• Title/Summary/Keyword: Cost Benefit Analysis

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A Basic Study on the Economic Feasibility Analysis of Busan Central Library Construction (부산대표도서관 건립의 경제적 타당성 분석에 관한 기초연구)

  • Kang, Hee-Kyung;Chang, Durk-Hyun;Lee, Soo-Sang
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.45 no.3
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    • pp.489-511
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this basic study is to examine the economic feasibility analysis of Busan Central Library, which was included the construction feasibility analysis conducted as one part of the Busan Central Library Construction Master Plan. To achieve the purpose of this study, it was accomplished to do Benefit-Cost analysis, Net Present Value, Internal Rate of Return. CVM(Contingent Valuation Method) was used for calculating the benefit; we investigated two CVMs for Busan Central Library, which are for central construction site and for outer construction site. The results show that the construction of Busan Central Library in the central site would be feasible from the economic point of view. On the contrary, the construction in the outer site would not be feasible economically.

Economic Feasibility Analysis for Development of Small Hydropower Using Agricultural Reservoirs (농업용 저수지의 소수력 개발을 위한 경제성 분석)

  • Woo, Jae-Yeoul;Kim, Jin-Soo;Jang, Hoon;Kim, Young-Hyeon
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.53 no.2
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    • pp.53-60
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    • 2011
  • This study was conducted to investigate the effect of hydropower factors (watershed, gross head), operation ratio and unit electricity cost on the benefit-cost ratio (B/C ratio) of small hydropower using agricultural reservoirs. The equation of B/C ratio was expressed as a function of watershed area, gross head, operation ratio and unit electricity cost. The benefit increased with watershed area, gross head and unit electricity cost, while the cost increased with watershed area and gross head but decreased with operation ratio. The B/C ratio increased with watershed area, gross head, operation ratio and unit electricity cost. While the effect of gross head on the B/C ratio decreased with watershed area, the effect of operation ratio and unit electricity cost on the B/C ratio increased with watershed area. The operation ratio is an important factor to affect the B/C ratio and therefore we need to develop hydropower for the heightened dams to expect high operation ratio due to continuous water release. The unit electricity cost is also an important factor to affect the B/C ratio and the B/C ratio was always below 1 unless unit electricity cost is over 60 Won/kWh under given conditions. The reservoirs with economic feasibility for small hydropower development were three in 21 when the equation of B/C ratio was appled to the study reservoirs. The results can be used to choose the appropriate reservoir with economic feasibility for development of small hydropower.

Economic Analysis of the Valuable Minerals Recycling in a Mobile Phone: Focusing on the Social Cost of Carbon (폐휴대전화 유용 광물 재활용의 사회‧경제적 효과 분석: 탄소를 중심으로)

  • Min Ki Choi;Jinsoo Kim
    • Environmental and Resource Economics Review
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    • v.33 no.3
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    • pp.263-289
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    • 2024
  • In this paper, we quantify the socio-economic impacts of recycling from a carbon social benefit perspective based on a life cycle assessment and economic evaluation of the printed circuit board (PCB) recycling process for waste mobile phones. In particular, we compare the metal recovery process through PCB recycling of waste mobile phones with the traditional metal mining and smelting process, and analyze the change in carbon dioxide emissions under two electricity generation mixes in 2018 and 2030. The analysis shows that for both gold and copper, PCB recycling generates 6.86 times and 3.69 times more carbon dioxide than traditional mining and smelting, respectively. However, when the 2030 electricity generation mix is applied, the amount of carbon dioxide emitted in the recycling process decreases by 44.72% and 44.65% for copper and gold recovery, respectively. This is due to the nature of the recycling process, which uses electricity as the main energy source. A cost-benefit analysis that includes the social cost of carbon dioxide shows a B/C of 1.95, indicating that recycling is economically feasible. However, this result does not take into account both the problem of securing a sufficient amount of waste PCBs and the social cost of the pollutants emitted by the recycling process. Based on the results of this study, it is expected that cost-benefit analyses reflecting the social cost of carbon and carbon dioxide emissions through life cycle assessment of the recycling process will continue to be actively conducted not only for PCB waste recycling, but also for the circular economy and recycling processes that have recently attracted attention.

