• Title/Summary/Keyword: Contents Transformation

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A Structual Analysis of the Relationship between Brand Image and Country Image of Global Product (글로벌 제품의 브랜드 이미지와 국가 이미지에 관한 구조적 관계 분석)

  • Bong-Soo Lee
    • Korea Trade Review
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    • v.46 no.6
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    • pp.55-71
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study was to establish the causal structural model among brand image and country image associated with consumers' purchase decision of products. The specific objectives were 1) to analyze the effects of brand image on consumers' purchase decision of products, 2) to analyze the effects of country image on consumers' purchase decision of products, 3) to analyze the effects of brand image on country image, 4) to analyze the mediating effects of country image between brand image and consumers' purchase decision of products. The conclusions of this study are as follows: First, companies must have an advantage strategy for brand image along with country image. To this end, a strategy to promote the brand image through various media is effective. Second, it is necessary to find new transformation through the establishment of brand identity at the corporate level so that consumers can have a good impression on the brand image. Third, it is important for companies to make efforts at the level of brand image and country image to provide consumers with information that can increase expectations and actual satisfaction and to build product reputation. In addition, it is necessary to embody brand images and country images into global marketing mix strategies. Fourth, if companies build a brand image that symbolizes a differentiated culture, the brand image can have a positive effect on consumer purchase decisions. Along with this, companies can further increase their positive effects by developing representative brand image contents. Fifth, this study confirmed that the higher the image level of the manufacturing country in a situation where consumers' preferences are diversifying, the more the brand image leads to consumers' purchasing decisions. Therefore, brand managers are required to build a country image suitable for the existing brand image when advertising at the time of product introduction.

Functional Mechanism of Wearable Devices based on the Consumption Value of Generation MZ (MZ 세대의 소비가치에 따른 웨어러블 디바이스의 기능적 메커니즘)

  • Soojeong Kim
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.167-178
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    • 2024
  • With the advent of the ICT era in the 4th Industrial Revolution era, cutting-edge industries in accordance with changing trends of the time, the MZ generation is leading a new consumer culture with a digital platform-based lifestyle. As such, wearable devices are leading popularization of the market, the need for product development and research that goes beyond simply combining high technology and combines user-centered functions and designs is emerging. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to analyze the functional mechanism of wearable devices according to consumption value of the MZ generation, focusing on wearable devices currently being commercialized in the digital transformation era, their characteristics were also derived. The research method for this purpose involved classifing wearable devices into notification, information, and content types according to their functional mechanisms and examing them. As a result of the research, characteristics of identity, collaboration, customization, and content were derived, I was is thought that they could interact with situational awareness to suit the situation and purpose. They are closely related. They could make social responsibility and sustainable efforts beyond the brand's image and profit pursuit. As the consumption value of the MZ generation, a new consumer class, is highlighted, it is essential to segmenting and analyzing user-centered functions and content, not simply combining cutting-edge technologies this study is significant in that it provides essential data for continuous development of wearable devices and the establishment of successful marketing strategies.


    • Archives of Metallurgy and Materials
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    • v.65 no.4
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    • pp.1255-1259
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    • 2020
  • This paper aims to investigate the microstructural evolution and mechanical properties of hot-deformed AlMg4 alloys with Mn, Fe, and Si as the main impurities. For this purpose, solidification behavior and microstructural evolution during hot-rolling and heat-treatment processes are investigated by using theoretical calculations and experimental characterization. The crystallization and morphological transformation of intermetallic Al3Fe, Al6Mn, and Mg2Si phases are revealed and discussed in terms of the variation in chemical composition. Following a homogenization heat-treatment, the effect of heat treatment on the intermetallic compounds is also investigated after hot-rolling. It was revealed that the Mg2Si phase can be broken into small particles and spherodized more easily than the Al3Fe intermetallic phase during the hot-rolling process. For the Mn containing alloys, both yield and ultimate tensile strength of the hot-rolled alloys increased from 270 to 296 MPa while elongation decreased from 17 to 13%, which can be attributed to Mn-containing intermetallic as well as dispersoid.

