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Seismic Performance Evaluation of Beam-Column Connection for Panel Zone Strength (패널존의 강도비에 따른 기둥-보 접합부의 내진성능 평가)

  • Kim, Sung-Young;Shin, Chang-Hoon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Hazard Mitigation
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    • v.7 no.1 s.24
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    • pp.11-20
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    • 2007
  • The study proposes the method to cancel the scallop to avoid fracture of the circumstance of the scallop at H shape column-to-beam connection and reinforce at beam flange two faces with the cover plates and rib. A total of four specimens were tested to enhance seismic performance of building structure by reducing the frequency of stress concentration and preventing the brittle fracture of scallop. For this purpose, four full-scale test specimens were made and loaded with quasi-static reversed cyclic loading. The main analytical parameters are panel-zone-strength ratio, yield strengths, initial stiffness, total plastic rotation, contribution of each element to total plastic rotation and energy dissipation capability. For the specimens tested under repeated loading, the experimental result was satisfied with seismic performance requirement as the Special Moment Frames (SMF). The analysis results show that all of the test specimens were found to have good performance to 4% story drift and satisfied the criteria for the plastic roation capacity of SMFs that is 0.03 rad. according to the 1997 AISC seismic provision.

Confinement Effects of High Strength Reinforced Concrete Tied Columns (고강도 철근콘크리트 띠철근 기둥의 구속효과)

  • 신성우;한범석
    • Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.578-588
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    • 2002
  • An experimental study was conducted to investigate the effectiveness of transverse reinforcement in reinforced concrete tied columns subjected to monotonically increasing axial compression. Eighteen large-scale columns(260×260×1200 mm) were tested. Effects of main variables such as the concrete compressive strength, the tie configuration, the transverse reinforcement ratio, the tie spacing, and the spatting of the concrete cover were considered. High-strength concrete columns under concentric axial loads show extremely brittle behavior unless the columns are confined with transverse reinforcement that can provide sufficiently high lateral confinement pressure There is a consistent decrease in deformability of column specimen with increasing concrete strength. Test results were compared with the previous confinement model such as modified Kent-Park, Sheikh-Uzumeri, Mander, and Saatcioglu-Razvi model. The comparison indicates that many previous models for confined concrete overestimate or underestimate the ductility of confined concrete.

Etch characteristics of TiN thin film adding Cl2 in BCl3/Ar Plasma (BCl3/Ar 플라즈마에서 Cl2 첨가에 따른 TiN 박막의 식각 특성)

  • Um, Doo-Seung;Kang, Chan-Min;Yang, Xue;Kim, Dong-Pyo;Kim, Chang-Il
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers Conference
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    • 2008.06a
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    • pp.168-168
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    • 2008
  • Dimension of a transistor has rapidly shrunk to increase the speed of device and to reduce the power consumption. However, it is accompanied with several problems like direct tunneling through the gate dioxide layer and low conductivity characteristic of poly-Si gate in nano-region. To cover these faults, study of new materials is urgently needed. Recently, high dielectric materials like Al2O3, ZrO2, and HfO2 are being studied for equivalent oxide thickness (EOT). However, poly-Si gate is not compatible with high-k materials for gate-insulator. Poly Si gate with high-k material has some problems such as gate depletion and dopant penetration problems. Therefore, new gate structure or materials that are compatible with high-k materials are also needed. TiN for metal/high-k gate stack is conductive enough to allow a good electrical connection and compatible with high-k materials. According to this trend, the study on dry etching of TiN for metal/high-k gate stack is needed. In this study, the investigations of the TiN etching characteristics were carried out using the inductively coupled BCl3-based plasma system and adding Cl2 gas. Dry etching of the TiN was studied by varying the etching parameters including BCl3/Ar gas mixing ratio, RF power, DC-bias voltage to substrate, and Cl2 gas addition. The plasmas were characterized by optical emission spectroscopy analysis. Scanning electron microscopy was used to investigate the etching profile.

