• Title/Summary/Keyword: Control Parameter

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  • Lee, Young-Soon;Shon, Heung-Kyu
    • Journal of the korean academy of Pediatric Dentistry
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.640-658
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    • 1996
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the mechanism of improving acid resistance of Nd-YAG laser irradiated tooth enamel and determine the most effective energy density for improving acid resistance. The bovine tooth enamel were lased with a pulsed Nd-YAG laser. The energy densities of exposed laser beam were varied from 10 to $70\;J/cm^2$. To investigate the degree of improving acid resistance by irradiation, all the samples were submerged to demineralize in 0.5 N $HClO_4$ solution for 1 minute. After 1 minute, 0.05 % $LaCl_3$ was added to the solution for interrupting the demineralization reaction. The amounts of dissolved calcium and phosphate in the solution were measured by using an atomic absorption spectrophotometer and the UV/VIS spectrophotometer, respectively. To examine the mechanism of improving acid resistance, X-ray diffraction analysis, infrared spectroscopy, and scanning electron microscopy were taken. The X-ray diffraction pattern of the samples were obtained in the $10^{\circ}{\sim}80^{\circ}2{\theta}$ range with $Cu-K{\alpha}$ radiation using M18HF(Mac Science Co.) with X-ray diffractometer operating at 40 KV and 300 mA. The infra-red spectra of the ground samples in 300 mg KBr pellets 10 mm diameter were obtained in the $4000cm^{-1}\;to\;400cm^{-1}$ range using JASCO 300E spectrophotometer. The scanning electron microscopy was carried out using JSM6400(JEOL Co.) with $500{\sim}2000$ times magnification. The results were as follow 1. The concentration of calcium dissolved from laser irradiated enamel with $50J/cm^2$ was significantly lesser than that of unlased control group (p<0.05) 2. From the result of the X-ray diffraction analysis, $\beta$-TCP, which increases acid solubility, was identified in lased enamel but the diffraction peaks of (002) and (004) became sharp with increasing energy density of laser irradiation. This means that the crystals in lased samples were grown through the c-axis and subsequently, the acid solubility of enamel decreased. 3. The a-axis parameter was slightly increased by laser irradiation, whereas the c-axis parameter was almost constant except for a little decrease at $50J/cm^2$. 4. In the infra-red spectra of lased enamels, phosphate bands ($600{\sim}500cm^{-1}$), B-carbonate bands (870, $1415{\sim}1455cm^{-1}$), and A-carbonate band ($1545cm^{-1}$) were observed. The amounts of phosphate bands and the B-carbonate bands were reduced, on the other hand, the amount of the A-carbonate band was increased by increase the energy density. 5. The SEM experiments reveal that the surface melting and recrystallization were appeared at $30J/cm^2$ and the cracks were observed at $70J/cm^2$. From above results, It may be suggested that the most effective energy density for improving acid resistance of tooth enamel with the irradiation of Nd-YAG laser was $50J/cm^2$. The mechanism of improving acid resistance were reduction of permeability due to surface melting and recrystallization of lased enamel and reduction of acid solubility of enamel due to decrease of carbonate content and growth of crystal.

