• Title/Summary/Keyword: Context Effects

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Differences in priorities of high school students' knowledge activated in laboratory and earth environmental contexts (고등학교 학생들의 문제해결에서 맥락에 따라 활성화되는 지식의 우선순위차이)

  • Lee, Myoeng-Jee
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.304-311
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    • 1994
  • Four science concepts were selected from high school science textbook to investigate the differences in priorities of students knowledge activated during solving earth science problems in laboratory and earth science environmental contexts. Two items, one for laboratory context and the other for earth environmental context, were developed for earth selected concept The subjects were constituted of 192 students in 11th grade and 196 in 12th grade in one senior high school. Students' responses were categorized using graph models and analyzed in terms of 'Common Activated Knowledge'(CAK). and 'Specific Activated Knowledge'(SAK) across students' cognitive frames, grades, and sex. As contextual differences of the problems increased, context effects in priorities of CAK were reported in favor of laboratory context, on the contrary those of SAK in favor of earth environmental context. Context effects were reported across cognitive frames, especially students with laboratory cognitive frames showed more significant context effects than others. Lower graders and girls showed relatively large context effects. The results of this study showed that science concepts learned in a laboratory context are not easily transferred to earth environmental context. Therefore, special instructional strategies should be developed to overcome the context effect s according to activated knowledges with high priorities in laboratory and earth environmental context.

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The Contextual Effects on Pronoun Reaolution (대명사의 참조관계 처리시의 맥락의 역할)

  • 방희정
    • Korean Journal of Cognitive Science
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.279-307
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    • 1990
  • The present research inverstigates the nature of contextual effects on pronoun reference resolution during text comprehesion.Through three experiments,this research examines how various contextuall informations influence on reference resolution and interact with syntactic variables.In experiment 1,the local context was controlled by biasing the pronoun-sentence context towards a certain preceding referent.The lexical decision time and the forced choice time for the correct referent were measured.The results showed that the local contexts have clear effect on reference resolution.The effects of syntactic ambiguity were also observed though the local context was biased towards a certain referent noun.In experiment 2,the global context effect was examined by introducing the text-thematic context in a preceding sentence while keeping the following pronoun-sentence context neutral.The results showed that the global thematic context bias towards a subject or object in a preceding sentence entails a faster response time than the thematically neutral context.In experiment 3,another aspects of context effects were inverstigated by manipulating the consistency of the preceding thematic context with the following pronoun-sentence context.The results showed that the lexical decision responses and forced referent choice responses were faster when the prethematic context and the post-anaphoric context match than when they mismatch.In sum,the overall results of three experiments of this research indicates that context has a clear effect on pronoun reference resolution during text comprehension.

Vowel Context Effect on the Perception of Stop Consonants in Malayalam and Its Role in Determining Syllable Frequency

  • Mohan, Dhanya;Maruthy, Sandeep
    • Journal of Audiology & Otology
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.124-130
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    • 2021
  • Background and Objectives: The study investigated vowel context effects on the perception of stop consonants in Malayalam. It also probed into the role of vowel context effects in determining the frequency of occurrence of various consonant-vowel (CV) syllables in Malayalam. Subjects and Methods: The study used a cross-sectional pre-experimental post-test only research design on 30 individuals with normal hearing, who were native speakers of Malayalam. The stimuli included three stop consonants, each spoken in three different vowel contexts. The resultant nine syllables were presented in original form and five gating conditions. The consonant recognition in different vowel contexts of the participants was assessed. The frequency of occurrence of the nine target syllables in the spoken corpus of Malayalam was also systematically derived. Results: The consonant recognition score was better in the /u/ vowel context compared with /i/ and /a/ contexts. The frequency of occurrence of the target syllables derived from the spoken corpus of Malayalam showed that the three stop consonants occurred more frequently with the vowel /a/ compared with /u/ and /i/. Conclusions: The findings show a definite vowel context effect on the perception of the Malayalam stop consonants. This context effect observed is different from that in other languages. Stop consonants are perceived better in the context of /u/ compared with the /a/ and /i/ contexts. Furthermore, the vowel context effects do not appear to determine the frequency of occurrence of different CV syllables in Malayalam.