The story structure characteristic of the "Shinbi Apartment" animation and meaning of contents of the traditional ghost story (애니메이션 <신비아파트: 고스트볼의 비밀>의 구성적 특징과 전통귀신담의 콘텐츠화의 의미)

  • Song, So-ra
    • Journal of Korean Classical Literature and Education
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    • no.39
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    • pp.137-180
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    • 2018
  • This article examines the constitutional characteristics of the works in the "Shinbi Apartment" (Mysterious Apartment) series produced by Tooniverse, a domestic animation channel, and considers the meaning of the contents of the ghoststory (鬼神談). The "Shinbi Apartment" series is a horror animation for children. It was produced for the first time in Korea and recorded high ratings. Additionally, it is different from Japanese horror animations that were dubbed and broadcast in Korea in terms of composition and narrative direction, and it succeeds in the form and direction of the traditional Korean ghost story. "Shinbi Apartment - The Secret of Ghost Ball" enriches narrative stories by embracing the structure of the "female ghost story" in traditional ghost stories while following the form of ghosts that suddenly pop up in the daily routines of contemporary ghost stories. The ghost's shape, which has a bizarre and unpredictable aspect, embodies the ghost as the object of fear that modern horror stories intend. However, it does not stop there, but puts the attention on the hero who focuses on the emerging ghost and listens and communicates with it, placing the emphasis of the story on communication, understanding, forgiveness, and reconciliation. The structure and contents of the unique story of "The Secret of Ghost Ball" contribute to the transformation of the ghost into a subject of friendliness and entertainment, not merely as one of shock, fear, and anxiety. Additionally, as the concept of "child" is being created, the custom of modernity, which deals with the story of ghosts in the dimension of teaching and edification, is also manifested in "The Secret of Ghost Ball." In other words, through the figure of the devil, it is to continue the lesson of the story by revealing the adventure, the courage necessary for the "child," and the boundaries for substance and appearance. The "Shinbi Apartment" series has also contributed to the success of ghosts as commercial contents. The structure of the story and its characters have been actively used as educational tools and toys for children. It can be said that ghost culture contributed to this popularization by establishing a base for enjoying ghosts for amusement and entertainment.

A study on the pulse symptoms of Shanghanlun (상한론(傷寒論)의 조문중(條文中) 맥증(脈證)에 관한 연구(硏究))

  • Kim, Jong-Soo;Park, Won-Hwan
    • The Journal of Dong Guk Oriental Medicine
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    • v.9
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    • pp.73-93
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    • 2000
  • Shanghanlun principally dealt with the differentiation of 'The six channels'(Taiyang, Yangming, Shaoyang, Tayin, Shaoyin, Jueyin), summing up such rich experiences as diagnoses and remedies about an acute fever before the Han dynasty, and establishing the basis of the differentiation of symptoms and signs based on prescriptions. And making it a principle to think of both pulse and symptoms important, it made a more organic method of diagnoses which compounded a reason, ncle, prescriptions and drugs, and considerably contributed to the development of Diagnostics. Therefore, as a result of classifying the contents concerned with the differentiation of Shanghanlun through the pulse symptoms, which is a way of research about the field of pulse feeling, it provided us with somewhat knowledge. 1. The pulse symptoms corresponds with the latter classification on the pulse symptoms. That is why, it seems, the traditional concept, which regarded the pulse and the symptoms as the basis of the differentiation and established the principle of the differentiation of symptoms and signs based on prescriptions, largely has an effect on the establishment of the latter pulse science. 2. The contents concerned with the pulse symptoms, including general principles and dicoction symptoms of each chapter, mounted up to 38%, and so the pulse symptoms informed that the pulse symptoms was the grounds of transformation and development, mechanism of differentiation of syndromes, advance or retreat of pathologic factors and application of drugs of each course of Shanghanlun. 3. Of pulse syndromes, there appeared Floating pulse most, and in addition there were also the high frequency of Yin pulse like Indistinctive pulse, Tense pulse, Deep pulse, and so on. 4. Any regularity between the pulse syndrome and the abdominal syndrome cannot be found.

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Amino Acid Biosynthesis and Gene Regulation in Seed (종자내 아미노산 합성 조절 유전자에 관한 연구)