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Effect of Peking-Duck By-Product Extracts Supplemented with Medicinal Herbs on Serum Heavy Metal Levels and Blood Parameters of Rats Exposed to Lead and Mercury (한약재를 첨가한 오리부산물 추출액이 납과 수은에 노출된 흰쥐 혈청의 중금속 및 혈액지표에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Sung-Hye;Shin, Eon-Hwan;Park, Sung-Jin;Ran, Jong-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.476-483
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    • 2005
  • This experiment was planned to develop a functional supplement by food resources to prevent and lessen the deleterious effects caused by environmental pollutants such as polluted food, air, water and heavy metals. The goal of this study was to investigate the effects of peking-duck extracts supplemented with six kinds of medicinal herbs (DJ) on the intoxication of lead and mercury in rats. Sprague-Dawley rat weighing $150g\pm15g$ g, were randomly assigned to 5 groups, basal diet only (NCG), heavy metal without DJ injection (HCG), heavy metals and DJ (3 mg/mL) injection (HMLD), heavy metal and DJ (30 mg/mL) injection (HMMD), heavy metal and D] (300 mg/mL) injection (HMHD). Mecury (Hg) and lead (Pb) injected at the level of 50 ppm for 17 days. Also DJ oral feeding was continued for 31 days. The result of this study were as follows; Food intake and body weight gain in heavy metal administered groups were lower than those of control group (NCG). The activities of GOT, GPT and BUN level were significantly reduced in DJ-treated groups as compared to HCG. DJ was shown to suppress the accumulation of Hg and Pb in serum. The results suggest that DJ might have protective effect on Hg and Pb intoxication.

Clinical Effects of an Improved Pump Reaction Rate and Automatic Occlusion Sensing System in Phacoemulsification (수정체유화장치의 초음파 출력속도 및 자동막힘감지 기능 향상의 술 후 임상결과 비교)

  • Kim, You Na;Lee, Jin Ah;Kim, Jae Yong;Kim, Myoung Joon;Tchah, Hung Won
    • Journal of The Korean Ophthalmological Society
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    • v.59 no.11
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    • pp.1017-1023
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    • 2018
  • Purpose: A recently introduced phacoemulsification system, the WhiteStar $Signature^{(R)}$ PRO, has demonstrated improved nucleus followability and cutting efficiency via an improved pump regulator with a higher reaction response and an automatic occlusion sensing system. In this study, we compared various phacoemulsification parameters between the new system and an older version of the device. Methods: A total of 80 eyes of 68 patients with cataracts who had undergone phacoemulsification by a single surgeon were included in this study. Forty eyes of patients underwent phacoemulsification using the older $Signature^{(R)}$ system (WhiteStar); these patients were classified as the control group. Another 40 eyes of patients underwent phacoemulsification with the newer enhanced system, the WhiteStar $Signature^{(R)}$ PRO; these patients were assigned to the experimental group. During the operation, operative parameters, including the effective phaco time (parameter of effective phaco time with a specific coefficient for the transversal movement expressed in seconds, EFX), ultrasound time (seconds [s]), effective phacoemulsification time (EPT, s), average phacoemulsification power (AVG, %), and balanced salt solution usage, were measured to determine the performance enhancement offered by the updated system. Central corneal thickness was measured before and after surgery to compare corneal edema. The relationships between the two groups were analyzed using an independent t-test. Results: The Signature $PRO^{(R)}$ system showed a lower EFX (p < 0.001), a shorter EPT (p < 0.001), and a smaller AVG (p < 0.001). Postoperative corneal thickness did not differ significantly between the two groups. Conclusions: Comparing the efficacy of the improved reaction speed of the device and automatic occlusion sensing system in performing phacoemulsification, the updated Signature $PRO^{(R)}$ system demonstrated superior followability and cutting efficiency regardless of nuclear cataract hardness.

Effects of Ginseng By-Products Supplementation on Performance, Blood Biochemical Profiles, Organ Development, and Stress Parameter in Broiler under Heat Stress Condition (인삼 부산물의 첨가 급여가 고온 스트레스 하 육계의 생산성, 혈액조성, 장기발달 및 스트레스 지표에 미치는 영향)

