• Title/Summary/Keyword: Culture Differences

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"Least Gain or Wrist Pain": A comparative study about performance and usability of mouse, trackball, and touchpad

  • Yunsun Alice Hong;Kwanghee Han
    • International Journal of Advanced Culture Technology
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.298-309
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    • 2023
  • The mouse as an input device has undoubtedly brought convenience to users due to its intuitiveness and simplicity, but it also brought unprecedented issues such as carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS). As a result, the necessity of alternative input devices that put less strain on the wrist, while still providing the convenience of a conventional mouse, has emerged. Unfortunately, there have been several research about alternative devices to replace a mouse, however, they showed inconsistent results. This study suggests that those inconsistent results may stem from the type and the difficulty of tasks used in previous studies. Therefore, we designed this study to compare the performance and perceived workload of three input devices (Mouse/Trackball/Touchpad) in each condition in terms of task type (Targeting/Tracking) and difficulty level (Easy/Hard). The results indicated that there were significant performance differences and no significant workload differences among the three devices, and the interactions were observed in some conditions. These results can provide users with practical guidelines to choose the optimal input device according to their needs or purpose.

A Study on Quality Characteristics of Demi-glace Sauce with Added Fresh Basil (바질을 첨가한 데미글라스 소스의 품질 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, Soo-Keun;Kim, Dong-Seok;Lee, Yeon-Jung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.76-80
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    • 2006
  • This study investigated the quality characteristics of demi-glace sauce that is used widely in western cuisine depending on adding volume of basil which has a specific aroma, taste and some functional ability. Analysis of color differences of demi-glace sauce was showed that a-value of demi-glace sauce decreased with adding basil, whereas viscosity of the demi-glace sauce was decreased. There were no significant differences in color, aroma, taste, appearance, viscosity, feel in mouse and general acceptability with sex and age of subjects. Demi-glace sauce with 2% basil showed best score in sensory evaluation. From theabove results, our data suggest that addition of 2% basil to demi-glace sauce is recommend for commercial use.

Comparative Analysis of Residential Demand of Multi-culture Families by Their Nationality - with a Focus on Immigrants by Marriage from China, Vietnam and Cambodia Living in Jeonju-si - (다문화가정의 국적별 주거요구 비교분석 - 전주시 중국, 베트남, 캄보디아 결혼이주여성을 중심으로 -)

  • Li, Hong-Cheng;Lee, Yeun-Sook
    • Journal of the Korean housing association
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2013
  • Recently international marriage has been increasing steadfastly in Korea and its diversity of nationality has been expanding also. Korean government and academic circles are actively studying on such trends in population to find out proper measures to cope with such social changes. But their studies on improving the residential environment that is the base of the essential three factors of life, clothing, food and housing are not sufficient enough. Therefore it is necessary to study in depth and diversity about the residential environments of multi-culture families that are the base of their life. It is necessary to comparatively study the residential status and demands of these immigrants by marriage. The purpose of this study is to comparatively study the residential status and demand of immigrant women by marriage according to their nationalities. The objects of this study are the immigrant women by marriage from China, Vietnam and Cambodia who take the high portion of immigrant women in Jeonju-si and survey was used as study method. The result of this study revealed that the general characteristics, residential status and demands of immigrant women showed certain differences and the direction of residential plans for them in future based on these differences was proposed. This study is meaningful as basic information to improve the residential conditions of the multi-culture families in order to enhance their quality of life in preparation for the coming society of multi-culture.

Korean Mathematics Teachers' Views on Education and Teacher Efficacy (우리나라 수학교사의 교육에 대한 인식과 교사효능감에 대한 조사 연구)

  • Kim, Dong Won;Lee, Kyeong-Hwa;Park, Mimi;Park, Jin Hyeong
    • School Mathematics
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.745-761
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    • 2014
  • This study investigated mathematics teachers' views on education, teacher efficacy, and the relationship of teacher efficacy and Confucian Heritage Culture's views on education. In particular, the differences on the basis of teachers' teaching experience and academic level were examined. We identified teachers' views on education by investigating their views on the purpose of education and examining whether they support the perspectives of teaching and learning in Confucian Heritage Culture. The questionnaire was answered by a total of 572 elementary teachers and secondary mathematics teachers. The results of this survey revealed that mathematics teachers have both Confucian Heritage Culture's view and Western view on education and quiet strong teacher efficacy. The views on education differed by academic levels, but there were no differences in teaching experiences. The teacher efficacy was differed by both academic levels and teaching experiences. The correlation between teacher efficacy and Confucian Heritage Culture's view on education was low. Findings were discussed with regard to their implications for both Korean mathematics education and mathematics teachers' teaching practice.

