• Title/Summary/Keyword: Crop model evaluation

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Detection Model of Fruit Epidermal Defects Using YOLOv3: A Case of Peach (YOLOv3을 이용한 과일표피 불량검출 모델: 복숭아 사례)

  • Hee Jun Lee;Won Seok Lee;In Hyeok Choi;Choong Kwon Lee
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.113-124
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    • 2020
  • In the operation of farms, it is very important to evaluate the quality of harvested crops and to classify defective products. However, farmers have difficulty coping with the cost and time required for quality assessment due to insufficient capital and manpower. This study thus aims to detect defects by analyzing the epidermis of fruit using deep learning algorithm. We developed a model that can analyze the epidermis by applying YOLOv3 algorithm based on Region Convolutional Neural Network to video images of peach. A total of four classes were selected and trained. Through 97,600 epochs, a high performance detection model was obtained. The crop failure detection model proposed in this study can be used to automate the process of data collection, quality evaluation through analyzed data, and defect detection. In particular, we have developed an analytical model for peach, which is the most vulnerable to external wounds among crops, so it is expected to be applicable to other crops in farming.

Analysis of Ganwol Estuarine Reservoir Salinity Using HSPF-EFDC Coupled Model and Evaluation of its Suitability for Agricultural Water Use (HSPF-EFDC 연계모형을 활용한 간월호 염분 농도 분석 및 농업용수 적합성 평가)

  • An, Jaeyoung;Kim, Sinae;Hwang, Soonho;Park, Seongjae;Oh, Seoju;Kwak, Jihye;Kim, Jihye;Song, Jung-Hun;Kang, Moon-Seong
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.67 no.1
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    • pp.77-91
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    • 2025
  • This study employed a coupled HSPF-EFDC model to examine the three-dimensional salinity distribution within the Ganwol estuarine reservoir and assess the suitability of its water for field crops and rice cultivation. The HSPF model was used to calculate river inflows from the upstream watershed, which subsequently served as boundary conditions for the EFDC model to simulate water levels and spatial salinity distributions. Model calibration and validation indicated generally satisfactory performance, although some discrepancies were observed during low-flow periods. Results showed that the reservoir's salinity was primarily affected by river inflows, seasonal variations, and potential seepage through the barrage or floodgates. According to FAO salinity thresholds, median salinity levels at various pumping stations generally fell into the "Slight to Moderate" restriction category for field crops, with outliers occasionally reaching "Severe" levels. For rice, median salinity levels in most stations were sufficient to maintain 75-100% yield potential, yet extreme salinity events could reduce yields by over 50%. These findings underscore the necessity for comprehensive management strategies-such as monitoring seawater intrusion and investigating crop varieties more resilient to salinity-to optimize agricultural water use. Overall, this study provides foundational information for effective salinity management in estuarine reservoirs, contributing to improved agricultural productivity and sustainable water resource utilization in reclaimed areas.

Evaluation of Operations Performance of Agricultural Products Supply Chain Using ROIC Tree (ROIC 나무를 이용한 농산물 공급망의 운영 성과 평가)

  • Min, Choon-Ki;Chang, Byeong-Yun
    • Journal of the Korea Society for Simulation
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.121-129
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    • 2014
  • The importance of evaluation of farming performance has been increasing with the progress of farm size and capitalization, and with the introduction of the concept of the 6th industry to agriculture. In this research, ROIC(Return on Invested Capital) tree technique was examined as a new method for analyzing operations performance of supply chain for farm produce. Current practices of production and distribution of blueberry, model crop, were investigated and ROIC tree for blueberry has been set up from the survey of the supply chain. Then, it was simulated with real values collected from the participants in the supply chain and the previous studies using a spreadsheet program. The resulting ROIC value was compared with those of other industries and the conventional performance analysis method. Features of the evaluation technique were identified and it was proposed how to apply it to agricultural field in the future.

