• Title/Summary/Keyword: Cultivation condition

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Unusual Delay of Heading Date in the 2022 Rice Growth and Yield Monitoring Experiment (2022년도 벼 작황시험에서 관찰된 출수기 지연 현상 보고)

  • HyeonSeok, Lee;WoonHa, Hwang;SeoYeong, Yang;Yeongseo, Song;WooJin, Im;HoeJeong, Jeong;ChungGen, Lee;HyeongJoo, Lee;JongTae, Jeong;JongHee, Shin;MyoungGoo, Choi
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.330-336
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    • 2022
  • It is likely that the heading would occur early when air temperature increases. In 2022, however, the heading date was delayed unusually, e.g., by 3 to 5 days although temperature during the vegetative growth stage was higher than normal years. The objective of this study was to identify the cause of such event analyzing weather variables including average temperature, sunshine hours, and day-length for each growth stage. The observation data were collected for medium-late maturing varieties, which has been grown at crop yield experiment sites including Daegu, Andong, and Yesan. The difference in heading date was compared between growing seasons in 2021 and 2022 because crop management options, e.g., the cultivars and cultivation methods, were identical at those sites during the study period. It appeared that the heading date was delayed due to the difference in temperature responsiveness under a given day-length condition The effect of the temperature increase on the heading date differed between the periods during which when the day-length was more than 14.3 hours before and after the summer-solstice.. The effect of the temperature decrease during the period from which the day-length decreased to less than 14.3 hours to the heading date was relatively greater. This merits further studies to examine the response of rice to the temperature change under different day-length and sunshine duration in terms of heading.

Antioxidant Activity, Total Polyphenol Content, and Total Flavonoid Content of Boehmeria nivea var. tenacissima (Gaudich.) Miq. Collected from Six Regions (채집지역에 따른 섬모시풀(Boehmeria nivea var. tenacissima (Gaudich.) Miq.)의 항산화활성, 총 폴리페놀 함량, 총 플라보노이드 함량 차이)

  • Kyung Jun Lee;Hye Min Seo;Shin Ae Lee;Jin-Ho Kim;Hae Lim Kim
    • Korean Journal of Plant Resources
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    • v.36 no.1
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    • pp.1-14
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    • 2023
  • This study measured the antioxidant activity and phytochemical content of 192 Boehmeria nivea var. tenacissima (Gaudich.) Miq. collected from six regions in order to identify the possibility of its industrial application. Two antioxidant activity assay (DPPH radical scavenging activity and ABTS radical scavenging activity) and two phytochemical content assay (total polyphenol content (TPC) and total flavonoid content (TFC)) of 192 samples were analyzed. The results showed that the DPPH radical scavenging activity of 192 samples was ranged from 0.02 to 1.35 mgAAE/g, and among them, the samples collected from Goheung (0.53 ± 0.37) and Ulleungdo (0.52 ± 0.28) showed the highest activity. The ABTS radical scavenging activity was showed the ranged from 0.07 to 1.81 mgAAE/g, and the samples collected at Ulleungdo (0.47 ± 0.36) showed the highest activity. The total polyphenol content of 192 samples was 18.6 to 234.8 ugGAE/g, and the samples collected at Mokpo (93.4 ± 34.7) and Jindo (90.4 ± 24.5) showed the highest content. The total flavonoid content was 0.10 to 1.22 mgQE/g and the samples collected at Ulleungdo (0.49 ± 0.31) showed the highest content. In the correlation analysis, there was no significant relationship between the environmental conditions and the antioxidant activity. The total polyphenol content showed a positive correlation with daily temperature difference, and negative correlation with average wind speed and average humidity, and total flavonoid content showed negative correlations with the average temperature, maximum temperature, and minimum temperature. This result can be used as a basic data establish the cultivation conditions of B. nivea var. tenacissima (Gaudich.) Miq. as a functional raw material to increase the usefulness of B. nivea var. tenacissima (Gaudich.) Miq..

