• Title/Summary/Keyword: Cooling curve

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Mechanical Properties of B-Doped Ni3Al-Based Intermetallic Alloy

  • Oh, Chang-Sup;Han, Chang-Suk
    • Korean Journal of Materials Research
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.42-45
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    • 2012
  • The mechanical behavior and microstructural evolution during high temperature tensile deformation of recrystallized Ni3Al polycrystals doped with boron were investigated as functions of initial grain size, tensile strain rate and temperature. In order to obtain more precise information on the deformation mechanism, tensile specimens were rapidly quenched immediately after deformation at a cooling rate of more than $2000Ks^{-1}$, and were then observed by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Mechanical tests in the range of 923 K to 1012 K were carried out in a vacuum of less than $3{\times}10^{-4}$ Pa using an Instron-type machine with various but constant cross head speeds corresponding to the initial strain rates from $1.0{\times}10^{-4}$ to $3.1{\times}10^{-5}s^{-1}$. After heating to deformation temperature, the specimen was kept for more than 1.8 ks before testing. The following results were obtained: (1) Flow behavior was affected by initial strain size; with decreasing initial grain size, the level of a stress peak in the true stress-true strain curve decreased, the steady state region was enlarged and elongation increased. (2) On the basis of TEM observation of rapidly quenched specimens, it was confirmed that dynamic recrystallization certainly occurred on deformation of fine-grained ($3.3{\mu}m$) and intermediate-grained ($5.0{\mu}m$) specimens at an initial strain rate of $3.1{\times}10^{-5}s^{-1}$ and at 973 K. (3) There were some dislocation-free grains among the new recrystallized grains. The obtained results suggest that both dynamic recrystallization and grain boundary sliding are operative during high temperature deformation.


  • Han, Myoung-Soo;Tsai, Chon-Liang
    • Proceedings of the KWS Conference
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    • 2002.10a
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    • pp.661-667
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    • 2002
  • Welding-induced buckling distortion is one of the most problematic concerns in both design and fabrication of welded thin-plate structures. This paper deals with experimental and numerical results of the welding-induced longitudinal and/or buckling distortion occurring in welding of 6mm-thick AH36 high strength steel plates. Effects of the heat input and the plate size on the distortion were experimentally evaluated for square plates. Bead-on-plate welding was performed with the submerged arc welding process along the middle line of plate specimens. Experimental results showed that the longitudinal distortion made a single curvature in the plate, and the distortion magnitude along the weld centerline was proportional to the heat input and the plate size. The experimental results were used to examine the validity of the numerical simulation procedure for welding-induced distortion where the longitudinal distortion mode and magnitude were numerically quantified. Three-dimensional, large deformation, welding simulations were performed for selected weld models. Numerical results of the distortion mode and magnitude were in a good agreement with experimental ones. Depending on the presence of halting the distortion growth during the cooling cycle of welding, the condition discriminating buckling distortion from longitudinal distortion was established. Eigenvalue analyses were performed to check the buckling instability of tested plates with different sizes subjected to different heat inputs. The perturbation load pattern for the analysis was extracted from longitudinal inherent strain distributions. Critical buckling curve from the eigenvalue analyses revealed that the buckling instability is manifested when plate size or heat input increases.

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The Comparison of Experimental Results of Liquid Ejector Performance to Predictions by the Computer Aided Design Program (液休용 이젝터 性能에 관한 CAD와 實驗結果와의 比較)

  • 김경근;김명환;홍영표;고상철
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.520-527
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    • 1988
  • Liquid ejectors are widely used as marine pumps, inducer stage for the boiler feed water pump, boiler recirculating pump, cooling water recirculating pump in boiling water type nuclear reactor and a deep well pump, because of their high working confidence and simplicity. Furthermore, it requires only a modest net positive suction head for cavitation-free operation and it can be installed in remote location from mechanical power source. It is not easy to presume the friction losses, because it is complicately affected by area ratio, flowrate ratio, nozzle spacing, throat length, shape of liquid ejector and so on. Therefore, the optimization of liquid ejector design is still dependent, to a large extent, on the experimental results and empirical procedures. On the design of the liquid ejector, the area ratio and the nondimensional throat length are the most important design factors among the mentioned above. In this experiment, the effects of the area ratio and the nondimensional throat length to ejector efficiency are carried out systematically by the combination of 4 kinds of motive nozzle and 2 kinds of throat length. In this paper, the present experimental results are compared with the calculated ones by the previous computer aided design program based on one dimensional flow equation. And also, an empirical equation for the working limit of liquid ejector is reported.

