• Title/Summary/Keyword: Contour Areas

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Efficient Inference of Image Objects using Semantic Segmentation (시멘틱 세그멘테이션을 활용한 이미지 오브젝트의 효율적인 영역 추론)

  • Lim, Heonyeong;Lee, Yurim;Jee, Minkyu;Go, Myunghyun;Kim, Hakdong;Kim, Wonil
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.67-76
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    • 2019
  • In this paper, we propose an efficient object classification method based on semantic segmentation for multi-labeled image data. In addition to various pixel unit information and processing techniques such as color information, contour, contrast, and saturation included in image data, a detailed region in which each object is located is extracted as a meaningful unit and the experiment is conducted to reflect the result in the inference. We use a neural network that has been proven to perform well in image classification to understand which object is located where image data containing various class objects are located. Based on these researches, we aim to provide artificial intelligence services that can classify real-time detailed areas of complex images containing various objects in the future.

Highlighting Defect Pixels for Tire Band Texture Defect Classification (타이어 밴드 직물의 불량유형 분류를 위한 불량 픽셀 하이라이팅)

  • Rakhmatov, Shohruh;Ko, Jaepil
    • Journal of Advanced Navigation Technology
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.113-118
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    • 2022
  • Motivated by people highlighting important phrases while reading or taking notes we propose a neural network training method by highlighting defective pixel areas to classify effectively defect types of images with complex background textures. To verify our proposed method we apply it to the problem of classifying the defect types of tire band fabric images that are too difficult to classify. In addition we propose a backlight highlighting technique which is tailored to the tire band fabric images. Backlight highlighting images can be generated by using both the GradCAM and simple image processing. In our experiment we demonstrated that the proposed highlighting method outperforms the traditional method in the view points of both classification accuracy and training speed. It achieved up to 13.4% accuracy improvement compared to the conventional method. We also showed that the backlight highlighting technique tailored for highlighting tire band fabric images is superior to a contour highlighting technique in terms of accuracy.

Gluteal Region Reshaping of Massive Weight Loss Patients-A Decision-Making Strategy

  • Mahgoub, Mohamed Ali;Zeina, Ahmed Mahmoud;El-Din, Ahmed Mohamed Bahaa;El-Sabbagh, Ahmed Hassan;Bassetto, Franco;Vindigni, Vincenzo
    • Archives of Plastic Surgery
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    • v.49 no.3
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    • pp.289-295
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    • 2022
  • Background Massive weight loss (MWL) is a very common presentation that you may face as a plastic surgeon. Each patient has his own individual criteria, so, you should work according to a well-organized plan, especially when such cases have concerns about their gluteal area contour that were neglected before by many surgeons. A decision-making strategy was used to give a personalized treatment for targeting gluteal region reshaping of MWL patients. Methods This study considered all patients with MWL subjected to buttock reshaping. There was no randomization in treatment; there was a case-by-case assessment. We analyzed the features of the buttocks, the type of surgery performed, the outcomes, and the complications. Results Fifty two patients were included (41 females and 11 males), ages ranged between 21 and 66 years. Demographic data, preoperative body mass index (BMI), duration of surgery, type of surgery, and postoperative complications were collected. Statistically significant improvements were observed in gluteal ptosis and patient satisfaction grades. Conclusion Aesthetic improvement of the buttocks involves either augmentation or contouring that may be obtained by liposculpture, surgical lifting, or combination. Patients with MWL have high expectations and are often treated with multiple procedures. Thus, an easy strategic approach personalized on each patient to treat multiple adjacent areas in one operation is necessary. Adipose tissue distribution, gluteal skin status, and BMI were the main factors that can forcefully affect our plan to guarantee reduction of unpleasant results and complications and improve patient satisfaction.

Analysis of Fish Activity in Relation to Feeding Events Using Infrared Cameras (적외선 카메라를 활용한 급이 유무에 따른 어류 활동성 분석)

  • Roh, Tae Kyoung;Ha, Sang Hyun;Kim, Ki Hwan;Kang, Young Jin;Jeong, Seok Chan
    • The Journal of Information Systems
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.137-147
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    • 2023
  • Purpose The domestic aquaculture industry in South Korea utilizes both formulated feeds and live feeds for the cultivation of fish. While nutrient-rich live feeds, particularly using fry, have been preferred since the past, formulated feeds are gaining attention due to issues related to overfishing and environmental concerns. Formulated feeds are advantageous for storage and supply but require a sustained feeding regimen due to the comparatively slower growth rate compared to live feeds. As the aging population in rural areas leads to a shortage of labor, automated feeding systems are increasingly being adopted in aquaculture facilities. To enhance the efficiency of such systems, it is crucial to quantitatively analyze the behavioral changes in fish based on the presence or absence of feed. Design/methodology/approach In the study, RGB cameras and infrared cameras were used to analyze fish activity according to feeding, and an outline extraction algorithm was applied to analyze the differences resulting from this. Findings Unlike RGB cameras, infrared cameras are more suitable for analyzing underwater fish activity as they convert objects' thermal energy into images. It was observed that Canny, Sobel, and Prewitt filters showed the most distinct identification of fish activity.

