• Title/Summary/Keyword: Culture Differences

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Improvement of Pregnancy Rate by Assisted Hatching of Human Embryos in In Vitro Fertilization and Embryo Transfer Program (체외수정시술시 배아의 보조부화술을 이용한 임신율 향상에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Seok-Hyun;Kim, Kwang-Rye;Chae, Hee-Dong;Lee, Jae-Hoon;Kim, Hee-Sun;Ryu, Buom-Yong;Oh, Sun-Kyung;Suh, Chang-Suk;Choi, Young-Min;Kim, Jung-Gu;Moon, Shin-Yong;Lee, Jin-Yong
    • Clinical and Experimental Reproductive Medicine
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.119-133
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    • 1997
  • In spite of much progress in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer (IVF-ET) program, the pregnancy rate remains at 20-30%, and the endometrial implantation rate per embryo transferred at 10-15%. As a result, about 90% of embryos may fail to implant to the endometrium, and many attempts such as optimization of follicular development, improvement of in vitro culture system including coculture, and micromanipulation of zona pellucida have been made to improve embryonic implantation after IVF-ET. Recently, several procedures of assisted hatching (AH) using micromanipulation have been introduced, and pregnancies and births have been obtained after AH. To develop and establish AH as an effective procedure to improve embryonic implantation, AH with partial zona dissection (PZD) was performed in 116 cycles of 89 infertile couples who had previous repeated failures of standard IVF-ET more than two times (Group I: 71 cycles in 54 patients), or who had implantation failure of embryos with good quality (Group II: 15 cycles in 13), or who had undergone AH without specific indication (Group III: 30 cycles in 22) from January, 1995 to Februry, 1996, and the outcomes of AH were analyzed according to pregnancy rate. The number of oocytes retrieved after controlled ovarian hyperstimulation (COH) was $9.9{\pm}7.1$ in Group I, $11.5{\pm}4.5$ in Group II, and $7.9{\pm}6.4$ in Group III. The number of embryos transferred after AH was $4.7{\pm}1.8$ in Group I, $5.3{\pm}1.3$ in Group II, and $3.5{\pm}2.4$ in Group III. The mean cumulative embryo score (CES) was $56.8{\pm}30.0$ in Group I, $76.1{\pm}35.9$ in Group II, and $38.5{\pm}29.9$ in Group III. The overall clinical pregnancy rate per cycle and per patient was 12.7% (9/71) and 16.7% (9/54) in Group I, 33.3% (5/15) and 38.5% (5/13) in Group II, and 6.7% (2/30) and 9.1% (2/22) in Group III, respectively. There were significant differences in the numbers of oocytes retrieved and embryos transferred, CES, and the clinical pregnancy rate per cycle among three groups. There was a significant inverse correlation between basal serum FSH level and CES, and no pregnancy occurred in patients with CES less than 20. In conclusion, AH of human embryos with PZD prior to ET has improved the implantation and pregnancy rates in IVF-ET patients with the past history of repeated failures, especially in spite of transfer of embryos with good quality, and AH will provide a range of novel techniques which may contribute much to effective management of infertile couples.

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A Study of the Effect of Port Characteristics on the Growth of Port Cities -Based on Pyeongtaek and Gwangyang Ports- (항만입지특성이 항만도시성장에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구 -평택항과 광양항을 중심으로-)

  • Lee, Jeoungho;Choi, Byungdae
    • Journal of Korea Port Economic Association
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.163-185
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    • 2014
  • The growth of a city requires substantial resources, an appropriate environment, and the alignment of several factors. City growth also evolves through changes in its history, culture, economics, societies, groups, and government systems. However, current port city development plans designed to encourage the growth of local businesses fail to provide the support needed for both the city and businesses. The recent actions of urban administrations and federal and local governments have revealed that they have yet to create a mature decentralized management system, or perhaps have ignored the reality of needing one. Taking a clear look at the differences between port regions, such as Gwangyang and Pyeongtaek, and understanding their effect on city growth would be a prudent course of action when preparing for future developments. The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between ports and cities by analyzing the effect of port characteristics on nearby city growth. This study used a comparison analysis to determine how port characteristics affected the growth of Pyeongtaek and Gwangyang. One result of this analysis showed that an increase in the number of goods being imported or exported had a positive effect on the growth of both port cities, In this respect, an aggressive plan and cooperation between the federal and local government should occur simultaneously. Furthermore, efficient local policies that focus on the increase of personnel and material resources should be pursued as a standard strategy, which would also promote the international status of these locations. The results of this study show the importance of government cooperation. The federal government should lead with aggressive strategies that aim to optimize efficiency, while the local government should provide the necessary assistance and coordination in order to achieve optimal results.

