• Title/Summary/Keyword: Construction background

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A Study on aspect of development and the ideological backgrounds of a pond a place of Korea (한국(韓國) 고대(古代) 궁원지(宮苑池)의 전개양상(展開樣相)과 사상적(思想的) 배경(背景)에 관한 연구(硏究))

  • Oh, Seung-Youn
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.37
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    • pp.65-89
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    • 2004
  • Up to now, the studies for a pond of ancient palace of Korea are mainly achieved in a landscape architectural field. In fact, we can't grasp the general aspects but we are only heard about the fragmentary ruins and remains by the people who are in charge of an archaeological excavation. In this thesis, therefore, I attempt to grasp the relational categories of the ponds of an ancient palace of Korea, and find out the ideological backgrounds of the ponds of a palace construction through classify them excavated so far. The ancient ponds of Korea are divided to the class of square ponds(I) and curved ponds(II) according a shapes of planes. The class of square ponds(I) are subdivided to the form IA of the class of square ponds and form IB of the class of square ponds by whether it has an island, artificial hill and ornamental stone or not. And the class of the curved ponds(II) are divided to the form IIC that is only composed of curves in shore and the form IID that is composed of curves and straight lines. According the size, it is divided to a small size that is below the maximal diameter, 20m, and a large size that is more than 45m, after all, the ponds of the ancient palaces are devided to IAa, IAb, IBa, II Ca, IICb, IIDa. The square ponds and the curved ponds are co-exist from the initial stage when a pond of a place was found in our country and are succeeded or changed after Silla unified the three Kingdoms. In other words, we can infer a continuity from the earlier stage from the fact that there is a flat figure ground mainly constituted by the ponds of a palace mixed up of a straight line and a curved line in United Silla Kingdom while it succeeds the ponds of a palace that has a square form of Goguryo in Balhai. Different from the successional relation of the flat figure grounds, in an aspect of the elements of the construction, the site of the arbor at the top of the island and the bridge facilities in a field of a palace those are not exist in three Kingdoms period are appeared in United Silla Kingdom. The point that this aspect is simultaneously appeared in a neighboring country, or Japan, allows us to infer that there may be some motivations cause the changes in a construction of the ponds of a palace of Korea, China and Japan from the latter half of the 7th century to the first half of the 8th century. The ideological backgrounds of the ponds of a palace construction are divided roughly into Taoism and Buddhism. We can recognize that the ponds of a palace made up of the islands, the artificial hills and the garden rocks reflect Taiosm, considering the records of the ponds a palace of Korea and China are all use the term, Taoism, or the concrete statement represents that the islands, the artificial hills and the garden rocks are used in the description of the ponds of a palace of Korea. Both two are, therefore, obviously differentiated from the ponds of a palace that doesn't include them. We can conclude that the ponds of a palace that doesn't include them are colored by Buddhism since they are overtly distinguished from the class of curved ponds that reflect Taoism at the same period and they are identical with the site of an ancient temples in an aspect of their type and construction.

Using the METHONTOLOGY Approach to a Graduation Screen Ontology Development: An Experiential Investigation of the METHONTOLOGY Framework

