• Title/Summary/Keyword: Contents Development Process

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Product development for Digital Video Recorder Design Analysis (영상저장장치(DVR)디자인 개발을 위한 제품 분석)

  • Choi, Jong-Woon
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.12 no.12
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    • pp.135-145
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    • 2012
  • This study is a research development case study on the free-standing Network based camera video recording DVR. The DVR devices till now have recorded data by converting and compressing analogue video to digital, but in the future, digital videos will be recorded directly through the network camera. Also, digital compressing methods are progressing from MPEG-4, MJPEG, to H.264 method, with products considering high definition compression efficiency, minimized data size, network compatibility, and fast pending time. According to this, in 2012, it is predicted that network camera and video devices throughout the world will outrun the current analogue devices. With this transition of technological environment and fast product pending speed, a new, quality focused design is required for product development including technical realization, reliability, high-definition, compression technology, will be essential. Manufacturers are researching a new direction for the product appearance. This study considers the actual end-users as the design target and through consumer survey on preferences, design needs and required elements necessary in the design development process are extracted. Furthermore, usability and preferred images were explored through literature study and market research. Through this research process, appropriate forms for the network based DVR were analyzed, and applied into the design development process. This product will take into consideration its competitiveness and the significance of USP(Unique Selling Proposition) which is the design supremacy and professional technical skills.

Priority Analysis of Factors for Activating 3D Contents lndustry Using AHP(Analytic Hierarchy Process) (계층적 분석 방법을 활용한 3D콘텐츠 활성화 요인 중요도 분석)

  • Lee, Chang-Hyung;Park, Chang-Mook;Kim, Kwang-Ho
    • Journal of Digital Contents Society
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.401-410
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    • 2013
  • A big success of the 3D film 'Avatar' in 2009 opened a full-fledged 3D movie era. A new industrial possibility of 3D contents was predicted in Korea and then the support for 3D contents production took placed via various media platforms. Korean government also announced the new development policies with a focus on 3D content. However, the 3D content industry has not been activated. Therefore, in this study by applying AHP(Analytic Hierarchy Process) method we tried to grasp the reason of the deactivation of 3D content industry through analyzing the relative importance rate of three research factors(content aspects, technical aspects, and policy aspects) that were mainly considered to activate the industry. The results of this study showed that the relative importance rate of content aspects was higher than that of technical aspects and policy aspects. It means the lack of 3D contents is one of main reason causing the delay of 3D industrial activation. And it also showed that the relief of human factors such as visual fatigue evaluated as a sub-factors of technical aspects are challenges to be solved soon..

Perspectives on Bionursing Science (기초간호과학의 조망)

  • Choe, Myoung-Ae
    • Perspectives in Nursing Science
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.61-70
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    • 2012
  • This article describes the development, evaluation and dissemination of biological nursing (bionursing) science courses established in Korea. Prior to this innovation the subject such as anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, microbiology, pharmacology and pathology were taught by non-nursing faculties, such as basic medical science faculty members. And it often did not meet and satisfy the needs of most undergraduate nursing students. To meet these needs, we have developed four bionursing courses by overhauling individual courses and integrating these by creating new titles, objectives, and contents. In this process, the Korean Society of Biological Nursing has made enormous efforts to standardize the contents of the courses and to develop standard syllabus of four bionursing subjects. This article also suggests for further development of bionursing science such as enhanced linkage of the contents of bionursing science courses with clinical practice, reinforcement of teaching competency of professors, and activation of researches using various biological measurement to provide concrete evidences for nursing practice.

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Investigation of the Needs of Teachers and Students on the Contents of Sex Education in Elementary School (초등학교 성교육 내용에 대한 교사 및 학생의 요구도 조사)