Effects of Wick Number on Growth and Yield of Seed Potatoes Grown in a Wick-based Hydroponics (심지수의 차이에 따른 심지양액재배 씨감자의 생육 및 수량)

  • Kim, Chan-Woo;Kang, Bong-Kyoon;Song, Chagn-Khil;Park, Sung-Jun;Kang, Young-Kil
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    • v.54 no.3
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    • pp.294-298
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    • 2009
  • A glasshous experiment was carried out in 2002 to evaluate growth differences between two wick types, and to determine the optimum number of wicks in a wick-based hydroponics for production of 'Dejima' seed potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.). The six minitubers ($7.0{\pm}0.2g$/tuber) produced through aeroponics were planted in a polystyrene box (51 cm long $\times$ 31 cm wide $\times$ 20 cm high) containing growth medium (perlite+peatmoss 1:2, v/v mixtures). Before the boxes were filled with the medium, 6 wicks per box were vertically and 2 to 10 wicks were horizontally installed, respectively, at the bottom of the boxes through holes. Comparing with 6 vertical wick treatment, 6 horizontal wick treatment increased the number of tubers per plant, but decreased average tuber weight. Yield of tubers greater than 5 g (seed potatoes) was not significantly affected by wick type. As the number of the horizontal wicks per box was increased from 2 to 6, the number of seed potatoes increased from 2.8 to 8.0/plant and then leveled off. Average tuber weight increased with increasing the number of the wicks up to 8 and then leveled off. As the number of the wicks per box was increased from 2 to 6, seed potato yield increased from 1.81 to 6.59 kg/$m^2$ and then slowly increased up to 10 wicks per box, reaching 12.9 kg/$m^2$. The results indicate that installing 8 wicks per box ($0.16m^2$) horizontally for the wick culture system in production of 'Dejima' seed potatoes is beneficial considering seed potato yield, cost of wicks, and convenient filling with medium.

The effect of eco-friendly clothing teaching using Future Problem Solving Program on cultivating creative character (미래문제해결프로그램(FPSP)을 적용한 친환경 의생활 수업이 창의.인성 함양에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Seung-Hae;Lee, Hye-Ja
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.143-173
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    • 2012
  • We investigated environmental problems related to clothing, and attempted their practical solutions using Future Problem Solving Program in order to cultivate the creative character in teenagers. We applied "teaching and learning plans" to seventy-seven the first graders of high school students in 2 classes in Gyeonggi-do, one hour per day for 3 weeks, from August 23 to September 8 2011. Statistical analyses were performed using the SPSS for Windows software(version 17.0). Mean differences in results between pretest and posttest were evaluated using Student's t-test. We selected 'production of fabrics, production of clothing, disposal and recycling of clothing and washing of clothing' as the learning theme in educational content factors of 'clothing culture in consideration of environment'. And we developed thirteenth teaching and learning plans and educational materials including 4 problems, 2 worksheets, 10 team worksheets, 7 video materials and 7 Power Point materials using Future Problem Solving Program(FPSP). The measurements of fluency, flexibility, originality and problem-solving ability are significantly improved. The level of creativity in the items of fluency, flexibility and originality, in particular, exhibited marked improvement, 'below-average' to 'above-average', regardless of academic records and gender. Problem-solving ability in female students was more effective than that of male, but it showed no significant correlation with academic records. The analysis of character-change showed the highest improvement in the awareness on the protection of environment, the character factor in the educational contents. Personalities, confidence, consideration and cooperation in learning method of FPSP also exhibited a significant improvement. But character-change did not correlate with academic records or gender. In the present study, we found that home economics has a positive effect on cultivating creative character. When we selectively and properly apply a course of creative problem-solving of FPSP and a course of creative output to students, we can increase their ability to solve problems, cultivate their creative character and further enhance their interest on home economics.