Research on the Ethical Characteristics of 'Mutual Beneficence' Shown in the Principle of 'Guarding against Self-deception' in Daesoon Thought: in Comparison to Kantian and Utilitarian Ethical Views (대순사상의 무자기(無自欺)에 나타난 상생윤리 - 칸트와 밀의 윤리관과의 대비를 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Tae-soo
    • Journal of the Daesoon Academy of Sciences
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    • v.27
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    • pp.283-317
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    • 2016
  • This research is an attempt to detail the multi-layered ethical characteristics of 'mutual beneficence', shown in the principle of 'guarding against self-deception' in Daesoon Thought while focusing on its major differences as well as the similarities with Kantian and Utilitarian ethical views. In these Western ethical perspectives, the concept of self-deception has received a considerable amount of attention, centering on the context of natural rights and contract theory. Meanwhile, in Daesoon Thought, 'guarding against self-deception' is presented as one of the principal objectives as well as the method or deontological ground for practice. It further encompasses the features of virtue ethics oriented toward the perfection of Dao. Here, the deontological aspect is interlinked with the concept of cultivation and the pursuit of ethics and morals. Hence this makes it a necessary condition for achieving the perfection of Dao, and likewise renders the practice of 'guarding against self-deception' more active through facilitating mutual relations based on the expansion model wherein human nature is characterized as possessing innate goodness. With regard to the tenet of 'resolution of grievances for mutual beneficence,' this concept is presented as a positive ground for practicing virtues toward others without forming grudges. Furthermore, as long as it reveals the great principle of humanity built on conscience, it will come to harmonize practitioners with others and spirits in an expression of beneficence. Moreover, originating in the Dao of Deities, guarding against self-deception is expressed as a form of life ethics and can be suggested as a new alternative for the model of virtue ethics proposed by Nussbaum. All in all, there is a natural causal relationship by which 'guarding against self-deception' in accord one's own conscience and the principle of humanity as a pursuit of perfect virtues in Dao result in the fulfillment of mutual beneficence. This readily akin to how gravity causes water to flow from high ground to low ground. Consequently, these relational features of mutual beneficence can serve an effective alternative to the Western ethical views which also address the need to overcome the egoistic mind which is liable to self-interest and alienation.

Bloom-forming Cyanobacteria in Yongdam Lake (1) Nutrient limitation in a Laboratory Strain of a Nitrogen-fixing Cyanobacterium, Anabaena spiroides v. crassa (용담호 녹조현상의 원인 남세균 연구 (1) 질소고정 남세균 Anabaena spiroides v. crassa 종주와 영양염 제한)

  • Park, Jong-Woo;Kim, Young-Geel;Heo, Woo-Myung;Kim, Bom-Chul;Yih, Won-Ho
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.158-164
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    • 2006
  • Yongdam Lake is the fifth largest artificial lake in Korea newly formed by the first impounding the Yongdam Multi-purpose Dam on December, 2002. Yongdam Lake, with her total water storage of 820 million M/T, is located at the roof-top region of the streams flowing into the just-constructed new Saemankeum Lake. Seasonal succession of phytoplakton in Yongdam Lake might affect cyanobacterial blooms in Saemankeum Lake by inoculating seasonal dominants. During 2002-2003 when the first impounding after the construction of Yongdam Multi-purpose Dam was still undergoing, summer cyanobacterial blooms by Anabaena, Microcystis, and Aphanizomenon were observed. Among these three, filamentous Anabaena is well known to have its species with $N_2-fixing$ ability and special cells such as heterocysts and akinetes as well as the vegetative cells. We established a clonal culture of Anabaena spiroides v. crasse (KNU-YD0310) from the live water samples collected at the bloom site of Yongdam Lake. The N- and P-nutrient requirement of the KNU-YD0310 was explored by the experimental cultivation of the laboratory strain. Ratio of heterocysts to vegetative cells increased as N-deficiency extended with its maximum at $N_2-fixing$ condition. The strain KNU-YD0310 exhibited considerable growth under N-limiting conditions while its growth was proportional to the initial phosphate-P concentration under P-deficient conditions. Under P-limiting conditions akinete density increased, which could be interpreted as an adaptation strategy to survive severe environment by transforming into resting stage. The above eco-physiological characteristics of Anabaena spiroides v. crassa might be useful as an ecological criterion in controlling cyanobacterial blooms at Shaemankeum Lake in near future.