  • Jun-Ho, Lee;Ji-Won, Yoon;Bong-Ki, Kim;Hee-Bok, Park;Kyu-Sang, Lim;Ji-Hyuk, Kim
    • Korean Journal of Poultry Science
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    • v.49 no.4
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    • pp.255-264
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    • 2022
  • This study was performed to investigate the effects of dietary supplementation with ginseng by-products on growth, organ development, blood biochemical profiles, immune response, and stress parameter of broilers reared in high ambient temperatures. One hundred one-day-old male chicks (Ross 308) were used. At week two, the birds were randomly allocated into five dietary groups; control (CON), 0.5% ginseng berry (GB1), 1.0% ginseng berry (GB2), 0.5% ginseng leaves and stems (GLS1), and 1.0% ginseng leaves and stems (GLS2). The temperature was maintained at 32±1℃from 9 AM to 5 PM. Growth, serum immunoglobulins and corticosterone levels were monitored and analyzed. No significant differences among groups were observed in growth. However, during the finisher period (21~35d) and overall period (7~35 d), body weight gain in all supplemented groups tended higher than CON group. Blood biochemical profiles did not significantly differ among treatment groups except in bilirubin level. Serum immunoglobulins and corticosterone level showed no significant differences among groups. IgM and IgG levels were numerically higher in GLS1 than in other groups, but the difference was not significant. Corticosterone level also tended lower in all supplemented groups than in CON group, and larger decreases were observed in groups with higher ginseng by-product concentration. In conclusion, dietary supplementation of ginseng by-products shows potential to reduce heat stress in growing broilers with no negative effect on productivity.

Analysis of Significance between SWMM Computer Simulation and Artificial Rainfall on Rainfall Runoff Delay Effects of Vegetation Unit-type LID System (식생유니트형 LID 시스템의 우수유출 지연효과에 대한 SWMM 전산모의와 인공강우 모니터링 간의 유의성 분석)

  • Kim, Tae-Han;Choi, Boo-Hun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.48 no.3
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    • pp.34-44
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    • 2020
  • In order to suggest performance analysis directions of ecological components based on a vegetation-based LID system model, this study seeks to analyze the statistical significance between monitoring results by using SWMM computer simulation and rainfall and run-off simulation devices and provide basic data required for a preliminary system design. Also, the study aims to comprehensively review a vegetation-based LID system's soil, a vegetation model, and analysis plans, which were less addressed in previous studies, and suggest a performance quantification direction that could act as a substitute device-type LID system. After monitoring artificial rainfall for 40 minutes, the test group zone and the control group zone recorded maximum rainfall intensity of 142.91mm/hr. (n=3, sd=0.34) and 142.24mm/hr. (n=3, sd=0.90), respectively. Compared to a hyetograph, low rainfall intensity was re-produced in 10-minute and 50-minute sections, and high rainfall intensity was confirmed in 20-minute, 30-minute, and 40-minute sections. As for rainwater run-off delay effects, run-off intensity in the test group zone was reduced by 79.8% as it recorded 0.46mm/min at the 50-minute point when the run-off intensity was highest in the control group zone. In the case of computer simulation, run-off intensity in the test group zone was reduced by 99.1% as it recorded 0.05mm/min at the 50-minute point when the run-off intensity was highest. The maximum rainfall run-off intensity in the test group zone (Dv=30.35, NSE=0.36) recorded 0.77mm/min and 1.06mm/min in artificial rainfall monitoring and SWMM computer simulation, respectively, at the 70-minute point in both cases. Likewise, the control group zone (Dv=17.27, NSE=0.78) recorded 2.26mm/min and 2.38mm/min, respectively, at the 50-minutes point. Through statistical assessing the significance between the rainfall & run-off simulating systems and the SWMM computer simulations, this study was able to suggest a preliminary design direction for the rainwater run-off reduction performance of the LID system applied with single vegetation. Also, by comprehensively examining the LID system's soil and vegetation models, and analysis methods, this study was able to compile parameter quantification plans for vegetation and soil sectors that can be aligned with a preliminary design. However, physical variables were caused by the use of a single vegetation-based LID system, and follow-up studies are required on algorithms for calibrating the statistical significance between monitoring and computer simulation results.