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Structure damage estimation due to tunnel excavation based on indoor model test

  • Nam, Kyoungmin;Kim, Jungjoo;Kwak, Dongyoup;Rehman, Hafeezur;Yoo, Hankyu
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.95-102
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    • 2020
  • Population concentration in urban areas has led traffic management a central issue. To mitigate traffic congestions, the government has planned to construct large-cross-section tunnels deep underground. This study focuses on estimating the damage caused to frame structures owing to tunnel excavation. When constructing a tunnel network deep underground, it is necessary to divide the main tunnel and connect the divergence tunnel to the ground surface. Ground settlement is caused by excavation of the adjacent divergence tunnel. Therefore, predicting ground settlement using diverse variables is necessary before performing damage estimation. We used the volume loss and cover-tunnel diameter ratio as the variables in this study. Applying the ground settlement values to the settlement induction device, we measured the extent of damage to frame structures due to displacement at specific points. The vertical and horizontal displacements that occur at these points were measured using preattached LVDT (Linear variable differential transformer), and the lateral strain and angular distortion were calculated using these displacements. The lateral strain and angular distortion are key parameters for structural damage estimation. A damage assessment chart comprises the "Negligible", "Very Slight Damage", "Slight Damage", "Moderate to Severe Damage", and "Severe to Very Severe Damage" categories was developed. This table was applied to steel frame and concrete frame structures for comparison.

Electrically Small and Broad-band Antenna with Active Elements (능동소자장하에 의한 소형광대역 안테나 연구)

  • 박성기;이두수
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Telematics and Electronics
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.28-34
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    • 1975
  • 텔레비젼 수신용 안테나로써 가장 널리 사용되고있는 Yagi안테나는 구조가 간단하고 지향성 이득등이 좋으나 방사주파수에 대한 반파장길이의 소자를 사용하므로 칫수가 커지고 주파수대역이 좁다. 따라서 설치 취급등에 불편을 느낄 경우가 많다. 한편 최근 일반적으로 아무곳에서나 용이하계 설치할 수 있을만큼 소형이면서 화질이 좋은 수상이 가능한 수신안테나에 대한 요망이 커지고 있는데 본 연구에서는 그 파장에 비해서 소형인 폴디드·다이폴 안테나 소자 2개를 좁은 간격으로 배열하고 이들을 이상결합하므로써 VHF텔레비젼전파의 고채널 주파수대에서 비교적 양한 단일지향성을 얻고 있다. 본 안테나에 능동소자를 이용한 저잡음광대역증폭기를 삽입한다면 다소자 Yagi안테나에 비나될 전후방비를 갖는위에 그의 이득도 크게 증가되어 일반수상안테나로 뿐만 아니라 고우스트 방지용실내안테나로서 상당한 기여틀 할것으로 생각된다. The Yagi antenna, which is most widely used for television receiving, has simple form and good directiyity as well as high gain, but it must be made with linear elements of half wave length. Therefore, the dimension of multi-element Yagi antenna becomes bulky and so a(ten it is inconvenient to install and handle, because of its big size. Moreover the frequency band width of the Yagi antenna is usually not broad enough to cover the total frequency range of VHF TV channels in our country. Recently, the aemand for an antenna which is not only small enough to install it easily anywhere but also assures good quality of pictures is generally increasing. In this study 2 elements o( folded dipole, which is small compared to its electrical ways length, are fixed parallel to each other with a narrow distance and the emfs induced in them are made to get together with some phase difference. This new phased array antenna has shown a relatively good unidirectivity through over the high channel VHF television frequency hand as well as the good PIB ratio which is comparable to that of multielements Yagi antenna. As a result this new antenna will be used as a VHF high channel TV receiving antenna and it may become better antighost antenna when used inside the room than other room antennas.