  • Hong, Sun-Mi;Park, Sin-Ae
    • Research in Community and Public Health Nursing
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.494-507
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    • 1999
  • This study has developed the sex education contents including new natural family plan, concept and principle by receiving the opinions and advices from professionals and professors on sex education, by amending and supplementing existing teaching materials on sex, and examining the books related with sex education contents that reflect the request of teachers and students, and the lack of sex education teaching materials which have been the reason that needs of school sex education has been highly recognized but not vitalized. The developed sex education contents are 8 areas such as knowing my body right, caring my body, observing the ability of being pregnant, marriage, sexual intercourse, process of pregnancy, miscarriage, and sexual violence, 30 lower areas, and 105 detailed contents in their composition, and here are the results of analyses of the degree of request of nurse teachers and the students on them. The teachers showed highest request in the area of sexual violence(M =4.67), the next was my body care(M=4.44), knowing my body right(M =4.38), process of pregnancy(M=4.13), marriage(M=4.11) and sexual intercoursen (M=3.98), ways of judging the ability of being pregnant(M=3.88), and miscarriage(M=3.72) showed comparative higher request than normal. Not like the teachers, the students showed that they requested Marriage area as the highest need(M=3.04) and next was sexual violence(M=3.02), caring my body(M=3.00) to have been higher than normal. Process of pregnancy(M=2.99), Sexual intercourse(M=2.81), miscarriage(M = 2.77), observation of the ability of being pregnant(M=2.74), and knowing my body right(M=2.70) have been the requests lower than normal. This study showed that sexual violence, marriage, caring my body, were the items most requested by both the leacgers and students and in elementary school the development of sex education teaching materials on natural family plan suitable to the level of development of the children has been requested as it has had no inclusion of the concept of natural family plan, and the students in elementary school are concerned on indirect sexual contents related with physical health like regular exercise rather than direct sexual education contents including sexual intercourse. All these show that they are still so naive on sex. The sense of the teachers on sex has been connected with the level of achievement of sex education of the children as it has been the important cause of deciding the contents of sex education. Therefore the materials developed onesidedly by leaders without reflecting the needs or the preference of the students might be worries of bringing shameful. low quality and negative opinions on sex, and on the other hand the children might lose the concerns and interest on sex education, So the materials should be developed to have the contents of sex education coinciding with the request of the children.

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A Study on the landscape impact assessment in evaluating the environment impact of the urban development projects (도시개발사업에 대한 환경영향평가에서 경관영향분석 사례 연구 - 경관영향평가를 위한 3D Simulation 기법의 활용을 중심으로-)

  • Lee, Min Hoon;Cho, Byung Ho;Lim, Young Teak;Choi, Bong Moon
    • Proceedings of the Korea Contents Association Conference
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    • 2007.11a
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    • pp.22-26
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    • 2007
  • In this study we had chosen the examples of the development projects, so that examined about the process of the landscape impact assessment and the detail evaluation items. Especially the part of the leisure facilities and the landscape aspects among the evaluation items were reviewed whether followed the process of environment impact assessment or not, whether the impact estimate, and depreciation scheme according to the present condition and enforcement of the actual development projects perform reasonably or not. From the study, derived the improvement on the landscape impact evaluation using with 3D Simulation method is expected to contribute to the valid landscape impact assessment and the reasonable alternative proposal.

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Development of the Model for Community-based Health Care Program for Premature Infants and Family (미숙아를 위한 지역중심 건강관리사업의 모델개발)

  • Ahn Young-Mee
    • Child Health Nursing Research
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.129-140
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    • 2002
  • The article reports the process, contents and strategies in the development of community based-heath care management program for high-risk infants and family, which was based on literature review, empirical needs assessment from pilot study. The program was divided into two emphasis areas: (1) identification and home visiting nursing care program, and (2) the construction of self-supporting group. The contents of home visiting nursing care were developed from the pilot study of the direct home visiting to premature infants after discharge. The documentation form for home care was standardized, including the demographic data, birth history, home care services, education and counsels, and visiting schedules. The integrated education protocol was elaborated to enhance the body of knowledge as well as clinical competency in caring high-risk infants and family by the supports of neonatologists, nursing scholar, and clinical specialists. In addition, the process and strategies in developing self-supporting group, consisting the high-risk infants and family, and any significant others were addressed. Emphases were given to the role of public health center and the recycling health care referral system to maximize the growth and development of high-risk infants on the community-base, which in turn, contributing to decrease the postneonatal mortality rate.

