• Title/Summary/Keyword: Cover Model

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A Generalized Model for the Prediction of Thermally-Induced CANDU Fuel Element Bowing (CANDU 핵연료봉의 열적 휨 모형 및 예측)

  • Suk, H.C.;Sim, K-S.;Park, J.H.
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.27 no.6
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    • pp.811-824
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    • 1995
  • The CANDU element bowing is attributed to actions of both the thermally induced bending moments and the bending moment due to hydraulic drag and mechanical loads, where the bowing is defined as the lateral deflection of an element from the axial centerline. This paper consider only the thermally-induced bending moments which are generated both within the sheath and the fuel and sheath by an asymmetric temperature distribution with respect to the axis of an element The generalized and explicit analytical formula for the thermally-induced bending is presented in con-sideration of 1) bending of an empty tube treated by neglecting the fuel/sheath mechanical interaction and 2) fuel/sheath interaction due to the pellet and sheath temperature variations, where in each case the temperature asymmetries in sheath are modelled to be caused by the combined effects of (i) non-uniform coolant temperature due to imperfect coolant mixing, (ii) variable sheath/coolant heat transfer coefficient, (iii) asymmetric heat generation due to neutron flux gradients across an element and so as to inclusively cover the uniform temperature distributions within the fuel and sheath with respect to the axial centerline. As the results of the sensitivity calculations of the element bowing with the variations of the parameters in the formula, it is found that the element bowing is greatly affected relatively with the variations or changes of element length, sheath inside diameter, average coolant temperature and its variation factor, pellet/sheath mechanical interaction factor, neutron flux depression factor, pellet thermal expansion coefficient, pellet/sheath heat transfer coefficient in comparison with those of other parameters such as sheath thickness, film heat transfer coefficient, sheath thermal expansion coefficient and sheath and pellet thermal conductivities.

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Effects of Organizational Justice on Emotions, Job Satisfaction, and Turnover Intention in Franchise Industry (조직공정성이 감정, 직무만족 그리고 이직의도에 미치는 영향)

  • Han, Sang-Ho;Lee, Yong-Ki;Lee, Jae-Gyu
    • The Korean Journal of Franchise Management
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.7-16
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    • 2018
  • Purpose - Turnover Intention in the franchise industry is becoming a very important issue. This study examines the structural relationships between organizational justice, emotion, job satisfaction, and turnover intention in the franchise industry. In this model, emotion was classified into two sub-dimensions such as positive and negative emotion. Research design, data, methodology - The sample of this study collected from employees of a food-service franchise company is representative. Copies of the questionnaire along with a cover letter were delivered by a research assistant to the human resources manager or the general manager of the selected food-service franchise firms after they agreed to participate in the study. In order to increase the response rate of the respondents, a small gift was provided to the respondents who completed the questionnaire. A total of 300 questionnaires were distributed and 285 returned responses, 9 responses were not usable due to missing information. Thus, a total of 276 responses were used using structural equation modeling with Smartpls 3.0. Results - The results showed that organizational justice had positive significant effects on positive emotion and job satisfaction. Job satisfaction had negative a significant effect on turnover intention. And negative emotion had positive significant effect on turnover intention. Conclusions - The results of this study provide some implications. If employees feel that the franchise headquarters is fair about the methods and procedures of decision making, resource allocation, information sharing, etc., it means that employees feel better. If the franchise's decision-making processes and methods and results are transparently disclosed and processed in accordance with the internal rules of the company, the employees will be able to fully understand and accept them. The results of this study also show that positive and negative emotions of service-based franchise employees have different effects on job attitude and organizational behavior. In particular, when negative emotions of employees are passed on to others and the results are negative, employees may feel that they are disoriented or wrong. Therefore, the franchise headquarters should try to inspire employees' sense of organizational community, and should pay attention to how to relieve the job stress and the fair distribution of work and rewards.