  • ;;;;;Fumio Takaiwa
    • Proceedings of the Botanical Society of Korea Conference
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    • 1996.07a
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    • pp.61-74
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    • 1996
  • Human and monogastric animals can not synthesize 10 out of the 20 amino asids and therefor need to obtain these from their diet. The plant seed is a major source of dietary protein. It is particular important in their study to increase nutritional quality of the seed storage proteins. The low contents of lysine, asparagine and threonenein various cereal seeds and of cystein and methionine. In legume seeds is due to the low proportions of these amino acids in the major storage proteins, we have tried to apply the three strategies; (1) mutagenesis and selection of specific amino acid analogue resistance, (2) cloning and expression study of lysine biosynthesis related gene, (3) transfomation of lysine rich soybean glycinin gene. The 5-methyltryptophan (5MT) resistant cell lines, SAR1, SAR2 and SAR3 were selected from anther derived callus of rice (Oryza sativa L. "Sasanishiki"). Among these selected cell lines, two (SAR1 and SAR3) were able to grow stably at 200 mg/L of 5MT. Analysis of the freed amino acids in callus shows that 5MT resistant cells (SAR3) accumulated free tryptophan at least up to 50 times higher than those that of the higher than of SAS. These results indicated that the 5MT resistant cell lines are useful in studies of amino acid biosynthesis. Tr75, a rice (Oryza sativa L., var. Sasanishiki) mutant resistant to 5MT was segregated from the progenies of its initial mutant line, TR1. The 5MT resistant of TR75 was inherited in the M8 generations as a single dominant nuclear gene. The content of free amino acids in the TR75 homozygous seeds increased approximately 1.5 to 2.0 fold compared to wild-type seeds. Especially, the contents of tryptophan, phenylalanine and aspartic acid were 5.0, 5.3 and 2.7 times higher than those of wild-type seeds, respectively. The content of lysine is significantly low in rice. The lysine is synthesized by a complex pathway that is predominantly regulated by feedback inhibition of several enzymes including asparginase, aspatate kinase, dihydrodipicolinat synthase, etc. For understanding the regulation mechanism of lysine synthesis in rice, we try to clone the lysine biosynthetic metabolism related gene, DHPS and asparaginase, from rice. We have isolated a rice DHPS genomic clone which contains an ORF of 1044 nucleotides (347 amino acids, Mr. 38, 381 daltons), an intron of 587 nucleotides and 5'and 3'-flanking regions by screening of rice genomic DNA library. Deduced amino acid sequence of mature peptide domain of GDHPS clone is highly conserved in monocot and dicot plants whereas that of transit peptide domain is extremely different depending on plant specie. Southern blot analysis indicated that GDHPS is located two copy gene in rice genome. The transcripts of a rice GDHPS were expressed in leaves and roots but not detected in callus tissues. The transcription level of GDHPS is much higher in leaves indicating enormous chloroplast development than roots. Genomic DNA clones for asparaginase genes were screened from the rice genomic library by using plaque hybridization technique. Twelve different genomic clones were isolated from first and second screening, and 8 of 12 clones were analyzed by restriction patterns and identified by Southern Blotting, Restriction enzyme digestion patterns and Southern blot analysis of 8 clones show the different pattern for asparaginase gene. Genomic Southern blot analysis from rice were done. It is estimated that rice has at least 2-3 copy of asparaginase gene. One of 8 positive clones was subcloned into the pBluescript SK(+) vector, and was constructed the physical map. For transformation of lysine rich storage protein into tobacco, soybean glycinin genes are transformed into tobacco. To examine whether glycinin could be stably accumulated in endosperm tissue, the glycinin cDNA was transcriptionally fused to an endosperm-specific promotor of the rice storage protein glutelin gene and then introduced into tobacco genomic via Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. Consequently the glycinin gene was expressed in a seed-and developmentally-specific manner in transgenic tobacco seeds. Glycinin were targeted to vacuole-derived protein bodies in the endosperm tissue and highly accumulated in the matrix region of many transgenic plant (1-4% of total seed proteins). Synthesized glycinin was processed into mature form, and assembled into a hexamer in a similar manner as the glycinin in soybean seed. Modified glycinin, in which 4 contiguous methionine residues were inserted at the variable regions corresponding to the C - teminal regions of the acidic and basic polypeptides, were also found to be accumulated similarly as in the normal glycinin. There was no apparent difference in the expression level, processing and targeting to protein bodies, or accumulation level between normal and modified glycinin. glycinin.

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Impact of Negative Feedback-seeking Behavior on Innovative Behavior: Focusing on the Mediating Effect of Learning Goal Orientation Moderated by Coaching Leadership (부정피드백추구행동이 혁신행동에 미치는 영향: 코칭리더십에 의해 조절된 학습목표지향성의 매개효과 중심으로)

  • Kwon, Kyung-Sook;Oh, Sang-Jin
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.542-559
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    • 2020
  • This study was conducted to derive theoretical and practical implications in situations where innovation of the business is desperate in the face of the emergence of agile organizations and digital transformation. To do so, we tried to verify the correlation between negative feedback-seeking behavior and innovative behavior and whether the learning goal orientation of these two variables has a moderated mediating effect by coaching leadership. It analyzed the collected questionnaire from 381 members working in domestic companies; SPSS 25.0, AMOS 25.0, and Process Macro 3.0 were used. The analysis result showed that the negative feedback seeking behavior had a positive effect on the learning goal orientation, and the leader's coaching leadership found to have a moderating effect between the negative feedback seeking behavior and the learning goal orientation. Learning goal orientation has been found to have a moderated mediating effect between negative feedback seeking behavior and innovative behavior. This study is significant in the sense that it reveals the process of how members seeking negative feedback in the organization could be led to innovative behavior and shows the necessity of organizational support for coaching leadership for the vitalization of innovative behavior.