Studies on the physio-chemical properties and the cultivation of oyster mushroom(Pleurotus ostreatus) (느타리버섯의 생리화학적성질(生理化學的性質) 및 재배(栽培)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Hong, Jai-Sik
    • Applied Biological Chemistry
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.150-184
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    • 1978
  • Nutritional characteristics and physio-chemical properties of mycelial growth and fruitbody formation of oyster mushroom(Pleurotus ostreatus)in synthetic media, the curtural condition for the commerical production in the rice straw and poplar sawdust media, and the changes of the chemical components of the media and mushroom during the cultivation were investigated. The results can be summarized as follows: 1. Among the carbon sources mannitol and sucrose gave rapid mycelial growth and rapid formation of fruit-body with higher yield, while lactose and rhamnose gave no mycelial growth. Also, citric acid, succinic acid, ethyl alcohol and glycerol gave poor fruit-body formation, and acetic acid, formic acid, fumaric acid, n-butyl alcohol, n-propyl alcohol and iso-butyl alcohol inhibited mycelial growth. 2. Among the nitrogen sources peptone gave rapid mycelial growth and rapid formation of fruit-body with higher yield, while D,L-alanine, asparatic acid, glycine and serine gave very poor fruit-body formation, and nitrite nitrogens, L-tryptophan and L-tyrosine inhibited mycelial growth. Inorganic nitrogens and amino acids added to peptone were effective for fruit-body growth, and thus addition of ammonium sulfate, ammonium tartarate, D,L-alanine and L-leucine resulted in about 10% increase fruit-body yield. L-asparic acid about 15%, L-arginine about 20%, L-glutamic acid, and L-lysine about 25%. 3. At C/N ratio of 15.23 fruit-body formation was fast, but the yield decreased, and at C/N ratio of 11.42 fruit-body formation was slow, but the yield increased. Also, at the same C/N ratio the higher the concentration of mannitol and petone, the higher yield was produced. Thus, from the view point of both yield of fruit-body and time required for fruiting the optimum C/N ratio would be 30. 46. 4. Thiamine, potassium dihydrogen phosphate and magnecium sulfate at the concentration of $50{\mu}g%$. 0.2% and 0.02-0.03%, respectively, gave excellent mycelial and fruit-body growth. Among the micronutrients ferrous sulfate, zinc sulfate and manganese sulfate showed synergetic growth promoting effect but lack of manganese resulted in a little reduction in mycelial and fruit-body growth. The optimum concentrati on of each these nutrients was 0.02mg%. 5. Cytosine and indole acetic acid at 0.2-1mg% and 0.01mg%, respectively, increased amount of mycelia, but had no effect on yield of fruit-body. The other purine and pyrimidine bases and plant hormones also had no effect on mycelial and fruit-belly yield. 6. Illumination inhibited mycelial growth, but illumination during the latter part of vegetative growth induced primordia formation. The optimum light intensity and exposure time was 100 to 500 lux and 6-12 hours per day, respectively. Higher intensity of light was injurous, and in darkness only vegetative growth without primordia formation was continued. 7. The optimum temperature for mycelial growth was $25^{\circ}C$ and for fruit-body formation 10 to $15^{\circi}C$. The optimum pH range was from 5.0 to 6.5. The most excellent fry it-body formation were produced from the mycelium grown for 7 to 10 days. The lesser the volume of media, the more rapid the formation of fruit-body; and the lower the yield of fruit-body; and the more the volume of media, the slower the formation of fruit-body, and the higher the yield of fruit-body. The primordia formation was inhibited by $CO_2$. 