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Development and Distribution of Deep Fake e-Learning Contents Videos Using Open-Source Tools

  • HO, Won;WOO, Ho-Sung;LEE, Dae-Hyun;KIM, Yong
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.20 no.11
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    • pp.121-129
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    • 2022
  • Purpose: Artificial intelligence is widely used, particularly in the popular neural network theory called Deep learning. The improvement of computing speed and capability expedited the progress of Deep learning applications. The application of Deep learning in education has various effects and possibilities in creating and managing educational content and services that can replace human cognitive activity. Among Deep learning, Deep fake technology is used to combine and synchronize human faces with voices. This paper will show how to develop e-Learning content videos using those technologies and open-source tools. Research design, data, and methodology: This paper proposes 4 step development process, which is presented step by step on the Google Collab environment with source codes. This technology can produce various video styles. The advantage of this technology is that the characters of the video can be extended to any historical figures, celebrities, or even movie heroes producing immersive videos. Results: Prototypes for each case are also designed, developed, presented, and shared on YouTube for each specific case development. Conclusions: The method and process of creating e-learning video contents from the image, video, and audio files using Deep fake open-source technology was successfully implemented.

A Study on Use of Advanced Digital Contents of Cultural Archetype in Architecture (건축문화원형의 디지털콘텐츠화 연구)

  • Chang, Young-Hee
    • Journal of The Korean Digital Architecture Interior Association
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.31-38
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    • 2006
  • An architect for Cultural Technology have the most obligation to improve the cultural inheritance into an industrial resources. From an esthetical point of view, it is possible to put digital contents to a multiplicity of practical usage in the moment of its' digital conversion. These are practical resources out of an only duplication from the original. Developing cultural archetype into the most suitable model for one-source multi-use that is the core of the project. If you want to change an archetype, a Korean traditional architecture, into a creative source, you should develope a reappearance and a practical model harmonized with the image set. In addition, development process of cultural archetype digital contents based on ultimate idea and imagnation in our architectural culture, referred from cultural archetype and digital contents technology was offered by the study.

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Development of Smartwatch game contents utilizing the Watch face (워치페이스를 활용한 스마트워치 게임 개발)

  • Yoo, Wang-Yun;Woo, Tack
    • Journal of Korea Game Society
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.127-138
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    • 2016
  • Watchface is a content accounted for the largest number of current Smartwatch content posted on the App Store. However, the watch face itself does not find that the game content. Games operated in connection with the Watchface can minimize game controls and increase accessibility, while decreasing battery use, which ultimately can enhance immersion into the game. Beginning with background research on wearable devices, the current study puts forth development methodologies encompassing the entirety of the content development process from content design, to production. Through the current study, the author hopes to the ultimate effect of vitalizing Smartwatch game development.

Development of multimedia Contents for Paintings and Orignal Forms of Shaman Spirit in Korean shamanism (한국 무속신앙에 나타난 무신도(巫神圖)와 무신원형의 멀티미디어 컨텐츠 개발 방안 연구)

  • 한지애;류시천;김병욱;고광필;남병호
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.199-208
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    • 2004
  • From the aspect that design should respond to the necessity of various cultural bases, design is important to be grafted to Korean traditional culture. This circumstance leads this study to clarify the plan of multimedia contents development of 'paintings and original forms of shaman spirit' in Korean shamanism as one of realistic re-illumination works for Korean cultural original forms. The main study results are conduded as followings through literature reviews, internet searches and case studies. First, 'the planning process' necessary for the development of scenarios, characters and multimedia contents are suggested based on the establishment of hierarchy structure among shaman spirits which are classified into necromancer, human being, nature and life after death. Second, relating to execution of process above, it is suggested that 'the strategic. plan by business items and its genres' such as blessing fancy goods, characters for mobile or game, scenarios for game or animation, online digital exorcisms, e-cards, e-talismans and so on. Finally, as future industrialization concerns, 'the industrial development plan' is suggested which can be extended to scenario-based original businesses such as game scenarios for online or mobile and heroism fictions. The study results highlight the fact that multimedia design approach are considered for expanding the target and scope of creative material for Korean cultural original forms. Future researches, based on the results of the study, are expected to be expanded to the various designerly-thinking approaches into 'Shaman' themes and rather to be re-illuminated to the development of Korean cultural original forms as a nation's strategic standpoint.

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