Assessing the Habitat Potential of Eurasian Otter (Lutra lutra) in Cheonggye Stream Utilizing the Habitat Suitability Index (서식지 적합성 지수를 이용한 청계천 수달의 서식지 평가)

  • In-Yoo Kim;Kwang-Hun Choi;Dong-Wook W. Ko
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.140-150
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    • 2023
  • The Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra) is an apex predator of the riparian ecosystem. It is a keystone and an indicator species; consequently, its presence suggests a sustainable water environment. Otter is a keystone species as a predator at the top of the food web in the aquatic environment and an indicator species representing the health of the aquatic environment. Although Eurasian otters disappeared from the Han River urban water system because of anthropogenic activities like habitat destruction, poaching, and environmental pollution in the 1980s, the species were sighted in the Cheonggye Stream, Jungrang Stream, and Seongnae Stream, which are urban sections of the Han River, in 2016 and 2021. Therefore, it is pertinent to assess the habitat potential in the area for conservation and management measures to ensure its permanent presence. However, existing studies on otter habitats focused on natural rivers and reservoirs, and there is a limit to applying them to habitats artificially confined habitats in narrow spaces such as tributaries in urban areas of the Han River. This study selected the Cheonggye Stream, an artificially restored urban stream, to evaluate its potential as a habitat for Eurasian otters in urban water environments using the habitat suitability index (HSI). The HSI was calculated with selected environment attributes, such as the cover, food, and threat, that best describe the L. lutra habitat. According to the results, the confluence area of Seongbuk Stream and Cheonggye Stream and the confluence area of Cheonggye Stream and Jungnang Stream were suitable otter habitats, requiring appropriate conservation efforts. The HSI model suggests a valuable method to assess the habitat quality of Eurasian otters in urban water environments. The study is crucial as it can help rehabilitate the species' populations by identifying and managing potential Eurasian otter habitats in highly urbanized areas of the Han River basin and its tributaries.

A Groundwater Potential Map for the Nakdonggang River Basin (낙동강권역의 지하수 산출 유망도 평가)

  • Soonyoung Yu;Jaehoon Jung;Jize Piao;Hee Sun Moon;Heejun Suk;Yongcheol Kim;Dong-Chan Koh;Kyung-Seok Ko;Hyoung-Chan Kim;Sang-Ho Moon;Jehyun Shin;Byoung Ohan Shim;Hanna Choi;Kyoochul Ha
    • Journal of Soil and Groundwater Environment
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    • v.28 no.6
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    • pp.71-89
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    • 2023
  • A groundwater potential map (GPM) was built for the Nakdonggang River Basin based on ten variables, including hydrogeologic unit, fault-line density, depth to groundwater, distance to surface water, lineament density, slope, stream drainage density, soil drainage, land cover, and annual rainfall. To integrate the thematic layers for GPM, the criteria were first weighted using the Analytic Hierarchical Process (AHP) and then overlaid using the Technique for Ordering Preferences by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) model. Finally, the groundwater potential was categorized into five classes (very high (VH), high (H), moderate (M), low (L), very low (VL)) and verified by examining the specific capacity of individual wells on each class. The wells in the area categorized as VH showed the highest median specific capacity (5.2 m3/day/m), while the wells with specific capacity < 1.39 m3/day/m were distributed in the areas categorized as L or VL. The accuracy of GPM generated in the work looked acceptable, although the specific capacity data were not enough to verify GPM in the studied large watershed. To create GPMs for the determination of high-yield well locations, the resolution and reliability of thematic maps should be improved. Criterion values for groundwater potential should be established when machine learning or statistical models are used in the GPM evaluation process.

Research on the Development of Customized Faculty Training Curriculum based on Diagnosis of Teaching Styles: Focusing on Teaching Styles based on Educational Competencies (교수유형 진단에 따른 교수 맞춤형 교육과정 개발 연구 : 교육역량 기반의 교수유형을 중심으로)

