• 제목/요약/키워드: Cultural Critique

검색결과 47건 처리시간 0.029초

From Zomia to Holon: Rivers and Transregional Flows in Mainland Southeastern Asia, 1840-1950

  • Iqbal, Iftekhar
    • 수완나부미
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    • 제12권2호
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    • pp.141-155
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    • 2020
  • How might historians secure for the river a larger berth in the recent macro-historical turn? This question cannot find a greater niche than in the emerging critique of the existing spatial configuration of regionalism in mainland Southeastern Asia. The Brahmaputra, Irrawaddy, Salween, Mekong and Yangtze rivers spread out like a necklace around Yunnan and cut across parts of the territories that are known as South, Southeast and East Asia. Each of these rivers has a different topography and fluvial itinerary, giving rise to different political, economic and cultural trajectories. Yet these rivers together form a connected "water-world". These rivers engendered conversations between multi-agentive mobility and large-scale place-making and were at the heart of inter-Asian engagements and integration until the formal end of the European empires. Being both a subject and a sponsor of transregional crossings, the paper argues, these rivers point to the need for a new historical approach that registers the connections between parts of the Southeast Asian massif through to the expansive plain land and the vast coastal rim of the Bay of Bengal and the China Seas. A connection that could be framed through the concept of Holon.

프로이트 비판 논쟁과 패러다임의 변화 (Dispute on Freudian Legacy and a Paradigm Shift)

  • 권택영
    • 영어영문학
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    • 제56권1호
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    • pp.157-178
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    • 2010
  • A critique on Freud's remembering taken place in the 80's and 90s has a significant impact on a paradigm shift: from the discursive constructivism to the neo-empiricism. Along with Marx and Nietzsche, Freud was one of the main intellectual sources in formulating the Cultural Studies, known as the political corrections in the later period of Post-modern era. In the wake of feminism, there was a social happening, namely, a memory restoration, when a woman therapist helped a woman patient to restore the past and come up with her father as the cause of her trauma. Finally, 'the false memory syndrome' brought up a hot issue firing on the controversy about Freudian remembering. Freud as a clinical therapist began to be a sole target to be criticized. Strangely enough, however, Freud was continually utilized by such theorists as Julia Kristeva, Homi Bhabah, and Žižek, while having dissenters like Deleuze, Quattari, and Butler. Of those intellectual claims, this paper focuses on the debates by the dissenters not from the discursive theorists but from the clinical studies: Sulloway, Grunbaum, and Crews. My argument directs to the empirical side of Freud for the conclusion that the dispute on him was a seed of a paradigm shift towards the neo-empiricism, after one century's flourishing of constructivism.

White Teeth and the Making of the Multiethnic Subject

  • Kwon, Younghee
    • 영어영문학
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    • 제58권6호
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    • pp.1215-1233
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    • 2012
  • This essay is an attempt to critique the notion of hybridity that has so far facilitated a liberal multiculturalist reading of White Teeth. For an alternative framework, it posits the multiethnic subject-making to examine in what ways the novel questions the premises of liberal multiculturalism. In this vein, this study suggests that Smith throws some significant light on the underside of holding multiple racial/ethnic identities while not bypassing its utopian possibilities. In case of the first-generation male characters, their crossracial/homosocial friendship becomes a platform for a mode of egalitarian belonging across the racial divide. It further implies a symbolic union between working-class white and nonwhite immigrant. The younger generation, in contrast, undergoes problems of racial, ethnic, cultural affiliations in far more complicated ways than the older one. Above all, White Teeth demonstrates the subtle workings of liberal multiculturalism, within which the younger characters are constructed to be a multiethnic subject in varied modes. It delineates the formation mainly by exploring the persisting legacies of Britain's imperial history that partake in their subject-making. The novel, in doing so, obliquely suggests that the younger generation is to confront the past that is a seminal part of their present life rather than have the freedom to throw it away to be a carefree member of a multicultural society.