Predictors of HPV Vaccination Status in Female Nursing University Students: HPV related Knowledge and Perception (여자 간호대학생의 HPV 예방접종 상태에 영향을 미치는 요인: HPV 지식과 인식을 중심으로)

  • Park, Hyunju
    • Journal of the Korean Society of School Health
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.123-131
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    • 2016
  • Purpose: Human Papillomavirus(HPV) vaccination is the best prevention for cervical cancer. Therefore, this study was to examine the best predictors of HPV vaccination status in female nursing university students. Methods: Five hundred and forty junior and senior female nursing students from Seoul and provinces of Kyunggi, Chungcheong and Gyungsang completed paper and pencil questionnaires. Descriptive statistics, $x^2$ test, t-test, and multiple logistic regression with dummy variables were conducted using SAS 9.2. Results: Of the total students, 56.8% were vaccinated. As a result of the analysis of the bivariate relationships, family economic status, school type, perceived susceptibility, perceived benefit and perceived barriers (cost, time, distance from hospital and side effects) were significantly related to vaccination status. After controlling for the general characteristics and the HPV related knowledge score, higher family economic status (Adjusted Odds Ratio [AOR]: 3.78, 95% Confidence Interval [CI]: 1.21~11.76), private university (AOR: 1.69, 95% CI: 1.14~2.53), higher perceived benefit (AOR: 1.80, 95% CI: 1.47~2.20), lower perceived barrier (cost) (AOR: 0.86, 95% CI: 0.74~0.99), lower perceived barrier (time) (AOR: 0.71, 95% CI: 0.61~0.84), and lower perceived barrier (side effects) (AOR: 0.82, 95% CI: 0.72~0.94) were significantly related to HPV vaccination. Perceived benefit, perceived barrier (time) and perceived barrier (side effects) were the top 3 predictors of HPV vaccination status. Conclusion: This study suggests that vaccinated female nursing students were more likely to be from higher family economic status and private universities and have a higher perception of benefit and a lower perception of barriers (cost, time, and side effects). Thus, efforts to increase HPV vaccination rates of female nursing students should focus on improving their perception of benefit while lowering their perception of barriers, particularly cost, time and side effects.

Economic Probation on the Benefit of Daylighting by a Light-Guide System (생애주기비용분석 기법을 이용한 채광기능성 창호시스템의 경제성 평가에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Gon;Kim, Jeong-Tai
    • KIEAE Journal
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.11-18
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    • 2006
  • Attention on daylighting should be focused not so much on a simple maximization of the natural light available in a space, as on improving the quality of lighting by ensuring as even but intense distribution of illumination in inner areas. An architectural means of optimal daylight distribution is by using so-called light shelf systems, horizontal shading and redirecting devices. The overall performance of the daylighting system can be improved by the incorporation with electric lighting control devices. This paper aims to exemplify the benefit of daylighting in term of economic consideration. In such a case a reasonable technique to compare system costs is by life-cycle costing. Stated simply, a life-cycle cost represents the total cost of a system over its entire life cycle, that is, the sum of first cost and all future costs. Four different electric lighting system designs are proposed and a lighting control system that is continuously operating according to the level of daylight in the space has been adapted. The result shows clearly that although denser layout of lighting fixtures might be more effective to interface to the level of daylight ceaselessly changeable, its economic benefit may not meet the expected criterion the reason of increased initial investment and maintenance cost for the fixtures and control devices.

Cost Analysis and Economic Evaluation for Manufacturing System Installation (생산시스템의 설치에 따른 비용분석 및 경제성평가)

  • 최형호
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • v.18 no.34
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    • pp.161-172
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    • 1995
  • The paper examines the cost analysis and economic evaluation for manufacturing system installation in a metal industry. The evaluation procedure is consist of four steps. 1) Attribute determination of manufacturing system 2) Cost Estimating 3) Alternative and Model determination of manufacturing system 4) Economic Analysis. The impact of manufacturing system installations on employment displacement and strategic benefit is discussed and suggested to make a coherent determination of company's objective.

