• Title/Summary/Keyword: Cost Reduction Effect

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Economic and Environmental Effect Analysis of Rhodium Recycling System (로듐 재자원화의 경제적 및 환경적 효과 분석)

  • Seong You Lee;Kayoung Shin;Doo Hwan Kim;Yong Woo Hwang;Hong-Yoon Kang;Sung Min Hong;Da-Yeon Kim
    • Resources Recycling
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.45-56
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    • 2023
  • This study analyzed the economic and environmental effect of recycling rhodium used in the non-catalytic field. As an analysis methodology, economic effect analysis applied cost-benefit analysis and resource-saving effect analysis and the environmental effect analysis applied life cycle assessment (LCA). The results show that from an economic point of view, the cost-benefit ratio was 1.28, which was feasible, and the cost reduction was 237,000 won based on 1 g of rhodium recycled and the amount of rhodium recycled was 7.17 billion won in 2025. As for the environmental effect, the greenhouse gas(GHG) emissions were compared between the case of recycling based on rhodium 1 kg and the case of overseas sales. The calculation results show that based on rhodium 1 kg, greenhouse gas emissions were reduced by 99.8%, from 65 kg CO2eq./kg-Rh when recycling to 28,800 kg CO2eq. when sold overseas. The results obtained from this study could suggest that rhodium recycling is necessary in Korea where resources are scarce by analyzing the economic and environmental effect of recycling rhodium used in the non-catalytic field.

The Relationship between Food Safety-oriented Policy and Customer Satisfaction, Cost Reduction, Customer Prior Occupation, Prevention of Food Safety Accidents in Foodservice Industry (외식 산업의 식품 안전 지향 정책과 고객 만족, 비용 절감, 고객 선점, 식품 안전 사고 예방간의 상관 관계)

  • Lee, Sun-Ho
    • Culinary science and hospitality research
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.317-327
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between the food safety-oriented policy and the survey on its effect in foodservice industry. The current thesis was based on the questionnaire survey conducted between January and March 2006 for seven food service companies. 240 questionnaires were distributed to each of the selected restaurants, from which a total of 200 questionnaires were collected. The results of this study were analyzed with the frequency analysis, correlative analysis and regression analysis using the SPSS 12.0 package program. The results of the test of hypotheses can be summarized as follows. We find that, as for food safety-oriented policy factors, there is a significant relationship among the survey factors including customer satisfaction, cost reduction, customer prior occupation, accident prevention and suitable relation. The current analysis exhibits favorable results in the food safety-oriented policy and the survey factors. Thus, foodservice management needs to employ food safety-oriented policy aggressively.

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Electrocoagulation of Disperse Dyebath Wastewater: Optimization of Process Variables and Sludge Production

  • Aygun, Ahmet;Nas, Bilgehan;Sevimli, Mehmet Faik
    • Journal of Electrochemical Science and Technology
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.82-91
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    • 2021
  • This study was conducted to investigate the effect of initial pH, current density, and electrolysis time on process performance in terms of decolorization and chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal from disperse dyebath wastewater (DDW) by mono-polar parallel laboratory scale electrocoagulation (EC) process. COD reduction of 51.3% and decolorization of 92.8% were obtained with operating cost of 0.19 €/㎥ treated wastewater for Al-Al electrode pair, while 90.5% of decolorization and 49.2% of COD reduction were obtained with operating cost of 0.20 €/㎥ treated wastewater for an Fe-Fe electrode pair. The amount of sludge production were highly related to type of the electrode materials. At the optimum conditions, the amount of sludge produced were 0.18 kg/㎥ and 0.28 kg/㎥ for Al-Al and Fe-Fe electrode pairs, respectively. High decolorization can be explained by the hydrophobic nature of the disperse dye, while limited COD removal was observed due to the high dissolved organic matter of the DDW based on auxiliary chemicals. Energy, electrode, and chemical consumptions and sludge handling were considered as major cost items to find a cost-effective and sustainable solution for EC. The contribution of each cost items on operating cost were determined as 10.0%, 51.1%, 30.5% and 8.4% for Al-Al, and they were also determined as 9.0%, 38.0%, 40.5% and 12.5% for Fe-Fe, respectively. COD reduction and decolorization were fitted to first-order kinetic rule.

A Study on Value of a Statistical Life and Cost-benefit Analysis about Hydrogen Bus Rollovers Safety Regulation (수소버스 전복 안전기준 도입에 따른 통계적 인명가치 및 비용편익효과 연구)

  • Lim, Seo Hyun;Jang, Jeong Ah;Hong, Sung Jin
    • Journal of Auto-vehicle Safety Association
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.47-53
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    • 2021
  • This study is a study to estimate the VSL (Value of a Statistical Life) and CBA (Cost-benefit analysis) of the rollover safety standard for hydrogen buses, VSL is an economic value concept used to quantify the benefits of avoiding death. CBA shows the effect of cost-benefit, and if B/C is greater than 1, there is a social effect. In order to estimate the VSL and CBA, the hydrogen bus introduction scenario was assumed to be optimistic (20,000 vehicles in 2030), neutral (15,000 vehicles in 2030), and pessimistic (10,000 vehicles in 2030), and the effect of reducing human casualties was estimated. As a result, except for the pessimistic market situation of introducing hydrogen buses (10,000 vehicles in 2030) and the VSL reduction ratio of 10%, all policies were judged to have high cost-benefit effects. These results indicate that the introduction of the rollover safety standard for hydrogen buses is a socially effective policy.