  • Park, Jin-Soo;Sung, Ki-Moon;Moon, Se-Won
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.125-155
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    • 2010
  • Ontologies have been adopted in various business and scientific communities as a key component of the Semantic Web. Despite the increasing importance of ontologies, ontology developers still perceive construction tasks as a challenge. A clearly defined and well-structured methodology can reduce the time required to develop an ontology and increase the probability of success of a project. However, no reliable knowledge-engineering methodology for ontology development currently exists; every methodology has been tailored toward the development of a particular ontology. In this study, we developed a Graduation Screen Ontology (GSO). The graduation screen domain was chosen for the several reasons. First, the graduation screen process is a complicated task requiring a complex reasoning process. Second, GSO may be reused for other universities because the graduation screen process is similar for most universities. Finally, GSO can be built within a given period because the size of the selected domain is reasonable. No standard ontology development methodology exists; thus, one of the existing ontology development methodologies had to be chosen. The most important considerations for selecting the ontology development methodology of GSO included whether it can be applied to a new domain; whether it covers a broader set of development tasks; and whether it gives sufficient explanation of each development task. We evaluated various ontology development methodologies based on the evaluation framework proposed by G$\acute{o}$mez-P$\acute{e}$rez et al. We concluded that METHONTOLOGY was the most applicable to the building of GSO for this study. METHONTOLOGY was derived from the experience of developing Chemical Ontology at the Polytechnic University of Madrid by Fern$\acute{a}$ndez-L$\acute{o}$pez et al. and is regarded as the most mature ontology development methodology. METHONTOLOGY describes a very detailed approach for building an ontology under a centralized development environment at the conceptual level. This methodology consists of three broad processes, with each process containing specific sub-processes: management (scheduling, control, and quality assurance); development (specification, conceptualization, formalization, implementation, and maintenance); and support process (knowledge acquisition, evaluation, documentation, configuration management, and integration). An ontology development language and ontology development tool for GSO construction also had to be selected. We adopted OWL-DL as the ontology development language. OWL was selected because of its computational quality of consistency in checking and classification, which is crucial in developing coherent and useful ontological models for very complex domains. In addition, Protege-OWL was chosen for an ontology development tool because it is supported by METHONTOLOGY and is widely used because of its platform-independent characteristics. Based on the GSO development experience of the researchers, some issues relating to the METHONTOLOGY, OWL-DL, and Prot$\acute{e}$g$\acute{e}$-OWL were identified. We focused on presenting drawbacks of METHONTOLOGY and discussing how each weakness could be addressed. First, METHONTOLOGY insists that domain experts who do not have ontology construction experience can easily build ontologies. However, it is still difficult for these domain experts to develop a sophisticated ontology, especially if they have insufficient background knowledge related to the ontology. Second, METHONTOLOGY does not include a development stage called the "feasibility study." This pre-development stage helps developers ensure not only that a planned ontology is necessary and sufficiently valuable to begin an ontology building project, but also to determine whether the project will be successful. Third, METHONTOLOGY excludes an explanation on the use and integration of existing ontologies. If an additional stage for considering reuse is introduced, developers might share benefits of reuse. Fourth, METHONTOLOGY fails to address the importance of collaboration. This methodology needs to explain the allocation of specific tasks to different developer groups, and how to combine these tasks once specific given jobs are completed. Fifth, METHONTOLOGY fails to suggest the methods and techniques applied in the conceptualization stage sufficiently. Introducing methods of concept extraction from multiple informal sources or methods of identifying relations may enhance the quality of ontologies. Sixth, METHONTOLOGY does not provide an evaluation process to confirm whether WebODE perfectly transforms a conceptual ontology into a formal ontology. It also does not guarantee whether the outcomes of the conceptualization stage are completely reflected in the implementation stage. Seventh, METHONTOLOGY needs to add criteria for user evaluation of the actual use of the constructed ontology under user environments. Eighth, although METHONTOLOGY allows continual knowledge acquisition while working on the ontology development process, consistent updates can be difficult for developers. Ninth, METHONTOLOGY demands that developers complete various documents during the conceptualization stage; thus, it can be considered a heavy methodology. Adopting an agile methodology will result in reinforcing active communication among developers and reducing the burden of documentation completion. Finally, this study concludes with contributions and practical implications. No previous research has addressed issues related to METHONTOLOGY from empirical experiences; this study is an initial attempt. In addition, several lessons learned from the development experience are discussed. This study also affords some insights for ontology methodology researchers who want to design a more advanced ontology development methodology.

A Study of the Planning Process, Design Idea and Implementation of the Gwanghwamun Plaza (광화문광장 조성과정 및 설계 연구)

