• 제목/요약/키워드: Consolidation process

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Assessment of Carsington Dam Failure by Slope Stability and Dam Behavior Analyses (사면안정 해석과 댐 거동분석을 통한 Carsington Dam 파괴의 고찰)

  • 송정락;김성인
    • Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference
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    • 1991.10a
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    • pp.87-102
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    • 1991
  • It has been reported that the failure of Carsington Dam in Eng1and occured due to the existence of a thin yellow clay layer which was not identified during the design work, and due to pre-existing shears of the clay layer. The slope stability analyses during the design work, which utilized traditional circular arc type failure method and neglected the existence of the clay layer, showed a safety factor of 1.4. However, the post-failure analyses which utilized translational failure mode considering the clay layer and the pre-existing shear deformation revealed the reduction of safety factor to unity. The post-failure analysis assumed 10。 inclination of the horizontal forces onto each slice based on the results of finite element analyses. In this paper, Bishop's simplified method, Janbu method, and Morgenstern-Price method were used for the comparison of both circular and translational failure analysis methods. The effects of the pre-existing shears and subsquent movement were also considered by varying the soil strength parameters and the pore pressure ratio according to the given soi1 parameters. The results showed factor of safefy 1.387 by Bishop's simplified method(STABL) which assumed circular arc failure surface and disregarding yellow clay layer and pre-failure material properties. Also the results showed factor of safety 1.093 by Janbu method(STABL) and 0.969 by Morgenstern-Price method(MALE) which assumed wedge failure surface and considerd yellow clay layer using post failure material properties. In addition, dam behavior was simulated by Cam-Clay model FEM program. The effects of pore pressure changes with loading and consolidation, and strength reduction near or at failure were also considered based on properly assumed stress-strain relationship and pore pressure characteristics. The results showed that the failure was initiated at the yellow clay layer and propagated through other zones by showing that stress and displacement were concentrated at the yel1ow clay layer.

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  • Jee, Yu-Jin;Kim, Yeo-Gab
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.250-265
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    • 2008
  • Distraction osteogenesis is a well-established clinical treatment for limb length discrepancy and skeletal deformities. Appropriate mechanical tension-stress is believed not to break the callus but rather to stimulate osteogenesis. In contrast to fracture healing, the mode of bone formation in distraction osteogenesis is primarily intramembranous ossification. Although the biomechanical, histological, and ultrastructural changes associated with distraction osteogenesis have been widely described, the basic biology of the process is still not well known. Moreover, the molecular mechanisms in distraction osteogenesis remain largely unclear. Recent studies have implicated the growth factor cascade is likely to play an important role in distraction. And current reserch suggested that mechanical tension-stress modulates cell shape and phenotype, and stimulates the expression of the mRNA for bone matrix proteins. The purpose of this study is to examine the pattern of expression of growth factors($TGF-{\beta}1$, IGF-I, bFGF) and extracellular matrix proteins(osteoclacin, osteonectin) related to osteogenesis by osteodistraction of the mandible in rabbits. 24 rabbits is used for this experiment. Experimental group are gradual distraction(0.7mm, twice/day), acute distraction(1.4mm, twice/day) and control group is only osteotomized. After 5 days latency, osteotomic site is distracted for each 7 days and 3.5 days. Consolidation period is 28 days. The animal is sacrificed at the 3th, 7th, 14th, 28th. The distracted bone is examined by immunohistochemical analysis and RT-PCR analysis. The results obtained from this study were as follow : No significant difference was found on clinical examination according to distraction rate, but gradual distraction was shown to improve regenerate bone formation on radiographic and histologic examination. Growth factors and extracelluar matrix proteins expression increased in distraction group than control group. From these results, it could be stated that graudal distraction is shown to improve and accelerate bone formation and mechanical stress like distraction has considerable effects on osteogenesis related factors. And rabbit is the most appropriate animal model for further reseach on the molecular mechanisms that mediate osteodistraction. It is believed that understanding the biomolecular mechanisms that mediate distraction osteogenesis may guide the development of targeted strategies designed to improve distraction osteogenesis and accelerate bone healing.