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Immigration Plant Characteristics of Seoullo 7017, as Artificial Foundation Greening Area, after completion 1 year (인공지반녹화지역인 서울로 7017 개원후 1년간의 이입식물 특성)

  • Cha, Doo-Won;Choi, Dong-Suk;Song, Jong-Won;Choe, Ji-Won;Oh, Choong-Hyeon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.15-36
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study is to provide basic data for the establishment of the management plan of Seoullo 7017 after analyzing the characteristics of immigration plants in addition to those introduced plants. The taxa number of plants appeared as 276 taxa including 82 families, 161 genera, 246 species, 1 subspecies, 22 varieties and 7 forms. Among them, immigration plants appeared 79 classification groups, including 32 families, 65 genera, 77 species and 2 varieties. Invasive alien plants appeared as 22 classification groups in 79 classification groups of immigration plants. The ratio of America origin plants, second period(1932~1960) in introduction time and the wide diffusion species is high. In June, the growth and occurrence time of the immigration plants was the highest by monthly the characteristics of the growth of the immigration plants, the immigration plants appeared mostly. In case of dormancy form among life-form, the therophytes(th), in the propagation form-radicoid form, the R5(monophyte), in the propagation form-disseminule form, the gravity D4(having no special modification for dissemination), and in the growth form, the erect form(e) was high. The various immigration plants appeared in green areas covered by Zoysia japonica and low Hedera helix densities. This study is the first flora study since Seoullo 7017 was opened in 2017. And so continuous flora monitoring is required for Seoullo 7017.

Flood Runoff Estimation for the Streamflow Stations in Namgang-Dam Watershed Considering Forest Runoff Characteristics (산림지역의 유출특성을 고려한 남강댐유역내 주요 하천관측지점에 대한 홍수유출량 추정)

  • Kim, Sung-Jae;Park, Tae-Yang;Jang, Min-Won;Kim, Sang-Min
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.52 no.6
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    • pp.85-94
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    • 2010
  • The objective of this study is to estimate the flood runoff for three guaged stations within Namgang-Dam watershed which are operated by KWATER. For a flood runoff simulation, HEC-HMS was applied and the simulated runoff was compared with observed from 2004 to 2008. The watershed area of Sancheong, Shinan, and Changchon were 693.6 km2, 413.4 km2, and 346.48 km2, respectively. The average runoff ratio of observed runoff for three watersheds were 0.725, 0.418, and 0.586, respectively. The dominant land cover of three watersheds are forest with the value of 71.6 %, 73.1 %, and 82.0 %. Three different cases according to the potential maximum retention of forest areas for calculating the curve number were applied to decrease the error between the simulated and observed. The simulated peak runoff of case 3 which applied the 90 % of potential maximum retention of curve number which is equivalent to AMCI for all the AMCI, AMCII, and AMCIII conditions showed least root mean square error (RMSE). The case 1, which was suggested by previous study, showed high discrepancy between the simulated and observed. Since the forest area consists of more than 70 % for all three watersheds, the application of curve number for forest is critical to improve the estimation errors. Further research is required to estimate the more accurate curve number for forest area.

The Effect Analysis of Compression Method on KOMPSAT Image Chain

  • Yong, Sang-Soon;Ra, Sung-Woong
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.23 no.5
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    • pp.431-437
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    • 2007
  • Multi-Spectral Camera(MSC) on the KOMPSAT-2 satellite was developed and launched as a main payload to provide 1m of GSD(Ground Sampling Distance) for one(1) channel panchromatic imaging and 4m of GSD for four(4) channel multi-spectral imaging at 685km altitude covering l5km of swath width. Since the compression on MSC image chain was required to overcome the mismatch between input data rate and output date rate JPEG-like method was selected and analyzed to check the influence on the performance. In normal operation the MSC data is being acquired and transmitted with lossy compression ratio to cover whole image channel and full swath width in real-time. In the other hand the MSC performance have carefully been handled to avoid or minimize any degradation so that it was analyzed and restored in KGS(KOMPSAT Ground Station) during LEOP(Launch and Early Operation Phase). While KOMPSAT-2 had been developed, new compression method based upon wavelet for space application was introduced and available for next satellite. The study on improvement of image chain including new compression method is asked for next KOMPSAT which requires better GSD and larger swath width In this paper, satellite image chain which consists of on-board image chain and on-ground image chain including general MSC description is briefly described. The performance influences on the image chain between two on-board compression methods which are or will be used for KOMPSAT are analyzed. The differences on performance between two methods are compared and the better solution for the performance improvement of image chain on KOMPSAT is suggested.