  • Shin, Hyun-Don;Zoh, Kyung-Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.41 no.4
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    • pp.24-41
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    • 2013
  • This study aims to investigate the complex planning processes and design ideas of the Gwanghwamun Plaza which was opened in 2009. The opening of the plaza was significant as it was built in order to restore the symbolic meaning of axis in the historical Joseon Dynasty that was distorted during the Japanese Imperialism. The plaza itself attracts many citizens and tourists by providing the empty ground carrying historical ambiences around. In this paper, the story of the Gwanghwamun plaza will be summarized. Particularly, the background of promoting the project will be discussed and the whole planning process will be dealt with. The plaza was realized through several stages. First, the planning stage will be reviewed. The planning stage had been a quite long process since the initial idea was discussed. Since the early 90s, the political decision of making the plaza was made through the change of people's understanding toward public space. At this stage, the city government worked together with diverse citizens and professionals to share the vision and to realize the right decision in making the plaza. Second, the design stage will be elaborated in detail. This is the second design stage. The former was the idea competition and the latter was the turn-key base. The final design scheme emphasized the restoration of symbolic axis and the forgotten Yukjo Street. The scheme consists of four zones such as history restoration zone, prospect and history representation zone, culture zone, and the urban zone. Through the whole design process, the original idea remained as it was. The design concept was "a place of memory and prospect." It emphasizes the history representation, view corridor, cultural activities platform as well as the emptiness and flexibility of the basic premise of the plaza. Finally, the construction stage will be discussed. There were some additions and omissions in the construction process. The design chances in the construction stage will be reviewed in detail. After the opening of the plaza, there were some changes in the detail design. We will discuss how and why these modifications were made. In the end, the social and cultural implication of the plaza will be discussed. The storytelling of the Gwanghwamun Plaza will contribute to the clear understanding of planning and design process of pubic places. Based on this reflection, we are able to think about some suggestions of public projects for the future.

Animation Education as VCAE in the Digital Age (시각문화교육과 디지털 미디어 시대의 애니메이션 교육의 방향)

  • Park, Yoo Shin
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.35
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    • pp.29-65
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    • 2014
  • Visual culture art education (VCAE) seems to be the new paradigm for art education after postmodernism. Getting beyond the traditional art education, VCAE has expanded its scope of interest to include the visual environment that surrounds our life, thus pushing the boundary of art education beyond the traditional fine arts to cover pop culture and visual art. VCAE shares the issues as well as a lot of elements of culture and art education and in fact serves as a major theoretic background for culture and art education, in that it pays attention to the sociocultural context of images and emphasizes visual literacy and constructionist learning. In this paper, I have reviewed the theoretical background and related issues of VCAE with a view to presenting a direction for animation education, which is gaining in importance coming into the Age of Digital Media. VCAE was born in the progressive cultural atmosphere from the 1970s and thereafter, and its gist consists in figuring out visual artifacts and their action in order to improve individual and social life. Yet, VCAE continues with its development according to the changing aspects of visual culture, and currently, it is expanding its scope of interest to cover the esthetic, experiential education in visual culture and construction of meaning through digital story-telling. In the visual environment of the Digital Age, animation is establishing itself as the center of the visual culture, being a form that goes beyond an art genre or technology to realize images throughout the visual culture. Also, VCAE, which has so far emphasized visual communication and critical reading of culture, would need to reflect the new aspects of the visual culture in digital animation across the entire gamut from experiencing to understanding and appreciating art education. In this paper, I emphasize on Cross-Curricula, social reconstruction, the expansion of animation education, interests in animation as a digital media, and animation literacy. A study of animation education from the perspective of VCAE will not only provide a theoretical basis for establishing animation education, but also enrich the content of VCAE, traditionally focused on critical text reading, and promote its contemporary and futuristic orientation.

Garden Construction and Landscape Characteristics of the Seochulji Pond Area in Gyeongju during the Middle of the Joseon Dynasty (조선 중기 경주 서출지(書出池) 일원의 정원 조영과 경관 특성)