A case for productivity improvement by time study in high tech industry (하이테크 부품산업에서 작업분석/실행을 통한 생산성 향상의 프로젝트 방법론 연구)

  • Lee, Won-Jae;kim, Joong-Hoi;Kang, Sung-Woo;Kang, Kyung-Sik
    • Journal of the Korea Safety Management & Science
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.225-230
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    • 2015
  • Productivity is the essential comparative advantage in high tech industry company in 21 century. These company endless endeavor for low cost production. Low cost production can be led by low facility operation cost and low labor cost. But reducing facility operation cost arise much investment. Thus many high tech company drive reduction of labor cost. These article suggest model for reducing labor cost and prove a effect by example of some company.

Carbon Emission Analysis Considering Demand Response Effect in TOU Program (TOU 프로그램의 DR 효과를 고려한 탄소 배출 분석)

  • Kim, Young-Hyun;Kwag, Hyung-Geun;Kim, Jin-O
    • The Transactions of The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
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    • v.60 no.6
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    • pp.1091-1096
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    • 2011
  • Currently, the concern about the environment is the issue all over the world, and in particular, carbon emissions of the power plants will not be able to disregard from the respect of generation cost. This paper proposes DR (demand response) as a method of reducing carbon emissions and therefore, carbon emissions cost. There are a number of studies considering DR, and in this paper, the effect of DR is focused on the side of carbon emission reduction effect considering Time-Of-Use (TOU) program, which is one of the most important economic methods in DSM. Demand-price elasticity matrix is used in this paper to model and analyze DR effect. Carbon emissions is calculated by using the carbon emission coefficient provided by IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change), and generator's input-output characteristic coefficients are also used to estimate carbon emission cost as well as the amount of carbon emissions. Case study is conducted on the RBTS IEEE with six buses. For the TOU program, it is assumed that parameters of time period partition consist of three time periods (peak, flat, off-peak time period).

Greenhouse Gas Reduction by Air Quality Management Policy in Gyeonggi-do and Its Co-benefit Analysis (경기도 대기질 개선 정책의 온실가스 동시 저감 및 그에 따른 공편익 효과 분석)

  • Kim, Dong Young;Choi, Min-Ae
    • Journal of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment
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    • v.33 no.6
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    • pp.570-582
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    • 2017
  • In recent years, national and local government's air quality management and climate change adaptation policy has been significantly strengthened. The measures in the two policies may be in a relationship of trade-off or synergy to each other. Greenhouse gases and air pollutants are mostly emitted from the same sources of using considerable amounts of fossil fuels. Co-benefits, in which either measure has a positive effect on the other, may be maximized by reducing the social costs and by consolidating the objectives of the various policies. In this study, the co-benefits were examined by empirically analyzing the effects of air pollutants and greenhouse gas emission reduction, social cost, and cost effectiveness between the two policies. Of the total 80 projects, the next 12 projects generated co-benefits. They are 1) extend restriction area of solid fuel use, 2) expand subsidy of low-$NO_x$ burner, 3) supply hybrid-vehicles, 4) supply electric-vehicles, 5) supply hydrogen fuel cell vehicles, 6) engine retrofit, 7) scrappage of old car, 8) low emission zone, 9) transportation demand management, 10) supply land-based electric of ship, 11) switching anthracite to clean fuel in private sector, 12) expand regional combined-energy supply. The benefits of air pollutants and greenhouse gas-related measures were an annual average of KRW 2,705.4 billion. The social benefits of the transportation demand management were the highest at an annual average of KRW 890.7 billion, and followed by scrappage of old cars and expand regional combined-energy supply. When the social benefits and the annual investment budgets are compared, the cost effectiveness ratio is estimated to be about 3.8. Overall, the reduction of air pollutants caused by the air quality management policy of Gyeonggi-do resulted in an annual average of KRW 4,790.2 billion. In the point sources management sector, the added value of $CO_2$ reduction increased by 4.8% to KRW 1,062.8 billion, while the mobile sources management sector increased by 3.6% to KRW 3,414.1 billion. If social benefits from $CO_2$ reduction are added, the annual average will increase by 7.2% to KRW 5,135.4 billion. The urban and energy management sectors have shown that social benefits increase more than twice as much as the benefits of $CO_2$ reduction. This result implies that more intensive promotion of these measures are needed. This study has significance in that it presents the results of the empirical analysis of the co-benefits generated between the similar policies in the air quality management and the climate change policy which are currently being promoted in Gyeonggi-do. This study suggested that the method of analyzing the policy effect among the main policies in the climate atmospheric policy is established and the effectiveness and priority of the major policies can be evaluated through the policy correlation analysis based on the co-benefits. It is expected that it could be a basis for evaluation the efficiency of the climate change adaptation and air quality management policies implemented by the national and local governments in the future.

