• Title/Summary/Keyword: Contents Processing

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Characteristics of HPC(High-performance Computing)-based Parallel Processing on Electromagnetic Scattering Problems (전자파 산란 문제에서의 고성능 컴퓨팅(HPC) 기반 병렬 처리 특성)

  • Cho, Yong-Heui
    • Proceedings of the Korea Contents Association Conference
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    • 2017.05a
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    • pp.37-38
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    • 2017
  • 금속으로 이루어진 긴 선이나 구에 대한 전자파 산란 특성을 계산할 때, 산란 계산 속도를 개선하기 위해 사용하는 고성능 컴퓨팅(HPC) 기반 병렬 처리 특성을 제시한다. 산란 행렬 생성, 가우스 소거법, 산란파 계산 등으로 이루어진 전자파 산란 문제는 병렬 처리를 통해 계산 속도를 높일 수 있다. 산란 문제의 계산 절차를 분석하여 병렬화에 유리한 계산 작업을 분류한 후 OpenMP 기반 병렬화를 적용한다.

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Estimation of MPI Parallel Processing Parameters for Large Antenna Design Based on the Least Squares (최소자승법을 활용한 대형 안테나 설계용 MPI 병렬처리 특성 추정)

  • Cho, Yong-Heui
    • Proceedings of the Korea Contents Association Conference
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    • 2016.05a
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    • pp.57-58
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    • 2016
  • MOR(Metal-Only Reflectarray) 안테나와 같은 밀리미터파용 대형 안테나 계산을 병렬화하기 위해 사용하는 MPI 특성을 예측하기 위한 방법으로 최소자승법 활용을 제안한다. 기존의 Amdahl 법칙에 Compute Node 간의 통신 속도를 추가한 수정된 Amdahl 법칙을 사용하여 9개의 Compute Node의 MPI 특성을 예측하였다. 이를 이용해 현재 구조에 적합한 최적의 Compute Node 개수도 제시하였다.

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Agent Based Cinder Monitoring System supporting PDA

  • Han, Jung-Soo
    • International Journal of Contents
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    • v.4 no.4
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    • pp.7-11
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    • 2008
  • This paper embodies the agent based cinder monitoring system which supports PDA{Personal Digital Assistant). Monitoring system automatically manages data by using data managing agents such as a state managing agent, a location managing agent, a badness managing agent, a circumstances managing agent, etc, and uses a massive data processing agent to manage massive data. The development of agent based data monitoring system for the stable cinder reuse will be an epoch-making method to develop the process mechanized or manual-labored that widely spreads into the real-time automated process.

Contents Recommendation Method Based on Social Network (소셜네트워크 기반의 콘텐츠 추천 방법)

  • Pei, Yun-Feng;Sohn, Jong-Soo;Chung, In-Jeong
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartB
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    • v.18B no.5
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    • pp.279-290
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    • 2011
  • As the volume of internet and web contents have shown an explosive growth in recent years, lately contents recommendation system (CRS) has emerged as an important issue. Consequently, researches on contents recommendation method (CRM) for CRS have been conducted consistently. However, traditional CRMs have the limitations in that they are incapable of utilizing in web 2.0 environments where positions of content creators are important. In this paper, we suggest a novel way to recommend web contents of high quality using both degree of centrality and TF-IDF. For this purpose, we analyze TF-IDF and degree of centrality after collecting RSS and FOAF. Then we recommend contents using these two analyzed values. For the verification of the suggested method, we have developed the CRS and showed the results of contents recommendation. With the suggested idea we can analyze relations between users and contents on the entered query, and can consequently provide the appropriate contents to the user. Moreover, the implemented system we suggested in this paper can provide more reliable contents than traditional CRS because the importance of the role of content creators is reflected in the new system.