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Forest Law and Forest Resources in Five Northeast Asian Countries - R.O.K., D.P.R.K., Japan, China and Taiwan - (동북(東北)아시아 5개국(個國)(한국(韓國), 북한(北韓), 일본(日本), 중국(中國), 대만(臺灣))의 산림법(山林法)과 산림자원(山林資源))

  • Yoo, Byoung Il
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.84 no.1
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    • pp.10-21
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    • 1995
  • This study was conducted to compare the changes in the forest resources and the process of establishment and characteristics of the Forest Law in five Northeast Asian Countries, who share the Chinese culture as a common background. The effect of Forest Law on forest resources of each countries is also compared. This study shows that the forest management scheme and the modernistic forest law in the five Northeast Countries were influenced by Japan around the early 20th century. The Forest Laws of the five countries were reestablished after the end of World War II, and now the five countries have their own Forest Law. At present, the five countries are depending on the import of foreign timber for timber supply because of the shortage of domestic timber resources. The Forest Laws of the five countries have a lot of similarities reflecting same cultural background, whereas there are differences originated from social and economic discrepancies. Currently R.O.K. is worst in forest resources compared to the other countries. The Forest Law of R.O.K. has too many articles, which has little direct relationship with forest resources management. Therefore it is recommended to consolidate the law system in the field of forest and forestry in R.O.K. including the amendment of Forest Law directing to sustainable forest and maintaining the efficiency of forest resources management.

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Semiological Implication of Dance Images in TV Advertisement (TV광고에 나타난 무용이미지의 기호학적 의미에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Ayoung
    • Trans-
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    • v.1
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    • pp.21-44
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    • 2016
  • Advertisement is composed with symbol and sign with messages trying to express. Especially, ad with dancer introduces goods or meaning of contents with the motion of dance. In this, contents of dance or motion of dancer contains symbol and sign, understanding how ad and dance are expressed meanings with which symbol and the symbolic meaning of dance or dancer on ad. To that end, this study is for analyzing expressed symbol with dance corresponds with the aim of ad and finding the way or attitude of how normal people accept dance by reevaluating symbolic meaning of dance itself. In this study, advertisement producer and director's related data is secured for understanding direction and intention of producer, and previous study related with the study purpose, image, and effect are analyzed for understanding image of dance as a physical sign on TV advertisement. With data from www.TVCF.co.kr. TV advertisement analysis is conducted only with four ads in 2008(Nam Kwang Eng. & Const Co., Lotte Dept. Store(premium sale/gift card), Hyundai Motor Company Santa Fe -Pilobolus) and one ad in 2011(PNS The zone Sash Italy Arena di Verona when dance was used for advertisement with the highest frequency per year. Also, based on considered important factors from repeatedly watching each advertisement, scenes where movement or motion of dancer and screen word is greatly changed are analyzed as a priority. Image analysis of dance is conducted with structure studies based on physical image(line, costume, expression) and dan image(type motion, qualitative feature, mood of dance). As a result, the symbolic dance image appeared in TV advertisement can be discussed as follows. First, symbol and sign of dance on advertisement corresponds with material objects of advertisement. For instance, on the TV advertisement where Lee Youngwoo appeared, his motion as a signifer means challenge for the future of Nam Kwang Eng. & Const Co., with fast turn, jump, assemble turning jump, and sliding. Second, physical image of dancer depending on intention of sender corresponds in general, but there are somewhat differences in image of dance. This makes people to unconsciously recognize symbolic image of dance on TV ad while they watch it at the same time. Especially, when it comes to advertisement, it exposes frequently with broadcasting of organized programs from a broadcaster, living long-time memory. It can be differ based on idea and character of each of receiver. Advertisement is a medium making people naturally adopt cultural art for ordinary people in their lives. Broadcasting public art from TV advertisement widely exposes pure art to people, which was only avaliable for minority, sublimating it as an art of public culture.