  • Seongah Lee;Hyeajin Yoon
    • Journal of Christian Education in Korea
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    • v.77
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    • pp.251-276
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    • 2024
  • This study aimed to enhance the educational competencies of instructors and improve the quality of higher education by identifying instructing types, developing an assessment diagnostic tool, and designing a customized faculty training curriculum for each type. To achieve this, a literature review and Delphi research were conducted. The results are summarized as follows: First, instructing types such as 'Star Lecturer', 'Learning Mentor', and 'Designer' were identified through the analysis of previous studies. Second, a diagnostic tool for determining an instructor's type was developed by modifying and enhancing Grasha's Teaching Style Inventory, which is widely used both domestically and internationally. This tool comprises 24 questions, with 8 questions for each type. Third, a curriculum was designed for each instructing type, consisting of common courses necessary for all types and specialized courses tailored to the characteristics of each type. The common courses cover essentials for lesson design, implementation, and evaluation, while the specialized courses cater to the unique needs of each instructing type. Fourth, the developed model, tools, and curriculum underwent validation. A Delphi method was employed with a group of 10 experts, leading to revisions and finalizations based on their feedback. This study has laid the groundwork for instructors to identify their own teaching styles and receive customized training, thereby enhancing their teaching effectiveness and overall educational quality. However, further research is necessary to develop systems and mechanisms for the operationalization of these findings, including incentives for instructors and strategies for disseminating information among participants.

A study model standardization by he body types of Jugori of Hanbok for middle-aged women (중년 여성을 위한 한복 저고리의 체형별 원형 연구)

  • 진현선;권미정
    • Journal of the Korea Fashion and Costume Design Association
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.13-24
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this study is to design Jugori model compatible with the body types of the middle-aged women especially from 40 to 59 years old. The result is as follows: We decided five items as the necessary items for designing jugori model : the bust girth (the breast & shoulder width), the B.P length, the neck width, the armhole circumference, and Hwa-jang. The breast & shoulder width are the size that comes out if the bust is divided by the breast & shoulder width on the basis of the side line, and Hwa-jang is a length measured with arms stretched out to 0° direction. With each person's physical characteristics considered, the application of the size of each body types and body parts is as follows: 1. The breast & shoulder width (1/4 portion) : We decided B/4+2cm as a standard size and, we adjusted the extra room on the basis of the discrepancy between the breast width and the shoulder width to make it fit well to the each body type. For the breast width (1/2 portion), we bisected the difference between the breast width and the shoulder width of the bust, and moved Gut-sup to the center of the Sup and Sup-sun for An-sup. According to the body type, the movement of the Sup for the people with big breasts gets bigger because there should be a big difference between the breast width and the shoulder width for them, and for the people with small breasts the movement will be relatively smaller. For the shoulder width (1/2 portion), we curved the back center line after we shortened as much as the difference between the amount of the shoulder width/2+1cm and of B/4+2cm. The movement of back center line will be bigger for a person with leaned-backward body type. 2. The front & back length: We made the front length to B.P length+2.5cm to have Jugori cover the breast point fully around the bust line, which is a vogue nowadays. For an upright body type, we decided the back length as (AH/2.2)+5cm. And for a bent-forward and a leaned-backward body type, we adjusted the calculation formulae differently taking the physical characteristics into account. We decided the back length (A) as (A.H/2.2)+5cm, and the front length (B) as the back length+5cm. So, (A+B) is the sum of the front length and the back length. Going back to the original formula, the front length is B.P+2.5cm. So, we can decide the back length if we subtract B.P+2.5cm from the sum of the front length and the back length. To make well-fit Jugoris, the front & back length are areas that we should pay attention to if we take each person's physical characteristics into consideration. 3. Go-dae (1/2 portion) : We decided Go-dae as the neck width/2+0.5cm. For an upright body type, because the base line which went down vertically from the tragion was straight, we generally decided Go-dae Dalim line as 1.0cm. But we decided Go-dae Dalim line down to 1.5cm for bent-forward type and up to 0.2cm for leaned-backward type because the upper half of the body of them was bent forward or leaned backward from the base line. 4. The armhole : We decided the armhole circumference as A.H/2+2cm with the whole extra room of 4cm. 5. The side line length : We can calculate the side line length to (the back length-the armhole)/2, and, in terms of the trend, 2.5cm will be appropriate.