Studies on the Processing and Utilization of Seaweeds - Studies on the Processing of Sea Mustard Jam- (해조류의 가공 및 이용에 관한 연구 -미역쨈의 제조에 관한 연구-)

  • CHA Yong-Jun;LEE Eung-Ho;PARK Du-Cheon
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.42-49
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    • 1988
  • In order to utilize sea mustard, Undaria pinnatifida, effectively. sea mustard jam was prepared by use of physical properties of polysaccharides, mainly alginic acid and then its chemical composition, nutritive qualifies and the stability of pigments were examined. Suitable processing condition for sea mustard jam was as fellows : as the first stage, fresh sea mustard was scalded for 20 sec at $85^{\circ}C$ and dried sea mustard was dipped for 20 min in cold water for rehydration, then both sea mustards were treated by draining and chopping. Next, after adding 4 fold of $0.5\%\;K_2HPO_4$ solution to weight of chopped sea mustards, the mixed solutions were agitated for 15 min at $95^{\circ}C$, and gelated sea mustards were filterated by pressing. Flow characteristics of those sea mustard jam were regarded mixed type having pseudoplastic type and yield stress. Judging from sensory evaluation, adding $0.375\%$ of saccharin, $2\%$ of sorbitol, $0.25\%$ of citric acid and $0.5\%$ of powder of roasted soybean to sea mustard jam were suitable for enhancing taste and flavor of product. Chemical composition of products were scarcely changed throughtout processing. Jam processed by fresh sea mustard was better than dried one in contents of chlorophyll and total carotenoid pigments. In fatty acid composition, polyenoic acids of $C_{18:3},\;C_{20:4},\;C_{20:5},\;C_{22:6}$ were held high contents as known to have lowering function of cholesterol contents. It was presumed that dominant contents in free amino acids such as lysine, alanine, glutamic acid and organic acids such as citric acid, oxalic acid, $\alpha-ketoglutaric$ acid, lactic acid and succinic acid held important role for the flavor of sea mustard jam.

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Changes on the Components of Yam Snack by Processing Methods (제조방법에 따른 마 스낵의 성분 변화)

  • Shin Seung-Ryeul
    • Food Science and Preservation
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.516-521
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    • 2004
  • The study was intended to develop a yam snack to increase the consumption and the added value of the yam which has many kinds of medicinal effects and functions. Moisture content of a freeze-drying yam snack was higher than those of hot wind drying and vacuum drying yam snack. However, carbohydrate content was opposed to it. The content of soluble proteins in freeze drying yam snack was 6.43 mg/100g, and lower than that those in hot wind drying and vacuum drying yam snack. The contents of total sugar and reducing sugar were not noticeably different by processing methods. The major organic acids of yam snack were malic, acetic, acids, and acetic acid. Citric acid were rich contented in hot wind and vacuum dried yam snack, but the content of malic acid in freeze dried yam snack was higher than those in hot wind and vacuum dried yam snack. The contents of the amino acids and total amino acids showed the highest contents in vacuum dried snack and the next came in hot wind dried snack and freeze dried snack order. The content of free amino acids were not different by processing methods. Total content of vitamin C were not different by processing methods, but a ascorbic acid was higher in freeze dried yam snack than those in other. The dehydroascorbic acid contents of the hot-air and vacuum dried snack was higher than those of the freeze dried snack, Potassium, sodium and magnesium were the main minerals of the yam snacks.

Physicochemical Properties of Repetitive Heat-treated Ginger and Its Quantitative Conversion of Gingerol to Shogaol

