• Title/Summary/Keyword: Culture Differences

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Cultural Diversity and Communication Barrier (문화적 다양성이 커뮤니케이션에 미치는 영향)

  • Yang, Chun-hee
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.121-142
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    • 2005
  • We're living in a world of one global village. The globalization of business is acceleration as more companies cross national borders to find customers, materials and money. Many foreign companies and organizations are doing their business aggressively in Korea and many Korean companies and rushing into foreign market. When people communicate for business with someone from another culture, there could be difficult communication barriers to overcome resulting from differences in their values, beliefs, norms for behavior, expectations, attitudes and so on. To do successfully business, we need to understand culture background and communication style that is different from nation, race, language. Communication barriers stemming from cultural differences may vary. Largely, they can be divided into value system, non-verbal communication, and perception process. Value system can be divided into individualism versus group orientation, avoidance of uncertainty degree, power distance, and high- context culture versus low-context culture. Also non-verbal communication method and perception process may play decisive roles in communication effectiveness. Especially nonverbal communication barriers which sometimes play more important roles than the verbal parts are composed of eye contact, gesture, kinesics, proxemics, chronemics, paralanguage and language of color Cross-cultural communication affect business situation. I expect that if we understand cultural background, and then we overcome cross-cultural communication barriers. To overcome and to adapt inter-cultural business, we need to develope curriculum on the cross-cultural education which I will study in the next paper.

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A Case Study on Adaptability Factors in Family Life for Vietname Multi-cultural Families in Korea in Terms of the Inter-culturalism (문화상호주의적 관점에서 본 베트남 다문화가족의 가족생활적응 사례연구)

  • Shin, Yoo-Kyung;Chang, Jin-Kyung
    • Journal of Family Resource Management and Policy Review
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.109-122
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    • 2010
  • The present study aims to investigate cultural similarities and differences that influence interracial couples (between Korean men and Vietnamese women) when adapting to Korean family culture in terms of interculturalism. The interviewees consisted of three generations. This study used in-depth interviews. Data was collected from January to August 2008. 15 families (45 people) were used for analysis. Results were as follows: (1) the patriarchal culture of the two nations had a positive influence on the adaptation of members during family interactions(2) the culture of filial piety is a value system that both nations believe is important. However, different rituals had a negative influence on the practice of filial piety (3) the community-oriented culture is regarded as important in the two nations. However, Vietnamese wives cannot lead a free community life because Koreans see them in negative terms (4) the Vietnamese traditional wedding custom called "NopJjeOh" had a negative influence on the adaptation to the Korean family culture (5) the preference for sons in Vietnam is not as high as in Korea. This difference had a negative influence on adaptation (6) clear differences between the daily lives of the two nations had a negative influence on adaptation to Korean family culture. In conclusion, Korea and Vietnam have many similarities in culture, which enable Vietnamese wives to adapt to Korean culture more easily than other foreign wives. If various programs are developed to promote the mutual understanding between both cultures based on these research findings, it would further contribute toward social integration in Korea.

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Clinical Nurses' Perceptions on Nursing Organizational Culture and Differences in Their Perceptions According to Age Groups (병원 간호조직문화의 변화와 세대별 인식차이)

  • Im, Sook Bin;Kim, Se Young;Ko, Young;Lee, Mi Young
    • Journal of Korean Clinical Nursing Research
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.215-227
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    • 2012
  • Purpose: This study was conducted to examine clinical nurses' perceptions on the nursing organizational culture and investigate the differences in their perceptions according to age groups in South Korea. Methods: Participants were 1,087 nurses from 25 general hospitals in South Korea. Data were collected from July 29 to September 30 in 2011, and were analyzed using descriptive statistics, ANOVA with $Scheff{\grave{e}}$ test, and factor analysis. Results: Nurses perceived nursing as an excellent professional job which progresses continually. Autonomy and individualized reward to their professional work, however, were reported not-satisfactory to them. They agreed that nurses are punctual, polite, honest, and responsible, while disagreeing in competitiveness. There were differences in perceiving cultural factors according to age groups. The subjects in their over 40s perceived 'professionalism', 'normative', 'strictness', 'rightfulness', and 'community spirit' strongly, while nurses in their 20s perceived 'conservatism' highly. Also, nurses' perception on the organizational commitment and job satisfaction were high in over 40s while turnover intention was high in other groups. Conclusion: Nurse managers need to assess the perception on nursing organizational culture in order to improve nursing work environment better. In addition, it is necessary to take into account seriously the generation gap to build supportive nursing organizational culture.

