• 제목/요약/키워드: Cultural Anthropology

검색결과 93건 처리시간 0.02초

일제강점기의 신라고분조사연구에 대한 검토 (An Study on Cognition and Investigation of Silla Tumuli in the Japanese Imperialistic Rule)

  • 차순철
    • 헤리티지:역사와 과학
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    • 제39권
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    • pp.95-130
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    • 2006
  • 근대 초부터 일제강점기까지 세키노 타다시(關野貞)를 비롯한 일본인 관학파 연구자들은 신라고분을 비롯한 한국의 문화유적 전반에 대한 조사연구와 자료수집활동을 했다. 이들은 초기에는 메이지정부의 지원을 받았고 한국이 식민지화된 이후에는 조선총독부와 유관기관으로부터 재정 지원을 받으면서 고고, 미술, 건축, 인류학, 민속학 등 전 분야에 걸친 조사를 하였다. 이들이 신라고분을 비롯한 한국의 문화유산을 조사한 목적은 한국에 대한 일본의 식민지배를 정당화하기 위한 이론적 근거와 필요한 자료를 찾기 위한 것이었으므로, 지역적으로 편중되고 왜곡된 시각이 나타나기도 한다. 1886년부터 한국의 고분과 출토유물에 대한 관심을 가진 일본인 연구자들에 의한 방한 조사가 계속 끊임없이 이루어졌다. 1904년 세키노가 한국에서 조사한 건축조사 보고서인 "한국건축조사보고(韓國建築調査報告)"에는 오릉을 비롯한 여러 고분에 대한 내용이 간단하게 소개되었고, 1906년에는 이마니시 류(今西龍)가 최초로 소금강산에 위치한 '북산고분(北山古墳)'과 황남동 남총(南塚)에 대한 발굴조시를 한 후, 적석목곽분(積石木樹墳)과 횡혈식석실분(橫穴式石室墳)의 구조에 대한 초보적인 인식이 이루어졌다. 1909년 건축학을 전공한 야츠이 세이이치(谷井第一)는 서악동 석침총(石枕塚) 발굴조사에서 작성한 석실의 평면도와 단면도는 한국에서 이루어진 발굴조사에서 최초로 제작된 유구실측도면으로 수치가 표현된 점에서 이전의 스케치된 그림과는 뚜렷하게 구분된다. 또한 이후 발굴조사에서는 이러한 유구 실측도면의 작성은 계속 이어진다. 이마니시와 야쯔이는 신라고분의 입지적 특징, 분구의 형태와 규모, 출토유물 등에 대한 조사 결과에 근거하여 적석목곽분과 횡혈식석실분은 서로 연대적으로 차이가 있음을 밝혔다. 조선총독부는 1916년에 "고적 및 유물보존규칙"과 "고적조사위원회규정"을 시행하고 고적조사위원회와 박물관협의회를 설치했다. 박물관이 활동하게 되면서 고분에서 출토된 유물들을 전시하고 유적을 조사하는 사업들은 모두 조선총독부의 허가를 얻어야 됐다. 1921년에는 금관총(金冠塚)이, 1927년에는 서봉총(瑞鳳塚)이 각각 발굴조사되면서 경주의 대형 적석목곽분은 화려한 출토유물로 주목을 받게 되지만, 전국 각지에 대한 조사가 이루어지면서 여러 고분들에 대한 보고서 발간은 이루어지지 못했다. 최근 몇몇 연구자들의 노력에 의해서 미발간 보고서가 간행되었지만, 서봉총과 같이 중요한 고분들에 대한 보고서가 아직 출판되지 못한 점은 당시의 한계로 볼 수 있다. 1920년대 후반에는 노모리 켄(野守健)이 지적도를 기초로 제작한 경주고분 분포도는 현재 통용되고 있는 155기의 고분의 규모와 위치를 명기한 자료로 시내에 소재한 여러 고분의 전체 모습을 확인시켜준 점에서 그 의미가 크다. 1930년대부터 아리미츠 쿄이찌(有光敎一)와 사이토 타다시(齋藤忠)는 다수의 적석목곽분과 횡혈식석실분에 대한 발굴조사를 통해서 한 묘제에 여러 가지 형식의 분묘가 존재하고 있음을 확인하였고, 특히 복잡하게 중복된 모습으로 노출된 적석목곽분에 대한 발굴조사경험은 이전에 이루어진 발굴조사와 보고서간행 등에 있어서 발전된 모습을 보여준다. 이번에 지난 근대~일제강점기에 발굴조사된 신라고분에 대한 발굴조사 내용을 살펴본 결과, 이때 조사된 여러 유적들에 대한 조사내용을 재검증하는 작업이 필요하며 이는 한국고고학사를 정리하는데 있어서 중요한 사실임을 재확인할 수 있다.