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The Determination Factor's Variation of Real Estate Price after Financial Crisis in Korea (2008년 금융위기 이후 부동산가격 결정요인 변화 분석)

  • Kim, Yong-Soon;Kwon, Chi-Hung;Lee, Kyung-Ae;Lee, Hyun-Rim
    • Land and Housing Review
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    • v.2 no.4
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    • pp.367-377
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    • 2011
  • This paper investigates the determination factors' variation of real estate price after sub-prime financial crisis, in korea, using a VAR model. The model includes land price, housing price, housing rent (Jensei) price, which time period is from 2000:1Q to 2011:2Q and uses interest rate, real GDP, consumer price index, KOSPI, the number of housing construction, the amount of land sales and practices to impulse response and variance decomposition analysis. Data cover two sub-periods and divided by 2008:3Q that occurred the sub-prime crisis; one is a period of 2000:1Q to 2008:3Q, the other is based a period of 2000:1Q to 2011:2Q. As a result, Comparing sub-prime crisis before and after, land price come out that the influence of real GDP is expanding, but current interest rate's variation is weaken due to the stagnation of current economic status and housing construction market. Housing price is few influenced to interest rate and real GDP, but it is influenced its own variation or Jensei price's variation. According to the Jensei price's rapidly increasing in nowadays, housing price might be increasing a rising possibility. Jensei price is also weaken the influence of all economic index, housing price, comparing before sub-prime financial crisis and it is influenced its own variation the same housing price. As you know, real estate price is weakened market basic value factors such as, interest rate, real GDP, because it is influenced exogenous economic factors such as population structural changes. Economic participators, economic officials, consumer, construction supplyers need to access an accurate observation about current real estate market and economic status.

Predicting the Effects of Rooftop Greening and Evaluating CO2 Sequestration in Urban Heat Island Areas Using Satellite Imagery and Machine Learning (위성영상과 머신러닝 활용 도시열섬 지역 옥상녹화 효과 예측과 이산화탄소 흡수량 평가)

  • Minju Kim;Jeong U Park;Juhyeon Park;Jisoo Park;Chang-Uk Hyun
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.39 no.5_1
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    • pp.481-493
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    • 2023
  • In high-density urban areas, the urban heat island effect increases urban temperatures, leading to negative impacts such as worsened air pollution, increased cooling energy consumption, and increased greenhouse gas emissions. In urban environments where it is difficult to secure additional green spaces, rooftop greening is an efficient greenhouse gas reduction strategy. In this study, we not only analyzed the current status of the urban heat island effect but also utilized high-resolution satellite data and spatial information to estimate the available rooftop greening area within the study area. We evaluated the mitigation effect of the urban heat island phenomenon and carbon sequestration capacity through temperature predictions resulting from rooftop greening. To achieve this, we utilized WorldView-2 satellite data to classify land cover in the urban heat island areas of Busan city. We developed a prediction model for temperature changes before and after rooftop greening using machine learning techniques. To assess the degree of urban heat island mitigation due to changes in rooftop greening areas, we constructed a temperature change prediction model with temperature as the dependent variable using the random forest technique. In this process, we built a multiple regression model to derive high-resolution land surface temperatures for training data using Google Earth Engine, combining Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2 satellite data. Additionally, we evaluated carbon sequestration based on rooftop greening areas using a carbon absorption capacity per plant. The results of this study suggest that the developed satellite-based urban heat island assessment and temperature change prediction technology using Random Forest models can be applied to urban heat island-vulnerable areas with potential for expansion.

Development of Plant BIM Library according to Object Geometry and Attribute Information Guidelines (객체 형상 및 속성정보 지침에 따른 수목 BIM 라이브러리 개발)