Effect of different feeding times using a diet containing betaine on production, blood profile and a short chain fatty acid in meat ducks exposed to a scorching heat wave (베타인 사료의 급여시기가 폭염에 노출된 오리의 짧은 사슬지방산, 혈액 프로파일 및 생산성에 미치는 효과)

  • Bang, Han-Tae;Hwangbo, Jong;Kang, Hwan-Ku;Park, Byung-Sung
    • Journal of the Korean Applied Science and Technology
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.427-438
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    • 2015
  • The effects of different feeding times, using a diet containing 800 ppm betaine, on production, blood profile, and the short-chain fatty acid (SCFA), was investigated using 240 Cherry Valley (Anas platyrhynchos) meat ducks exposed to a scorching heat wave. The animals were randomly assigned to four groups, each of which was replicated three times with twenty ducks per replicate. The experimental period was 42 days for each group. Four groups were assigned into C (heat wave control group without betaine), T1 (ad libitum group fed a diet containing 800 ppm betaine), T2 (diet-restricted group fed twice daily between 05:00-10:00 and 17:00-20:00, using a diet containing 800 ppm betaine), and T3 (night-restricted group, fed from 17:00-10:00, with a diet containing 800 ppm betaine). At 42 days, body weight increased in order of T2, T1, T3 compared to the heat wave control group although. However, these differences were not found between the groups of T1 and T3. The heat wave control group, provided an ad libitum diet without betaine (C), showed an elevated feed conversion ratio compared to the groups fed a diet containing betaine. However, these differences were not found between the groups of T1, T2 and T3. RBC and platelet profiles except for PLT and MPV showed statistically significant differences between study groups fed a diet containing betaine. T2 presented significantly higher blood electrolytes $Na^+$ and $Cl^-$ than the other groups. T2 also showed a blood gas level that was generally higher than the other groups. Total SCFA, acetic acid and propionic acid concentration has been the increasing trend in T2, but butyric acid, isobutyric acid and valeric acid concentration has been the decreasing trend in T2 compared to the other groups. It is concluded that the feeding-restricted group, fed two times daily between 05:00-10:00 and 17:00-20:00, with a diet containing 800 ppm betaine may improve growth performance in meat ducks exposed to a scorching heat wave.

Relationship Between Vascularity and Other Remodeling Parameters in Asthmatic Airway (기관지천식환자에서 기도내 혈관분포정도(vascularity) 및 다른 기도 재구성 소견과의 연관성)

  • Kim, Seung Joon;Lee, Sook Young;Kim, Myoung Sook;Lo, Dae Keun;Kwon, Soon Seog;Kim, Young Kyoon;Kim, Kwan Hyoung;Moon, Hwa Sik;Song, Jeong Sup;Park, Sung Hak
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.54 no.2
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    • pp.191-198
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    • 2003
  • Background : The pathological features in asthmatic airway remodeling are diverse. The aim of this study was to examine the degree of airway vascularity in relation to the other remodeling parameters in asthmatics. Methods : Bronchial biopsies were done in 34 asthmatic patients, and 6 control subjects. The basement membrane thickness and the subepithelial thickness were measured in the hematoxylin-eosin stained tissue, and the degree of vascularity was measured using type IV collagen immunostaining. Results : 1) Compared to the control subjects, the asthmatics showed a significant increase in the basement membrane thickness ($6.92{\pm}2.01{\mu}m$ vs $9.67{\pm}2.84{\mu}m$, p<0.05) and the subepithelial thickness ($44.49{\pm}31.92{\mu}m$ vs $121.22{\pm}72.79{\mu}m$, p<0.05). 2) Compared to the control subjects, the asthmatics showed a significant increase in the vascular area per unit submucosal area ($4.51{\pm}2.13%$ vs $10.32{\pm}6.08%$, p<0.05). In addition, the number of vessels per unit submucosal area showed an increased tendency without statistical significance. 3) In the asthmatics, the number of vessels and the vascular area per unit submucosal area showed no correlation with the basement membrane thickness, the subepithelial thickness, the severity, the forced expiratory volume in 1 second($FEV_1$), and the methacholine provocative concentration 20($PC_{20}$). Conclusion : This study showed that vascularity was an important parameter in asthmatic airway remodeling but it was not related to the other remodeling parameters such as the basement membrane thickness and the subepithelial thickness. Each of these asthmatic remodeling parameters may have a different clinical significance. Therefore, further studies will be needed.