삶의 미술, 소통의 확장: 김봉준과 두렁 (Art of Life, Expansion of Dialogue: Kim Bongjun and the Art Collective Dureong)

  • 유혜종
    • 미술이론과 현장
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    • 제16호
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    • pp.71-103
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    • 2013
  • This paper explores the key figure of minjung misul ("the people's art"), Kim Bongjun, and the art collective Dureong in the relationship between 'dialogue' and the dissidents' structural critique of Korea's modernities. During the 1980s' prodemocracy movement, the minjung artists and other dissident intellectuals used the notion of dialogue as metaphor for and allegory of democracy to articulate not only Koreans' experience of modern history, which they saw as "alienating" and "inhumane," but also the discrepancies between Koreans' predicaments and their political aspirations and their working toward the fulfillment of those ideals. Envisioning alternative forms of modernities, Kim Bongjun and other Dureong members paid attention to the fundamental elements of art, which consist of art as a modern institution, as well as the everyday lives of people as the very site of Koreans' modernities. They endeavored to create "art of life," which presumes its being part of people's lives, based on the cultural and spiritual traditions of the agrarian community. They also participated in the national culture movement, the minjung church, and the alternative-life movement to radically envision everyday lives through the indigenous reinterpretation of democratic values. Despite the significant role played by the church mission and its community involvement, its effects on minjung misul have received little attention in the relevant studies. Thus, I consider in particular the minjung church's and the alternative-life movement's confluence of multiple cultural and social constituencies in relation to Kim and the Dureong collective's vision of a new art and community.

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게임포비아, 호모루덴스에서 사이버스페이스까지 (Gamephobia, From Homo Ludens To Cyberspace)

  • 조은하
    • 한국콘텐츠학회논문지
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    • 제13권2호
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    • pp.137-146
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    • 2013
  • 디지털 시대, 뉴미디어에 대한 막연한 불안 혹은 불신이 올드미디어 집단의 불안통제감을 저하시키고, 역기능적 신념을 공고하게 만듦으로써 불안통제감을 더욱 저하시키는 악순환을 보인다. 뉴미디어와 IT의 산업적 발전에도 불구하고, 보수적 세계관에서 게임은 절대적으로 금기시된다. 이러한 절대적 금기는 절대적 공포를 유발한다. 오늘의 한국 사회에서 절대적 금기는 단연 '게임'이다. 디지털 시대의 놀이문화 중 하나인 컴퓨터 게임은, 놀이가 지녔던 비생산성과 일탈성에 대한 비판을 떠맡고 있다. 게다가 컴퓨터 게임이 기반한 디지털 기술은 게임의 '가상성'에 대한 이미지를 증폭시켜 불안을 넘는 공포를 양산한다. 본고는 놀이에 대한 이해에서 시작하여, 어떻게 다양한 문화적, 기술적 측면들이 현재 컴퓨터 게임에 대한 대중적 상을 구성하였는가를 살펴본다. 이를 통해 컴퓨터 게임에 대한 현재의 공포가 어떻게 발생하였는가를 해명하고, 공포를 넘어서, 게임이 지니는 문화적 가치를 포착하기 위한 관점을 제안한다.

『직면』(No Telephone to Heaven)의 해체론 독법- 배리(Paralogy)를 통한 식민주의의 이원론 관점 해체 (Deconstructing the Western Colonial Dichotomy through Paralogy)

  • 최수
    • 영미문화
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    • 제16권2호
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    • pp.111-139
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    • 2016
  • Plato's philosophical importance in western thinking history cannot be understated. Especially his dichotomy system became common to the European traditions of philosophical and scientific discourses by assigning principal value to the presence that is opposed to the absence. Since the ancient Greeks, the concept of presence has been expressed itself in number of ways such as God, Truth, Logos, and center. Derrida called this European thinking "the metaphysics of presence." In order to analyze logocentrism also called the metaphysics of presence in No Telephone to Heaven, I used the term, paralogy that Aristotle did not accept as rules of argumentation but that Lyotard revived it positively as the principle of reason. Lyotard's incredulity towards rationalist theory of modernism is that knowledge can never be certain. Without any ultimate validity, certainty is impossible. Nevertheless, as Fanon said, the colonial world is dominated with a traditional Manichaean world. As a result what remains to the colonized to establish their identities is that of an armed struggle towards the colonizer even though they know it results in the vicious circle of hatred endlessly. Cliff attempted to show this message in her text through the tragic heroine, Clare Savage. Cliff's another critique of modernism's rationalism is shown through the ambiguous sexuality of Harry/Harriot. In this novel, gender plays also a central role by questioning the traditional binary system of sexuality. In this paper, I deconstructed this traditional gender system in terms of Bulter's concept of performitivity. This study will give the text another layer of deconstructive interpretation echoing with the proverb, one tree cannot make a forest.