  • Otsuka, Makoto;Kato, Fumie;Matsuda, Yoshihisa
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Near Infrared Spectroscopy Conference
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    • 2001.06a
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    • pp.2111-2111
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    • 2001
  • A chemoinfometrical method for evaluating the quantitative determination of crystallinity one polymorphs based on fourie-transformed near-infrared (FT-NIR) spectroscopy was established. A direct comparison of the data with the ones collected from using the and compared with the conventional powder X-ray diffraction method was performed. [Method] The pPure a and g forms of indomethacin (IMC) were prepared by reportedusing published methods. Six kinds of standard samples obtained by physically mixing of a and g forms. After the powder X-ray diffraction profiles of samples have been measured, the intensity values were normalized to against the intensity of silicon powder as the as an external standard. The calibration curves for quantification of crystal content were based upon the total relative intensity of four diffraction peaks from of the form g crystal. FT-NIR spectra of six calibration sample sets were recorded 5 times with the NIR spectrometer (BRAN+LUEBBE). Chemoinfometric analysis was performed on the NIR spectral data sets by applying the principal component regression (PCR). [Results] The relation between the actual and predicted polymorphic contents of form g IMC measured using by the X-ray diffraction method shows a good straight linen linear relation., and it has slope of 0.023, an intercept of 0.131 and a correlation coefficient of 0.986. PCR analyses wereis was performed based on normalized NIR spectra sets offer standard samples of known content of IMC g form. IMC. A calibration equation was determined to minimize the root mean square error of the predictionthe prediction. Figure 1 shows a plot of the calibration data obtained by NIR method between the actual and predicted contents of form g IMC. The predicted values were reproducible and had a smaller standard deviation. Figure 2 shows that the plot for the predicted transformation rate (%) of form a IMC to form g as measured by X-ray diffractomeoy against to those as measured by NIR method. The plot has a slope of 1.296, an intercept of 1,109, and a correlation coefficient of 0.992. The line represents a satisfactory correlation between the two predicted values of form g IMC content. Thus NIR spectroscopy is an effective method for the evaluation to the pharmaceutical products of quantitative of polymorph.

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Spherical Panorama Image Generation Method using Homography and Tracking Algorithm (호모그래피와 추적 알고리즘을 이용한 구면 파노라마 영상 생성 방법)

  • Munkhjargal, Anar;Choi, Hyung-Il
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.42-52
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    • 2017
  • Panorama image is a single image obtained by combining images taken at several viewpoints through matching of corresponding points. Existing panoramic image generation methods that find the corresponding points are extracting local invariant feature points in each image to create descriptors and using descriptor matching algorithm. In the case of video sequence, frames may be a lot, so therefore it may costs significant amount of time to generate a panoramic image by the existing method and it may has done unnecessary calculations. In this paper, we propose a method to quickly create a single panoramic image from a video sequence. By assuming that there is no significant changes between frames of the video such as in locally, we use the FAST algorithm that has good repeatability and high-speed calculation to extract feature points and the Lucas-Kanade algorithm as each feature point to track for find the corresponding points in surrounding neighborhood instead of existing descriptor matching algorithms. When homographies are calculated for all images, homography is changed around the center image of video sequence to warp images and obtain a planar panoramic image. Finally, the spherical panoramic image is obtained by performing inverse transformation of the spherical coordinate system. The proposed method was confirmed through the experiments generating panorama image efficiently and more faster than the existing methods.

A Study on the Characteristic Elements of the Modern Bookstore Space in the Concept of "Third Space" - Focused on Cases from 2010 Onwards - (제3의 공간 개념으로서의 현대서점 공간특성요소에 관한 연구 - 2010년 이후의 사례를 중심으로 -)

  • Wu, Li;Hong, Kwan-Seon
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.20 no.8
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    • pp.499-512
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    • 2020
  • The development of the economy and network environment has a great impact on physical stores, and physical bookstores are gradually upgrading and transforming with the pace of the times. This study takes the modern bookstore under the concept of the third space as the research object. The purpose of it is to understand the needs of consumers for the space of the modern bookstores, explore the characteristics and development direction of them, which provides theoretical guidance for the follow-up development of the modern bookstore. Based on the concept of the third space and the theory of lifestyle shops and reorganizing theoretical investigation and prior research, the researcher extracts the characteristic elements of modern bookstores in line with the concept of the third space. Moreover, the research analyzes five bookstores opened in large-scale commercial facilities after 2010 as research cases. Through the analysis of the results, it shows that the modern bookstore is a multi-functional and compounded space which is gradually transformed from a single bookseller to a seller of selling lifestyle proposal. And through the analysis of big data to predict the changes in market consumption, we can find out the different needs of consumers, so as to carry out the targeted design of bookstore space and then improve the value of it. In the context of the co-development of economy and culture, the transformation of modern bookstores actually conforms to the change of consumer demand and realizes a virtuous circle.