Recombinant Human Parathyroid Hormone Related Peptide (1-34) Stimulates Osteoclastic Bone Resorption in Both Rodent and Avian Disagsresated Osteoclast Culture (파골세포배야에서 나타난 부갑상선호르몬의 설치류 및 조류 파골세포에 대한 촉진 효과)

  • 양대석;김일찬남궁용이창호
    • The Korean Journal of Zoology
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.255-261
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    • 1994
  • Recombinant human pBrathyriod hormone related peptide (1-341 (rhPTHrP) has been known to stimulate bone resorption in intact bone tissue culture system. Osteoclast has been known as a primary responsible cell for bone resorption. To examine the effect of rhPTHrP on this cell, we employed disaggregated rat osteodast culture. As a result, we found that rhPTHrP sisnificBntly elevates both the number and total area of resorbed pits in this culture. On the other hand, the conflicting results between disagsregated rat osteoc13st culture and Ca2+-deficient hen osteoclast culture system have been a big obstacle for the progress of bone research. To verify the differences between rat 3nd chick osteoclast system, we performed the same experiment using chick embryonic osteoclast. Since the similar results were obtained from the disaggregated chick osteoclast culture, the discrepancy between chick and rat osteoclast culture study seemed to be due to the difference in culture method, rather due to the species-difference.

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Learning a Second Culture through Interactive Practices: A Study-Abroad Language Learners' Experiences

  • Lee, Eun-Sil
    • English Language & Literature Teaching
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.137-156
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    • 2009
  • This case study examines language learners' oral interactive practices and what they learn along with these practices. Language learners who study abroad take on the challenge of living in a foreign place and undergo difficulties in communicating and interacting with people in their new country. These difficulties, caused by cultural differences, are experienced most particularly in their daily interactions. Language learners' trials and efforts to learn English while dealing with a different culture and the difficulties are mainly observed for this paper. The process of learning a second culture is closely related to the process of learning a second language. Oral interactive practices can give the study abroad language learners opportunities to learn their target culture. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to discuss how participating in interactive practices assists the learners in understanding their target culture while they deal with their difficulties inherent in studying abroad. This study adds weight to the notion that culture is an essential and major factor in learning a language, and that only active participation in interactions can be effective in learning both a language and its culture.

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Materialism and Conspicuous Consumption in Clothing Information Sources (물질주의와 의복의 과시적 소비성향이 정보원 사용에 미치는 영향)

  • 이옥희;조은영
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.293-304
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between materialism and conspicuous consumption, and information sources. Data were administered to 357 women living in Sunchon from June to July 1999. For analysis of the data, factor analysis, t-test, one-way ANOVA, duncan's multiple range test, and multiple regression analysis were employed. The results of this study were summarized as follows. 1) Materialism was shown to have the significant differences according to age, marriage, education, occupation, social stratification groups. The higher the education, occupational status, social stratification groups and the lower the age is, or unmarried, the higher is materialism. The use of information sources were shown to have the significant differences according to age, marriage, education, occupation, income, social stratification groups. The higher the education, income, social stratification groups. The higher the education, income, occupational status, social stratification groups and the lower the age is, or unmarried, the higher is use of information. 2) Materialism was shown to have the significant differences according to the groups of conspicuous consumption. The higher conspicuous consumption is, the higher is materialism. The use of information were shown to have the significant differences according to groups of conspicuous consumption. The higher conspicuous consumption is, the higher is use of information. 3) The use of information were shown to have the significant differences according to materialism. The higher materialism is, the higher is use of information. 4) According to the results of the regression analysis examining the relative influences of variables affecting information, the relative importance of the variables are in order of ; happiness-pursuable materialism, conspicuous consumption and their explanatory power totalled 18.6%.

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The cosmetic buying behavior of women in their 20s - Focused on differences by cosmetic involvement - (20대 여성의 화장품 구매행동에 관한 연구 - 화장품 관여도에 따른 차이를 중심으로 -)

