Enhancement of Nursing Students' Clinical Competency in Handling Clinical Trials)

  • 추상희;장연수;여기선;안지현;김두리
    • Journal of Korean Biological Nursing Science
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    • 제16권3호
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    • pp.192-200
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    • 2014
  • Purpose: The aim of this study was to develop a new course entitled 'Clinical Research Management' to enhance nursing students' clinical competency in handling clinical trials. Methods: The goals and content of the existing current education program for clinical research professionals such as clinical research coordinators and clinical research associates provided by the Korea National Enterprise for Clinical Trials were analyzed to identify the core educational concepts. A focus group interview was performed to investigate essential competency levels for the professionals who were to begin their career in the area of clinical trials after graduating from the college of nursing. Through these initial processes, we identified the core competency required for clinical research professionals and the related course content. Goals and objectives based on the specified four competencies were set and confirmed by expertise review. Results: We developed a new course entitled Clinical Research Management, a 16-week elective subject consisting of various teaching and learning strategies based on four core competencies: basic knowledge on clinical trials, communication, risk management, and ethics. Conclusion: The results of this study will contribute to enhancing nursing students' clinical competency, including knowledge, skills, and attitudes relevant to clinical trials.

압축강도 1800kg/$\textrm{cm}^2$의 초고강도콘크리트 개발에 관한 실험적 연구 (제1보 실험계획 및 예비실험) (An Experimental Study on the Manufacture Ultra-High Strength Concrete of 1800kg/$\textrm{cm}^2$ Compressive Strength (Part I The Experimental Program and Preliminary Experiment))

  • 김규용;김진만;이상수;남상일;김무한
    • 한국콘크리트학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국콘크리트학회 1994년도 가을 학술발표회 논문집
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    • pp.167-170
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    • 1994
  • To reduce the size of structural members, high strength concrete has recently been utilized for structure such as ultra-high-rise buildings and prestressed concrete bridges in North America, and its compressive strength has gone up to 1300kg/$\textrm{cm}^2$. In Japan, research on high-strength concrete has been undertaken on a large scale by the national enterprise so-called New RC Project. And high-strength concrete with a design compressive strength over 450kg/$\textrm{cm}^2$ has recently been employed for high rised reinforced concrete building. As a result of the serious land availability situation of metropolitan areas in the world, buildings will become taller, and even higher strengths will be required. In the future, the utilization of high-strength concrete will spread widely through the development of new structural concepts, application of steels of a higher yield stress, silica fume, and other new materials. Considering these circumstance, the aim of this experimental study is to develop ultra-high-strength concrete with compressive strength over 1800kg/$\textrm{cm}^2$ with domestic current materials. There are so many factors which influence the manufacturing of ultra-high-strength concrete. The experimental factors selected in this study are mixing methods, curing methods, water-binder ratio, maximum size of coarse by silica fume. The results of this experimental study show that it is possible to develop the ultra-high-strength concrete with compressive strength over 1700kg/$\textrm{cm}^2$ at 28days, 1800kg/$\textrm{cm}^2$ at 56 days.

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압축강도 1800kg/$\textrm{cm}^2$의 초고강도콘크리트 개발에 관한 실험적 연구 (제2보 초고강도콘크리트의 제조에 관한 실험) (An Experimental Study on the Manufacture Ultra-High Strength Concrete of 1800kg/$\textrm{cm}^2$ Compressive Strength (Part 2 The Experiment on the Manufacture of the U.H.S Concrete))

  • 남상일;김진만;최민수;김규용;최희용;김무한
    • 한국콘크리트학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국콘크리트학회 1994년도 가을 학술발표회 논문집
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    • pp.171-174
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    • 1994
  • To reduce the size of structural members, high strength concrete has recently been utilized for structure such as ultra-high-rise buildings and prestressed concrete bridges in North America, and its compressive strength has gone up to 1300kg/$\textrm{cm}^2$. In Japan, research on high-strength concrete has been undertaken on a large scale by the national enterprise so-called New RC Project. And high-strength concrete with a design compressive strength over 450kg/$\textrm{cm}^2$ has recently been employed for high rised reinforced concrete building. As a result of the serious land availability situation of metropolitan areas in the world, buildings will become taller, and even higher strengths will be required. In the future, the utilization of high-strength concrete will spread widely through the development of new structural concepts, application of steels of a higher yield stress, silica fume, and other new materials. Considering these circumstance, the aim of this experimental study is to develop ultra-high-strength concrete with compressive strength over 1800kg/$\textrm{cm}^2$ with domestic current materials. There are so many factors which influence the manufacturing of ultra-high-strength concrete. The experimental factors selected in this study are mixing methods, curing methods, water-binder ratio, maximum size of coarse by silica fume. The results of this experimental study show that it is possible to develop the ultra-high-strength concrete with compressive strength over 1700kg/$\textrm{cm}^2$ at 28days, 1800kg/$\textrm{cm}^2$ at 56 days.

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