• Title/Summary/Keyword: Creatine

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Myocardial Protective Effect of Adenosine in Ischemic Rat Heart (흰쥐의 허혈심장에서의 Adenosine의 심근 보호 효과에 관한 연구)

  • 박승규
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.23 no.6
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    • pp.1090-1106
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    • 1990
  • This study was undertaken to investigate whether adenosine administered during cardioplegic arrest could enhance myocardial protection and improve recovery of function after ischemia. Isolated Langendorff-perfused rat hearts were subjected to 40 minutes of normothermic [37oC] ischemia. Control hearts [n=10] received modified St. Thomas’ cardioplegic solution, and the remaining hearts received modified St. Thomas’ cardioplegic solution with either 20 \ulcornerM [n=10], 200 \ulcornerM [n=10] adenosine. After ischemia of 40 minutes and 30 minutes of reperfusion, left ventricular contractility was superior in all groups of adenosine-treated hearts compared with control hearts. Furthermore, there was a significant incremental increase in functional recovery with increasing dose of adenosine. Post-ischemic diastolic stiffness was significantly better in all adenosine groups compared with controls. No differences were noted in coronary flow or myocardial water content between adenosine-treated and control hearts. These data demonstrate that adenosine administered in these concentrations provides myocardial protection, preservation of myocardial ATP and creatine phosphokinase and improved post-ischemic functional hemodynamic recovery after normothermic ischemia, presumably metabolically by reducing depletion of adenosine triphosphate, inducing rapid cardiac arrest and enabling improved post-ischemic recovery.

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Protective effect of green tea extract on doxorubicin induced cardiotoxicity in rats

  • Patil, Leena;Balaraman, R.
    • Advances in Traditional Medicine
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.137-143
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    • 2005
  • Doxorubicin induces oxidative stress leading to cardiotoxicity causing electrocardiogram abnormalities and increases in biomarkers associated with toxicity. Green tea extract (GTE) is reported to possess antioxidant activity mainly via its polyphenolic constituent, catechins. This study was intended to determine the effect of various doses of GTE (25, 50 and 100 mg/kg/day p.o. for 30 days) on doxorubicin-induced electrocardiographic and biochemical changes in rat heart. The latter included lactate dehydrogenase, creatine kinase, and glutamic oxaloacetate transaminase in serum and superoxide dismutase, catalase, and reduced glutathione, as well as membrane bound enzymes like $Na^+K^+ATPase,\;Ca^{2+}ATPase,\;Mg^{2+}ATPase$ and decreased lipid peroxidation in heart tissue Results demonstrated that rats which received GTE were less susceptible to such changes indicating protection afforded by GTE.

Effect of Topical Hypothermia on Myocardial Protection from Ischemia - Experimental study using isolated rat heart perfusion technique- (흰쥐의 적출된 작업성 심장에서 허혈성 심정지시 국소냉각법이 심근보호에 미치는 영향)

  • 최종범
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.231-239
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    • 1988
  • Currently numerous methods are in use for myocardial hypothermia as a myocardial preservation modality for cardiac operation. During cardiac ischemia after crystalloid cardioplegia[4C GIK solution], topical cold saline[Group I, a=9], topical ice slush[Group II, n=9] and topical ice chip[Group III, a=10] have been compared for myocardial surface cooling in the isolated rat heart model of cardiopulmonary bypass. During postischemic period, hemodynamic functions[aortic flow, coronary flow, peak aortic pressure and heart rate], biochemical enzymatic activities and cellular injuries with electron microscope were evaluated in this isolated rat heart perfusion model. Postischemic aortic flow, cardiac output and peak aortic pressure in Group I and Group II recovered better than Group III.[p< 0.05] Postischemic creatine kinase and lactate dehydrogenase leakages in Group II and Group III increased more than Group l and postischemic mitochondrial swelling in Group III was more severe than Group I, and Group II.[p< 0.05] These results suggest that topical cold saline was the better method than topical ice slush or topical ice chip as a myocardial preservation modality in the isolated rat heart model of cardiopulmonary bypass.