만성 재가 기동장애자의 가정병실 모델 개발을 위한 현장 연구 (A Ethnographic Field Study for a Model Development of the Chronic Bed-ridden Patient s Home-ward)

  • 김태연;정연강
    • 대한간호학회지
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    • 제24권4호
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    • pp.597-615
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    • 1994
  • This study is designed to facilitate the creation of home environment conducive to the family taking care of chronic bed-ridden patients with more effective method. The need for this study has emerged against the background of marked changes in the structure of ailments and causes of death, resulting in the number and plights of chronic bed-ridden patients as well as of a rapid increase in demand for medical care and resulting premature discharge. Keeping these in mind, this study focused on home-wards where the majority of chronic bed-ridden patients are being cared for. Despite. their overriding importance, home-words are less than efficient in caring (or chronic bed-ridden patients. These circumstances require the designing of home-wards that can offer greater comfort to patients and at the same time make things easier for caregivers, on the basis of an overall analysis of patients' life and home - ward situation. According1y this study adopted a Participant Observation Method derived cultural anthropology, Toward this end, 3 patients were chosen as subjects of this study for intensive interviewing and participant observation. In the process of this field re-search efforts were made to collect emprical data, that is, to faithfully record the words of the subjects and their caregivers for analysis and interpretation. The findings of these analyses are as follows. Firstly, the chronic bed-ridden patients are mostly being taken care by close family members. Secondly, a room for the exclusive use of the patient, floor, kitchen, bathroom and multipurpose space were found to be necessary for proper caring of the patient. These spaces were respectively used with a view to 1) accomodating the patient as well as caregivers' activities, 2) keeping general and medical supplies and other appliances for patient's care and drying the patient's washing, 3) preparing and keeping the patient's foods and beverages, 4) keeping the supplies necessary for cleaning the patient's body and treating the patient's eliminations, 5) washing the patient's clothes, underwears and bedclothes. The patient's room in turn is subdivided into six portions in terms of uses : specifically the places for accomodating 1) the patient, 2) medical supplies, 3) medicines, 4) linens St clothes, 5) bedclothes and, 6) diapers. Thirdly, the activities of the caregiver are subdivided into seven key areas : hygiene, exercise, diet, elimination, therapeutic nursing, prevention of sore, and other activities. Each area is further classified into several different activities of caring. These activities we mainly carried out in the patient's room. Fourthly, the supplies for caring the chronic bed-ridden patient is divided into two large domains : medical and general supplies. Finally, three main problems areas were found in this study on the part of caregivers, that is, sore prevention, hygiene problem related frequent urination / defecation, the caregiver's physical, psych ological and emotional burden. In consideration of the aforesaid problem areas, a model home-ward was developed in this study. The newly-developed model has been found to have the following six advantages. Firstly, the time and effort required for maintaining the patient's hygiene are reduced, thus relievins the caregiver's physical and psychological bur-den. Secondly, the patient's hygiene can be maintained in satisfactory conditions, because the patient's eliminations are more easily removed. Thirdly, skin irritations caused by the patient's eliminations were remarkably reduced and so were the patient's sores due to moisture and bacteria. Fourthly, the home-ward have a tilt-table ef-fect thanks to the inclining room floor. This improves the patient's cardiovascular function as well as constantly changes pressed skin areas and thus prevents sores. Fifthly, improved shelf arrangements help make the best use of patient's supplies. Sixthly, the trouble of continuously changing clothes, underwears, diapers & bedclothes is remarkably reduced simply by covering the patient with cotton sheets when laid in bed. This is espected to cut down expenses by reducing the comsumptions of diapers and other disposable supplies.

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간호학 교과과정 개선을 위한 조사 연구 (A Study on improvement of curriculum in Nursing)