8. The optimum moisture content for mycelial growth was over 70% in the bottle media of rice straw and poplar sawdust. 10% addition of rice bran to the media exhibited excellent mycelial growth and fruit-body formation, and the addition of calciumcarbonate alone was effective, but the addition of calcium carbonate was ineffective in the presence of rice bran. 9. In the cultivation experiments the total yield of mushroom from the rice straw media was $14.99kg/m^2$, and from the sawdust media $6.52kg/m^2$, 90% of which was produced from the first and second cropping period. The total yield from the rice straw media was about 2.3 times as high as that from the sawdust media. 10. Among the chemical components of the media little change was observed in the content of ash on the dry weight basis, and organic matter content decreased as the cultivation progressed. Moisture content, which was about 79% at the time of spawning, decreased a little during the period of mycelial propagation, after which no change was observed. 11. During the period from spawning to the fourth cropping about 16.7% of the dry matter, about 19.3% of organic matter, and about 40% of nitrogen were lost from the rice straw media; about 7.5% of dry mallet, about 7.6% of organic matter, and about 20% of nitrogen were lost from the sawdust media. For the production of 1kg of mushroom about 232g of organic matter and about 7.0g of nitrogen were consumed from the rice straw media; about 235g of organic matter and about 6.8g of nitrogen were consumed from the sawdust media, 1㎏ of mushroom from either of media contains 82.4 and 82.3g of organic matter and 5.6 and 5.4g of nitrogen, respectively. 12. Total nitrogen content of the two media decreased gradually as the cultivation progressed, and total loss of insoluble nitrogen was greater than that of soluble nitrogen. Content of amino nitrogen continued to increase up to the third cropping time, after which it decreased. 13. In the rice straw media 28.0 and 13.8% of the total pentosan and ${\alpha}$-cellulose, respectively, lost during the whole cultivation period was lost during the period of mycelial growth; in the sawdust media 24.1 and 11.9% of the total pentosan and ${\alpha}$-cellulose, respectively, was lost during the period of mycelial growth. Lignin content in the media began to decrease slightly from the second cropping time, while the content of reduced sugar, trehalose and mannitol continued to increase. C/N ratio of the rice straw media decreased from 33.2 at spawining to 30.0 at ending; that of the sawdust media decreased from 61.3 to 60.0. 14. In both media phosphorus, potassium, manganese and zinc decreased, at magnesium, calcium and copper showed irregular changes, and iron had a tendency to be increased. 15. Enzyme activities are much higher in the rice straw media than in the sawdust media. CMC saccharifying and liquefying activity gradually increased from after mycelial propagation to the second cropping, after which it decreased in both media. Xylanase activity rapidly and greatly increased during the second cropping period rather than the first period. At the start of the third cropping period the activity decreased rapidly in the rice straw media, which was not observed in the sawdust media. Protease activity was highest after mycelial propagation, after which it gradually decreased. The pH of the rice straw media decreased from 6.3 at spawning to 5.0 after fourth cropping; that of the sawdust media decreased from 5.7 to 4.9. 16. The contents of all the components except crude fibre of the mushroom from the rice straw media were higher than those from the sawdust media. Little change was observed in the content of the components of mushroom cropped from the first to the third period, but slight decrease was noticed at the fourth cropping.