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Analysis of Farm Revenue Stabilization and Social Welfare Effects of Crop Yield Insurance (농작물재해보험의 농가 수입안정 및 사회적 후생 효과 분석)

  • Kang, Su-Jin;Chung, Won-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Organic Agriculture
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.369-383
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    • 2016
  • Crop yield insurance program in Korea has rapidly grown not only in quantity but in quality for 15 years since it was introduced in 2001. Despite growth of Crop insurance, performance evaluation for crop yield insurance has not fully been evaluated at the farm, consumer and national level. The purpose of this study is to conduct the performance evaluation for crop yield insurance through estimating the effects of farm revenue stabilization and social welfare increase with three popular insurance items: apple, pear and sweet persimmon. Based on the analysis of social welfare effect, cost-benefit analysis of operating crop yield insurance was conducted at the national level. We found that crop yield insurance stabilizes farm revenue based on the estimated four risk indicators: Coefficient of Variation, Value at Risk, Certainty Equivalence, and Risk Premium. The result of cost-benefit analysis shows that crop yield insurance increases social net benefit by 44.1 billion won for the three items. As a result, crop yield insurance program has contributed remarkably on social welfare as well as farm management and its role will be more important in the future.

Indirect benefits of the introduction of Korean Spatial Information System (한국형 공간정보시스템 도입의 간접적 편익에 관한 분석)

  • Lee, Young-Sung;Kim, Kab-Sung;Jung, Hayoung;Kim, Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Regional Science Association
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.39-46
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    • 2017
  • This study estimated indirect economic benefits of the introduction of Korean Spatial Information System. Korean academic society has been reluctant to consider indirect benefits as an item of benefits in cost-benefit analysis. Nevertheless, other countries including England recommend to consider some indirect benefits like option value as an important item of cost-benefit analysis, especially in the case of transportation projects. This study estimated indirect benefits of the introduction of Korean Spatial Information System using Contingent Valuation Methods: Indirect benefits of the project are so significant in terms of statistics and substantial in terms of magnitude that decision making can differ from the case without consideration of such indirect benefits.

Cost-Benefit Analysis for Determination of the Time to Implement In-line Inspection(ILI) on High Pressure Urban Gas Pipelines (도시가스 고압배관의 내부검사(ILI) 이행시기 결정을 위한 비용-편익 분석)

  • Ryou, Young-Don;Kim, Young-Seob;Lee, Su-Kyung
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Gas
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.15-21
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    • 2011
  • Cost-benefit analysis (CBA) has been performed in order to decide whether the ILI (in-line inspection) suggested as risk mitigation measure (RMM) from quantitative risk assessment is reasonably practicable. As a result of CBA, we could find out the reasonable intervals of implementation of ILI. In order to assess the benefit, value of preventing a fatality (VPF), which measures value of human life, has been used. The adequate VPF figure of high pressure urban gas pipelines for CBA used in this paper is two billion won. As a result of 2 case studies, we found that the most reasonable intervals of ILI suggested as RMM were 13 years or 15 years.

Economic Impact Analysis of Disaster Mitigation Projects in Hazardous Areas (자연재해위험지구 정비사업의 투자효과분석)

  • Heo, Bo-Young;Yu, Soonyoung;Kim, Sung-Wook
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.46 no.3
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    • pp.247-256
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    • 2013
  • In order to improve the quality assurance of the disaster mitigation projects, the economic effect of these projects in the hazardous areas was analysed. Eight project sites were selected for analyses based on the disaster data during the previous 10 years, and the investment effect was evaluated using a benefit cost ratio (B/C). The benefit was estimated using the historical disaster data and presumed to continue for 30 years, while the cost was assumed with the total project cost. Analysis results indicate the B/C ratio is larger than 1 in the difference range, depending on factors such as impact areas and discount rates. According to the analysis results, the average B/C of the eight projects is 4.1 with assuming the discount rate of 4% and the impact diameter of 5 km, which implies that a disaster management project in hazardous areas will give the positive investment effects.