A Experimental Study on the 3-D Image Restoration Technique of Submerged Area by Chung-ju Dam (충주댐 수몰지구의 3차원 영상복원 기법에 관한 실험적 연구)

  • 연상호
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.21-27
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    • 2004
  • It will be a real good news fer the people who were lost their hometown by the construction of a large dam to be restored to the farmer state. Focused on Cheung-pyung around where most part were submerged by the Chungju large Dam founded in eurly 1980s, It used remote sensing image restoration Technique in this study in order to restore topographical features before the flood with stereo effects. We gathered comparatively good satellite photos and remotely sensed digital images, then its made a new fusion image from these various satellite images and the topographical map which had been made before the water filled by the DAM. This task was putting together two kinds of different timed images. And then, we generated DEM including the outskirts of that area as matching current contour lines with the map. That could be a perfect 3D image of test areas around before when it had been water filled by making perspective images from all directions included north, south, east and west, fer showing there in 3 dimensions. Also, for close range visiting made of flying simulation can bring to experience their real space at that time. As a result of this experimental task, it made of new fusion images and 3-D perspective images and simulation live images by remotely sensed photos and images, old paper maps about vanished submerged Dam areas and gained of possibility 3-D terrain image restoration about submerged area by large Dam construction.

A Study on Blasting Method for the Smallest of the Scour Depth after Pier Construction (교각의 세굴심도 최소화를 위한 발파공법 연구)

  • 김가현;김종주;안명석
    • Explosives and Blasting
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.23-35
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    • 2003
  • An analytical diffusion model for flood routing with backwater effects and lateral flows is developed. The basic diffusion equation is linearized about an average depth of (H + h), and is solved using the boundary conditons which take into account the effects of backwater and lateral flows. Scouring phenomenon around pier which affects on the support function of pier and the stabilization if river bed is a complex problem depending on flow properties and river bed state as well as pier geometry. therefore, there is no uniting theory at present which would enable the designer to estimate, with confidence, the depth of scour at bridge piers. The various methods used in erosion control are collectively called upstream engineering, HEC-RAS Model, underwater blasting. They consist of reforestation, check-dam construction, planting of burned-over areas, contour plowing and regulation of crop and grazing practices. Also included are measures for proper treatment of high embankments and cuts and stabilization of streambanks by planting or by revetment construction. One phase of reforestation that may be applied near a reservoir is planting of vegetation screens. Such screens, planted on the flats adjacent to the normal stream channel at the head of a reservoir, reduce the velocity of silt-laden storm inflows that inundate these areas. This stilling action causes extensive deposition to occur before the silt reaches the main cavity of the reservoir.

Recognition of Resident Registration Card using ART2-based RBF Network and face Verification (ART2 기반 RBF 네트워크와 얼굴 인증을 이용한 주민등록증 인식)

  • Kim Kwang-Baek;Kim Young-Ju
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.1-15
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    • 2006
  • In Korea, a resident registration card has various personal information such as a present address, a resident registration number, a face picture and a fingerprint. A plastic-type resident card currently used is easy to forge or alter and tricks of forgery grow to be high-degree as time goes on. So, whether a resident card is forged or not is difficult to judge by only an examination with the naked eye. This paper proposed an automatic recognition method of a resident card which recognizes a resident registration number by using a refined ART2-based RBF network newly proposed and authenticates a face picture by a template image matching method. The proposed method, first, extracts areas including a resident registration number and the date of issue from a resident card image by applying Sobel masking, median filtering and horizontal smearing operations to the image in turn. To improve the extraction of individual codes from extracted areas, the original image is binarized by using a high-frequency passing filter and CDM masking is applied to the binaried image fur making image information of individual codes better. Lastly, individual codes, which are targets of recognition, are extracted by applying 4-directional contour tracking algorithm to extracted areas in the binarized image. And this paper proposed a refined ART2-based RBF network to recognize individual codes, which applies ART2 as the loaming structure of the middle layer and dynamicaly adjusts a teaming rate in the teaming of the middle and the output layers by using a fuzzy control method to improve the performance of teaming. Also, for the precise judgement of forgey of a resident card, the proposed method supports a face authentication by using a face template database and a template image matching method. For performance evaluation of the proposed method, this paper maked metamorphoses of an original image of resident card such as a forgey of face picture, an addition of noise, variations of contrast variations of intensity and image blurring, and applied these images with original images to experiments. The results of experiment showed that the proposed method is excellent in the recognition of individual codes and the face authentication fur the automatic recognition of a resident card.