HSPF and SWAT Modelling for Identifying Runoff Reduction Effect of Nonpoint Source Pollution by Rice Straw Mulching on Upland Crops (볏짚 피복에 의한 밭 비점오염원 유출저감효과 분석을 위한 HSPF와 SWAT 모델링)

  • Jung, Chung Gil;Ahn, So Ra;Kim, Seong Joon;Yang, Hee Jeong;Lee, Hyung Jin;Park, Geun Ae
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.55 no.2
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    • pp.47-57
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    • 2013
  • This study is to assess the reduction of non-point source pollution loads for rice straw mulching of upland crop cultivation at a watershed scale. For Byulmi-cheon watershed (1.21 $km^2$) located in the upstream of Gyeongan-cheon, the HSPF (Hydrological Simulation Program-Fortran) and SWAT (Soil and Water Assesment Tool), physically based distributed hydrological models were applied. Before evaluation, the model was calibrated and validated using 9 rainfall events. The Nash-Sutcliffe model efficiency (NSE) for streamflow using the HSPF was 0.62~0.76 and the determination coefficient ($R^2$) for water quality (sediment, total nitrogen T-N, and total phosphorus T-P) were 0.72, 0.62, and 0.63 respectively. The NSE for streamflow using the SWAT were 0.43~0.81 and the $R^2$ for water quality (sediment, T-N, and T-P) were 0.54, 0.87, and 0.64 respectively. From the field experiment of 16 rainfall events, the rice straw cover condition reduced surface runoff average 10.0 % compared to normal surface condition. By handling infiltration capacity (INFILT) in HSPF model, the value of 16.0 mm/hr was found to reduce about 10.0 % reduction of surface runoff. For this condition, the reduction effect of sediment, T-N, and T-P loads were 87.2, 28.5, and 85.1 % respectively. By handling soil hydraulic conductivity (SOL_K) in SWAT model, the value of 111.2 mm/hr was found to reduce about 10.0 point reduction of surface runoff. For this condition, the reduction effect of sediment, T-N, and T-P loads were 80.0, 83.2, and 78.7 % respectively. The rice straw surface covering was effective for removing surface runoff dependent loads such as sediment and T-P.

Herbicidal Phytotoxicity under Adverse Environments and Countermeasures (불량환경하(不良環境下)에서의 제초제(除草劑) 약해(藥害)와 경감기술(輕減技術))

