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  • Title/Summary/Keyword: Crystalline Si solar cell

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Varying Refractive Index of Antireflection Layer for Crystalline Si Solar Cell

  • Yeo, In-Hwan;Park, Ju-Eok;Kim, Jun-Hui;Jo, Hae-Seong;Im, Dong-Geon
    • Proceedings of the Korean Vacuum Society Conference
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    • 2013.02a
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    • pp.702-702
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    • 2013
  • 태양전지에서 SiNX층은 반사방지막 역할과 태양전지 소자 보호 역할 2가지를 동시에 하고 있다. 태양전지에서 반사방지막은 굴절률 1.97, 두께 76 nm가 이론적으로 최적의 상태이다. PECVD장비를 이용하여 SiNx 층을 증착하였다. SiNX층 증착 시에 RF 파워와 혼합 가스를 변화한 후 굴절률을 측정하였다. RF 파워는 100~400 W로 변화시켰고 혼합가스 변화는 SiH4가스와 N2, H2, N2+H2 가스 각각을 같이 넣어 주면서 증착하였다. SiNX 가스 자체에 N2가 80%섞여 있는 가스를 사용하기 때문에 SiH4 가스자체 만으로도 SiNx층을 형성 할 수 있다. RF파워 300 W, SiH4 50 sccm, 기판 온도 300C, 공정시간 63초에서 굴절률 1.965, 두께 76 nm를 갖는 SiNx층을 형성 할 수 있었고 개방전압: 0.616 V, 전류밀도: 37.78 mA/cm2, 충실도:76.59%, 효율: 17.82%로 가장 높은 효율을 얻을 수 있었다.

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The characteristics of Efficiency through HIT layer thickness (HIT 층 두께 변화를 통한 태양전지 효율 특성)

  • Kim, Moo-Jung;Pyeon, Jin-Ho;Yi, Jun-Sin
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers Conference
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    • 2010.06a
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    • pp.232-232
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    • 2010
  • Simulation Program (AFORS-HET 2.4.1) was used, include the basic structure of crystalline silicon thin film as above, under the intrinsic a-Si:H films bonded symmetrical structure (Symmetrical structure) were used. The structure of ITO, a-Si p-type, intrinsic a-Si, c-Si, intrinsic a-Si, a-Si n-type, metal (Al) layer has one of the seven. When thickness for each layer was given the change, the changes of a-Si p-type layer and the intrinsic a-Si layer on top had an impact on efficiency. Efficiency ratio of p-type a-Si:H layer thickness was sensitive to, especially a-Si: H layer thickness is increased in a rapid decrease in Jsc and FF, and efficiency was also decreased.

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Correlation between Reverse Voltage Characteristics and Bypass Diode Operation with Different Shading Conditions for c-Si Photovoltaic Module Package

  • Lim, Jong-Rok;Min, YongKi;Jung, Tae-Hee;Ahn, Jae-Hyun;Ahn, Hyung-Keun
    • JSTS:Journal of Semiconductor Technology and Science
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    • v.15 no.5
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    • pp.577-584
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    • 2015
  • A photovoltaic (PV) system generates electricity by installing a solar energy array; therefore, the photovoltaic system can be easily exposed to external factors, which include environmental factors such as temperature, humidity, and radiation. These factors-as well as shading, in particular-lead to power degradation. When there is an output loss in the solar cell of a PV module package, the output loss is partly controlled by the bypass diode. As solar cells become highly efficient, the characteristics of series resistance and parallel resistance improve, and the characteristics of reverse voltage change. A bypass diode is connected in parallel to the string that is connected in series to the PV module. Ideally, the bypass diode operates when the voltage is -0.6[V] around. This study examines the bypass diode operating time for different types of crystalline solar cells. It compares the reverse voltage characteristics between the single solar cell and polycrystalline solar cell. Special modules were produced for the experiment. The shading rate of the solar cell in the specially made solar energy module was raised by 5% each time to confirm that the bypass diode was operating. The operation of the bypass diode is affected not only by the reverse voltage but also by the forward bias. This tendency was verified as the number of strings increased.