Three Dimensional Thermal Cycle Analysis of Mold in Repeated Forming Process of TV Glass (TV 유리의 반복 성형공정에서 3차원 금형 열사이클 해석)

  • Hwang, Jung-Hea;Choi, Joo-Ho;Kim, Jun-Bum
    • Proceedings of the KSME Conference
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    • 2000.11b
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    • pp.192-198
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    • 2000
  • Three dimensional thermal cycle analysis of the plunger is carried out in repeated forming process of the TV glass, which is continued work of two dimensional analysis where an efficient method has been proposed. The plunger undergoes temperature fluctuation during a cycle due to the repeated contact and separation from the glass, which attains a cyclic steady state having same temperature history at every cycle. Straightforward analysis of this problem brings about more than 90 cycles to get reasonable solution. An exponential function fitting method is proposed, which finds exponential function to best approximate temperature values of 3 consecutive cycles, and new cycle is restarted with the fitted value at infinite time. Number of cases are analyzed using the proposed method and compared to the result of straightforward repetition, from which one finds that the method always reaches nearly convergent solution within $9{\sim}12$ cycles, but turns around afterwards without further convergence. Two step use is found most efficient, in which the exponential fitting is carried out fer the first 12 cycles, followed by simple repetition, which shows fast convergence expending only 6 additional cycles to get the accuracy within 2 error. This reduces the computation cycle remarkably from 90 to 18, which is 80% reduction. From the parametric studies, one reveals that the overall thermal behavior of the plunger in terms of cooling parameters and time is similar to that of 2 dimensional analysis.

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Development of Automatic Measurement and Control Method based on Single Chip Microcomputer for Tackjoo Fermentation (Single Chip Microcomputer를 이용한 탁주발효(濁酒醱酵)의 자동계측(自動計測)과 제어방법(制御方法)의 개발(開發))

  • Kim, Kyung-Man;Chun, Jae-Kun
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.391-394
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    • 1993
  • For the automation of Tackjoo fermentation, a sensor measurable gas production during brewing and a controller were built. The performance tests were carried out at 10 litter Tackjoo fermentor, The sensor was consisted of a transparent acryl cell for bubble formation and photo-interrupter for the detection of bubbles of 0.018ml size. The fermentation controller was fabricated with a single chip microcomputer (MC68705R3) and provided with both the monitoring module of temperature measurement and the valve controling device for the cooling water circulation in coil type heat exchanger. The operation programs were developed and systemized in ROM. With this computer system, the gas production amount and rate were acquired during the Tackjoo fermentation. The fermentation curve based on the gas production rate showed a good agreement with that of alcohol concentration. The maximum rate of gas production was found after 24 hr at $30^{\circ}C$. The correlation equation between the gas production and alcohol concentration was established and used as the control algorithm of the fermentation.

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A Study on the Electrical Conductivity of $Na_2O-Fe2O_3-B_2O_3-P_2O_5$ System Glass ($Na_2O-Fe2O_3-B_2O_3-P_2O_5$ 계 유리의 도전성에 관한 연구)

  • 박용원;이경태
    • Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.35-40
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    • 1985
  • The composition of the base glass was determined to be $Na_2O$ 15, $Fe_2O_3$ 35, $B_2O_3$ 0~20, $P_2O_5$ 30~50 by mole percent. The heating temperature for nucleation was determined by means of thermal expansion curve. Crystalline phases were investigated by X-ray diffraction method and I.R Spectra. Electrical conductivities of glass spec-imens were observed in the temperature range 25~20$0^{\circ}C$ The activation energies of these specimens were caculated. The results obtained were as follows : 1) The limit composition of the melts 15mol% $Na_2O$ 35mole% $Fe_2O_5$ 20mole% $B_2O_3$ 30mole% $P_2O_5$ was able to be formed into desired shapes during cooling, . 2) In the measurement of d. c conductivity($\delta$) on the glasses in the system $15Na_2O-35Fe_2O_3$-$B_2O_3$-(50-x) $P_2O_5$ the values decreased by replacing 5 mole% $P_2O_5$ with $B_2O_3$ 3) The d. c conducties of heat treated samples were increased by replacing $P_2O_5$ with $B_2O_3$ 4) $B_2O_3$ contributed to precipitate crystals such as${\gamma}$-$Fe_2O_3$ $Fe_3O_4$ which had the advantage of electronic conduction in heat treated samples. 5) The slope plotted Log($\delta$) versus 1/T in this glass system was linear in the measured temperature range.

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A Study on the 43$0^{\circ}C$ Degradation Behavior of Cast Stainless Steel(CF8M)(II)-Evaluation of Low Cycle Fatigue Characteristics- (주조 스테인리스강 CF8M의 43$0^{\circ}C$ 열화거동에 관한 연구 (II) -저사이클 피로특성 평가-)

  • Gwon, Jae-Do;U, Seung-Wan;Park, Jung-Cheol;Lee, Yong-Seon;Park, Yun-Won
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.24 no.9 s.180
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    • pp.2183-2190
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    • 2000
  • A thermal aging is observed in a primary reactor cooling system(RCS) made of a casting stainless steel when the RCS is exposed for long period at the reactor operating temperature, 290~3300C An investigation of effects of thermal aging on a low cycle fatigue characteristics included a stress variations caused by a reactor operation and trip, is required. The purpose of the present investigation is to find an effect of a thermal aging of the CF8M on a low cycle fatigue life. The specimen of CF8M are prepared by an artificially accelerated aging technique holding 300 and 1800hr at 4300C respectively. The low cycle fatigue tests for the virgin and two aged specimens are performed at the room temperature for various strain amplitudes($\varepsilon$ta), 0.3, 0.5, 0.8, 1.0, 1.2 and 1.5% strain. Through the experiment, it is found that the fatigue life is rapidly reduced with an creasing of the aging time. The experimental fatigue life estimation formulas between the virgin and two aged specimen are obtained and are proposed to a analysis purpose.