  • Kwon, Y.W.;Hwang, H.S.;Kang, B.H.
    • Korean Journal of Weed Science
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.210-233
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    • 1993
  • The herbicide has become indispensable as much as nitrogen fertilizer in Korean agriculture from 1970 onwards. It is estimated that in 1991 more than 40 herbicides were registered for rice crop and treated to an area 1.41 times the rice acreage ; more than 30 herbicides were registered for field crops and treated to 89% of the crop area ; the treatment acreage of 3 non-selective foliar-applied herbicides reached 2,555 thousand hectares. During the last 25 years herbicides have benefited the Korean farmers substantially in labor, cost and time of farming. Any herbicide which causes crop injury in ordinary uses is not allowed to register in most country. Herbicides, however, can cause crop injury more or less when they are misused, abused or used under adverse environments. The herbicide use more than 100% of crop acreage means an increased probability of which herbicides are used wrong or under adverse situation. This is true as evidenced by that about 25% of farmers have experienced the herbicide caused crop injury more than once during last 10 years on authors' nationwide surveys in 1992 and 1993 ; one-half of the injury incidences were with crop yield loss greater than 10%. Crop injury caused by herbicide had not occurred to a serious extent in the 1960s when the herbicides fewer than 5 were used by farmers to the field less than 12% of total acreage. Farmers ascribed about 53% of the herbicidal injury incidences at their fields to their misuses such as overdose, careless or improper application, off-time application or wrong choice of the herbicide, etc. While 47% of the incidences were mainly due to adverse natural conditions. Such misuses can be reduced to a minimum through enhanced education/extension services for right uses and, although undesirable, increased farmers' experiences of phytotoxicity. The most difficult primary problem arises from lack of countermeasures for farmers to cope with various adverse environmental conditions. At present almost all the herbicides have"Do not use!" instructions on label to avoid crop injury under adverse environments. These "Do not use!" situations Include sandy, highly percolating, or infertile soils, cool water gushing paddy, poorly draining paddy, terraced paddy, too wet or dry soils, days of abnormally cool or high air temperature, etc. Meanwhile, the cultivated lands are under poor conditions : the average organic matter content ranges 2.5 to 2.8% in paddy soil and 2.0 to 2.6% in upland soil ; the canon exchange capacity ranges 8 to 12 m.e. ; approximately 43% of paddy and 56% of upland are of sandy to sandy gravel soil ; only 42% of paddy and 16% of upland fields are on flat land. The present situation would mean that about 40 to 50% of soil applied herbicides are used on the field where the label instructs "Do not use!". Yet no positive effort has been made for 25 years long by government or companies to develop countermeasures. It is a really sophisticated social problem. In the 1960s and 1970s a subside program to incoporate hillside red clayish soil into sandy paddy as well as campaign for increased application of compost to the field had been operating. Yet majority of the sandy soils remains sandy and the program and campaign had been stopped. With regard to this sandy soil problem the authors have developed a method of "split application of a herbicide onto sandy soil field". A model case study has been carried out with success and is introduced with key procedure in this paper. Climate is variable in its nature. Among the climatic components sudden fall or rise in temperature is hardly avoidable for a crop plant. Our spring air temperature fluctuates so much ; for example, the daily mean air temperature of Inchon city varied from 6.31 to $16.81^{\circ}C$ on April 20, early seeding time of crops, within${\times}$2Sd range of 30 year records. Seeding early in season means an increased liability to phytotoxicity, and this will be more evident in direct water-seeding of rice. About 20% of farmers depend on the cold underground-water pumped for rice irrigation. If the well is deep over 70m, the fresh water may be about $10^{\circ}C$ cold. The water should be warmed to about $20^{\circ}C$ before irrigation. This is not so practiced well by farmers. In addition to the forementioned adverse conditions there exist many other aspects to be amended. Among them the worst for liquid spray type herbicides is almost total lacking in proper knowledge of nozzle types and concern with even spray by the administrative, rural extension officers, company and farmers. Even not available in the market are the nozzles and sprayers appropriate for herbicides spray. Most people perceive all the pesticide sprayers same and concern much with the speed and easiness of spray, not with correct spray. There exist many points to be improved to minimize herbicidal phytotoxicity in Korea and many ways to achieve the goal. First of all it is suggested that 1) the present evaluation of a new herbicide at standard and double doses in registration trials is to be an evaluation for standard, double and triple doses to exploit the response slope in making decision for approval and recommendation of different dose for different situation on label, 2) the government is to recognize the facts and nature of the present problem to correct the present misperceptions and to develop an appropriate national program for improvement of soil conditions, spray equipment, extention manpower and services, 3) the researchers are to enhance researches on the countermeasures and 4) the herbicide makers/dealers are to correct their misperceptions and policy for sales, to develop database on the detailed use conditions of consumer one by one and to serve the consumers with direct counsel based on the database.

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The application of alternative methods for skin irritation evaluation on pesticides (농약에 대한 피부자극성 대체시험법 적용연구)