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Evaluation of Myocardial Damage during Open Heart Surgery (enzymatic and electrocardiographic evaluation) (개심술시의 심근손상에 관한 고찰)

  • Ahn, Hyuk
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.41-47
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    • 1980
  • Fifty one consecutive patients undergoing open heart surgery, twenty eight congenital and twenty three acquired heart disease, were studied between May and August 1979 in Dept. of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery SNUH. During the same time 10 patients of PDA were included in this study as control group. Four out of fifty one OHS patients, two ASD and two pulmonic stenosis patients, were operated without aortic cross-clamp. In all patients, serial determination of total level of creatine phosphokinase [CPK], lactic dehydrogenase [LDH], glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase [SGOT] were made preoperatively, operative day [immediate post-op], and post-operative days up to 7th day. Electrocardiograms were also evaluated serially. Open heart surgery patients were divided into two groups; Group A was aorta clamp time beyond SO minutes, and Group B was below 50 minutes. The peak level of each enzyme was compared, and electrocardiographic changes were also compared between groups. Although the electrocardiographic changes were more frequent in Group A [50%] than Group B [24%], the peak levels of each enzymes were almost same in Group A and Group B.

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Effect of Ginesen Saponin on Creatine Kinase Isoenzyme Activity of Skeletal Muscle (인삼 사포닌이 운동 흰쥐의 골격근 크레아틴 키나제 동위효소의 활성에 미치는 영향)

  • 여민경;남상열
    • The Korean Journal of Zoology
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.420-425
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    • 1991
  • 본 연구는 인삼 사포닌(Ponax ginseng C.A. Meyer)이 수영운동을 부하시킨 웅성 횐쥐(Sprague-Dawley 계, 360 $\pm$ 40 9)의 대퇴근 크레아틴 키나제(Creative Kinase, CK: E.C. 동위효소 활성에 미치는 영향을 연구하였다. 운동군은 3시간 동안 수영운동시켰으며 ,인삼군은 인삼 사포닌을 체중 Kg 당 120 mg 복강투여하였다. 인삼 사포닌을 투여한 운동군은 수영운동 1시간 전에 인삼 사포닌을 투여한 후 3시간 동안 수영시켰다. 인삼군의 MB-CK의 활성은 대조군보다 유의하게 증가하였다(P<0.01). 또한 인삼 비투여 운동군과 인삼 투여 운동군에서의 MM-CK활성은 대조군보다 각각 현저하게 증가하였고(P < 0.01와 P < 0.05), 특히 인삼 투여 운동군에서 BB-CK활성이 대조군보다 유의하게 증가하였다(P < 0.01). 인삼 사포닌은 일반적으로 CK-동위효소의 활성을 증가시키고, 운동은 MM-CK의 활성을 현저하게 증가시켰으며, 인삼 투여 운동군에서 BB-CK의 활성이 인삼 비투여 운동군보다 현저하게 증가하였다. 따라서 인삼 사포닌과 운동이 CK동위효소 활성에 상승의 효과를 나타내는 것으로 생각된다.

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Comparative Studies on the Effects of Total, Protopanaxadiol and ProtoBanaxatriol saponins of Ginseng 2. Their Effects on Blood Enzyme Activities in Rats (인삼 총사포닌, 디올계 및 트리올계 사포닌의 효과 2. 흰쥐의 몇가지 혈액효소활성에 미치는 영향)

  • 박창진;이동권
    • Journal of Ginseng Research
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.49-55
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    • 1981
  • The effects of total, protopanaxadiol-and protopanaxatriol-saponins on the in vitro activities of several enzymes in rat serum were observed Alkaline phosphatase activity was increased 61 % by total saponin and 46% by protopanaxatriol-saponin, compared to control group. While SCOT activity was slightly decreased by total saponin and protopanaxatriol- saponin, it was slightly increased by Protopanaxadiol-saponin And while SCPT activity was slightly decreased by total saponin, it was increased by protopanaxadiol-saponin and protopanaxatriol-saponin. Creatine phosphokinase activity had a tendency to be increased by protopanaxatriol-saponin. Lactate dehydrogenase activities were increased in three saponin treated groups, but those were nonignificant. Compared to the control group, lipase activity was increased by all saponin samples. It was increased 157% by total saponin The increase in lipase activity by total saponin corresponded with the decrease in serum t total lipid by total saponin .

