• Title/Summary/Keyword: Coupling Metrics

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A Study on Self-Healing Bolted Joints using Shape Memory Alloy (형상기억합금을 이용한 자가치유 볼트접합부 시스템에 관한 연구)

  • Chang, Ha-Joo;Lee, Chang-Gil;Park, Seung-Hee
    • Journal of Korean Society of Steel Construction
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    • v.23 no.5
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    • pp.629-636
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    • 2011
  • This paper describes the smart structural system that uses smart materials for real-time monitoring and active control of bolted joints in steel structures. The impedance-based structural health monitoring (SHM) techniques, which utilize the electro-mechanical coupling property of piezoelectric materials, was used to detect loose bolts in bolted joints. By monitoring the measured electrical impedance and comparing it with the measured baseline, a bolt loosening damage was detected. The damage was evaluated quantitatively using the damage metrics in conductance signature with respect to the healthy states. When loosening damage was detected in the bolted joint, the external heater actuated the shape memory alloy (SMA) washer. Then the heated SMA washer expanded axially and adjusted the bolt tension to restore the lost torque. An experiment was conducted by integrating the piezoelectric-material-based SHM function and the SMA-based active control function on a bolted joint, after which the performance of thesmart self-healing joint system was investigated.

Ontology Modularization Evaluation Framework (온톨로지 모듈화 평가 프레임워크)

  • Oh, Sun-Ju
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.1-16
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    • 2010
  • Several techniques and methods for ontology modularization have been proposed recently. However, there are few ontology evaluation frameworks to evaluate these techniques and methods. Most researches on ontology modularization have not been focused on ontology modularization evaluation but ontology modularization process itself. In this paper, we devise a novel ontology modularization evaluation framework to measure the quality of ontology modules, logical integrity during modularization process and modularization tools. Experiments were conducted to validate the proposed framework. Three representative modularization approaches SWOOP, Prompt, and PATO were chosen and used to partition or extract modules from an ontology. Then the proposed evaluation framework is applied to these modules. The experiment results indicate that the modularization framework works well. The proposed framework would help ontology engineers improve ontology module quality, anticipate and reduce future maintenance as well as help ontology users to choose ontology modules that best meet their requirements.

Development of the Information Delivery System for the Home Nursing Service (가정간호사업 운용을 위한 정보전달체계 개발 I (가정간호 데이터베이스 구축과 뇌졸중 환자의 가정간호 전산개발))

  • Park, J.H;Kim, M.J;Hong, K.J;Han, K.J;Park, S.A;Yung, S.N;Lee, I.S;Joh, H.;Bang, K.S
    • Journal of Home Health Care Nursing
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    • v.4
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    • pp.5-22
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    • 1997
  • The purpose of the study was to development an information delivery system for the home nursing service, to demonstrate and to evaluate the efficiency of it. The period of research conduct was from September 1996 to August 31, 1997. At the 1st stage to achieve the purpose, Firstly Assessment tool for the patients with cerebral vascular disease who have the first priority of HNS among the patients with various health problems at home was developed through literature review. Secondly, after identification of patient nursing problem by the home care nurse with the assessment tool, the patient's classification system developed by Park (1988) that was 128 nursing activities under 6 categories was used to identify the home care nurse's activities of the patient with CAV at home. The research team had several workshops with 5 clinical nurse experts to refine it. At last 110 nursing activities under 11 categories for the patients with CVA were derived. At the second stage, algorithms were developed to connect 110 nursing activities with the patient nursing problems identified by assessment tool. The computerizing process of the algorithms is as follows: These algorithms are realized with the computer program by use of the software engineering technique. The development is made by the prototyping method, which is the requirement analysis of the software specifications. The basic features of the usability, compatibility, adaptability and maintainability are taken into consideration. Particular emphasis is given to the efficient construction of the database. To enhance the database efficiency and to establish the structural cohesion, the data field is categorized with the weight of relevance to the particular disease. This approach permits the easy adaptability when numerous diseases are applied in the future. In paralleled with this, the expandability and maintainability is stressed through out the program development, which leads to the modular concept. However since the disease to be applied is increased in number as the project progress and since they are interrelated and coupled each other, the expand ability as well as maintainability should be considered with a big priority. Furthermore, since the system is to be synthesized with other medical systems in the future, these properties are very important. The prototype developed in this project is to be evaluated through the stage of system testing. There are various evaluation metrics such as cohesion, coupling and adaptability so on. But unfortunately, direct measurement of these metrics are very difficult, and accordingly, analytical and quantitative evaluations are almost impossible. Therefore, instead of the analytical evaluation, the experimental evaluation is to be applied through the test run by various users. This system testing will provide the viewpoint analysis of the user's level, and the detail and additional requirement specifications arising from user's real situation will be feedback into the system modeling. Also. the degree of freedom of the input and output will be improved, and the hardware limitation will be investigated. Upon the refining, the prototype system will be used as a design template. and will be used to develop the more extensive system. In detail. the relevant modules will be developed for the various diseases, and the module will be integrated by the macroscopic design process focusing on the inter modularity, generality of the database. and compatibility with other systems. The Home care Evaluation System is comprised of three main modules of : (1) General information on a patient, (2) General health status of a patient, and (3) Cerebrovascular disease patient. The general health status module has five sub modules of physical measurement, vitality, nursing, pharmaceutical description and emotional/cognition ability. The CVA patient module is divided into ten sub modules such as subjective sense, consciousness, memory and language pattern so on. The typical sub modules are described in appendix 3.

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The Complexity of Object-Oriented Systems by Analyzing the Class Diagram of UML (UML 클래스 다이어그램 분석에 의한 객체지향 시스템의 복잡도 연구)

  • Chung, Hong;Kim, Tae-Sik
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems
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    • v.15 no.6
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    • pp.780-787
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    • 2005
  • Many researches and validations for the complexity metrics of the object-oriented systems have been studied. Most of them are aimed for the measurement of the partial aspects of the systems, for example, the coupling between objects, the complexity of inheritance structures, the cohesion of methods, and so on. But the software practitioners want to measure the complexity of overall system, not partial. We studied the complexity of the overall structures of object-oriented systems by analyzing the class diagram of UML. The class diagram is composed of classes and their relations. There are three kinds of relations, association, generalization, and aggregation, which are making the structure of object-oriented systems to be difficult to understand. We proposed a heuristic metric to measure the complexity of object-oriented systems by putting together the three kinds of the relations. Tn analyze the complexity of the structure of a object-oriented system for the maintainability of the system, we measured the degree of understandability of it, the reverse engineering time to draw a class diagram from the source codes, and the number of errors in the diagram. The results of this experiment shows that our proposed metric has a considerable relationship with the complexity of object-oriented systems. The metric will be helpful to the software developers for their designing tasks by evaluating the complexity of the structures of object-oriented systems and redesigning tasks , of them for the future maintainability.