• 제목/요약/키워드: Construction disaster

검색결과 1,511건 처리시간 0.028초

Real-Time Forecast of Rainfall Impact on Urban Inundation (강우자료와 연계한 도시 침수지역의 사전 영향예보)

  • KEUM, Ho-Jun;KIM, Hyun-Il;HAN, Kun-Yeun
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • 제21권3호
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    • pp.76-92
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    • 2018
  • This study aimed to establish database of rainfall inundation area by rainfall scenarios and conduct a real time prediction for urban flood mitigation. the data leaded model was developed for the mapping of inundated area with rainfall forecast data provided by korea meteorological agency. for the construction of data leaded model, 1d-2d modeling was applied to Gangnam area, where suffered from severe flooding event including september, 2010. 1d-2d analysis result agree with observed in term of flood depth. flood area and flood occurring report which maintained by NDMS(national disaster management system). The fitness ratio of the NDMS reporting point and 2D flood analysis results was revealed to be 69.5%. Flood forecast chart was created using pre-flooding database. It was analyzed to have 70.3% of fitness in case of flood forecast chart of 70mm, and 72.0% in case of 80mm flood forecast chart. Using the constructed pre-flood area database, it is possible to present flood forecast chart information with rainfall forecast, and it can be used to secure the leading time during flood predictions and warning.

Effect of Wave-Induced Seepage on the Stability of the Rubble Mound Breakwater (동적 파랑에 의한 침투류가 사석경사식 방파구조물의 안정성에 미치는 영향)

  • Hwang, Woong-Ki;Kim, Tae-Hyung;Kim, Do-Sam;Oh, Myounghak;Park, Jun-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • 제34권3호
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    • pp.13-27
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    • 2018
  • To study how stable the rubble mound breakwaters are, one can look to the research of wave induced seepage flow through the pores of the rubble mound. Seepage flow is generally generated by the difference between the water level around the breakwater during a typhoon. The existing stability analysis method of the rubble mound is the static analysis which simply considers the force equilibrium taking into account the horizontal force acting on the concrete block induced by a wave (calculated by Goda equation) and the vertical force induced by the weight inclusive of the concrete block, quarry run, filter, and armor layer above the slipping plane. However, this static method does not consider the wave-induced seepage flow in the rubble mound. Such seepage may decrease the stability of the rubble mound. The stability of a rubble mound breakwater under the action of seepage was studied based on the results of CFD software (OpenFOAM) and Limit Equilibrium Method (GeoStudio). The numerical analysis result showed that the seepage flow decreased the stability of the rubble mound breakwaters. The results of the numerical analyses also revealed the stability of the rubble mound was varied with time. Especially, the most critical state happened at the condition of overtopping the concrete block, acting strong uplift pressure raising along side and underneath the concrete block, and generating high pore pressure inside rubble mound due to seepage flow. Therefore, it may be necessary to conduct a dynamic analysis considering the effect of wave-induce seepage flow together with the static analysis.

Behavior Characteristics of Micropile Following the Embedded Condition (근입조건에 따른 마이크로파일의 거동특성)

  • Bang, Seongtaek
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • 제21권6호
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    • pp.19-25
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    • 2020
  • In the recent downtown works, there are frequent cases where the work on existing piles is impossible due to the influence from lack of space and surrounding environment. In such cases, there has been growing cases of using the micropile method that is available to work with the small equipment and asserts the bearing capacity of the existing piles. The micropile method is a type of drilled shaft with the diameter of a pile to be around 75 mm~300 mm that, even for a case where it has certain surrounding structure, foundation and spatial obstacle, there is almost no work difficulty and the work is feasible under all types of soil conditions. In addition, the work can be done in places where the ceiling of the building is low with less vibration and noise in the work process that such method is significantly used for foundation reinforcement of existing buildings. With respect to the motion characteristics that are changed depending on the foundational characteristics or when the micropile is applied with compression or tensile force, there is very few studies conducted. Therefore, under this study, through the data analysis of the field loading test regarding the micropile worked in the fields, it clarifies the settlement and characteristics of bearing capacity following the embedded condition of the ingredients and piles that consist the foundation if the compression and tensile force are applied to the micropile, and by facilitating the statistical analysis program, SAS, to carry out the analysis on the main elements influencing on settlement of the micropile and bearing capacity.