  • 김애실
    • 대한간호학회지
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    • 제4권2호
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    • pp.1-16
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    • 1974
  • This Study involved the development of a survey form and the collection of data in an effort-to provide information which can be used in the improvement of nursing curricula. The data examined were the kinds courses currently being taught in the curricula of nursing education institutions throughout Korea, credits required for course completion, and year in-which courses are taken. For the purposes of this study, curricula were classified into college, nursing school and vocational school categories. Courses were directed into the 3 major categories of general education courses, supporting science courses and professional education course, and further subdirector as. follows: 1) General education (following the classification of Philip H. phoenix): a) Symbolics, b) Empirics, c) Aesthetics. 4) Synthetics, e) Ethics, f) Synoptic. 2) Supporting science: a) physical science, b) biological science, c) social science, d) behavioral science, e) Health science, f) Educations 3) Professional Education; a) basic courses, b) courses in each of the respective fields of nursing. Ⅰ. General Education aimed at developing the individual as a person and as a member of society is relatively strong in college curricula compared with the other two. a) Courses included in the category of symbolics included Korean language, English, German. Chines. Mathematics. Statics: Economics and Computer most college curricula included 20 credits. of courses in this sub-category, while nursing schools required 12 credits and vocational school 10 units. English ordinarily receives particularly heavy emphasis. b) Research methodology, Domestic affair and women & courtney was included under the category of empirics in the college curricula, nursing and vocational school do not offer this at all. c) Courses classified under aesthetics were physical education, drill, music, recreation and fine arts. Most college curricula had 4 credits in these areas, nursing school provided for 2 credits, and most vocational schools offered 10 units. d) Synoptic included leadership, interpersonal relationship, and communications, Most schools did not offer courses of this nature. e) The category of ethics included citizenship. 2 credits are provided in college curricula, while vocational schools require 4 units. Nursing schools do not offer these courses. f) Courses included under synoptic were Korean history, cultural history, philosophy, Logics, and religion. Most college curricular 5 credits in these areas, nursing schools 4 credits. and vocational schools 2 units. g) Only physical education was given every Year in college curricula and only English was given in nursing schools and vocational schools in every of the curriculum. Most of the other courses were given during the first year of the curriculum. Ⅱ. Supporting science courses are fundamental to the practice and application of nursing theory. a) Physical science course include physics, chemistry and natural science. most colleges and nursing schools provided for 2 credits of physical science courses in their curricula, while most vocational schools did not offer t me. b) Courses included under biological science were anatomy, physiologic, biology and biochemistry. Most college curricula provided for 15 credits of biological science, nursing schools for the most part provided for 11 credits, and most vocational schools provided for 8 units. c) Courses included under social science were sociology and anthropology. Most colleges provided for 1 credit in courses of this category, which most nursing schools provided for 2 creates Most vocational school did not provide courses of this type. d) Courses included under behavioral science were general and clinical psychology, developmental psychology. mental hygiene and guidance. Most schools did not provide for these courses. e) Courses included under health science included pharmacy and pharmacology, microbiology, pathology, nutrition and dietetics, parasitology, and Chinese medicine. Most college curricula provided for 11 credits, while most nursing schools provide for 12 credits, most part provided 20 units of medical courses. f) Courses included under education included educational psychology, principles of education, philosophy of education, history of education, social education, educational evaluation, educational curricula, class management, guidance techniques and school & community. Host college softer 3 credits in courses in this category, while nursing schools provide 8 credits and vocational schools provide for 6 units, 50% of the colleges prepare these students to qualify as regular teachers of the second level, while 91% of the nursing schools and 60% of the vocational schools prepare their of the vocational schools prepare their students to qualify as school nurse. g) The majority of colleges start supporting science courses in the first year and complete them by the second year. Nursing schools and vocational schools usually complete them in the first year. Ⅲ. Professional Education courses are designed to develop professional nursing knowledge, attitudes and skills in the students. a) Basic courses include social nursing, nursing ethics, history of nursing professional control, nursing administration, social medicine, social welfare, introductory nursing, advanced nursing, medical regulations, efficient nursing, nursing english and basic nursing, College curricula devoted 13 credits to these subjects, nursing schools 14 credits, and vocational schools 26 units indicating a severe difference in the scope of education provided. b) There was noticeable tendency for the colleges to take a unified approach to the branches of nursing. 60% of the schools had courses in public health nursing, 80% in pediatric nursing, 60% in obstetric nursing, 90% in psychiatric nursing and 80% in medical-surgical nursing. The greatest number of schools provided 48 crudites in all of these fields combined. in most of the nursing schools, 52 credits were provided for courses divided according to disease. in the vocational schools, unified courses are provided in public health nursing, child nursing, maternal nursing, psychiatric nursing and adult nursing. In addition, one unit is provided for one hour a week of practice. The total number of units provided in the greatest number of vocational schools is thus Ⅲ units double the number provided in nursing schools and colleges. c) In th leges, the second year is devoted mainly to basic nursing courses, while the third and fourth years are used for advanced nursing courses. In nursing schools and vocational schools, the first year deals primarily with basic nursing and the second and third years are used to cover advanced nursing courses. The study yielded the following conclusions. 1. Instructional goals should be established for each courses in line with the idea of nursing, and curriculum improvements should be made accordingly. 2. Course that fall under the synthetics category should be strengthened and ways should be sought to develop the ability to cooperate with those who work for human welfare and health. 3. The ability to solve problems on the basis of scientific principles and knowledge and understanding of man society should be fostered through a strengthening of courses dealing with physical sciences, social sciences and behavioral sciences and redistribution of courses emphasizing biological and health sciences. 4. There should be more balanced curricula with less emphasis on courses in the major There is a need to establish courses necessary for the individual nurse by doing away with courses centered around specific diseases and combining them in unified courses. In addition it is possible to develop skill in dealing with people by using the social setting in comprehensive training. The most efficient ratio of the study experience should be studied to provide more effective, interesting education Elective course should be initiated to insure a man flexible, responsive educational program. 5. The curriculum stipulated in the education law should be examined.

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