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Best Management Practices Reducing Soil Loss in the Saprolite Piled Upland in Hongcheon Highland (고령지 석비레 성토 밭의 토양유실 저감을 위한 최적영농관리방안)

  • Park, Chol-Soo;Jung, Yeong-Sang;Joo, Jin-Ho;Lee, Jung-Tae
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.38 no.3
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    • pp.119-126
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    • 2005
  • Soil erosion at Jawoon-Ri in Hongcheon highland is one of serious problems since saprolite piling on farmland has been typically practiced at 2-3 year's intervals. The objective of the case study was to survey management practices such as tillage, application of saprolite, and cultivating crops and to propose best management practices (BMP) to reduce soil loss in Jawoon-Ri, Hongcheon-Gun. Jawoon-Ri is located in the upper stream of Naerinchun. Upland areas of Jawoon 2 and 4Ri were 206.9 and 142.3 hectare, respectively. Estimation of soil loss in this study was based on USLE (Universal soil loss equation). Annual averaged soil losses were 15.6 MT per hectare in Jawoon-2Ri and 9.0 MT per hectare in Jawoon-4Ri, respectively. This case study tried to find methods to reduce soil erosion below tolerant soil loss level which is $11MT\;ha^{-1}\;yr^{-1}$. Estimated soil losses in more than 40% of uplands in Jawoon-2Ri and 4Ri were higher than tolerant soil loss level. Especially, edge of uplands undergone excessive soil erosion by concentrated runoff water. Therefore consolidation of upland edge was included as one of the proposed Best management practices BMP). The proposed BMP in this area were buffer strips, contour and mulching, diversion drain channel, grassed water-way, detour watet-way and cover crops and so on. Amounts for BMP requirements were 7,680 m for buffer strips, 123 ha (35%) for contour and mulching, 201 ha (57%) for diversion drain channel, 13,880 m for grassed water-way, 3,860 m for detour drainage, 8,365 m for sloping side consolidation and 3,492 ha for cover crops, respectively. Application of BMP are urgently needed in uplands which is direct conjunction with stream.

The analysis of physical features and affective words on facial types of Korean females in twenties (얼굴의 물리적 특징 분석 및 얼굴 관련 감성 어휘 분석 - 20대 한국인 여성 얼굴을 대상으로 -)

  • 박수진;한재현;정찬섭
    • Korean Journal of Cognitive Science
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2002
  • This study was performed to analyze the physical attributes of the faces and affective words on the fares. For analyzing physical attributes inside of a face, 36 facial features were selected and almost of them were the lengths or distance values. For analyzing facial contour 14 points were selected and the lengths from nose-end to them were measured. The values of these features except ratio values normalized by facial vortical length or facial horizontal length because the face size of each person is different. The principal component analysis (PCA) was performed and four major factors were extracted: 'facial contour' component, 'vortical length of eye' component, 'facial width' component, 'eyebrow region' component. We supposed the five-dimensional imaginary space of faces using factor scores of PCA, and selected representative faces evenly in this space. On the other hand, the affective words on faces were collected from magazines and through surveys. The factor analysis and multidimensional scaling method were performed and two orthogonal dimensions for the affections on faces were suggested: babyish-mature and sharp-soft.

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Optimization for the Physical Properties of Steamed Foam Cakes Prepared with Single-stage Method by Response Surface Methodology (반응표면 분석법에 의한 단단계법 거품형 찜 케이크의 물리적 특성의 최적화)

  • Kwhak, Sung-Ho;Jang, Myung-Sook
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.557-566
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    • 2005
  • In preparation of steamed foam-cakes, effects of whipping time, amount of wheat flour, and amounts of emulsifier on physical properties of the steamed foam cakes were investigated using RSM (response surface methodology). The three independent variables selected for the RSM experiment were whipping time $(X_1)$, amount of wheat flour $(X_2)$, and amounts of wheat flour $(X_2)$, and concentration of emulsifier $(X_3)$ were set for single-stage mixing, respectively. A rotatable central composite design was used for treatment arrangement. The responses from the product for loaf volume, color values and textural properties were analysed. In the analysis of variance for the foam cakes prepared by single-stage method, significant interactions were observed between independent variables (experimental factors) and physical property like loaf volume (p<0.05); textural properties like hardness, gumminess, and chewiness (p<0.05). Among independent variables, concentration of emulsifier had the most effects on physical properties while whipping time. The ordinary points in surface response showed maximal points with physical property like colorimetric b value while other properties revealed saddle points. The 3-dimensional response surface graphs of the predicted regression models displayed decreasing loaf volumes with increasing whipping times and emulsifier concentrations beyond optimum levels. The optimum conditions for best loaf volume and textural property (hardness, gummimess and chewiness) of the products selected by extracting intersectional areas of the contour maps that commonly overlapped all characteristics were; $11\~13$ min whipping time, $470\~486\;g$ amount of wheat flour, and $19\~20\;g$ emulsifier concentration, in case of single-stage method. The median values extracted from the RSM experimental results for optimum manufacturing conditions for single-stage method, i.e., 12 min whipping time, 478 g amount of wheat flour, and 20 g emulsifier concentration were empirically proven to fit the predicted levels of physical properties from the final foam cakes.