Potential of River Bottom and Bank Erosion for River Restoration after Dam Slit in the Mountain Stream

  • Kang, Ji-Hyun;So, Kazama
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2011.05a
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    • pp.46-46
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    • 2011
  • Severe sediment erosion during floods occur disaster and economic losses, but general sediment erosion is basic mechanism to move sediment from upstream to downstream river. In addition, it is important process to change river form. Check dam, which is constructed in mountain stream, play a vital role such as control of sudden debris flow, but it has negative aspects to river ecosystem. Now a day, check dam of open type is an alternative plan to recover river biological diversity and ecosystem through sediment transport while maintaining the function of disaster control. The purpose of this paper is to verify sediment erosion progress of river bottom and bank as first step for river restoration after dam slit by cross-sectional shear stress and critical shear stress. Study area is upstream reach of slit check dam in mountain stream, named Wasada, in Japan. The check dam was slit with two passages in August, 2010. The transects were surveyed for four upstream cross-sections, 7.4 m, 34 m, 86 m, and 150 m distance from dam in October 2010. Sediment size was surveyed at river bottom and bank. Sediment of cobble size was found at the wetted bottom, and small size particles of sand to medium gravel composed river bank. Discharge was $2.5\;m^3/s$ and bottom slope was 0.027 m/m. Excess shear stress (${\tau}_{ex}$) was calculated for hydraulic erosion by subtracting the values of critical shear stress (${\tau}_{c}$) from the value of shear stress (${\tau}$) at river bottom and bank (${\tau}_{ex}=\tau-{\tau}_c$). Shear stress of river bottom (${\tau}_{bottom}$) was calculated using the cross-sectional shear stress, and bank shear stress (${\tau}_{bank}$) was calculated from the method of Flintham and Carling (1988). $${\tau}_{bank}={\tau}^*SF_{bank}((B+P_{bed})/(2^*P_{bank}))$$ where $SF_{bank}=1.77(P_{bed}/p_{bank}+1.5)^{-1.4}$, B is the water surface width, $P_{bed}$ and $P_{bank}$ are wetted parameter of the bed and bank. Estimated values for ${\tau}_{bottom}$ for a flow of $2.5\;m^3/s$ were lower as 25.0 (7.5 m cross-section), 25.7 (34 m), 21.3 (86 m) and 19.8 (150 m), in N/$m^2$, than critical shear stress (${\tau}_c=62.1\;N/m^2$) with cobble of 64 mm. The values were insufficient to erode cobble sediment. In contrast, even if the values of ${\tau}_{bank}$ were lower than the values for ${\tau}_{bottom}$ as 18.7 (7.5 m), 19.3 (34 m), 16.1 (86 m) and 14.7 (150 m), in N/$m^2$, excess shear stresses were calculated at the three cross-sections of 7.5 m, 34 m, and 86 m distances compare with ${\tau}_c$ is 15.5 N/$m^2$ of 16mm gravel. Bank shear stresses were sufficient for erosion of the medium gravel to sand. Therefore there is potential to erode lateral bank than downward erosion in a flow of $2.5\;m^3/s$. Undercutting of the wetted bank can causes bank scour or collapse, therefore this channel has potential to become wider at the same time. This research is about a potential of sediment erosion, and the result could not verify with real data. Therefore it need next step for verification. In addition an erosion mechanism for river restoration is not simple because discharge distribution is variable by snow-melting or rainy season, and a function for disaster control will recover by big precipitation event. Therefore it needs to consider the relationship between continuous discharge change and sediment erosion.