Smoke Hazard Assessment of Cypress Wood Coated with Boron/Silicon Sol Compounds (붕소/실리콘 졸 화합물로 도포된 편백 목재의 연기유해성 평가)

  • Jin, Eui;Chung, Yeong-Jin
    • Fire Science and Engineering
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    • 제34권1호
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2020
  • In this study, boron/silicon sol compounds were applied to wood for construction and durable materials, and fire risks were investigated in terms of smoke performance index (SPI), smoke growth index (SGI), and smoke intensity (SI). The compound was synthesized by reacting tetraethoxyorthosilicate with boric acid and boronic acid derivatives. Smoke characteristics were investigated using a cone calorimeter (ISO 5660-1) equipment for cypress wood. The fire intensity fixed the external heat flux at 50 kW/㎡. The smoke performance index measured after the combustion reaction increased between 13.4% and 126.7% compared with cypress wood. The fire risk due to the smoke performance index decreased in the order of cypress, phenylboronic acid/silicon sol (PBA/Si), (2-methylpropyl) boronic acid/silicon sol (IBBA/Si), boric acid/silicon sol (BA/Si). The smoke growth index decreased between 12.0% and 57.5% compared to the base specimen. The risk of fire caused by the smoke growth index decreased in the order of cypress, PBA/Si, IBBA/Si, BA/Si. The fire risk due to smoke intensity decreased between 3.2% and 57.8%, and in the order of cypress, PBA/Si, IBBA/Si, BA/Si. COpeak concentrations ranged between 85 and 93 ppm, and decreased between 37% and 43% compared to the base specimen. A comprehensive assessment of the fire risk on smoke hazards decreased in the order of cypress, PBA/Si, IBBA/Si, BA/Si.

Classification of Fire Causes in Warehouses Using the TRIZ Technique and Analysis of Preventive Measures Accordingto 4M (TRIZ기법에 의한 물류창고의 화재원인 및 4M에 따른 예방대책 분석)

  • Han, Sang-Hun;Kong, Ha-Sung
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • 제6권3호
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    • pp.401-412
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    • 2020
  • This study analyzed the causes of warehouse fires using a creative problem-solving technique called TRIZ. It identified preventive measures by applying 4M. The results are as follows. First, this study examined the inconsistency among the causes of warehouse fires using TRIZ. Second, it analyzed human factors and fire prevention measures in warehouses such as safety standards for managers, and methods for the promotion of safety consciousness among workers, and for the reinforcement of construction technology for sandwich panel workers. Third, it identified the mechanical and facility factors and fire prevention measures in warehouses such as safety facilities, the expanded installation of safety devices, the adoption and development of fire suppression equipment, and the deployment of methods to improve the fire resistance of sandwich panels. Fourth, it presented working and environmental factors and fire prevention measures in warehouses such as the tightening of safety precautions and the supervision of working methods, and setting fire partitions both in loading places and based on performance-based design. Finally, it proposed managerial factors and fire prevention measures in warehouses such as specific targeting for firefighting with low fire hazards, reviewing the material quality regulations of non-combustible or higher for sandwich panels in the specific target of firefighting that cannot apply fire safety standards, installing sprinklers in cold storage, and mandating the installation of automated facilities with retroactive application regardless of the floor area in the warehouse with a sandwich panel structure.

Face Stability Assessment of Slurry-shield Tunnels - Concentrating on Slurry Clogging Effect - (슬러리 쉴드 터널의 막장 안정성 평가 - 슬러리의 폐색효과를 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, In-Mo;Lee, Sam;Cho, Kook-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • 제20권6호
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    • pp.95-107
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    • 2004
  • In this paper, the rheological characteristics of slurry used fur slurry-shield tunnels were studied with emphasis on penetration characteristics. The slurry penetration was modeled by soil-filter clogging theory. The coefficient of particle deposition was suggested as an indicator of sin clogging during tunnel construction and calculated through model tests. The measured slurry weight, clogged in the base soil, was compared with the value obtained from clogging theory. Based on the testing results, a stability analysis of a tunnel face was performed to pinpoint the most influential factor affecting stability of slurry-shield tunnels. It was found that the stability of tunnel face is dependent on the ratio of infiltration velocity to the coefficient of particle deposition, and the penetration distance of slurry increases with the ratio of infiltration velocity to the coefficient of particle deposition. Since the stability of tunnel face decreases with the slurry penetration distance, it was necessary to add some additives in order to reduce the slurry penetration distance. It was found that the ground condition needs additives when the soil has the effective particle diameter$(D_{10})$ larger than 0.75mm. It was also found that the tunnel face stability due to slurry penetration is significantly affected by the tunnel advance rate.