Effect of Sirikit Dam Operation Improvement on water shortage situations due to the land use and climate changes from the Nan Basin

  • Koontanakulvong, Sucharit;Suthidhummajit, Chokchai
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2015.05a
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    • pp.232-232
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    • 2015
  • Land use and climate changes are the important factors to determine the runoff and sediment loads from the watershed. The changes also affected to runoff volume/pattern to the dam operation and may cause flood and drought situations in the downstream area. Sirikit Dam is one of the biggest dams in Thailand which cover about 25 % of the runoff into the Central Plain where the Bangkok Capital is located. The study aims to determine the effect of land use change to the runoff/sediment volume pattern and the rainfall-runoff-sediment relationship in the different land use type. Field measurements of the actual rainfall, runoff and sediment in the selected four sub-basins with different type of land use in the Upper Nan Basin were conducted and the runoff ratio coefficients and sediment yield were estimated for each sub-basin. The effect of the land use change (deforestation) towards runoff/sediment will be investigated. The study of the climate change impact on the runoff in the future scenarios was conducted to project the change of runoff volume/pattern into the Sirikit Dam. The improvement of the Sirikit Dam operation rule was conducted to reduce the weakness of the existing operation rules after Floods 2011. The newly proposed dam operation rule improvement will then be evaluated from the water shortage situations in the downstream of Sirikit Dam under various conditions of changes of both land use and climate when compared with the situations based on the existing reservoir operation rules.

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The Current Status of Bacterial Identification by Wound Culture for Diabetic Foot Lesions in a Single Tertiary Hospital in South Korea (단일 3차 의료기관에 내원한 당뇨병성 족부병변 환자의 창상 배양검사를 통한 세균 검출 현황)

  • Jung, Sung Yoon;Lee, Myoung Jin;Lee, Seung Yup;Lee, Sang Yoon
    • Journal of Korean Foot and Ankle Society
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.100-107
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    • 2021
  • Purpose: The present study aimed to develop guidelines regarding initial choice of antibiotics for diabetic foot ulcers (DFU) by investigating bacterial isolates. Materials and Methods: This study included 223 DFU patients that visited a single tertiary hospital and underwent bacterial culture between January 2016 and February 2020. The study was conducted in two parts: 1) to compare bacterial isolates and wound healing according to comorbidities such as chronic kidney disease (CKD) and peripheral artery disease (PAD), and 2) to compare bacterial isolates according to wound depth using the Wagner classification. Results: Of the 223 patients, 43 had CKD (group A), 56 had PAD (group B), 30 had CKD and PAD (group C), and 94 had none of these comorbidities (group D). The isolation rate for multidrug-resistant gram-negative bacteria (MRGNB) and gram-negative to gram-positive bacteria ratio were highest in group C (p=0.018, p=0.038), and the proportion that achieved wound healing was lowest in group C (p<0.001). In the second part of the study, subjects were classified into 5 grades by wound depth using the Wagner classification; 13 grade I, 62 grade II, 60 grade III, 70 grade IV, and 17 grade V. No significant difference was observed between these grades in terms of isolation rates or gram-negative to gram-positive bacteria ratios. Conclusion: This study suggests antibiotics that cover gram-negative bacteria including MRGNB produces better results in the presence of CKD and PAD and that initial antibiotic choice should be based on the presence of CKD and PAD rather than wound depth.