Vowel Context Effect on the Perception of Stop Consonants in Malayalam and Its Role in Determining Syllable Frequency

  • Mohan, Dhanya;Maruthy, Sandeep
    • Korean Journal of Audiology
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.124-130
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    • 2021
  • Background and Objectives: The study investigated vowel context effects on the perception of stop consonants in Malayalam. It also probed into the role of vowel context effects in determining the frequency of occurrence of various consonant-vowel (CV) syllables in Malayalam. Subjects and Methods: The study used a cross-sectional pre-experimental post-test only research design on 30 individuals with normal hearing, who were native speakers of Malayalam. The stimuli included three stop consonants, each spoken in three different vowel contexts. The resultant nine syllables were presented in original form and five gating conditions. The consonant recognition in different vowel contexts of the participants was assessed. The frequency of occurrence of the nine target syllables in the spoken corpus of Malayalam was also systematically derived. Results: The consonant recognition score was better in the /u/ vowel context compared with /i/ and /a/ contexts. The frequency of occurrence of the target syllables derived from the spoken corpus of Malayalam showed that the three stop consonants occurred more frequently with the vowel /a/ compared with /u/ and /i/. Conclusions: The findings show a definite vowel context effect on the perception of the Malayalam stop consonants. This context effect observed is different from that in other languages. Stop consonants are perceived better in the context of /u/ compared with the /a/ and /i/ contexts. Furthermore, the vowel context effects do not appear to determine the frequency of occurrence of different CV syllables in Malayalam.

Review and Analysis of the Studies on Contexts in Science Education (과학교육에서의 상황 관련 연구에 대한 개관과 분석)

  • Song, Jin-Woong
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.273-288
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    • 1997
  • The purpose of this study was to review the studies related to the problem of context in science education. Firstly, studies on context and context effects in science education (and also those related in cognitive psychology) were summarized according to the topics concerning science learning, such as deductive reasoning and probabilistic judgement, controlling variables, scientific inquiry skills, memory and consistency of misconceptions, selecting cognitive strategies and problem solving, achievement and momentum effect, and interest, religion and culture. Secondly, the common problems appeared from the analysis of the studies were discussed, such as (1) how to define contexts?, (2) how to classify contexts?, (3) how to characterize the effects of contexts? and (4) how to explain the context effects? Finally, the implications of the analysis of the studies on the problem of context were discussed in terms of recent development of science education, such as misconception studies, STS science education and the application of the history of science to science teaching.

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The Differences In Knowledges Activated inLaboratory and Earth Environmental Contexts (실험실맥락과 지구환경맥락의 문제해결에서 활성화되는 지식의 차이)

  • Lee, Myeong-Je;Kim, Chan-Jong;Choe, Seung-Eon
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.257-271
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    • 1993
  • Four science concepts were selected from high school earth science textbook to investigate the differences in students knowledges activated in laboratory and earth environmemtal contexts. Two items, one is for laboratory and the other for earth environmental contexts, were develped for each selected concept. Students' responses were analyzed in terms of 'Common Activated Knowledges' (CAK), 'Specific Activated Knowledges'(SAK) across students' cognitive frames, grades and sexes. As contextual differences of the problems increased, gender contributed more than other variables to the frequencies of activating CAK and SAK. Context effects were also reported across cognitive frames for CAK, but SAK became more avtivated when the contextual differences of the items become smaller. As a whole, students with laboratory cognitive frames showed more significant context effects than others. Students in 11th grade, with scientific frames and with earth science cognitive frames showed relatively small context effects. The results of the study showed that sciene concepts learned in a laboratory context are not usually transferred spontaneously to earth environmental contexts. Special instructional strategies should developed to overcome the context effects.