『오리엔탈리즘』 계보학의 해체론적 재해석 "Truths are illusions which we have forgotten are illusions") (진리란 그것이 환상임을 망각하고 있는 착각이다) (Deconstructing the Genealogy of Orientalism in Term of a Supplement)

  • 최수
    • 영미문화
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    • 제17권2호
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    • pp.29-61
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    • 2017
  • Said's Orientalism criticized the European representations on the Middle-East by theorizing orientalism as a discourse. In this text, he explored and criticized the colonial forms of knowledge and language that distorted the image of the colonized. The justification of the discourse of orientalism is derived from the binary system that is originated from Plato which Derrida rejects on the ground that it always privileges one term over the other, that is, colonizer over colonized. Derrida names for this traditional heritage of Western binary system logocentrism which regards logos(the Greek term for speech or reason) as the central principle of language and philosophy, whereas mythos derives its meaning from the logos on the basis of binary oppositions. Thus according to logocentrism, the colonized is merely the defined who can have its meaning from the definers, colonizers. In this paper, utilizing Derrida's a (non)concept called supplement which means both to add on as a surplus and to make up something missing as a mere extra, I propose another alternative interpretation towards the critique of colonial representation by raising internal contradictions in the Platonic dichotomy between logos and mythos embedded in western colonialism discourse, orientalism. I attempt to show that logos(colonizer) and mythos(colonized) is inseparable in itself due to the fact that they exist as supplementary. For this purpose, I demonstrate how colonial binary system constituted and was constituted in terms of language. Through this paper I reinterpret the colonial rationality of privileging 'logos' over 'mythos' by substituting the colonial binary system with the supplement.

Modular Imagined Community: Manila's Koreatown in the Time of Global Korea and the Popularity of Samgyupsal

  • Jose Mari B. Cuartero
    • 수완나부미
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    • 제16권1호
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    • pp.39-80
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    • 2024
  • Guided by the prism of cultural studies, this paper takes a look at the Manila Korea Town in Malate, Manila. The location, Manila Korea Town, figures as the paper's object of study by exploring, theorizing, and reflecting on its presence and location within the horizon of the signifying powers of Korea-Philippine relations in the contemporary period. With the subject position of this essay, the paper theorizes by responding to the following questions: How does the meaning-making of South Korea fare with other Koreatowns in the world from the scale of Koreatown in Manila? Subsequently, what happens to a place when a global cultural phenomenon evolves into a form of placemaking in a different nation and territory? As Koreatown finally grounds itself in the anarchic lifeworld of Manila, what does this historical development in our urban lives reveal about our contemporary times? Responding to this set of questions led this paper to foreground the idea of a modular imagined community within a four-part discussion. The body of the essay begins by theorizing on the concept that this paper proposes, modular imagined community, and such a concept work draws from the theories of nationalism by Benedict Anderson and Partha Chatterjee. Subsequently, the antinomy between Anderson and Chatterjee is pursued by looking at the history of such a place, and through this step, the paper unravels the character of the place of Manila Korea Town, which explains the conditions of possibility of such social and communitarian formation. Yet as the public is caught by the presence of such development especially at the heart of Manila, the paper expands the scale and viewpoint by shining light on the globality of South Korea in relation to the Philippines. Lastly, this paper closes with a discussion on the food culture facilitated by this recent development, which also pushes us to imagine its potential, especially in light of the critique raised against South Korea and the popular culture associated with this phenomenon.