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Survival Ability of Porcine Oocytes Frozen-Thawed by Open Pulled Straw Method (Open Pulled Straw 방법에 의해 동결-융해된 돼지난자의 생존능력)

  • 김세웅;박춘근;정희태;양부근;김정익
    • Journal of Embryo Transfer
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.117-125
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    • 2001
  • Vitrification of oocytes has been applied recently fur pigs, but remains elusive. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of vitrification in open pulled straws (OPS) on in vitro survival of porcine oocytes. When immature follicular oocytes frozen-thawed were cultured for in vitro maturation, maturation rates to metaphase-II stage were higher in oocytes with (25%) than without (15%) cumulus cells. After In vitro fertilization of oocytes frozen-thawed, the maturation rates were also significantly (P<0.05) higher in oocytes with (41%) that than without (17%) cumulus cells. However, the penetration rates were higher in oocytes without (19%) that than with (9%) cumulus. In another experiment, porcine oocytes matured in vitro were frozen and thawed for in vitro fertilization. The penetration rates were higher than in oocytes without (35%) that than with (26%) cumulus cells. However, the proportions of oocytes dead after in vitro fertilization were significantly (P<0.05) higher in oocytes with that than without cumulus cells. On the other hand, the rates of penetration and dead oocytes at 6 h after in vitro fertilization were not significant differences between oocytes with and without cumulus cells. However, the proportions of dead oocytes with (18%) and without (16%) cumulus cells were higher than in oocytes of control group (0%). These finding indicated the possible broader application for OPS, as they demonstrated that the maturation and fertilization in vitro by frozen-thawed oocytes may be accompained by cumulus cells and culture periods according to the requirements of the survival ability after freezing of mature and immature oocytes in pigs.

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Estimation for Red Pepper(Capsicum annum L.) Biomass by Reflectance Indices with Ground-Based Remote Sensor (지상부 원격탐사 센서의 반사율지수에 의한 고추 생체량 추정)

  • Kim, Hyun-Gu;Kang, Seong-Soo;Hong, Soon-Dal
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.42 no.2
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    • pp.79-87
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    • 2009
  • Pot experiments using sand culture were conducted in 2004 under greenhouse conditions to evaluate the effect of nitrogen deficiency on red pepper biomass. Nitrogen stress was imposed by implementing 6 levels (40% to 140%) of N in Hoagland's nutrient solution for red pepper. Canopy reflectance measurements were made with hand held spectral sensors including $GreenSeeker^{TM}$, $Crop\;Circle^{TM}$, and $Field\;Scout^{TM}$ Chlorophyll meter, and a spectroradiometer as well as Minolta SPAD-502 chlorophyll meter. Canopy reflectance and dry weight of red pepper were measured at five growth stages, the 30th, 40th, 50th, 80th and 120th day after planting(DAT). Dry weight of red pepper affected by nitrogen stress showed large differences between maximum and minimum values at the 120th DAT ranged from 48.2 to $196.6g\;plant^{-1}$, respectively. Several reflectance indices obtained from $GreenSeeker^{TM}$, $Crop\;Circle^{TM}$ and Spectroradiometer including chlorophyll readings were compared for evaluation of red pepper biomass. The reflectance indices such as rNDVI, aNDVI and gNDVI by the $Crop\;Circle^{TM}$ sensor showed the highest correlation coefficient with dry weight of red pepper at the 40th, 50th, and 80th DAT, respectively. Also these reflectance indices at the same growth station was closely correlated with dry weight, yield, and nitrogen uptake of red pepper at the 120th DAT, especially showing the best correlation coefficient at the 80th DAT. From these result, the aNDVI at the 80th DAT can significantly explain for dry weight of red pepper at the 120th DAT as well as for application level of nitrogen fertilizer. Consequently ground remote sensing as a non-destructive real-time assessment of plant nitrogen status was thought to be a useful tool for in season nitrogen management for red pepper providing both spatial and temporal information.