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A Comparative Study on the Similarities and Differences between Western Christianity and Chinese Culture in Taiping Religion (태평천국운동에 있어서 서양 기독교와 중국 문화의 상관관계에 대한 비교 연구)

  • Kim, Sukjoo
    • Cross-Cultural Studies
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    • v.42
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    • pp.475-503
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    • 2016
  • This paper explores the extent of the Christian influence of Liang Fa's Quanshiliangyan and Isaachar J. Roberts on Hong Xiuquan and the Taiping Movement. Hong's religious background was in Confucianism, but when he encountered Liang Fa's Quanshiliangyan, he identified with Christianity. Subsequently, he studied with Roberts for two or three months. The religious experiences of Hong served as motives for the establishment of the Society of God Worshippers and the Taiping Movement. Therefore, this paper develops Liang's key ideas and Roberts' main teachings, describes Hong's beliefs and the actual practices of the Taiping Movement, as found in official documents of the Taipings, and compares their similarities and differences. Hong and his leaders received the new ideas of Christianity at the expense of their traditional culture. Furthermore, they attempted to combine Chinese culture with Christianity, as well as believe in Christianity to the limits of their understanding. Finally, this study finds that even though the Quanshiliangyan and Isaachar J. Roberts may have given the Taiping Movement its religious form and driving force, the theological vision of both Liang and Hong that also emerged from their Chinese culture energized the Taipings. The Taiping Movement resulted from a deliberate synthesis of Christian ideas and native Chinese practices in China.

A study on the quality of medical social work influenced by organizational culture of hospital (조직문화가 의료사회사업서비스의 질에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Kang, Heung-Gu
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.34-55
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    • 2002
  • In this study, the impact of organizational culture on the quality of social work services in hospitals were empirically analysed. A mailed questionnaire survey was conducted between February 19 and April 10, 2001. A sample of total 70 hospitals, including general hospitals with one social worker at least and single-department hospital with two social workers or more, were identified nationwide through the registry of Korean Association of Medical Social Workers and Korean Association of Hospitals. According to coping strategy and reacting pattern with the environmental changes, four types of organizational culture in each hospital, classified as group culture, developmental culture, hierarchial culture, and rational culture, were adopted for the independent variables. Three dimensional aspects of quality of social work service - structure, process, and outcome were selected as dependent variables in this study. Also the quality of social work service was distributed into provider-perceiving quality and consumer-perceiving quality The major findings were as following in summary; First, most social workers reported that the characteristic of culture in their hospitals are group culture the first, hierarchial culture the second, developmental culture the third, and rational culture finally in order of comparing the level of quality perceived between social worker's recognition. Second, service provider and consumer, The provider-perceiving quality showed less score than that of consumer, especially the lowest was the score of quality of outcome perceived by provider. Third, according to the types of organizational culture, there were significantly different levels of quality in total social work services, structure dimension and process dimension. The quality of outcome dimension did not show significant differences among the type of organizational culture. Finally, the most influential variables to the quality of social work service ice proved departmental form of social work unit, leader of social work unit, and developmental culture of hospital To assure quality services, accordingly, social work unit in hospital is required to be organized as a single unit, that means to be an independent department of which qualified social worker is supposed to control the unit. It is strongly recommended to develop leadership for the leaders of social work unit.

Study on Japanese Consumers' Korean Food Consumption Behaviors and Market Segmentation Based on Food-related Lifestyle - Focusing on Inbound Japanese Tourists - (식생활라이프스타일에 따른 일본소비자 한식 소비행동 및 시장세분화 연구 - 방한 일본관광객을 대상으로 -)

  • Kim, Kyung-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.26 no.6
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    • pp.614-620
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    • 2011
  • This study attempted to identify differences in Korean food consumption behaviors between groups of Japanese consumers segmented in accordance to their food-related lifestyles. This study was performed to provide Korean food service companies basic information to implement a strategy for the globalization of Korean food. As a result of the empirical analysis, the food-related lifestyles of Japanese consumers were deduced to the following four factors: "health and safetyoriented lifestyle", "palate and safety-oriented lifestyle", "economic efficiency-oriented lifestyle", and "simplicity-oriented lifestyle". Further, as a result of the cluster analysis, food-related lifestyles were classified into the following three groups: "a group highly interested in food-related life", "an economic efficiency-oriented group", and "a simplicity-oriented group". Second, there were significant differences in demographic characteristics and the characteristics of Korean food consumption behaviors between the groups. Third, also in a comparison of satisfaction with and loyalty to Korean restaurants with crucial attributes during the selection of Korean food, there were significant differences between the groups. Therefore, it is necessary to develop various Korean food products that will cater to Japanese consumers in accordance with each segmented group.