  • Kim, Hyung-suk;Sim, Woo-kyung
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.52 no.2
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    • pp.62-79
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    • 2019
  • This study examined the background of Gyeongju Seochulji Pond (world heritage, historic site No. 138), a historic pond in Sam-guk-yu-sa (三國遺事), and its landscaping period when it served as the garden of the Pungcheon Lim clan (豊川 任氏) in the middle of the Joseon dynasty. For this study, a literature review of poetry, prose, and a personal anthology, and a field survey were conducted. Changes in the landscape were analyzed by comparing the landscape appearing in the literature of the Joseon period with past photographs. The results were as follows: First, even though the function and landscape at that time cannot be guessed as the objective ground from Silla to the early part of the Joseon dynasty is insufficient, it has been managed as a Byeolseo (別墅) garden as Pungcheon Lim's family resided in the area of Eastern-Namsan Mountain during the Joseon dynasty. At that time, Seochulji Pond was recognized as a historic place. It functioned as the garden of Pungcheon Lim's family as Lim Jeok (任勣, 1612~1672) built the Yiyodang pavilion (二樂堂). Second, in the literature, the Yiyodang pavilion has been called Gaekdang (客堂), Jeongsa (精舍), Byeolgak (別閣) and Byeolseo, etc. It can be seen as Nu and Jeong (樓亭), utilized for various uses. Because of this, the name Bingheoru Pavilion (憑虛樓) has mostly been in common use. Third, Seochulji Pond was positioned where the scenery is beautiful, with Gyeongju Mt. Namsan (Mt. Geumo) in the background and with a wide field and the Namcheon River flowing in the front. This was typical of Byeolseo gardens of the Joseon dynasty, combining human environments with natural environments. Fourth, the relationship with the Byeolseo garden disappeared as the head of Pungcheon Lim's family added a temple, lotus flowers, pine trees, and a bamboo forest as described in the old poetry and prose. Currently, the landscape does not appear to be significantly different from that as development has not occurred in the area of Seochulji Pond. Also, crape myrtle (Lagerstroemia indica), which now symbolizes the Seochulji Pond, was not identified in the old poetry or past photographs and is not old enough to confirm whether it was prominent at the time. Through this study, it is necessary to reconsider the spatial meanings of the gardens of the Joseon dynasty period and not to highlight the area of Seochulji Pond as a place in the legend. This is a cultural asset in the area of Eastern-Namsan Mountain and has an important meaning in terms of garden history.

A Study on The Iron Monument in The era of Joseon Dynasty (조선시대(朝鮮時代) 철비(鐵碑)의 조영(造營) 연구(硏究))

  • Hong, Dai Han
    • The Korean Journal of Archival Studies
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    • no.24
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    • pp.215-274
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    • 2010
  • Iron-making industries of the country, regardless of age has been the focus. This makes the iron production technology and production techniques that result in increased economic activity and because of the central charge. Therefore, the social development of ancient iron-making technology is based on phase-sensitive. Modern steel making up the monopoly of the country's target under the strict control of production, distribution was. It is essential to produce iron weapons was a threat is because you can keep the throne in the hands of the forces that can cause side effects when I went was to block. This study created a rail Cholbi(iron monument) and the regional distribution pattern of the production, construction background, looked on. Cholbi(iron monument) for the production and recording "the Annals of the Joseon Dynasty" often appear in history books and many academic interests, but was off target. Compared to a stone monument that was not generally as well as the Japanese colonial period and over the course of modernization destroyed, damaged a lot of cases the cause may be found in front. Cholbi(iron monument), except for the gravestones of the Joseon Dynasty monument erected in honor of virtue, as an example of content that dominated a packman business, founding of the school and confirmed that a few were built as a special purpose. Cholbi(iron monument) compared to the production technology or the cost of the monument's difficulty in financing follows. Therefore Cholbi(iron monument) the establishment of the Joseon Dynasty through the background of the economic situation and the local government can look. And iron technology began complaining about the object of history, economic conditions, with the change of season has been a change in people's consciousness tells you. Important data of ancient history as an epigraph that has been as important, the Middle Ages to modern times ranging from newly born to the time Cholbi(iron monument) in the development of the country's documentary subject to change should have been brought. Based on these discussions changes the identity of the hero monument and production inspector, review of production through the Joseon Dynasty period Cholbi (iron monument) contemplated the significance is reflected in production.