트랜스미디어 담론에 대한 집단지성론적 고찰 (The Meaning of the 'Collective Intelligence' in the Transmedia Discourse)

  • 김기홍
    • 만화애니메이션 연구
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    • 통권40호
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    • pp.261-285
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    • 2015
  • 젠킨스(Henry Jenkins)에 의해 재구성되어 유포된 트랜스미디어(Transmedia) 담론은 하나의 이야기 세계가 다양한 미디어를 넘나들며 확장되는 것을 의미하며, OSMU나 미디어믹스 등과의 유사성에 의하여 산업론적 관점에서 다루어진 경우가 많았다. 본 논문은 이 연구담론의 초기 기획의도를 중심으로 버밍엄에서 비롯된 서구 문화연구의 전통에서 이 담론을 고찰하고 의미 있는 시사점을 추출하고자 했다. 트랜스미디어 담론은 기존 문화연구의 능동적 수용자(active audience) 연구의 전통에서 출발하고 있으나, 비판이론적 연구 전통의 고전적 프레임인 미디어에 의한 권력 은폐문제와 수용자의 능동성 문제, 지배/피지배, 순응/저항 등의 이분법적 패러다임과는 다른 접근을 시도하고 있다. 특히 레비(Pierre Levy)의 집단지성 개념에 크게 영향을 받아 수용자의 '능동성'에 대한 새로운 해석 가능성을 열고자 한것이다. 문화의 상품성에 대한 인정이나 고전적 문화연구의 주요 관심사였던 수용자의 '고유의 정치적 활동' 가능성 등에 대한 논제들의 해명에서 레비의 영향이 도드라진다. 그러나 무엇보다 담론의 철학적 기저에 있어서 집단지성론은 특유의 유토피아적 접근을 통해 사이버스페이스에서의 집단 참여를 새롭게 해석했다는 점에서 트랜스미디어 담론에 크게 기여하였다. 본 연구는 먼저 미디어컨버전스와 트랜스미디어 담론의 배경에 대해 고찰하며, 디지털시대 미디어의 변화양상과 수용자에 대한 기본적 가정들을 살펴보았다. 이는 트랜스미디어론과 집단지성 개념에 의한 수용자 위치의 재규정으로 연계되어, 기존 문화연구의 맥락에서 행해졌던 연구의 전제와 시각을 기존으로 트랜스미디어 담론에서 제시하는 변화된 양상을 자세히 고찰하였다. 마지막으로 문화연구의 비판이론적 프레임에 대한 재해석을 통해 이러한 시각적 변화의 요구 내지는 실천에 대해 그 양상과 의미를 고찰하였다. 특히 집단지성론이라는 철학적 기저에 대한 고찰을 통해 디지털미디어의 시대 수용자를 보는 새로운 연구 관점과 패러다임 변화에 대해 논의하며, 문화연구적 가치를 밝힘으로써, 관련 연구를 다양화하고 새로운 시각을 제시하고자 하였다.

장소마케팅과 장소의 영역화: 본질주의적 장소관에 대한 비판을 중심으로 (Place Marketing and Territorialization of Place: A Critique of the Essentialist Notion of Place)

  • 박배균
    • 한국경제지리학회지
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    • 제13권3호
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    • pp.498-513
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    • 2010
  • 이 논문은 최근 대안적인 지역개발의 방식으로 각광받고 있는 장소마케팅 전략을 비판적으로 분석하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 특히, 장소마케팅 개념이 인간주의 지리학자들에 의해 제시된 본질주의적 장소개념에 바탕을 두고 있어, 장소간 경쟁을 심화시키고, 장소를 폐쇄적이고 배타적인 영역으로 만드는 장소의 영역화를 결과할 가능성이 큼을 주장한다. 이를 위해 장소마케팅이 바탕을 두고 있는 본질주의 장소개념을 비판적으로 검토하고, 장소는 복잡한 권력관계 속에서 사회, 정치, 문화적 과정에 의해 구성된다는 최근의 대안적 논의를 소개할 것이다. 그리고, 영역이 만들어지는 사회-정치적 과정을 소개하면서, 영역이 장소의 특수한 한 형태임을 강조하고, 이를 바탕으로 장소마케팅이 장소를 영역화하는 전략임을 논증할 것이다.

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