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Evaluation of Cardioprotective Effects of DelNido Cardioplegia (DelNido 심정지액의 심근보호효과)

  • 우석정;장봉현;김규태
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.33 no.8
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    • pp.613-622
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    • 2000
  • Background: The aim of this study is to define the cardioprotective effects(functional and metabolic) of newly developed DelNido cardioplegic solution(containing plasma solution, mannitol, magnesium and lidocaine). Material and Method: This study assessed the function of rat hearts after itermittent infusion of DelNido cardioplegia with different preserving methods(Air or Icebox) for 2hours and perfusing the hearts on a Langendorff apparatus. Heart rate, left ventricular developed pressure(LVDP) and coronary flow, were measured at pre-ischemic, post-reperfusion 15min, 30min and 45min. Coronary flow was standardized to dry heart weight. Each weight was weighted to calculate water content. Creatine kinase-MB isoenzyme release was measured and ultrastructural assessment was done with electron microscopes. Result: DelNido group was better than St, Thomas group and Icebox group was better than Room-air group. Conclusion: DelNido cardioplegia have better myocardial protective effects than St. Thomas cardioplegia when they were preserved in the Room-air. But we can not tell the difference between Delnido cardiplegia with Air preserving method and St. Thomas cardioplegia with Icebox.

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Application of Joshi External Fixator for Treatment of Femoral Fracture In a Dog (개에서 대퇴골 골절의 치유를 위한 Joshi External Fixator의 적용 예)

  • 연성찬;손해룡;이효종
    • Journal of Veterinary Clinics
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.505-509
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    • 2000
  • A five-month old female dog was presented to Teaching Anilmal Hospital, Gyeongasng National University for femur fracture. Previously the dog had been presented to a local hospital. Orthopedic and blood examinations were conducted. There was absent response of conscious propri- oception. The dog stood knuckled onto the digits and had hock dropped, but showed no117a1 values in WBC.RBC, Hb, PCV, BUN, Creatine, Glucose, Cholesterol, AST and ALT. Plain radioaraphs were taken and there were abundant periosteal reaction and malalignment of fragments. The dog was anesthetized and prepared for aseptic surgery. Joshi external fixator and half pins were applied(uni lateral). AT 8 weeks after surgery, the pins were removed from the bone. The fracture was well healed wish no evidence of original fracture line. but mild muscle atropy and shortening of femur were found.

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Decrease of Surface Fibronectin Availability Required for Myoblast Adhesion by Tunicamycin (Tunicamycin에 의한 근원세포 접착에 필요한 표면 Fibronectin 유용성의 감소)

  • 정창룡;강만식
    • The Korean Journal of Zoology
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.325-340
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    • 1987
  • 근세포 융합에 있어서 당단백질의 역할을 세포내 glycosylation의 저해제인 tunicamycin을 이용하여 검토하였다. 근세포가 읖합하기 전 여러 시기에 tunicamycin을 0.04091m숙 농도로 처리하면 세포내 glycosylation과 근세포 융합은 크게 감소되지만, 단백질 합성률과 creatine kinase 활성은 별로 변하지 않는 점으로 미루어 보아 근세포 표면의 당단백질은 세포간의 recognition과 adhesion에 관여하는 것으로 추정할 수있었다. 따라서, 표지된 Con A 염색법을 써서 근세포 원형질막의 당단백질의 변화를 검토해 본 결과 tunicamycin을 처리한 경우 원형질막 당단백질의 대부분이 감소됨을 볼 수 있었으며, 아울러 근세포내 단백질의 분해속도는 증가하고 fibronectin은 감소하는 현상을 관찰할 수 있었다. 한편, fibronectin(20 ug/ml) 을 tunicamycin과 같이 처리한 경우에는 융합이 억제되지 않았다. 이상의 결과들은 tunicamycin이 근세포가 adhesion하는데 필요한 세포막표면의 fibronectin의 유용성을 감소시킴으로써 근세포의 융합을 억제할 가능성을 제시하는 것이다.

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Changes of Blood Chemical Values on Dogs Infected with Babesia gibsoni (Babesia gibsoni 감염견의 혈액화학치 변화)

  • 이근우;장인호;송재찬;이성준
    • Journal of Veterinary Clinics
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.219-221
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    • 1998
  • This report was conducted to determine the changes of blood and serum chemical values on dogs infected with Babesia gibsoni. Blood and serum were obtained and analyzed with a blood chemical analyzer and calculated by Chauvent's statistical analysis. The mean values and SD were as follows, $AST 33{\pm} 23 IU/L, ALT 22{\pm}15 IU/L, BUN 18$\pm $8 mg/dl, creatinine 1.6{\pm}0.8 mg/dl, CPK 564{\pm}214 IU/L, LDH 208{\pm} 78 IU/L, ALP 52{\pm} 8 IU/L, glucose 89{\pm}38 mg/dl, RBC 3.04{\pm}0.77{\times}10^{6}/{\mu}l, hemoglobin 6.1{\pm} 1.3 g/dl, PCV 18.0{\pm }4.3%, $respectively.

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