Effect of Strain Aging on the Tensile Properties of an API X70 Linepipe Steel (API X70 라인파이프강의 인장 특성에 미치는 변형 시효의 영향)

  • Lee, Seung-Wan;Lee, Sang-In;Hwang, Byoungchul
    • Korean Journal of Materials Research
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    • v.27 no.10
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    • pp.524-529
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    • 2017
  • The effect of strain aging on the tensile properties of API X70 linepipe steel was investigated in this study. The API X70 linepipe steel was fabricated by controlled rolling and accelerated cooling processes, and the microstructure was analyzed using optical and scanning electron microscopes and electron backscatter diffraction. Strain aging tests consisting of 1 % pre-strain and thermal aging at $200^{\circ}C$ and $250^{\circ}C$ were conducted to simulate U-forming, O-forming, Expansion(UOE) pipe forming and anti-corrosion coating processes. The API X70 linepipe steel was composed of polygonal ferrite, acicular ferrite, granular bainite, and bainitic ferrite whose volume fraction was dependent on the chemical composition and process conditions. As the thermal aging temperature increased, the steel specimens showed more clearly discontinuous type yielding behavior in the tensile stress-strain curve due to the formation of a Cottrell atmosphere. After pre-strain and thermal aging, the yield and tensile strengths increased and the yield-to-tensile strength ratio decreased because yielding and aging behaviors significantly affected work hardening. On the other hand, uniform and total elongations decreased after pre-strain and thermal aging since dislocation gliding was restricted by increased dislocation density after a 1 % pre-strain.

Martensitic Transformation Behaviors of Gas Atomized Ti50Ni30Cu20 Powders (Gas atomization으로 제조된 Ti50Ni30Cu20 합금 분말의 상변태 거동)

  • Kim, Yoen-Wook;Chung, Young-Soo;Choi, Eun-Soo;Nam, Tae-Hyun;Im, Yeon-Min
    • Journal of Korea Foundry Society
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.26-30
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    • 2011
  • For the fabrication of bulk near-net-shape Ti-Ni-Cu shape memory alloys, consolidation of Ti-Ni-Cu alloy powders are useful because of their brittle property. In the present study, $Ti_{50}Ni_{30}Cu_{20}$ shape memory alloy powders were prepared by gas atomization and martensitic transformation temperatures and microstructures of those powders were investigated as a function of powder size. The size distribution of the powders was measured by conventional sieving, and sieved powders with the specific size range of 25 to $150\;{\mu}m$ were chosen for this examination. XRD analysis showed that the B2-B19 martensitic transformation occurred in the powders. In DSC curves of the as-atomized $Ti_{50}Ni_{30}Cu_{20}$ powders as a function of powder size, only one clear peak was found on each cooling and heating curve. The martensitic transformation start temperature($M_s$) of the $25-50\;{\mu}m$ powders was $31.5^{\circ}C$. The $M_s$ increased with increasing powder size and the difference of $M_s$ between $25-50\;{\mu}m$ powders and $100-150\;{\mu}m$ powders is only $1^{\circ}C$. The typical microstructure of the rapidly solidified powders showed cellular morphology and very small pores were observed in intercellular regions.


    • Publications of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.265-266
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    • 2015
  • A search for luminous white dwarfs (WDs) in several nearby Galactic globular clusters (GCs) was carried out using the deep and homogeneous photometric catalog of Galactic GCs taken with the ACS/WFC aboard the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) by Sarajedini et al. and Anderson et al- It resulted in the identification of luminous WD candidates in the GCs M13 (NGC 6205) and M22 (NGC 6656). The purpose of the present study is to identify luminous WDs in the deep and homogeneous V versus V - I color-magnitude diagrams (CMDs) of several nearby Galactic GCs taken with the ACS/WFC aboard the HST. Using photometric data for the GCs M13 and M22 that are now in the public domain, the V versus V - I CMDs of the GCs M13 and M22 were constructed. Many spurious detections in the CMDs were removed using the photometric quality parameters qfit(V) and qfit(I), and a radial restriction was applied to the CMDs to remove the central stars with higher photometric errors due to central crowding. From each resultant V versus V - I CMD of the GCs M13 and M22, a dozen or so luminous WD candidates were identified. They were confirmed as stellar objects in the accompanying ACS/WFC images and their positions in the CMDs were in the bright part of the DA WD cooling curve. Therefore, the luminous WD candidates in the GCs M13 and M22 seem to be true luminous WDs, and spectroscopic observations are needed to confirm their true identity.