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On the present bamboo groves of Cholla-nam-do and their proper treatment -No. 1. On the growing stock of reprsentative phyllostachys reticulata grove by county (전라남도(全羅南道)의 죽림현황(竹林現況)과 그 개선대책(改善對策) -제일(第一), 각군별대표고죽림(各郡別代表苦竹林)의 몇가지 죽간형질(竹桿形質)과 축적(蓄積)에 대하여)

  • Chung, Dong Oh
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.19-28
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    • 1962
  • Total area of bamboo groves in Korea which is limited to $37^{\circ}$ north latitude, i.e., to southern part of Chungchung-nam-do Province and Kangwon-do Province, is 3,235ha., but this country must import about 3,000 metric ton's bamboo culms from Japan every year. It may be true that the country is not so fit for economical cultivation of bamboo groves from the view point of climatic condition, but the author believes that self-sufficiency in bamboo is not impossible if some scientific method for improving bamboo groves is introduced to our primitive groves. Keeping this point in his mind the auther tried to study on the bamboo groves in the country, and as the first step set about to investigate the actual state of twenty good bamboo groves located in Cholla-nam-do Province from March, 1961 to January, 1962. This is a report on some characters of bamboo culms and growing stock with samples collected in the present investigation. 1) Numbers of bamboo culm per 0.1ha. are 1,183 in average, 1,840 in maximum and 87.5 in minimum before harvesting. 2) According to owners' saying, 1960 was such an off-year that they could hardly see any yearling bamboos in groves, but in 1961 very many new bamboos are produced as follows: the proportion of the number of yearling bamboos produced this year to that of mature bamboos (over 2 years old) is 58.7% in average; the highest 110.5% and the lowest 16.8%. 3) the average diameter of culms at eye height is 6.5cm, but the biggest diameter comes to 11.2 cm, and the average diameters of yearling and mature bamboos are 6.5cm and 6.6cm respectively. 4) Internode length records 29.4 cm in average, the shortest 21.3 cm and the longest 38.4 cm. Average internode lengths of new culms and mature culms are 27.6 cm and 29.4 cm respectively. This shows that the internode length of new culms is in the decrease to that of maturer's. 5) Through this investigation, it was found that internode length is in the influence of the exposure and density of bamboo groves, i. e., the more the dencity of bamboo groves is and the more the exposure nears the north-east, the longer the internode length becomes (see Table 7 and 8). 6) In the growing stock of bamboo groves, bundles per 0.1ha. amount to 271 sok (unit of bundle) in total average, 445 sok in maximum and 126 sok in minimum. 7) Among twenty typical bamboo groves, chosen in each County in Cholla-nam-do Province, only one passes perfectly by Veda's standard rule* prescribing the good bamboo grove, but the eight groves shown in Table 9 could be recommended as good ones in Cholla-nam-do Province, because the auther believes that those groves may be improved better, if we pay more attention to the management of them. 8) Considering that they have managed their groves carelessly and primitively, and that unfortunately their groves must have faced almost on clear felling over the entire area at the time of the Korean War, we can surely expect much more increments in bamboo groves, if we introduce some scientific methods in managing their groves.

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No-tillage Agriculture of Korean-Type on Recycled Ridge I. Changes in Physical Properties : Soil Crack, Penetration Resistance, Drainage, and Capacity to Retain Water at Plastic Film Greenhouse Soil by Different Tillage System (두둑을 재활용한 한국형 무경운 농업 I. 경운방법에 따른 시설재배 토양의 물리적 특성: 균열, 관입저항, 배수, 보수력 변화)

  • Yang, Seung-Koo;Jung, Woo-Jin
    • Korean Journal of Organic Agriculture
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.699-717
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    • 2016
  • This study was carried out to investigate the effect of no-tillage on sequential cropping supported from recycling of first crop ridge on the growth of pepper plant and physical properties of soil under green house condition. 1. Degree of crack on soil by tillage and no-tillage Soil cracks found in ridge and not found in row. At five months of tillage, crack number and crack length in length ridge were 3 and 37~51 cm in tillage. Maximum width and maximum depth in length ridge were 30 mm and 15.3cm in tillage. Crack number and crack length in width ridge were 7.5 and 7~28 cm in tillage. Maximum width and maximum depth in width ridge were 29 mm and 15.3 cm in tillage. At a year of no-tillage, crack number and crack length in length ridge were 1.0 and 140~200 cm in tillage. Maximum width and maximum depth in length ridge were 18 mm and 30 cm in a year of no-tillage. Crack number and crack length in width ridge were 11 and 6~22 cm in a year of no-tillage. Maximum width and maximum depth in width ridge were 22 mm and 18.5 cm in a year of no-tillage. Soil crack was not found at 2 years of no-tillage in sandy Jungdong series (jd) soil. Soil crack was found at 7 years of no-tillage in clayish Jisan series (ji) soil. 2. Penetration resistance on soil Penetration resistance was increased significantly at no-tillage in Jungdong series (jd). Depth of cultivation layer was extended at no-tillage soil compared with tillage soil. Penetration resistance of plow pan was decreased at 1 year of no-tillage compared with than tillage soil. Penetration resistance was linearly increased with increasing soil depth at tillage in Jisan series (ji). Penetration resistance on top soil was remarkably increased and then maintained continuously at no-tillage soil. 3. Drainage and moisture content of soil Moisture content of ridge in top soil was not significant difference at both tillage and no-tillage. Moisture content of ridge in 20 cm soil was 14% at no-tillage soil and 25% at tillage soil. 4. Change of capacity to retain water in soil Capacity to retain water in top soil was not significant difference at 1 bar both tillage and no-tillage. Capacity to retain water in soil was slightly higher tendency in 1 year and 2 years of no-tillage soil than tillage soil. Capacity to retain water in soil was increased at 15 bar both tillage and no-tillage. Capacity to retain water in subsoil was slightly higher tendency at 1 bar and 3 bar in 2 years of no-tillage than tillage soil and a year of no-tillage soil.