Optimizing of Diffusion Condition in Spin on Doping for c-Si Solar Cell (스핀 도핑을 이용한 단결정 실리콘 태양전지 확산 공정 최적화)

  • Yeo, In Hwan;Park, Ju Eok;Kim, Jun Hee;Cho, Hae Sung;Lim, Donggun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers
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    • v.26 no.5
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    • pp.410-414
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    • 2013
  • Rapid thermal processing (RTP) abruptly decreases the time required to perform solar cell processes. RTP were used to form emitter of crystalline silicon solar cells. The emitter sheet resistance is studied as a function of time and temperature. The objective of this study is reduction of doping process time with same performance. Emitter difRapid thermal dfusion was carried out by using a spin on doping and a RTP. iffusion was performed in the temperature range of 700750C for 1m 30s~15 m. Thermal budgets yielded a 50Ω/sq emitter using a P509 source. To reduce process time and get high efficiency, rapid thermal diffusion by IR lamp was employed in air atmosphere at 700C for 15 m.

A Study on the Vacuum Casting of Poly-Si Wafer (다결정 Si 기판의 진공주조법에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Geun-Hee;Lee, Zin-Hyoung
    • Journal of Korea Foundry Society
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.188-196
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    • 2000
  • A vacuum casting was proposed as a new fabrication method of Si wafer for solar cell substrate. It was tried to fabricate a Si plate with good properties and to reduce the production cost by direct vacuum casting. By 510 cmHg of pressure difference Si plate with 50×46×1.5mm3 was fabricated. For the preventing of the reaction between graphite mold and Si melt, BN powder coating or BN insert were used. The Si wafer was poly crystalline with 100 μm1 mm order of grain size. And there were some twins and dislocations in the grains.

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Enhanced Photoelectrochemical Behavior of Gold-coated Porous n-Si Electrochemically Modified with Polyaniline

  • Park, Soo-Jin;Chae, Won-Seok;Kim, Kang-Jin
    • Analytical Science and Technology
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.637-642
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    • 1995
  • The presence of a porous Si layer(PSL) formed on the surface of crystalline silicon by electrochemical etclling in HF solution is found to enhance the stability of n-Si photoanodes, but porous n-Si thus formed is still liable to corrode upon exposure to excitation light. To improve the stability of the porous n-Si electrodes and to reduce the photo-induced corrosion, we have examined the PEC behavior of porous n-Si modified with polyaniline(PANI) and 3 nm thick layer of Au. Comparisons were made between Au/PSL and PANl/Au/PSL photoelectrodes.

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고효율 저가형 결정질 실리콘 태양전지에 적용될 Ni/Cu 전극 및 Ni silicide 형성에 대한 연구

  • Kim, Min-Jeong;Lee, Su-Hong
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers Conference
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    • 2009.11a
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    • pp.260-260
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    • 2009
  • In high-efficiency crystalline silicon solar cell, If high-efficiency solar cells are to be commercialized, It is need to develop superior contact formation method and material that can be inexpensive and simple without degradation of the solar cells ability. For reason of plated metallic contact is not only high metallic purity but also inexpensive manufacture. It is available to apply mass production. Especially, Nickel, Copper are applied widely in various electronic manufactures as easily formation is available by plating. Ni is shown to be a suitable barrier to Cu diffusin as well as desirable contact metal to silicon. Nickel monosilicide has been suggested as a suitable silicide due to its lower resistivitym lower sintering temperature and lower layer stress than TiSi2. In this paper, Nickel as a seed layer and diffusion barrier is plated by electroless plating to make nickel monosilicide.

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Optimal Water-cooling Tube Design for both Defect Free Process Operation and Energy Minimization in Czochralski Process (무결정결함영역을 유지하면서 에너지를 절감하는 초크랄스키 실리콘 단결정 성장로 수냉관 최적 설계)

  • Chae, Kang Ho;Cho, Na Yeong;Cho, Min Je;Jung, Hyeon Jun;Jung, Jae Hak;Sung, Su Whan;Yook, Young Jin
    • Current Photovoltaic Research
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.49-55
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    • 2018
  • Recently solar cell industry needs the optimal design of Czochralski process for low cost high quality silicon mono crystalline ingot. Because market needs both high efficient solar cell and similar cost with multi-crystalline Si ingot. For cost reduction in Czochralski process, first of all energy reduction should be completed because Czochralski process is high energy consumption process. For this purpose we studied optimal water-cooling tube design and simultaneously we also check the quality of ingot with Von mises stress and V(pull speed of ingot)/G(temperature gradient to the crystallization) values. At this research we used CGSim(R) S/W package and finally we got improved water-cooling tube design than normally used process in present industry. The optimal water-cooling tube length should be 200mm. The result will be adopted at real industry.