Ring-shear Apparatus for Estimating the Mobility of Debris Flow and Its Application (토석류 유동성 평가를 위한 링 전단시험장치 개발 및 활용)

  • Jeong, Sueng-Won;Fukuoka, Hiroshi;Song, Young-Suk
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.181-194
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    • 2013
  • Landslides are known as gravitational mass movements that can carry the flow materials ranging in size from clay to boulders. The various types of landslides are differentiated by rate and depositional features. Indeed, flow characteristics are observed from very slow-moving landslides (e.g., mud slide and mud flow) to very fast-moving landslides (e.g., debris avalanches and debris flows). From a geomechanical point of view, shear-rate-dependent shear strength should be examined in landslides. This paper presents the design of advanced ring-shear apparatus to measure the undrained shear strength of debris flow materials in Korea. As updated from conventional ring-shear apparatus, this apparatus can evaluate the shear strength under different conditions of saturation, drainage and consolidation. We also briefly discussed on the ring shear apparatus for enforcing sealing and rotation control. For the materials with sands and gravels, an undrained ring-shear test was carried out simulating the undrained loading process that takes place in the pre-existing slip surface. We have observed typical evolution of shear strength that found in the literature. This paper presents the research background and expected results from the ring-shear apparatus. At high shear speed, a temporary liquefaction and grain-crushing occurred in the sliding zone may take an important role in the long-runout landslide motion. Strength in rheology can be also determined in post-failure dynamics using ring-shear apparatus and be utilized in debris flow mobility.

Characterization of Surface Deterioration for Stone Property around the Hyeonleung (Royal Tomb of Joseon Dynasty) in Guri, Korea (구리 현릉 능상석물의 표면 손상특성 평가)

  • Oh, Jeong Hyun;Kim, Sa Dug;Lee, Chan Hee;Lee, Tae Jong
    • Journal of Conservation Science
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.353-364
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    • 2016
  • The materials of sculptured stone property around the Hyeonleung Royal Tomb in Guri consist mainly of high weathered of granitic rocks with magnetite-series. Deterioration characteristics occurred highly with microorganism, soil inflow and black contaminants at the burial mound zone. As a result of deterioration evaluation, stone surface around the burial mound zone show serious comprehensive damage of soil inflow (50.5%) and lichen coverage (47.6%) which are the major damaging factors, and there are about 8.6% of biological growth noticeably in the north side. Surface contaminants and the discoloration had the complex causes. Gypsum occurred between joints of stones and the major contaminant type, darkening which was analyzed organic bodies caused discoloration. From result of ultrasonic velocity measurements, there are mean value of 2,195 m/s with highly weathered (HW) grade. Most of the stone properties showed 4 to 5 weathered grade. Therefore, it turned out that sculpture stone properties require conservation treatments. To remove soil accelerating damage factors and lichen occupying high percents, the cleaning process is necessary and consolidation, rejoining and filling are needed as well. Also, consideration on removing conservation materials containing Ca and e fflorescence is required and retreatments need to be considered.

Drawbacks of Teacher Training System and Improvement Plan for Performance of Nuri-educators (누리과정 담당교사의 직무능력 향상을 위한 유아교사 양성체계의 문제점과 개선방안)

  • Kwon, Eun Hee;Sung, Young Hye
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.187-200
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    • 2012
  • Korean government imposed a free education policy called "Nuri-Curriculum program" available for children under age of 5 ever since march 2012 due to consolidation of national responsibility. The policy presents providing of cost-free and high-quality education/childcare services to people. Nuri program services will expand to applied age of 3-5 children from march 2013. however, because to gain successful outcomes from the program requires well-trained professional educator, it is necessary to standardize education infrastructure in order to improve employees' professionality. Therefore study suggests followings: fisrt, establishment of desirable role-model. second, unification of the training process. third, unifications of administration system and qualification standard. fourth, readjust curriculums to focus on basic knowledge of human life. fifth, clarify the duty of educator and systematize curriculums. sixth, consolidate base criteria.

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A Case of Superior Vena Cava Syndrome Caused by Klebsiella Pneumonia (폐렴간균 폐렴에 의해 유발된 상대정맥 증후군 1예)