Buying Motivations for Imported and Domestic formal Suits among Married Women (기혼여성의 수입 정장의류와 국산 정장의류의 구매동기 연구)

  • 박혜정;박재옥
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this study is to identify differences that married exist between married women´s buying motivations for imported and domestic formal two piece suits and to test the role of socioeconomic variables on those differences. Sample selection criteria included married women lit in8 in ,seoul. Korea, between ages 30∼59. Purposive sampling method was used to secure respondents It with experience with imported formal two-piece suits. Of 400 distributed. 246 usable questionnaires were returned. Statistical analysis of results included factor analysis, and paired t-tests. For both imported and domestic suits, the most important buying motivation was utilitarian, with qualify the most important consideration. Purchases of domestic suits were more influenced by factors such as advertisements, economics, impulse buying, approval of others, and current fashionability of style than were the purchases of imported suits. On the other hand, purchases of imported suits u·ere more influenced by factors such as prestige and utilitarian motivation than were purchases of domestic suits. For most socioeconomic variables, respondents indicated significant differences in their motivations for buying imported suits and domestic suits. The results of this study suggest the need for implementing different marketing strategies for imported suits and domestic suits.

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A Pragmatic Analysis on Clothing-terms(II) -on Underclothes- (복식 명칭의 화용론적 연구(II) -속옷을 중심으로-)

  • 한명숙
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.5 no.3
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    • pp.57-76
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    • 1997
  • The maun purpose of this study os review and analyze the differences, among clothing terms, between the biblical definitions of the underwear terms and those used by the public in day-to-day life. According, the biblical definitions of the underwear terms which are widely used by the various literature are summarized. Also, the degree of recognition of the underwear terms by the public is studied by analyzing the results of the questionnaires which are distributed to 217 female college students, as the objects of data, who reside in Seoul metropolitan areas. As a result of this study, we find the following conclusions : First, there are considerable differences in definitions of the underwear terms between those used by the various literature and those used by the public. The personal definitions of the underwear terms, or alternatively those used by the public, are very reduced and limited and even misunderstood in some cases. Second, the definitions of the underwear terms which are actually used by the public are recognized mostly by the wearing goals, the wearing spaces, the wearing times, the wearers, the forms and the materials and, among others, the wearing goals are the most dominating factor for the recognition of the underwear terms. Finally, the comparison among the similar underwears reveals that underwears are recognized by the wearing goals, the wearing spaces, the wearers, the forms and the materials. But, the objects of data recognize the underwear terms in very limited and simple fashion instead of having definite recognition of the differences among similar items.

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Differences in Perception of Image Words and Perception Dimension of Desired Image according to Sex Variable for College Students in a School Context (학교 상황에서 대학생의 성별에 따른 이미지 용어 지각 및 추구 이미지 지각 차원 차이)

  • 정인희
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.199-210
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    • 2004
  • This study was intended to identify the differences in perception of image words and perception dimension of desired image according to sex variable for college students in a school context. Data were collected by questionnaires distributed to 443 college students from August to September of 2000. After eliminating incomplete questionnaires, 396 were analyzed. As results of factor analysis, 7 desired image factors were determined for male and female, respectively. On the basis of these results, major perception differences were identified according to sex variable. Differently-perceived image words were as fellows: For intellectual image, male relates it with sporty while female relates it with graceful; for masculine image, male relates it with mature while female relates it with sporty; and for feminine image, male relates it with sexy and graceful while female relates it modest, pure, and cute. Multidimensional scaling was employed to determine the perception dimension of desired image. Two dimensions were accepted to interpret the results for both sex, respectively. 'Feminine-masculine' and 'conspicuous-plain' were criteria for male students, while 'unnatural-natural' and 'feminine-masculine' were criteria for female students.

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