Efficiency Improvement in Screen Printed Crystalline Silicon Solar Cell with Cu Plating

  • Jeong, Myeong-Sang;Gang, Min-Gu;Song, Hui-Eun;Jang, Hyo-Sik
    • Proceedings of the Korean Vacuum Society Conference
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    • 2013.08a
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    • pp.313.1-313.1
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    • 2013
  • 현재 결정질 실리콘 태양전지의 전 후면 전극의 형성은 스크린 프린팅 방법이 주를 이루고 있다. 스크린 프린팅 방법은 쉽고 빠르게 인쇄가 가능한 반면 단가가 높고 금속 페이스트에 첨가된 여러 혼합물에 의해서 전극과 기판 사이의 저항이 크다는 단점이 있다. 본 논문에서는 스크린 프린팅 방법으로 태양전지의 seed layer를 인쇄하고, Cu도금을 진행함으로써 태양전지의 전기적 특성을 비교하였다. 주요 전극 형성을 Cu 도금을 사용함으로써 전극과 기판사이의 저항을 감소시키고 값비싼 Ag페이스트를 값싼 Cu로 대체함으로써 가격을 낮출 수 있는 장점이 있다. 실험에 사용된 Si 웨이퍼 특성은 156×156 mm2, 200 μm, 0.5-3.0 Ωcm and p-type 웨이퍼를 사용하였다. 웨이퍼는 표면조직화, p-n접합 형성, 반사방지막 코팅을 하였으며 스크린 프린팅 방법을 이용해 전 후면 전극을 인쇄하고 열처리 과정을 통해 전극을 형성하였다. 이 후 전면에 Cu도금을 실행하여 태양전지를 완성하였다. 완성된 태양전지는 솔라 시뮬레이터 및 TLM패턴을 이용하여 전기적 특성을 분석하였으며, SEM과 linescan, 광학현미경 등을 이용하여 전극을 분석하였다.

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Applications of XPS and SIMS for the development of Si quantum dot solar cell

  • Kim, Gyeong-Jung;Hong, Seung-Hwi;Kim, Yong-Seong;Lee, U;Kim, Yeong-Heon;Seo, Se-Yeong;Jang, Jong-Sik;Sin, Dong-Hui;Choe, Seok-Ho
    • Proceedings of the Korean Vacuum Society Conference
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    • 2010.08a
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    • pp.297-297
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    • 2010
  • Precise control of the position and density of doping elements at the nanoscale is becoming a central issue for realizing state-of-the-art silicon-based optoelectronic devices. As dimensions are scaled down to take benefits from the quantum confinement effect, however, the presence of interfaces and the nature of materials adjacent to silicon turn out to be important and govern the physical properties. Utilization of visible light is a promising method to overcome the efficiency limit of the crystalline Si solar cells. Si quantum dots (QDs) have been proposed as an emission source of visible light, which is based on the quantum confinement effect. Light emission in the visible wavelength has been reported by controlling the size and density of Si QDs embedded within various types of insulating matrix. For the realization of all-Si QD solar cells with homojunctions, it is prerequisite not only to optimize the impurity doping for both p- and n-type Si QDs, but also to construct p-n homojunctions between them. In this study, XPS and SIMS were used for the development of p-type and n-type Si quantum dot solar cells. The stoichiometry of SiOx layers were controlled by in-situ XPS analysis and the concentration of B and P by SIMS for the activated doping in Si nano structures. Especially, it has been experimentally evidenced that boron atoms in silicon nanostructures confined in SiO2 matrix can segregate into the Si/SiO2 interfaces and the Si bulk forming a distinct bimodal spatial distribution. By performing quantitative analysis and theoretical modelling, it has been found that boron incorporated into the four-fold Si crystal lattice can have electrical activity. Based on these findings, p-type Si quantum dot solar cell with the energy-conversion efficiency of 10.2% was realized from a [B-doped SiO1.2(2 nm)/SiO2(2nm)]25 superlattice film with a B doping level of 4.0×1020atoms/cm2.

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