  • Kim, Ju-Young;Lim, Chae-Man;Kim, Seon-Hee;Chu, Yun-Ho;Koh, Youn-Suck;Kim, Woo-Sung;Kim, Won-Dong
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.41 no.1
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    • pp.58-62
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    • 1994
  • Superior vena cava(SVC) syndrome is mostly related to a malignant process, but many different benign causes have also been described. We report a case of SVC syndrome caused by Klebsiella pneumonia diagnosed by sputum culture and serial chest X-ray changes. A 27-year-old man had been in stable health until three days before admission, when he complained of pleuritic chest pain, facial flushing, and shortness of breath. Examination of the head and neck disclosed edema of face and both arms, and jugular venous distention to the angle of the jaw. The chest auscultation revealed decreased breath sound without crack1e on right upper lung field. The chest roentgenogram showed homogenous air space consolidation on right upper lobe, asociated with downward displacement of minor fissure and contralateral displacement of trachea, but air bronchogram was not seen. We began antibiotic therapy under impression of pneumonia after available culture was taken from blood and sputum. SVC scintigraphy showed stasis of drain of right brachiocephalic vein at the proximal portion with reflux into the right internal jugular vein and faintly visible SVC via the collaterals. Sputum culture revealed Klebsiella pneumoniae. Antibiotic therapy resulted in a cure of infection and disappearance of facial swelling. Follow-up SVC scintigraphy after 20 days showed normal finding. We first report a case of SVC syndrome caused by klebsiella pneunonia.

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A Study on Hybrid Expressed in Modern Fashion - Focusing on the End of 1990s - (현대패션에 표현된 하이브리드 경향 연구 - 1990년대 후반을 중심으로 -)

  • 임영자;한윤숙
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.51 no.5
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    • pp.113-134
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    • 2001
  • This study was carried out with an objective to prepare the framework of conformity for the 21st century modern fashion, which is interactive with mankind, based on a position that the 21st century contemporary fashion with its amalgamating trend of diversified artistic forms may not be elucidated on a standpoint centering on one certain modality. The hybrid fashion trend of historical modality which provides freedom and satisfaction in creation of an individuals expressive power in expressing true desire of mans inside through man-centered thought of the times has made multifarious motives of the past and present fragmentary. It thus extracts inner divisions and the concept of consolidation through three-dimensional form. Modern fashion is newly interpreted by the material and details of high technologies. and is harmonized by mix and match with various expressions. By having it, it is being expressed together with many types of dresses and ornaments. Modern fashion is being expressed together with many types of dresses and ornaments by new interpretations with the material and details of high technologies and by being harmonized with mix and match with various expressions. The hybrid fashion design trend of regional elements formed by stimuli and contacts of diverse local culture by globalization of network that was achieved by scientific technologies of the contemporary information society has disintegrated varied boundaries in the conventional culture by the latest communication technology-new media on the basis of newly created culture. The fact that regional elements could be expressed as if they were interrelated without each being deprived of originality may be explained with an interpretation on pluralism. The hybrid fashion design trend of cultural aspect, which manifests in the background of scientific technological culture as it transcends the societal-cultural boundaries based on the de-centralization theory of Frederic Jameson, has supplemented the imperfect meanings through conversional correlation with other forms and internal program changes. The middle stratal and polyhedral characteristics are seen as each cultural element is dismantled and reassembled by application of 'multiple-time point expression'. Design forming method is not to bring destruction from outside, but to embrace instability and chaos through radical dismantling of the inside. and to pursue diversity and openness. Thus. it is implemented by an approach that takes the role of design process. In communication of discontinuity, continuity was dismantled through forms of mixing, overlap, perversion, insertion and coincidence.

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An Ethnography of the Concept of Illness by the Elderly (노인의 질병 관념에 관한 문화기술적 연구)

  • Cho, Myoung Ok
    • Korean Journal of Adult Nursing
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.690-705
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    • 2000
  • This ethnography was based on Kleinman's explanatory model of a health care system. It is conducted to make thick discription of illness conception of the elderly in a sociocultural context. The basic assumptions were as follows. 1) A health care system is a cultural system, and as with any other cultural system, it is a system of symbolic meanings anchored in a particular arrangement of social institutions and patterns of interpersonal relationships; 2) In all societies health care activities are more or less interrelated. Therefore, they need to be in a holistic manner as socially organized responses to disease that constitute a special cultural system; health care system; 3) Health and illness experiences are the natural process of disease. Individuals who recognized a for state of health, their family, neighbors, and communities define the state, search for causes of the health problems, and response to it. According by, they proceed to search for healing stratagies. So, understanding of the illness experience is the starting point for health care. The study participants were 12 elders aged 60 or more. The fieldwork was conducted in an agricultural clan village of Namwon city. The data collection and analysis were cyclic, from descriptive observation, domain analysis, focused observation, taxanomic analysis, selected observation, componential analysis, and finally cultural themes were all analysed. Proxemic and text analysis techniques were used according to the characteristics of the data. The data of sociocultural context and descriptive data were collected from 1990 to 1992. Informations on illness concepts were collected during 1994 using focused observation. Data confirming and contrast observations were conducted from 1997 and 1999. Illness concepts of the elderly were taxonomized supernatural cause, non-supernatural cause, immediate cause, and ultimate cause. The supernatural ones were ancestors, god of home, god of village, and ghost such as 'sal(evil force of dead man)' and 'gagqui(ghost of begger)'. The non-supernatural ones were Ki, natural phenomenones, natural objects, foods, human and human behaviors. Immediate ones were insufficiency and overflows, discretion and consolidation, disorder and out of order, cloudness and contamination, and fluctuation and stagnation of supernatural cause and non-supernatural ones. Ultimate causes were intrusion and loss of supernatural and nonsupernatural ones. The cultural themes of illness concepts of the elderly are: 1) illness concepts are not based on causality principle, but on reciprocal principle; 2) illness concepts are affected by social level and charicteristics of the patients; 3) the causes of disease are recognized as imposed both positive and negative effects on health based on interpretation of the indiviuals; 4) illness concepts reflects on principles of everyday life of the society members such as hierachial structure and group cohesiveness; 5) illness concepts are ruled on principle of reciprocity and spread; 6) illness concepts are interrelated with physical environment of the participants. It can be concluded that the illness concepts of the elderly in a traditional clan village are a component of health care system as a cultural system based on these results. The these results can be a useful basis for gerontological nursing practice and education.