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The Context Effect of Web Contents and Advertising (웹사이트 콘텐츠와 광고의 맥락효과 검증)

  • Shin, Jong-Kuk
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.9 no.11
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    • pp.363-375
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    • 2009
  • This study is to verify effects of banner advertising by context effect in web contents. For this, it analyzed the effects of banner advertising by association of internet article's contents, emotion, difficulty of article and the level of involvement. According to the result of experimental design, banner advertising effects by context effects of web contents were high in the following cases; in the case when the contents were highly associated with banner advertising; in the case when the positive emotions were formed by the internet article; in the case when the difficultly of article was low; and in the case when consumer's involvement was high. And also, when the contents were highly associated with the advertising, the content effects of web contents were high even in the case when the negative emotions were formed; in the case when the difficulty of article was high; and consumer's involvement was low.

The context effects in reading Hangul in normal and low vision (정상시력과 저시력 읽기에서 맥락효과)

  • Song, Ye-Rry;Lee, Hye-Won
    • Korean Journal of Cognitive Science
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.339-357
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    • 2010
  • In this study we examined the context effects in reading Hangul (Korean alphabets) in normal and low vision, using the two different reading techniques, self-paced reading (Experiment 1) and rapid serial visual presentation (Experiment 2). We compared the reading speed of participants with normal or low vision in sentences vs. randomly ordered words. The results from both experiments showed that the reading speed of participants with low vision slowed significantly relative to those with normal vision. However, the patterns in the size of context effects were different in the two experiments. The context effects were larger in low vision than in normal vision in self-paced reading, but they were smaller in low vision than in normal vision in RSVP. This result indicates that context may make a greater contribution for readers with low vision than for readers with normal vision when sufficient time is allowed to read; in contrary, its contribution is smaller for readers with low vision than for readers with normal vision when there is time limitation for reading.

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Internet article's context and attention effects of the attitude toward advertising and corporate image (인터넷 기사의 맥락과 주목도가 광고태도와 기업이미지에 미치는 효과)

  • Kim, Eun-Hee;Yu, Seung-Yeob
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.129-136
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    • 2012
  • This study is presented on the corporate advertising strategy utilizing internet on corporate social responsibility in the context of the articles. To this end, Internet articles divided into positive and negative contexts, and has even attracted the attention of Internet articles and high /low and then separated into groups on ad attitudes and corporate image, the interaction effect was examined. Firstly, the Internet, a low level of condition of the article noted, in the context of a positive than a negative context, recall rates were higher. Second, the context of Internet articles and attention on the interaction effect between attitude toward advertising appeared. Third, the context of Internet articles and attention on the interaction effects between the corporate image appeared. Finally, the context of Internet articles and attention on competitive interactions between the corporate management was effective. Thus, the context of Internet articles based on the level of attention and context to determine the effect of advertising by consumer advertising awareness and favorable attitude toward corporate advertising and corporate image enhancement and competitiveness of business management can be an effective strategic plan suggests that.

The Effects of Making Science Newspaper Activity on the Science Inquiry Process Ability of Elementary School Students and Analysing the Writing Context (과학신문만들기 활동이 초등학생의 과학탐구능력에 미치는 영향과 글쓰기 맥락 분석)

  • Hong, Juneuy
    • Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.146-153
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study were to know the effects of making science newspaper activity on the science inquiry process ability of elementary school students and to analyse the writing context about their articles. The 33 sixth grader were participated in this program and they made 3 or 4 make a group, 9 groups made their own science newspaper. The results are as follow: first, there were statistically significantly differences(p<.01) on the basic science inquiry process abilities especially measurement and reasoning on making science newspaper activity. But there were no significantly differences on the integrative science inquiry process abilities; second, according to their articles on science newspaper, in personal context, they used many terms such as ecosystem, producer, consumer, decomposer, balance, but it was not personalized. And in social context, They pointed the cause and solution for the pollution and destruction in ecosystem, but it was superficial. Lastly in physical context, They used well their science concepts from class and format in newspaper in making science newspaper.