A Case Study on the Willow Tree Fence(樹柵) in Gasan(假山) of Cheonggyecheon, Hanyang in the Joseon Dynasty Period (조선시대 한양 청계천 가산(假山)의 버드나무 수책(樹柵)에 관한 연구)

  • SHIM Sunhui;KIM Choongsik
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.57 no.2
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    • pp.118-141
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    • 2024
  • This study investigates and analyzes ancient literature records and iconographic materials to examine the Willow Tree Fence(樹柵) built on Gasan(假山) Cheonggyecheon(淸溪川) within the Hanyangdoseong, which was deliberately created to prevent flood damage during the Joseon Dynasty. Although there have been research cases related to the willow tree, it is difficult to find research conducted with the purpose of identifying its archetypal value by investigating and analyzing specific use cases of the willow tree and its historical background. Accordingly, this study aims to identify examples of the Willow Tree Fence(樹柵) created in Cheonggyecheon(淸溪川) during the Joseon Dynasty and reinterpret their value by illuminating the background of construction and regional characteristics. The main contents of this study are as follows. It is presumed that floods during the Joseon Dynasty were a great hazard. Between the 16th and 18th centuries, Joseon suffered severe damage from floods. By the time of King Yeongjo, all Four Mountains(四山) of the capital had become bare mountains, which was the cause of frequent floods. In the year of Gyeongjin(庚辰, the 26th year of King Yeongjo's reign, 1760), King Yeongjo dredged the channel bottom of Cheonggyecheon(淸溪川), which overflowed every rainy season, with the Juncheon Project(Channel-Dredging, 濬川事業) and planted willow trees on the mountain on both sides of the Ogan Water Gate(五間水門), as measures to prevent flood damage and soil loss. was implemented. In the <Doseongdo(都城圖)> in 《 Gwangyeodo(廣輿圖)》 produced in the mid-18th century during the reign of King Yeongjo, Gasan(假山), built in front of the Ogan Water Gate(五間水門) is visible, and in the record 『Sinjeung Donggukyeoji Seungnam(新增東國輿地勝)』 In the record, it appears that willows were planted on both sides of the mountain in the year of Gyeongjin(1760). With <Hanyangdoseong Map(漢陽都城圖)> produced in the 46th year of King Yeongjo's reign(1770), it is confirmed that willow trees formed a thick forest on Gasan Mountain near the Ogan Water Gate(五間水門) in the late 18th century. In addition, the Juncheon Project(Channel-Dredging, 濬川事業) and the creation of the Willow Tree Fence(樹柵) continued from the 15th century, the early Joseon Dynasty(朝鮮前期), to the end of the 19th century, the late Joseon Dynasty(朝鮮後期), through the records of ancient literature such as 『Annals of the Joseon Dynasty(朝鮮王朝實錄)』, 『Seungjeongwon Diary(承政院日記)』, and 『Records of Daily Reflections(日省錄)』. This study is meaningful in informing that the willow tree was a unique cultural heritage and traditional landscape resource by investigating the composition and use of the Willow Tree Fence in the Joseon Dynasty, which was a great basis for preventing floods and flood damage, as well as forming a beautiful landscape.

Assessment of Soil and Groundwater Contamination at Two Animal Carcass Disposal Sites (가축 사체 매몰지 주변 토양 및 지하수의 오염도 평가)

  • Kim, Kye-Hoon;Kim, Kwon-Rae;Kim, Hyuck-Soo;Lee, Goon-Taek;Lee, Keun-Hwa
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.43 no.3
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    • pp.384-389
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    • 2010
  • Outbreak of contagious diseases to livestock animals is becoming prevalent worldwide and consequently, tremendous numbers of the infected or culled stocks are buried on the ground as the most common disposal method. The buried animals can generate a wide range of detrimental components such as leachate, nutrient salts, and pathogenic bacteria, consequently contaminating the surround environment. This implies that regular investigations are required to monitor any possible detrimental environmental aspect occurred around burial sites. Therefore, the current study was conducted to investigate whether the soil and groundwater nearby the burial sites had been contaminated by the substances originated from the burial sites, which can be applied for the establishment of the ideal burial site construction design and post management scheme. For this, two different burial sites located in Cheonan and Pyeongtaek were selected. Cheonan and Pyeongtaek sites were constructed in 2004 and 2008, respectively and both contained dead poultry infected by avian influenza (AI). Soil and groundwater samples were collected around the sites followed by determination of the nutrient concentrations and bacteria (Salmonella, Camphylobacter, and Bacillus) existence in both soil and groundwater. Some of the soil samples showed higher EC, $NH_4$-N, $NO_3$-N concentration compared to those of the background (control) soils. Also the concentration of $NH_4$-N in some of the groundwater samples appeared to exceed the USEPA guideline value for drinking water (10 mg $L^{-1}$). These results indicated that the soil and groundwater were influenced by the burial site originated nutrients. In the soil, Bacillus was isolated in most soil samples while there were no detections of Salmonella and Camplylobacter. Due to the Bacillus existing mainly as a spore in the soils, it was considered that the frequent detection of Bacillus in the soil samples was attributed to the nutrients originated from the burial sites.