Basic Study on Development of Eco-Friendly Vegetation-Block (친환경 식생블록 개발을 위한 기초연구)

  • Heo, Yol;Oh, Sewook;Bang, Seongtaek
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • 제15권4호
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    • pp.61-67
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    • 2014
  • With a view to resolving environmental problems of hazardous cement, this study seeks to identify the unconfined compressive strength and bending strength of the vegetation block designed herein by utilizing high-strength natural soil stabilizer instead of cement. Soil stabilizer is mainly made of mixture of short fiber extracted from natural fiber and lime, etc. Soil stabilizer reinforces the shearing strength of soil to improve block supportive power and durability while preventing flood and frost damages. For the unconfined compressive strength test, test pieces were prepared by mixing soil stabilizer and weathered soil in different ratios of 6 %, 12 % and 18 %. Experiments were carried out according to curing periods of 5th, 7th, 14th and 28th of the day. For bending strength test, blocks were made in the same mixture ratios as for the unconfined compressive test and tested for each stage. Also, to evaluate for the field applicability, proposed optimum water content considering the characteristics of the soil stabilizer. Permeability test result for the vegetation block, satisfied by the KS F 4419 quality standards.

Mechanical Behavior of Tunnel Portal in Horizontal Arch Slope (수평 아치형 터널 갱구부 비탈면의 역학적 거동)

  • Yang, Mun-Sang;Lee, Sang-Duk
    • Journal of Korean Tunnelling and Underground Space Association
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    • 제2권2호
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    • pp.50-61
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    • 2000
  • The ground around the portal of a tunnel is the most typical part showing the 3-dimensional mechanical behavior in the tunnel. The portal slope is constructed at the weathered soft rock-mass, and remains as a potential sliding mass. The slope failure around the tunnel portal may happen drastically and induce the great disaster; hence, for the permanent stability several special techniques are required. To solve this problem, the ground around the tunnel portal may be excavated in the arch shape to develop the arching effect in horizontal direction. With the arch-type portal slope, one can reduce considerably the excavation mass and the damage of environments. This approach has not been attempted yet due to the lack of understanding and the well-defined analyzing method, so the retaining wall type portal is more universal. The 3-dimensional finite element analyses were carried out to prove that the arch type is more advantageous in safety and cost than the right angle type. The influence of the tunnel construction sequence and the strength of the rock-mass on the slope stability was investigated by focusing on the maximum shear strain in the slope, and the yield zone at the tunnel face.

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Application of Artificial Neural Network for estimation of daily maximum snow depth in Korea (우리나라에서 일최심신적설의 추정을 위한 인공신경망모형의 활용)

  • Lee, Geon;Lee, Dongryul;Kim, Dongkyun
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • 제50권10호
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    • pp.681-690
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    • 2017
  • This study estimated the daily maximum snow depth using the Artificial Neural Network (ANN) model in Korean Peninsula. First, the optimal ANN model structure was determined through the trial-and-error approach. As a result, daily precipitation, daily mean temperature, and daily minimum temperature were chosen as the input data of the ANN. The number of hidden layer was set to 1 and the number of nodes in the hidden layer was set to 10. In case of using the observed value as the input data of the ANN model, the cross validation correlation coefficient was 0.87, which is higher than that of the case in which the daily maximum snow depth was spatially interpolated using the Ordinary Kriging method (0.40). In order to investigate the performance of the ANN model for estimating the daily maximum snow depth of the ungauged area, the input data of the ANN model was spatially interpolated using Ordinary Kriging. In this case, the correlation coefficient of 0.49 was obtained. The performance of the ANN model in mountainous areas above 200m above sea level was found to be somewhat lower than that in the rest of the study area. This result of this study implies that the ANN model can be used effectively for the accurate and immediate estimation of the maximum snow depth over the whole country.

Development of Radar Polygon Method : Areal Rainfall Estimation Technique Based on the Probability of Similar Rainfall Occurrence (Radar Polygon 기법의 개발 : 유사강우발생 확률에 근거한 면적강우량 산정기법)

  • Cho, Woonki;Lee, Dongryul;Lee, Jaehyeon;Kim, Dongkyun
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • 제48권11호
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    • pp.937-944
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    • 2015
  • This study proposed a novel technique, namely the Radar Polygon Method (RPM), for areal rainfall estimation based on radar precipitation data. The RPM algorithm has the following steps: 1. Determine a map of the similar rainfall occurrence of which each grid cell contains the binary information on whether the grid cell rainfall is similar to that of the observation gage; 2. Determine the similar rainfall probability map for each gage of which each grid cell contains the probability of having the rainfall similar to that of the observation gage; 3. Determine the governing territory of each gage by comparing the probability maps of the gages. RPM method was applied to the Anseong stream basin. Radar Polygons and Thiessen Polygons of the study area were similar to each other with the difference between the two being greater for the rain gage highly influenced by the orography. However, the weight factor between the two were similar with each other. The significance of this study is to pioneer a new application field of radar rainfall data that has been limited due to short observation period and low accuracy.