• Title/Summary/Keyword: Conservation state

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Clarification the Current Situation of Deterioration and Its Causes of Modernization Heritage Built with Bricks in Japan: A Case Study of Long-Term Monitoring Investigation at Sarushima Battery, Yokosuka, Japan

  • Fukami, Risako;Matsui, Toshiya;Kawamoto, Mayumi
    • Journal of Conservation Science
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    • v.38 no.4
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    • pp.265-276
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    • 2022
  • A long-term monitoring investigation at Sarushima Battery (Kanagawa, Japan), which is one of the modernization heritages was conducted from 2017.06 to 2020.12. The investigation of the temperature and relative humidity (RH), measurement of the amount of brick decay, and X-ray diffraction analysis of the brick decay was conducted to understand in detail the environment in which the historical brick structure, the state of deterioration, identify the factors of deterioration. Furthermore, it was discussed whether the suitability of these investigation methods for assessing the status, identifying the level of deterioration and the factors that led to deterioration at the historical brick heritages. It was found that the brick deterioration at the site progressed especially in two periods: in April, and from June to August. These periods coincided with the period when the RH inside the structure decreased, and the Toyo-gumi bricks were in the process of absorbing moisture. Several different types of salts were detected in brick decay, especially thenardite, which is considered highly hazardous and destructive during periods when the amount of brick decay increased. Therefore, the RH in the structure and the salts present in the bricks were identified as one of the factors in the deterioration of the bricks at the site. The methods used in this study are appropriate as the initial survey methods for investigating the current conditions and identifying the causes of deterioration because it is possible to understand the environment within the modernization heritages, grasp the details of deterioration progression, and identify the characteristics of deterioration progression and its factors through long-term investigation using the simple methods.

Application Study of $CO_2$ Snow Cleaning for Cleaning of Foreign Matter and Corrosion Products on Iron Artifacts ($CO_2$ Snow Cleaning 적용 철제유물 표면 이물질 제거 연구)

  • Lee, Eun-Ji;Cho, Nam-Chul;Lee, Jong-Myong;Yu, Jae-Eun
    • Journal of Conservation Science
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.333-344
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    • 2011
  • Cleaning of foreign matter and corrosion products on surface among conservation treatment of iron artifacts is an important part for looking up a original form. The sand blaster is the most popular equipment when it removes the foreign matter and corrosion products on iron artifacts surface. Current foreign matter and corrosion products equipment, which mostly uses, is sand blaster. Glass dust which sprayed from sand blaster is harmful and causing environmental pollution. In order to solve these problems, we investigated the $CO_2$ snow cleaning that use a eco-friendly equipment to apply for cleaning foreign matter and corrosion products on surface of iron artifacts. It examined by using sand blaster and $CO_2$ snow cleaning to aged steel coupon and iron artifacts. In case of aged steel coupon, the result showed that the sand blaster and $CO_2$ snow cleaning methods were similar to the degrees of cleaning foreign matter and corrosion products, through surface roughness, color measurement and SEM. $CO_2$ snow cleaning applied to aged steel coupons weren't worn out the surface in comparison with sand blaster by SEM. When applied to the iron artifacts, power nozzle of the $CO_2$ snow cleaning was an excellent cleaning effect that surface wern't worn out in comparison with sand blaster. And, it showed that internal structure change of metal was no found before and after cleaning by X-ray radiography. Consequently, we confirmed that cleaning of the sand blaster and power nozzle of $CO_2$ snow cleaning were similar to the effect. But, it's very careful to use this method because of high outlet pressure of power nozzle for applying to the iron artifacts. As a result of experiments, it could be found that the cleaning methods should be selected depending on internal state of the artifacts.