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Effect of Thyroid Hormone on the Electrical Activity of Rabbit Heart (토끼심장의 전기적 활동에 대한 갑상선 호르몬의 영향)

  • Hong, Seong-Geun;Kwun, Jong-Kuk;Chung, Soon-Il
    • The Korean Journal of Physiology
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.17-29
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    • 1986
  • The present study was carried out to observe the effect of triiodothyronine on heart, one of the target organ of thyroid hormone. There are many reports that tachycardia, arrythmia, and agumentation of sodium, potassium pump activity are caused in hyperthyroid animal. To examine these cardiac positive chronotropic effects on sinoatrial (SA) node and atrial muscle, hyperthyroid state was induced experimentally by the injecion of 3,3',5-1-triiodothyronine $(T_3)$ in $3{\sim}6$ month-old rabbits. Then intracellular recordings by inserting glass microelectrode into cell were obtained in SA node and atrial muscle. The results can be summarized as follows : 1) Heartbeat was increased from $169.6{\pm}28.0\;to\;264.2{\pm}18.0$ beats per minute, while body weight was decreased to 68f of the initial body weight (Day 1). 2) In experimental group, the duration of action potential at 80% repolarization was decreased from $148.0{\pm}29.1\;to\;107{\pm}13.6msec$. This suggested the increase heartbeat. 3) The firing rate in hyperthyroid group markedly reduced under the 15 mM potassium Tyrode (p<0.005). 4) In hyperthyroid group, depolarization of atrial muscle cell was lowered significantly in 15 mM (p<0.05), 20 mM (p<0.05) potassium Tyrode solution. 5) Sodium-potassium pump activities in experimental group were higher than those in control group in both SA node (p<0. 1) and atrial muscle (p<0.025). 6) In lower concentration of $MnCl_2$, the excitability of SA node in hyperthyroid group was decreased more than that in control group. Effective inhibitory dose $(ID_{50})$ as 0.6 mM in hyperthyroid statd and 1.1 mM in control group.

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Comparison of Seedling Quality of Cucumber Seedlings and Growth and Production after Transplanting according to Differences in Seedling Production Systems (육묘 생산 시스템 차이에 따른 오이 모종의 묘소질과 정식 후 생육 비교)

  • Soon Jae Hyeon;Hwi Chan Yang;Young Ho Kim;Yun Hyeong Bae;Dong Cheol Jang
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.88-98
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    • 2024
  • This study provides basic data on the growth and production of seedlings produced in plant factories with artificial lighting by comparing seedling quality, growth and fruit characteristics, and production after transplanting cucumber seedlings according to environmental differences between plant factories with artificial lighting and conventional nurseries in greenhouse. The control group consisted of greenhouse seedlings (GH) grown in the conventional nursery before transplanting. Plant factory to greenhouse seedlings (PG) were grown for 9 days in a plant factory with artificial lighting and for 13 days in an conventional nursery. Plant factory seedlings (PF) were grown in a plant factory with artificial lighting for 22 days until planting. In terms of seedling quality, PFs had the highest relative growth rate and compactness and the best root zone development. After transplanting PFs tended to grow faster, the first harvest date was 2 days earlier than that of GHs, and the growing season ended 1 day earlier. The female flower flowering rate of the PFs was high, and the fruit set rate was of PF the lowest. The production per unit area was highest for PFs at 10.23kg Performance index on the absorption basis, the most sensitive chlorophyll fluorescence parameter, was highest at 4.14 for PFs at 4 weeks after transplantation. By comparing the maximum quantum yield of primary PS II photochemistry and dissipated energy flux per PS II reaction center electron at 4 weeks after transplantation, PFs tended to be the least stressed. PFs had the best seedling quality, growth, and production after planting, and fruit quality was consistent with that of greenhouse seedlings. Therefore, plant factory seedlings can be used in the field.