  • Kim, Bok-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.52 no.2
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    • pp.51-63
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    • 2024
  • While the government policy to fully adopt BIM in the construction sector is being implemented, the construction and utilization of landscape BIM models are facing challenges due to problems such as limitations in BIM authoring tools, difficulties in modeling natural materials, and a shortage in BIM content including libraries. In particular, plants, fundamental design elements in the field of landscape architecture, must be included in BIM models, yet they are often omitted during the modeling process, or necessary information is not included, which further compromises the quality of the BIM data. This study aimed to contribute to the construction and utilization of landscape BIM models by developing a plant library that complies with BIM standards and is applicable to the landscape industry. The plant library of trees and shrubs was developed in Revit by modeling 3D shapes and collecting attribute items. The geometric information is simplified to express the unique characteristics of each plant species at LOD200, LOD300, and LOD350 levels. The attribute information includes properties on plant species identification, such as species name, specifications, and quantity estimation, as well as ecological attributes and environmental performance information, totaling 24 items. The names of the files were given so that the hierarchy of an object in the landscape field could be revealed and the object name could classify the plant itself. Its usability was examined by building a landscape BIM model of an apartment complex. The result showed that the plant library facilitated the construction process of the landscape BIM model. It was also confirmed that the library was properly operated in the basic utilization of the BIM model, such as 2D documentation, quantity takeoff, and design review. However, the library lacked ground cover, and had limitations in those variables such as the environmental performance of plants because various databases for some materials have not yet been established. Further efforts are needed to develop BIM modeling tools, techniques, and various databases for natural materials. Moreover, entities and systems responsible for creating, managing, distributing, and disseminating BIM libraries must be established.

Clickstream Big Data Mining for Demographics based Digital Marketing (인구통계특성 기반 디지털 마케팅을 위한 클릭스트림 빅데이터 마이닝)

  • Park, Jiae;Cho, Yoonho
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.143-163
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    • 2016
  • The demographics of Internet users are the most basic and important sources for target marketing or personalized advertisements on the digital marketing channels which include email, mobile, and social media. However, it gradually has become difficult to collect the demographics of Internet users because their activities are anonymous in many cases. Although the marketing department is able to get the demographics using online or offline surveys, these approaches are very expensive, long processes, and likely to include false statements. Clickstream data is the recording an Internet user leaves behind while visiting websites. As the user clicks anywhere in the webpage, the activity is logged in semi-structured website log files. Such data allows us to see what pages users visited, how long they stayed there, how often they visited, when they usually visited, which site they prefer, what keywords they used to find the site, whether they purchased any, and so forth. For such a reason, some researchers tried to guess the demographics of Internet users by using their clickstream data. They derived various independent variables likely to be correlated to the demographics. The variables include search keyword, frequency and intensity for time, day and month, variety of websites visited, text information for web pages visited, etc. The demographic attributes to predict are also diverse according to the paper, and cover gender, age, job, location, income, education, marital status, presence of children. A variety of data mining methods, such as LSA, SVM, decision tree, neural network, logistic regression, and k-nearest neighbors, were used for prediction model building. However, this research has not yet identified which data mining method is appropriate to predict each demographic variable. Moreover, it is required to review independent variables studied so far and combine them as needed, and evaluate them for building the best prediction model. The objective of this study is to choose clickstream attributes mostly likely to be correlated to the demographics from the results of previous research, and then to identify which data mining method is fitting to predict each demographic attribute. Among the demographic attributes, this paper focus on predicting gender, age, marital status, residence, and job. And from the results of previous research, 64 clickstream attributes are applied to predict the demographic attributes. The overall process of predictive model building is compose of 4 steps. In the first step, we create user profiles which include 64 clickstream attributes and 5 demographic attributes. The second step performs the dimension reduction of clickstream variables to solve the curse of dimensionality and overfitting problem. We utilize three approaches which are based on decision tree, PCA, and cluster analysis. We build alternative predictive models for each demographic variable in the third step. SVM, neural network, and logistic regression are used for modeling. The last step evaluates the alternative models in view of model accuracy and selects the best model. For the experiments, we used clickstream data which represents 5 demographics and 16,962,705 online activities for 5,000 Internet users. IBM SPSS Modeler 17.0 was used for our prediction process, and the 5-fold cross validation was conducted to enhance the reliability of our experiments. As the experimental results, we can verify that there are a specific data mining method well-suited for each demographic variable. For example, age prediction is best performed when using the decision tree based dimension reduction and neural network whereas the prediction of gender and marital status is the most accurate by applying SVM without dimension reduction. We conclude that the online behaviors of the Internet users, captured from the clickstream data analysis, could be well used to predict their demographics, thereby being utilized to the digital marketing.