A Study on the Useful Trend of Plants Related to Landscape and How to Plant and Cultivate Through 'ImwonGyeongjaeji(林園經濟志)' ('임원경제지'를 통해 본 식물의 이용경향과 종예법(種藝法))

  • Shin, Sang-Sup
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.45 no.4
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    • pp.140-157
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    • 2012
  • The result of a study on the useful trend of plants related to landscape and how to plant and cultivate through 'ImwonGyeongjaeji Manhakji'of Seoyugu is as follows: First, 'ImwonGyeongjaiji Manhakji', composed of total 5 volumes (General, Fruit trees, vegetables and creeper, plants, others) is a representative literature related to landscape which described the names of plants and varieties, soil condition, how to plant and cultivate, graft, how to prevent the insect attack etc systematically. Second, he recorded the tree planting as Jongjae(種栽) or Jaesik(栽植), and the period to plant the trees as Jaesusihoo(栽樹時候), transplanting as Yijae(移栽), making the fence as Jakwonri(作園籬), the names of varietieis as Myeongpoom(名品), the suitable soil as Toeui(土宜), planting and cultivation as Jongye(種藝), treatment as Euichi(醫治), protection and breeding as Hoyang(護養), garden as Jeongwon(庭園) or Wonpo(園圃), garden manager as Poja(圃者) or Wonjeong(園丁). Third, the appearance frequency of plants was analyzed in the order of flowers, fruits, trees, and creepers and it showed that the gravity of deciduous trees was 3.7 times higher than that of evergreen trees. The preference of flower and trees, fruit trees and deciduous trees and broad-leaved trees includes (1) application of the species of naturally growing trees which are harmonized with the natural environment (2) Aesthetic value which enables to enjoy the beauty of season, (3) the trend of public welfare to take the flowers and fruits, (4) the use of symbolic elements based on the value reference of Neo-Confucianism etc. Fourth, he suggested the optimal planting period as January(上時) and emphasized to transplant by adding lots of fertile soil and cover up the seeds with soil as high as they are buried in accordance with the growing direction and protect them with a support. That is, considering the fact that he described the optimal planting period as January by lunar calendar, this suggests the hints in judging the planting period today. For planting the seeds, he recommended the depth with 1 chi(寸 : approx. 3.3cm), and for planting a cutting, he recommended to plant the finger-thick branch with depth 5 chi(approx. 16.5cm) between January and February. In case of graft of fruit trees, he described that if used the branch stretched to the south, you would get a lot of fruit and if cut the branches in January, the fruits would be appetizing and bigger. Fifth, the hedge(fence tree) is made by seeding the Jujube tree(Zizyphus jujuba var. inermis) in autumn densely and transplanting the jujube tree with 1 ja(尺 : approx. 30cm) interval in a row in next autumn and then binding them with the height of 7 ja(approx. 210cm) in the spring of next year. If planted by mixing a Elm tree(Ulmus davidiana var. japonica) and a Willow(Salix koreensis), the hedge whose branch and leaves are unique and beautiful like a grating can be made. For the hedge(fence tree), he recommended Trifoliolate orange(Poncitus trifoliata), Rose of sharon(Hibiscus syriacus), Willow(Salix koreensis), Spindle tree(Euonymus japonica), Cherry tree(Prunus tomentosa), Acanthopanax tree(Acanthopanax sessiliflorus), Japanese apricot tree(Prunus mume), Chinese wolf berry(Lycium chinense), Cornelian tree(Cornus officinalis), Gardenia(Gardenia jasminoides for. Grandiflora), Mulberry(Morus alba), Wild rosebush(Rosa multiflora) etc.