  • Jeong, Mi-Hye;Kim, Mi-Kyoung;Park, Soo-Jin;You, Are-Sun;Hong, Soon-Sung;Park, Kyung-Hun;Park, Jae-Eup
    • The Korean Journal of Pesticide Science
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.261-266
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    • 2012
  • It is common to use many experiment animals to evaluate the toxicity of chemicals including pesticides. For protecting animal, the concepts of 3R (Reduction, Replacement, Refinement) were introduced and in vitro alternatives methods actively have been developed all over the world. Many experimental animals for toxicological tests have been used, so that it is important to establish the alternative methods. In this study, the alternative method using reconstituted human skin model (Keraskin$^{TM}$) was conducted for classification of skin irritation on pesticides. Sixteen formulations selected on the basis of the degree of irritation were treated by Keraskin$^{TM}$ test. The percent of cell viability was measured into the culture medium collected after treatment of the pesticides for 24-72 hrs. The skin irritations of formulations were evaluated by the cell viability. In this study, The 4 formulations with mild irritation in rabbits were evaluated as nonirritant, the 6 formulations with moderate and severe irritation were evaluated as irritant in human skin model test. We suggest that the alternative test using Keraskin$^{TM}$ model could be used as toxicity evaluation for primary irritation index (P.I.I.) score of greater than or equal to 2.1 of pesticides. The further studies should be required to apply for hazardous assessment of pesticides on alternative skin irritation methods because of the interindividual variability of the sensitivity of skin irritation on pesticides.

Evaluation of Biogas Production Performance and Archaeal Microbial Dynamics of Corn Straw during Anaerobic Co-Digestion with Cattle Manure Liquid

  • Zhang, Benyue;Zhao, Hongyan;Yu, Hairu;Chen, Di;Li, Xue;Wang, Weidong;Piao, Renzhe;Cui, Zongjun
    • Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.739-747
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    • 2016
  • The rational utilization of crop straw as a raw material for natural gas production is of economic significance. In order to increase the efficiency of biogas production from agricultural straw, seasonal restrictions must be overcome. Therefore, the potential for biogas production via anaerobic straw digestion was assessed by exposing fresh, silage, and dry yellow corn straw to cow dung liquid extract as a nitrogen source. The characteristics of anaerobic corn straw digestion were comprehensively evaluated by measuring the pH, gas production, chemical oxygen demand, methane production, and volatile fatty acid content, as well as applying a modified Gompertz model and high-throughput sequencing technology to the resident microbial community. The efficiency of biogas production from fresh straw (433.8 ml/g) was higher than that of production from straw silage and dry yellow straw (46.55 ml/g and 68.75 ml/g, respectively). The cumulative biogas production from fresh straw, silage straw, and dry yellow straw was 365 l-1 g-1 VS, 322 l-1 g-1 VS, and 304 l-1 g-1 VS, respectively, whereas cumulative methane production was 1,426.33%, 1,351.35%, and 1,286.14%, respectively, and potential biogas production was 470.06 ml-1 g-1 VS, 461.73 ml-1 g-1 VS, and 451.76 ml-1 g-1 VS, respectively. Microbial community analysis showed that the corn straw was mainly metabolized by acetate-utilizing methanogens, with Methanosaeta as the dominant archaeal community. These findings provide important guidance to the biogas industry and farmers with respect to rational and efficient utilization of crop straw resources as material for biogas production.

Effect of Presowing Seed Treatments on Germination and Seedling Emergence in Taraxacum platycarpum (민들레 종자의 파종전 처리가 발아율 및 입모율에 미치는 영향)

  • Jeon, Seung-Ho;Son, Daniel;Ryu, Yeong-Seop;Kim, Seok-Hyeon;Chung, Jong-Il;Kim, Min-Chul;Shim, Sang-In
    • Korean Journal of Medicinal Crop Science
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.9-14
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    • 2010
  • Several presowing seed treatments have been used to facilitate the seed germination and seedling emergence. The study was performed to design a model of presowing seed treatments in Taraxacum platycarpum. Germination and seedling growth responses to temperature, drying, chilling, $GA_3$ and priming were investigated to know the optimum germination conditions and presowing treatment. The optimum temperature condition for germination and seedling growth were $15{\sim}20^{\circ}C$ at dark condition. The seeds exposed to infra red light, however, did not germinate. The moisture content of seeds dried at $35^{\circ}C$ for 3.5 hours was returned to the level of unimbibed seeds. The germination of seeds dried under dark condition was better than those dried under infra red light. Prechilling treatment imposed for 6 weeks showed higher germination rate than $GA_3$ treatment or priming. In field test, the highest field emergence was observed in the seeds dried after prechilled for 6 weeks and followed by drying followed by $GA_3$ > low temperature > $KNO_3$ priming. Imbibition with 0.1 mM $GA_3$ solution for 2 hours then drying at 35 for 3.5 hour under dark condition was effective to the practical presowing treatment for Taraxacum seeds.