Analysis of Traffic Accident Reduction Effect When Introducing Motorcycle Safety Inspection (이륜자동차 안전검사제도 도입 시 교통사고절감효과 분석)

  • KOO, Jahun;JANG, Jinyoung;CHOO, Sang Ho
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.35 no.1
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    • pp.25-36
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze traffic accident reduction effect of the introduction of motorcycle safety inspection. To analyze the effect of motorcycle inspection, we first estimate the number of defective motorcycles, and calculate the probability of accident occurrences caused by the defect using four year traffic accident data. Finally, we estimate the number of reduced accidents due to the introduction of the inspection and the total reduced accident cost. In this study, we analyzed three scenarios. It is analyzed that when the safety inspection system is applied to all motorcycles, 642 cases of traffic accidents and 325 million won per year of traffic accident costs are reduced. It is approximately 0.1% of 2014 total traffic accident cost of 26.5725 trillion won per year. It suggests that the cost of traffic accidents and traffic accidents due to vehicle factors are reduced when the safety inspection system is introduced.

Development of Cost-Benefit Analysis Method for Rockfall Mitigation Methods (낙석대책공법 비용편익분석기법 개발)

  • Shin, Min-Ho;Lee, Seong-Hoon;Kim, Hyun-Ki;Kim, Jung-Ki;Roh, Soon-Mi
    • Proceedings of the KSR Conference
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    • 2003.10b
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    • pp.417-422
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    • 2003
  • Rockfall mitigation methods have been widely constructed along railway lines but aren't estimated with any economic analysis methods up to now. Therefore, this study applied a benefit-cost analysis to rockfall mitigation method to determine whether it is indeed an economically efficient construction. The Benefits were estimated based on data collected from disaster history, and included three types of benefits that are originated by reduction of train accident, train delay and rockfall removing cost. The costs included both construction cost and the maintenance cost of the selected method. This analysis could clarify the investment effect of rockfall mitigation method that would be built at rockfall prone slope.

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Comparative Analyses of Mass Marketing and Target Marketing Based on Price Elasticity and Production Cost (가격탄력성과 생산비용에 기초한 대량 마케팅과 표적시장 마케팅의 비교 분석)

  • Won, Jee Sung
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.61-72
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    • 2013
  • Purpose - It is widely accepted that the process of developing marketing strategy is composed of three steps: market segmentation, target market selection and positioning. However, mass marketing strategy based on cost reduction through economies of scale and standardized products, can be also an effective strategic option. Many marketing scholars including Theodore Levitt emphasize the importance of applying the mass production concept to various industries including service industries. Especially, in times of economic downturn, the capability of providing consumers with low-priced, value products can be an important source of competitive advantage, as well as the ability of providing high-priced premium products. Marketers should decide whether they will implement mass marketing strategy or target marketing strategy. The present study theoretically shows that firms should understand the target customers' price elasticity as well as the firm's cost structure in order to make such a strategic decision. Research design, data, and methodology - Instead of implementing an empirical study, this study provides a theoretical(mathematical) investigation on the effect of consumers' price elasticity on a firm's optimal price level, profit, sales volume, revenue, and cost. The results are mostly deduced from derivative calculations and several graphs are utilized to represent the results on the relationships between the variables under study. Results - The analytical results suggest that it is more profitable for a firm to adopt the segment/target marketing strategy (more specifically the differentiation strategy) when the degree of consumers' heterogeneity is high and the proportion of the fixed cost in the total cost is low. On the other hand, if the degree of consumers' heterogeneity is low and the fixed cost is high, it is better to adopt the mass marketing strategy or the cost leadership strategy. The strategy of concentrating on a single target market will be effective when consumers' needs are highly heterogeneous but the fixed cost is high. Any of the three types of generic strategies proposed my Porter(1980, 1985) can be applied when both the consumers' heterogeneity and the fixed cost are low. This study also proposes the contribution-margin-based method for developing the optimal pricing strategy. Conclusions - One of the primary roles of marketers is to find a proper compromise between the two conflicting goals of maximizing customer satisfaction and minimizing cost. In order to do so, he or she should understand the characteristics of the target customers as well as the cost structure of the firm. In addition to the theoretical analyses, this study discusses several business cases and explains how superior companies find the optimal compromise position between these two goals and dominate the market. One of the radical changes recently taking place in business arena is the reduction of production and distribution costs of both physical goods and information due to the advancement and the wide diffusion of information technology. The cost reduction combined with lowered priced elasticity incurred by customized products and services, will enable many firms to adopt the mass customization strategy.

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