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Print Mottle : Causes and Solutions from Paper Coating Industry Perspective

  • Lee, Hak-Lae
    • Journal of Korea Technical Association of The Pulp and Paper Industry
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    • v.40 no.5
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    • pp.60-69
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    • 2008
  • The principal reasons for applying a pigment coating to paper are to improve appearance and printability. The pigment coating provides a surface that is more uniform and more receptive to printing ink than are the uncoated fibers and, in turn, both facilitates the printing process and enhances the graphic reproduction. The improvement in print quality is readily apparent, especially in image areas or when multiple colors are involved. Although pigment coating of paper is to improve the printability, coated paper is not completely free from printing defects. Actually there are a number printing defects that are observed only with the coated papers. Among the printing defects that are commonly observed for coated papers, print mottle during multi-color offset printing is one of the most concerned defects, and it appears not only on solid tone area but also half dot print area. There are four main causes of print mottle ranging from printing inks, dampening solution, paper, and printing press or its operation. These indicates that almost every factors associated with lithographic printing can cause print mottle. Among these variation of paper quality influences most significantly on print mottle problems in multicolor offset printing, and this indicates that paper is most often to be blamed for its product deficiency as far as print mottle problems are concerned. Furthermore, most of the print mottle problems associated with paper is observed when coated papers are printed. Uncoated papers rarely show mottling problems. This indicates that print mottle is the most serious quality problems of coated paper products. Overcoming the print mottle is becoming more difficult because the operating speeds of coating and printing machines are increasing, coating weights are decreasing, and the demands on high-quality printing are increasing. Print mottle in offset printing is caused by (a) nonuniform back trap of ink caused by a nonuniform rate of ink drying, referred as "back trap mottle, and (b) nonuniform absorption of the dampening solution. Furthermore, both forms of print mottle have some relationship to the structure of the coated layer. The surest way of eliminating ink mottling is to eliminate unevenness in the base paper. Coating solutions, often easier to put into practice, should, however, be considered. In this paper the principal factors influencing print mottle of coated papers will be discussed. Especially the importance of base paper roughness, binder migration, even consolidation of coating layers, control of the drying rate, types of binders, etc. will be described.

Determination of Optimum Stepped Vacuum Pressure and Settlement for IVPM-applied Ground (개별진공압공법이 적용된 지반의 최적 단계진공압 산정 및 침하예측)

  • Yoon, Myung-Seok;Ahn, Dong-Wook;Park, Jea-Man;Kim, Soo-Sam
    • Land and Housing Review
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.163-170
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    • 2011
  • Individual Vacuum Pressure Method (IVPM) is a soft ground improvement technique, in which a vacuum pressure can be directly applied to the vertical drain board to promote consolidation and to strengthen the soft ground. This method does not require surcharge loads, different to embankment or pre-loading method. In this study, the ground improvement efficiency of Individual Vacuum Pressure Method was estimated when suction pressure increases step by step(-20, -40, -60, -80kPa) with different periods. During Individual Vacuum Pressure Method process, surface settlement and pore pressure were monitored, and cone resistance as well as water content were also measured after the completion of Individual Vacuum Pressure Method treatment. From the results, optimum duration of each step of vacuum pressure was determined, and the settlement was calculated using FEM numerical analysis.