Estimation of N Mineralization Potential and N Mineralization Rate of Organic Amendments as Affected by C:N Ratio and Temperature in Paddy Soil

  • Shin, Jae-Hoon;An, Nan-Hee;Lee, Sang-Min;Ok, Jung-Hun;Lee, Byun-Woo
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.49 no.6
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    • pp.712-719
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    • 2016
  • Understanding N mineralization dynamics in soil is essential for efficient nutrient management. An anaerobic incubation experiment was conducted to examine N mineralization potential and N mineralization rate of the organic amendments with different C:N ratio in paddy soil. Inorganic N in the soil sample was measured periodically under three temperature conditions ($20^{\circ}C$, $25^{\circ}C$, $30^{\circ}C$) for 90 days. N mineralization was accelerated as the temperature rises by approximately $10%^{\circ}C^{-1}$ in average. Negative correlation ($R^2=0.707$) was observed between soil inorganic N and C:N ratio, while total organic carbon extract ($R^2=0.947$) and microbial biomass C ($R^2=0.824$) in the soil were positively related to C:N ratio. Single exponential model was applied for quantitative evaluation of N mineralization process. Model parameter for N mineralization rate, k, increased in proportion to temperature. N mineralization potential, $N_p$, was very different depending on C:N ratio of organic input. $N_p$ value decreased as C:N ratio increased, ranged from $74.3mg\;kg^{-1}$ in a low C:N ratio (12.0 in hairy vetch) to $15.1mg\;kg^{-1}$ in a high C:N ratio (78.2 in rice straw). This result indicated that the amount of inorganic N available for crop uptake can be predicted by temperature and C:N ratio of organic amendment. Consequently, it is suggested that the amount of organic fertilizer application in paddy soil would be determined based on temperature observations and C:N ratio, which represent the decomposition characteristics of organic amendments.

Evaluation of the Effects of Hangover-Releasing Agent Containing Vinegar Extract in Common Buckwheat and Tartary Buckwheat on Alcohol Metabolism and Hangover Improvement (일반메밀과 쓴메밀의 식초 추출물의 알코올 대사 및 숙취개선 효능 평가)

  • Su Jeong Kim;Hwang Bae Sohn;A Hyun Park;Jong Nam Lee;Su Hyoung Park;Jung Hwan Nam;Do Yeon Kim;Dong Chil Chang;Yul Ho Kim
    • Korean Journal of Plant Resources
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    • v.36 no.5
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    • pp.435-445
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    • 2023
  • The aim of this study was to explore the effects of vinegar extract from seed of common buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench) and seed of tartary buckwheat (F. tataricum Gaertner) on acute ethanol-induced hangover in Sprague-Dawley rats. Vinegar extract from buckwheat is rich choline, quercetin and its glycoside, rutin known as flavonoid antioxidants. The test extract containing buckwheat was proven to alleviate hangovers through a significant reduction in the concentration of alcohol and acetaldehyde in the context of an alcohol-induced hangover model. Hepatic alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) and acetaldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH) activities were significantly higher in buckwheat vinegar-treated rats than in ethanol-treated rats. Moreover, tartary buckwheat vinegar upregulated antioxidant enzyme such as superoxide dismutase and Catalase activities in liver tissues. These results suggest that buckwheat vinegar extract could alleviate ethanol-induced hangover symptoms by elevating activities related to hepatic ethanol-metabolizing enzymes against ethanol induced metabolites, and in particular, tartary buckwheat should be further developed to be a novel anti-hangover material.