Numerical analysis of water flow characteristics after inrushing from the tunnel floor in process of karst tunnel excavation

  • Li, S.C.;Wu, J.;Xu, Z.H.;Li, L.P.;Huang, X.;Xue, Y.G.;Wang, Z.C.
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.471-526
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    • 2016
  • In order to investigate water flow characteristics after inrushing in process of karst tunnel excavation, numerical simulations for five case studies of water inrush from the tunnel floor are carried out by using the FLUENT software on the background of Qiyueshan high risk karst tunnel. Firstly, the velocity-distance curves and pressure-distance curves are drawn by selecting a series of probing lines in a plane. Then, the variation characteristics of velocity and pressure are analyzed and the respective optimized escape routes are made. Finally, water flow characteristics after inrushing from the tunnel floor are discussed and summarized by comparing case studies under the conditions of different water-inrush positions and excavation situations. The results show that: (1) Tunnel constructors should first move to the tunnel side wall and then escape quickly when water inrush happens. (2) Tunnel constructors must not stay at the intersection area of the cross passage and tunnels when escaping. (3) When water inrush from floor happens in the left tunnel, if tunnel constructors meet the cross passage during escaping, they should pass through it rapidly, turn to the right tunnel and run to the entrance. (4) When water inrush from floor happens in the left tunnel, if there is not enough time to escape, tunnel constructors can run to the trolley and other equipment in the vicinity of the right tunnel working face. In addition, some rescuing equipment can be set up at the high location of the cross passage. (5) When water inrush from floor happens in the cross passage, tunnel constructors should move to the tunnel side wall quickly, turn to the tunnel without water inrush and run to the entrance. (6) When water inrush from floor happens in the cross passage, if there is not enough time to escape, tunnel constructors can run to the trolley and other equipment near by the left or the right tunnel working face. The results are of important practical significance and engineering value to ensure the safety of tunnel construction.

Soil Chemical Properties of Reclaimed Tide Lands Under Government Management in Korea: Results of 4-years monitoring (한국의 국가관리 간척지 토양의 화학성 변동: 4년 모니터링 결과)

  • Ryu, Jin-Hee;Lee, Su-Hwan;Oh, Yang-Yeol;Lee, Jeong-Tae
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.38 no.4
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    • pp.273-280
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    • 2019
  • BACKGROUND: The reclaimed lands for agricultural use managed by the Korean government is consisted of 17,145 hectares of lands under construction and 13,384 hectares of completed lands. In order to utilize these reclaimed lands as competitive agricultural complexes, the government is preparing to develop comprehensive development plans for multiple purposes. For rational land-use planning and soil management, information of the soil chemical properties is necessary. METHODS AND RESULTS: From 2013 to 2016, soil samples were collected from 85 representative sampling sites of the reclaimed lands and analyzed for soil chemical properties including electric conductivity (EC), pH, soil organic matter (SOM), and nutrients. The annual mean soil EC ranged from 5.1 to 8.3 dS m-1 and have continued to decrease over the years (estimation equation with EC as dependent and year as independent variable was y =0.0736x2 - 1.4985x + 9.8305, R2 = 0.9753). The pH ranged from 7.3 to 7.6, which was higher than the optimum range (5.5~7.0) for agricultural soils. Soil organic matter (8 to 11 g kg-1) was lower level than the optimum range (20~30 kg-1). Available silicate (Av.SiO2) ranged from 169 to 229 mg kg-1, which was close to the minimum content (≥157 mg kg-1) for rice paddy field. Available phosphate (Av.P2O5) content (24~39 mg kg-1) was lower than the optimum range (80~120 mg kg-1) for rice paddy field. CONCLUSION: For efficient agricultural use of reclaimed lands under government management, our results suggest that the application of organic matter and supplying deficient nutrients as well as desalinization is required.