  • Park, Kwanghee;Choi, Mi-Hwa
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.27 no.6
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    • pp.569-581
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    • 2019
  • This study investigated differences in cosmetic buying behavior and personal characteristics between cosmetic involvement groups. Cosmetics buying behavior refers to reason for using cosmetics, use of information sources, selection criteria, place of purchase, use/non-use of cosmetics, purchase propensity, purchase frequency, purchase amount, and satisfaction with cosmetics. Personal characteristic contains pursuing image, age, residence area, job, and average household monthly income. Data was collected from 5-10 December 2016, from 308 females in their 20s using an internet survey. The analysis included descriptive statistics, t-tests, Mann-Whitney U tests, and chi-square tests. The respondents were divided into two groups (a high cosmetic involvement group and a low cosmetic involvement group) according to the degree of cosmetic involvement. The results of t-tests revealed significant differences between groups in terms of reasons for using cosmetics, use of information sources, selection criteria, purchase frequency, place of purchase, use/non-use of cosmetics, and satisfaction with cosmetics. The results of Mann-Whitney U tests highlighted a significant difference in purchase frequency between both groups. The results of chi-square tests indicated significant differences in purchase frequency, purchase amount, pursuing image, and average household monthly income. However, no significant differences were evident in terms of purchase propensity, age, job, and area of residence between groups.

A Comparative Study on National Culture of SNS User : Comparison of Korea, China, and U.S.

  • Kwon, Sun-Dong;Kim, Tae-Ha
    • Journal of Information Technology Applications and Management
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.131-148
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    • 2011
  • Our work empirically investigates the cultural differences of Social Networking Service (SNS) users in China, Korea and U.S. We construct a survey questionnaire from existing literature and test it for reliability, validity, and model fit. Then we collect data and validate the cultural differences of SNS users in three nations. Our results show different rankings from existing literature in cultural dimensions about three nations. In terms of masculinity, we find China > U.S. > Korea, similar to Hofstede. In individualism, we find U.S. > Korea > China, different from Hofstede (U.S. > China > Korea). In power distance, it is shown that Korea > China > U.S., different from Hofstede (China > Korea > U.S.). Uncertainty avoidance is found that U.S. > Korea > China, lowered ranking of Korea from the top among three nations in Hofstede. We find that these outcomes would be useful in updating national culture of the three nations and for future research about cultural impacts on SNS adoption.

Study on the character design of monster in game - Focused on the comparison with Korea, China and Japan (게임 요괴 캐릭터 디자인에 관한 연구 - 한국, 중국, 일본 비교를 중심으로)

  • Ji, Xiao Ou;Seo, Gapyuel
    • Journal of Digital Contents Society
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    • v.18 no.8
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    • pp.1649-1659
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    • 2017
  • China, Korea and Japan are all neighbors, but there are quite a few differences in monster culture. In this article, through studying of Korea games highest export countries--China and Japan, as well as analysis on their historical origin of development of "Monster culture", so as to explore the similarities and differences between development of monster culture. In addition, combining these differences and similarities, through the study of "monster culture" related game works, it aims to explore the impact of these countries' monster culture on modern life culture and the development characteristics of all kinds of monsters under the background of modern culture. Besides, based on above analysis, developed a monster character design that can form a bond of sympathy in three countries by comparing and combining the most popular parts of the monster characters in this three countries. The final aim is to create a game monster character that both in rich ancient culture charm and loved by all people, so as to being taken as an example to illustrate the significance and value of promoting the development of monster culture. The result of this research will help to design monster characters in game production in the future.

An Analysis of Residents' Supplementation Demand and Expected Effect by Types of Mountain Village Development Project (산촌생태마을 유형별 주민 보완 요구 및 기대 효과 분석)

  • Kim, Seong Hak;Seo, Jeong Weon;Park, Young Sun;Kim, Jong Ho
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.71-80
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    • 2013
  • This study aimed to categorize mountain villages according to business expense investments and investigate residents' supplementation demands and differences between expected effects by the categories. For the study, 35 villages where are completely developed on and after 2007 were selected to consider fairness among local governments. Each village leader(the head of the village or the chairperson of the management committee) was conducted a survey from 2012 May to August and one copy of survey was eliminated from the study. The study is summarized into four results. First, the types of mountain villages were categorized as a type of mountain village practice(18), a type of life environment improvement(8) and a type of forestry income(8) according by the itemized reports of the business expense investments. Second, the result of F-test(One Way ANOVA) for the average analysis by types showed that 3 out of 6 demands for the operation were significant differences and a supplementation necessity of the program was identified significant differences in p<0.01 level. The necessity of forestry resources use and sprawling development prevention are also showed significant differences among types in p<0.05 level. Third, F-test results from 7 questions of desired effects through mountain village creation project revealed that promotion and market security of forestry products and local patriotism instillation through a personal exchange are significant differences between types in p<0.05 level. Forth, the results of duplication benefits(the mountain village development projects and the village support programs with other departments) on the residents' development expectation found that when a village received a large number of projects, residents' expected effects were higher than other village residents where received relatively a small number of projects. However, the expected effects from the increasing quantities of projects were decreased.