• Title/Summary/Keyword: Contribution to electric power

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Adaptive Output-feedback Neural Control for Strict-feedback Nonlinear Systems (strict-feedback 비선형 시스템의 출력궤환 적응 신경망 제어기)

  • Park Jang-Hyun;Kim Il-Whan;Kim Seong-Hwan;Moon Chae-Joo;Choi Jun-Ho
    • Proceedings of the KIPE Conference
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    • 2006.06a
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    • pp.526-528
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    • 2006
  • An adaptive output-feedback neural control problem of SISO strict-feedback nonlinear system is considered in this paper. The main contribution of the proposed method is that it is shown that the output-feedback control of the strict-feedback system can be viewed as that of the system in the normal form. As a result, proposed output-feedback control algorithm is much simpler than the previous backstepping-based controllers. Depending heavily on the universal approximation property of the neural network (NN) only one NN is employed to approximate lumped uncertain nonlinearity in the controlled system.

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Development and Operation of Durability Mock-Up Test Facilities for Offshore Electricity Structures (해상 전력구조물 내구성 실증 실험장 구축 및 운영)

  • Pang Gi-Sung;Han Sang-Mook;Song Young-Chul;Kwon Byeong-Soo
    • Proceedings of the Korea Concrete Institute Conference
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    • 2005.05b
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    • pp.265-268
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    • 2005
  • This paper discusses a strategy and status for development and operation of durability mock-up test facilities for offshore structures. The strategy is examplified and facilitated using an offshore transmission tower crossing the West sea and the Shihwha lake, which was designed and constructed 345kV T/L lines transmitting power from Yeong-Heung fossil power plant to Seoul metropolitan area. Various data for corrosion protection, aging, life-prediction of concrete and steel offshore structures can be obtained using the proposed mock-up test facility. Acquired data will be used for further research on durability, life-prediction, and retrofit of structures. It is important to maintain the safety of 345 kV Yeong-Heung transmission line crossing the Shihwha lake because the offshore structure is one of the critical electric facilities transmitting large power to the metropolitan area. Operation of the offshore transmission tower mock-up is expected to make a significant contribution to stable power supply.

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Analysis of Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel Inverter in DTC-SVM Induction Motor Drive for FCEV

  • Gholinezhad, Javad;Noroozian, Reza
    • Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.304-315
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    • 2013
  • In this paper, analysis of cascaded H-bridge multilevel inverter in DTC-SVM (Direct Torque Control-Space Vector Modulation) based induction motor drive for FCEV (Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle) is presented. Cascaded H-bridge multilevel inverter uses multiple series units of H-bridge power cells to achieve medium-voltage operation and low harmonic distortion. In FCEV, a fuel cell stack is used as the major source of electric power moreover the battery and/or ultra-capacitor is used to assist the fuel cell. These sources are suitable for utilizing in cascaded H-bridge multilevel inverter. The drive control strategy is based on DTC-SVM technique. In this scheme, first, stator voltage vector is calculated and then realized by SVM method. Contribution of multilevel inverter to the DTC-SVM scheme is led to achieve high performance motor drive. Simulations are carried out in Matlab-Simulink. Five-level and nine-level inverters are applied in 3hp FCEV induction motor drive for analysis the multilevel inverter. Each H-bridge is implemented using one fuel cell and battery. Good dynamic control and low ripple in the torque and the flux as well as distortion decrease in voltage and current profiles, demonstrate the great performance of multilevel inverter in DTC-SVM induction motor drive for vehicle application.

Energy Storage Application Strategy on DC Electric Railroad System using a Novel Railroad Analysis Algorithm

  • Lee, Han-Sang;Lee, Han-Min;Lee, Chang-Mu;Jang, Gil-Soo;Kim, Gil-Dong
    • Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.228-238
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    • 2010
  • There is an increasing interest in research to help overcome the energy crisis that has been focused on energy storage applications in various parts of power systems. Energy storage systems are good at enhancing the reliability or improving the efficiency of a power system by creating a time gap between the generation and the consumption of power. As a contribution to the various applications of storage devices, this paper describes a novel algorithm that determines the power and storage capacity of selected energy storage devices in order to improve upon railroad system efficiency. The algorithm is also demonstrated by means of simulation studies for the Korean railroad lines now in service. A part of this novel algorithm includes the DC railroad powerflow algorithm that considers the mobility of railroad vehicles, which is necessary because the electric railroad system has a distinct distribution system where the location and power of vehicles are not fixed values. In order to derive a more accurate powerflow result, this algorithm has been designed to consider the rail voltage as well as the feeder voltage for calculating the vehicle voltage. By applying the resultant control scheme, the charging or discharging within a specific voltage boundary, energy savings and a substation voltage stabilization using storage devices are achieved at the same time.