Ecological Studies on the Transition of Sheath Blight of Rice in Korea (한국(韓國)에서의 벼 잎집무늬마름병 발생변동(發生變動)에 관(關)한 생태학적(生態學的) 연구(硏究))

  • Yu, Seung-hun
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.283-316
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    • 1977
  • In an attempt to obtain a basic information to develop an effective integrated system of controlling sheath blight of rice in Korea, the transition of this disease, the variation of cultural characters and pathogenicity of the pathogen, environmental conditions affecting the disease outbreak and varietal resistance have been investigated. 1. Rice sheath blight which has been minor disease in the past was widely spread, especially since 1971. This disease has promptly spread all over the country and infected 65.2% of total rice growing area in 1976. Various factors are considered to be related to such transition of this disease. Above all, increace of application of nitrogenous fertilizer, early season and earlier cultivation of rice, introduction of more susceptible "Tongil" varieties etc. must be important factors influencing the outbreak of this disease. 2. Great variations in cultural characteristics-such as mycelial growth rate, color of the medium, amount of the aerial mycelium, shape and color of the sclerotia- and in the pathogenicity of isolates of the pathogen, Thanatephorus cucumeris Dank were observed. The optimum temperature for mycelial growth also varied with isolates, from $25^{\circ}C$ to $30^{\circ}C$. There were not necessarily any correlation between curtural characteristics and pathogenicity of isolates of Thanatephorus cucumens. 3. Mycelial grow th of isolates of Thanatephorus cucumens on the PDA medium were correlated with the air temperatures of the region where the isolates were collected. The isolates from the regions with high temperature grew well on PDA medium at $35^{\circ}C$ than those from the region with low temperature, on the other hand, the isolates from the regions with the low temperature grew well on the same medium at $12^{\circ}C$ than those from the regions with high temperature. 4. Pectin polygalacturonase (PG) and cellulase (Cx) were most active on the 3rd day after inoculation on the leaves of rice plant with Thanatephorus cucumeris, whereas pectin methylestrase (PE) was most active on the 4th day after inoculation. Relationship between the activities of PE of isolates and the strength of pathogenicity of isolates was obtained, but PG and cellulase activities were not correlated with pathogenicity of isolates. 5. The tolerence of sclerotia from in-vitro culture to low temperature varied with their water content, the dried cultural sclerotia were more tolerent than wet ones, Dried cultural sclerotia maintained almost 100% germinability for 45 days at $-20^{\circ}C$, whereas wet sclerotia lost viability at $-5^{\circ}C$. The germination ratio of the sclerotia after overwintering changed from 18% to 70% according to the water content of the test paddy fields and the ratio was low in wet paddy condition. 6. To investigate the host range of this fungi in and near paddy field, 17 weeds were inoculated with fungi. The lesions of sheath blight disease was obserbed on Sagittaria trifolia L., Echinochloa crusgalli P. Beauv., Monochoria vaginal is Presl, Polygonum Hydropiper L., Eclipta prostrata L., Digitaria sanguinalis Scapoli. 7. When the level of nitrogen applied was doubled over standard level, total nitrogen content in rice sheath increased, ami when silicate was applied, starch content in rice sheath decreased, inducing the rice plants more susceptible to sheath blight disease. Increased dressing of potash ferilizer reduced the incidence of sheat blight disease. 8. The percentage of infected stems in the early period increased more in the narrow hill plot than in the wide hill plot, but in the late period this tendency was inversed; the percentage of infected stems as well as severity in the wide hill plot increased more compared to the narrow hill plot, and the disease severity in the one plant per hill plot was also low. The number of stems in the wide hill plot was more than the number of stems in the narrow hill plot. This indicates that the microclimate, such as the relative humidity, in the narrow hill plot was more favorable for the development of this disease. 9. There was a high negative correlation between the disease severity of varieties to the sheath blight and the maturity of the varieties, that is, the early varieties were more susceptible than the late ones, and much-tillering varieties usually showed more infection than less tillering varieties. 10. No relationship was obtained between the percentage of infected stems in the early period and the severity after heading, whereas a distinct relationship was obtained between former and latter after Aug. 10.

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