Causative Agents and Antimicrobial Sensitivity of Neonatal Sepsis : Ten-year Experience in One Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (단일 신생아중환자실에서 경험한 10년간의 신생아 패혈증의 원인균 및 항생제 감수성 변화)

  • Park, Hye-Won;Lim, Gin-A;Koo, So-Eun;Lee, Byong-Sop;Kim, Ki-Soo;Pi, Soo-Young;Kim, Ai-Rhan
    • Neonatal Medicine
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.172-181
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    • 2009
  • Purpose: To identify trends in causative bacterial organisms for neonatal sepsis and antimicrobial susceptibilities over 10 years in one neonatal intensive care unit. Methods: We retrospectively reviewed the cases of culture-proven neonatal sepsis between January 1998 and December 2007. The 10-year period was divided into two phases (phase I, 1998-2002; phase II, 2003-2007) to distinguish the differences during the entire period. Results: Total 350 episodes of neonatal sepsis were identified in 315 neonates. The common pathogens of early-onset sepsis were S. epidermidis, S. aureus, P. aeruginosa, and E. cloacae in phase I, and S. epidermidis and E. cloacae in phase II. In cases of late-onset sepsis, coagulase negative Staphylococcus, S. aureus, and K. pneumoniae were isolated frequently in both phases. The incidence of sepsis caused by multi-drug resistant organisms decreased with strict infection control. Gram positive organisms showed 0-20% susceptibility to penicillin, ampicillin, and cefotaxime in both phases. Sensitivity to amikacin for Enterobacter spp. increased, whereas P. aeruginosa showed decreased sensitivity in phase II. Between 50% and 60% of other gram negative bacteria, except P. aeruginosa, were susceptible to cefotaxime in phase II in contrast to phase I. Greater than 80% of gram negative bacteria were sensitive to imipenem except P. aeruginosa and ciprofloxacin in both phases. Conclusion: The trend in causative microorganisms and antimicrobial susceptibilities can be used as a guideline for selection of appropriate antibiotics. A particular attention should be paid to infection control, especially to reduce sepsis caused by multi-drug resistant organisms.

Microbial degradation and other methods for accelerated degradation the Herbicide Imazapyr (제초제 Imazapyr 의 미생물에 의한 분해 및 기타 방법에 의한 분해 촉진)

  • Lee, Jae-Koo;Kwon, Jeong-Wook
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.5-10
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    • 1998
  • The microbial degradation, photosensitizer-mediated photolysis, and bioceramic- accelerated degradation of the herbicide imazapyr were investigated using four types of soil. 1. Seven strains of microorganisms isolated from the soil A and the active sludge collected from the waste water disposal plant in CheongJu did not give any distinct degradation products in pure culture. When imazapyr (10ppm) was incubated for 14days with each of the 6strains of the known bacteria, they did not produce any noticeable products, either, suggesting that imazapyr was degraded very little by microorganisms in aqueous media. Meanwhile, when 50ppm of imazapyr was incubated in soil A and B for 6months, a degradation product of m/z 279 was detected. It turned out to be 2-[(1-carbamoyl-1,2-dimethylpropyl)carbamoyl]nicotinic acid, which was formed by the hydrolytic cleavage of the imidazolinone ring and by tautomerism. When imazapyr was exposed to sunlight, degradation rates were 14.6% under the control and 66.0, 76.5, 26.7, and 90.0% in the presence of PS-1 (100ppm), PS-1 (200ppm), PS-2(100ppm), and PS-3(100ppm), respectively, and a degradation product of m/z 149 was tentatively identified in the treatment of PS-1. 2. When soil C and D treated with bioceramic were incubated for 7weeks, the $^{14}C$-activities of $^{14}CO_2$ evolved were 2.03 and 1.12% of the originally applied ones, respectively, whereas those in control soils without bioceramic were 1.88 and 0.82% showing no significant defferences.After 5 weeks, however,the differences in the amounts of $^{14}CO_2$ between the two treatments increased gradually, suggesting the bioceramic effect.

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