Seasonal Variation of Phytoplankton Community Structure in NortheasternCoastal Waters off the Korean Peninsula

  • Kang, Yeon-Shik;Choi, Hyu-Chang;Noh, Jae-Hoon;Choi, Joong-Ki;Jeon, In-Seong
    • ALGAE
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.83-90
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    • 2006
  • Phytoplankton community in the coastal waters off the northeastern Korean Peninsula were characterized from May 2002 to August 2003. Taxonomic composition, abundance and biomass were determined at two water depths at 10 sample sites. A total of 153 phytoplankton species including 121 diatoms, 28 dinoflagellates, 7 green algae and 7 other species were identified. The mean abundance of phytoplankton varied from 15 to 430 cells mL–1 in the surface layer and from 11 to 545 cells mL–1 in the bottom layer, respectively. Phytoplankton was more abundant in coastal stations relative to those in more open ocean. The most dominant species were marine diatoms such as Thalassionema nitzschioides, Licmorphora abbreviata, Chaetoceros affinis and Chaetoceros socialis. In addition, a few limnotic diatoms including Fragilaria capucina v. rumpens, the green alga Scenedesmus dimorphus, some marine dinoflagellates and Cryptomonas sp. appeared as dominant species. Mean concentration of total chlorophyll-a varied from 0.22 to 7.87 μg chl-a L–1 and from 0.45 to 6.79 μg chl-a L–1 in the surface and bottom layers, respectively. The contribution of phytoplankton each size-fractionated varied highly with season. The contribution of microphytoplankton to total biomass of phytoplankton in the surface and bottom layer was high in February and August 2003, and that of nano-phytoplankton was high in May 2002 in both surface and bottom layers.

Appropriate Policy for DSM Program in Competitive Electric Market (전력산업 주조개편에 따른 수요관리 추진방향)

  • Jin, B.M.;Rhee, C.H.;Kim, C.S.
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2001.05a
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    • pp.334-338
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    • 2001
  • The importance of DSM Program is increasing since it can solve the problems of electric power resource space shortage, air & water pollution and create new industry and induce economic development through energy import reduction. This study describes the government's policy and direction on DSM at the national level after introducing competition in electricity market. Moreover, it tries to make contribution to government's decision-making by analyzing existing DSM programs' implementation and providing new evaluation system for DSM programs.

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An Estimation of Age-, Power-, and Type-Specific Emission Inventories for Construction Equipments Using Improved Methodologies and Emission Factors (배출계수 개발 및 배출량 산정 체계 고도화를 통한 건설기계의 연식, 출력 및 기종별 대기오염물질 배출량 산정)

  • Jin, Hyungah;Lee, Taewoo;Park, Hana;Son, Jihwan;Kim, Sangkyun;Hong, Jihyung;Jeon, Sangzin;Kim, Jeongsoo;Choi, Kwangho
    • Journal of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment
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    • v.30 no.6
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    • pp.555-568
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    • 2014
  • The construction equipment is one of the major sources for hazardous air pollutants in Korea, and the its management has been of great concern recently. The objective of this study was to estimate each contribution of emission of construction equipments according to their production year, electric power consumption and type. To achieve this goal, we developed pollutant emission factors for the machineries manufactured after 2009, which are excluded from the present framework of Korean air pollutants inventory, CAPSS. More than 800 data obtained from emission investigations were utilized for the estimation. Compared with the previous estimation, the scheme used this study was modified to incorporate new emission factors as well as to include the corresponding activity data. Such improvement allow us to gain more detailed emission informations which are better characterized by specifications of construction equipments. The total amount of pollutants emitted from construction equipments in 2011 were estimated as 126.8, 7.0, 58.3, and 17.0 kton for $NO_x$, PM, CO, and VOC, respectively. The estimation results indicate that the increase in the emission of equipments is significantly related to their age and power consumption. The emissions of the older ones manufactured from 1992~1996 were estimated to be the contribution ranged from 23.7% to 26.8%, whereas the newer ones (2009~2011) showed the attributions of 11.3~21.5%. In addition, the results show that the emission of each equipment was increased with the increase in the electric power consumption of engine, probably due to their average output power. Among the nine types of machinery compared, excavators and forklifts were investigated to contribute relatively higher emissions in the level of 39.8~44.0% and 32.0~34.2%, respectively.