  • Yang, Byung Wook;Park, Hyeon Sook;Park, Joung Whan;Baik, Moo Yeol;Kim, Byung Yong;Kim, Hye Kyung;Hahm, Young Tae
    • Food Engineering Progress
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.22-28
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    • 2017
  • Ginger was steamed at $121^{\circ}C$ and $1.5lb/in^2$ for 30 min, dried at $60^{\circ}C$ for 12 h, and each step was repeated nine times. During processing, the lightness ($L^*$ value) and yellowness ($b^*$ value) decreased from $85.65{\pm}0.33$ and $26.99{\pm}0.20$ in the non-treated ginger to $56.91{\pm}0.25$ and $16.69{\pm}0.06$ in ginger treated for the ninth treatment. On the other hand, redness ($a^*$ value) increased from $-1.51{\pm}0.03$ to $7.34{\pm}0.08$ on the eight treatment and then decreased to $7.21{\pm}0.04$ on the ninth theatment. The contents of 6-gingerol decreased from $3.257{\pm}0.067mg/g$ in the non-treated ginger to $0.567{\pm}0.036mg/g$ on the theatment, whereas the contents of 6-shogaol increased from $1.299{\pm}0.050mg/g$ to $2.999{\pm}0.089mg/g$ on the sixth treatment and decreased to $2.099{\pm}0.039$ on the ninth treatment. The contents of 10-gingerol decreased slightly from $1.106{\pm}0.125mg/g$ to $0.806{\pm}0.026mg/g$. Unlike the 6- and 10-gingerol, the contents of 8-gingerol did not change greatly, with values between $0.916{\pm}0.005mg/g$ and $1.106{\pm}0.005mg/g$ being observed during processing. The tyrosinase inhibitory activities were increased from $43.42{\pm}11.45%$ in the non-treated ginger to 100% on the sixth treatment and then decreased to $51.98{\pm}7.36%$ on the theatment. The antioxidative activity was retained during processing.

A Study on AV Contents Transfer Method for IEEE1394 DLNA Devices (IEEE1394 DLNA 기기 간 AV 콘텐츠 전송을 위한 연구)

  • Kim Chul-Seung;Kim Gu-Su;Eom Young-Ik
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2006.05a
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    • pp.1275-1278
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    • 2006
  • 홈 네트워크의 가전과 정보기기의 제어 및 관리를 위해 홈 네트워크 미들웨어 기술의 필요성과 영상기기의 발전으로 인해 1394의 사용이 증대되고 있다. 본 논문에서는 홈 미들웨어인 DLNA를 통해 1394 상에서의 AV 콘텐츠의 공유를 가능하게 하는 방법을 제안한다. 이를 통해 댁내에서의 AV 콘텐츠 공유가 제조사, 전송매체에 구애받지 않고 가능하며 향후 DLNA 표준에 대응한다.

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A Study on Design Method of Web Based Multimedia Education Contents (웹 기반 멀티미디어 교육 컨텐츠의 개발절차모형에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Hyeon-Joo;Jung, Cheon-Bok;Hwang, Sun-Myung
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2002.11c
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    • pp.1953-1956
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    • 2002
  • 웹 기반 컨텐츠는 사용자가 원하는 시간과 장소에서 학습자 스스로 수준별 학습이 가능하며 능동적으로 학습에 참여할 수 있다는 장점으로 현재 많은 분야에서 다양한 방법으로 웹 컨텐츠를 개발하여 학습에 활용하고 있다. 본 논문에서는 웹 기반 멀티미디어 교육 컨텐츠 개발 전략으로 사용자의 이벤트에 반응하는 대화형 웹 교육 컨텐츠의 개발 과정을 설계하였다.

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A Study for Education Contents Production using Character Agent (캐릭터 에이전트를 이용한 교육용 컨텐츠 저작에 대한 연구)

  • Park, Sang-Yi;Lee, Hea-Jung;Joung, Suk-Tae
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.37-40
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    • 2003
  • 본 논문은 LipSynchro 소프트웨어 개발 키트(SDK)를 이용하여 기존 2차원의 정지된 이미지를 모션생성엔진, 음성분석, 인식엔진과 함께 연동함으로서 캐릭터의 움직임을 자동으로 생성하여 사실적이고 살아있는 캐릭터 에이전트를 만들어, 이를 멀티미디어 교육용 컨텐츠저작 툴과 결합하여 보다 나은 교육용 컨텐츠를 생성할 수 있도록 하였다.

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