A Study on Performance Analysis of New Renewable Energy Power Generation for Energy-Climate Change Policy Linkage: A Restricted Cost Approach (에너지-기후변화정책 연계를 위한 신재생발전의 성과분석: 제약비용함수접근법)

  • Lee, Myunghun
    • Environmental and Resource Economics Review
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.339-362
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    • 2018
  • In this paper, we simulate the contribution of an increasing renewable energy to demands for fossil fuels and power supply price by estimating a cost function for the Korean electric power generation sector. Since the renewable energy is a composite input, it is not feasible to compute the price index for renewable energy due to data limit. We estimate a restricted cost function, which is derived by minimizing the costs of fossil fuels conditional on the quantity of renewable energy set to its optimal level, jointly with supply relation. In particular, derivation of the shadow price of renewable energy would make it possible to analyze potential costs incurred by power plants.

Development of a Novel Charging Algorithm for On-board ESS in DC Train through Weight Modification

  • Jung, Byungdoo;Kim, Hyun;Kang, Heechan;Lee, Hansang
    • Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology
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    • v.9 no.6
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    • pp.1795-1804
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    • 2014
  • Owing to the reduction in the peak power of a DC railway subsystem, many studies on energy storage system (ESS) applications have received attention. Each application focuses on improving the efficiency and addressing regulation issues by utilizing the huge regenerative energy generated by braking-phase vehicles. The ESS applications are widely divided into installation on a vehicle or in a substation, depending on the target system characteristics. As the main purpose of the ESS application is to reduce the peak power of starting-phase vehicles, an optimized ESS utilization can be achieved by the operating at the highest peak power section. However, the weight of an entire vehicle, including those of the passengers, continuously changes during operation; thus, considering the total power consumption and the discharging point is difficult. As a contribution to the various storage device algorithms, this study deals with ESS on board vehicles and introduces an ESS operating plan for peak-power reduction by investigating the weight of a train on a real-time basis. This process is performed using a train-performance simulator, and the simulation accuracy can be increased because the weight in each phase can be adopted in the simulation.

Predicted Performance of the Integrated Artificial Lighting System in Relation to Daylight Levels (채광시스템과 인공조명설비의 통합기술 및 성능평가연구)

  • Kim, G.;Kim, J.T.
    • Journal of the Korean Solar Energy Society
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.47-56
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    • 2002
  • The office is an excellent candidate for implementing daylighting techniques because of the relatively high electric lighting power densities and long daytime use pattern. The quantity of light available for a space can be translated in term of the amount of energy savings through a process of a building energy simulation. To get significant energy savings in general illumination, the electric lighting system must be incorporated with a daylight - activated dimmer control. A prototype configuration of an office interior has been established and the integration between the building envelope and lighting and HVAC systems is evaluated based on computer modeling of a lighting control facility. First of all, an energy-efficient luminaire system is designed for both a totally open-plan office interior and a partitioned office. A lighting design and analysis program, Lumen-Micro 2000 predicts the optimal layout of a conventional fluorescent lighting fixture to meet the designed lighting level and calculates unit power density, which translates the demanded amount of electric lighting energy. A dimming control system integrated with the contribution of daylighting has been applied to the operating of the artificial lighting. Annual cooling load due to lighting and the projecting saving amount of cooling load due to daylighting under overcast diffuse sky are evaluated by a computer software, ENER-Win. In brief, the results from building energy simulation with measured daylight illumination levels and the performance of lighting control system indicate that daylighting can save over 70 percent of the required energy for general illumination in the perimeter zones through the year. A 25 % of electric energy for cooling may be saved by dimming and turning off the luminaires in the perimeter zones.