Interpretation of Microscale Behaviors and Precision Measurement Monitoring for the Five-story and Seven-story Stone Pagodas from Cheongnyangsaji Temple Site in Gongju, Korea (공주 청량사지 오층석탑 및 칠층석탑의 정밀 계측모니터링과 미세거동 해석)

  • LEE Jeongeun;PARK Seok Tae;LEE Chan Hee
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.56 no.4
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    • pp.132-158
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    • 2023
  • The five-story and seven-story stone pagodas at Cheongnyangsaji temple site in Gongju are located under the Sambulbong peak of Gyeryongsan mountain, and are known to have been built of the middle in Goryeo dynasty. As the two pagodas in which two types of Baekje stone pagoda coexist in one era, their historical and academic value are recognized. The seven-story pagoda was overturned by robbery in 1944, and as a result, the five-story pagoda was tilted. Although the two pagodas were restored in 1961, structural instability was continuously raised. In this study, measurement data accumulated from May 2021 to March 2022, and seasonal characteristics were reviewed, and the micro behavior of pagodas were analyzed according to temperature and precipitation during the same period. As a result, the micro thermoelastic behavior was repeated according to the daily temperature change in all sensors, and both the slope and the displacement showed microscale behavior. In the inclinometer, moisture containing the surface and inside of the stones repeated expansion and contraction due to temperature change, showing the micro movements. In particular, the upper part of the five-story pagoda moved up to 3.89° to the northwest, and the seven-story pagoda tilted up to 0.078° to the northeast. The maximum displacements were recorded as 0.127 and 0.149 mm in the five-story and the seven-story pagoda, respectively. These values tended to return to the original position at the end of the measurement, but did not recover completely, indicating a state requiring precise monitoring. The result obtained through the study can be used as basic data for the stable conservation of the two stone pagodas. Based on the behavioral characteristics considering various environmental factors should be analyzed, and the preventive conservation through the maintenance of measurement system built this time should be continued.

Studies on the Interaction of Biocides and Ethylsilicate Consolidants for Stone Monument (석조문화재 살생물제와 에틸실리게이트 강화제의 상호작용에 관한 연구)

  • Do, Jin-Young;Yun, Yun-Kyung;Lee, Tae-Jong;Kyung, Hye-Sun
    • Journal of Conservation Science
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    • v.21
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    • pp.73-88
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    • 2007
  • In this paper, the interaction between five biocides(commercial) and two ethylsilicate consolidants for stone monuments, reacted in different sequence, has been studied. Through the structures, weight and gelation time of mixture of biocides and consolidants have been evaluated the reactivity of biocide alone, the reactivity of consolidants and biocides, the reactivity of consolidants and dried biocide, and the reactivity of ethylsilicate gel and biocides. The tested biocides show quite different properties from those of consolidants; after evaporation, some biocides are remained white salt crystals, another need the long time for evaporation and one biocide shows pale brown color. The results have shown an interaction of the tested products each other in some application sequences of the products. When the application of liquid state biocides with consolidants, it was noted that some biocide seem to interfere with the formation of gel due to reaction of consolidants and water and salts in biocides. In the reaction of ethylsilicate with dried biocides have shown a heterogenous gel(transparent layer with ethylsilicate alone and white layer which is mixed biocide and ethylsilicate) and many cracks in product due to the different shrinkage, thus the products don't play a role as consolidants. There is no change in structures and color in reaction of the gas state biocide and ethylsilicate gel.

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Soil Erosion Assessment Tool - Water Erosion Prediction Project (WEPP) (토양 침식 예측 모델 - Water Erosion Prediction Project (WEPP))

  • Kim, Min-Kyeong;Park, Seong-Jin;Choi, Chul-Man;Ko, Byong-Gu;Lee, Jong-Sik;Flanagan, D.C.
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.41 no.4
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    • pp.235-238
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    • 2008
  • The Water Erosion Prediction Project (WEPP) was initiated in August 1985 to develop new generation water erosion prediction technology for federal agencies involved in soil and water conservation and environmental planning and assessment. Developed by USDA-ARS as a replacement for empirical erosion prediction technologies, the WEPP model simulates many of the physical processes important in soil erosion, including infiltration, runoff, raindrop detachment, flow detachment, sediment transport, deposition, plant growth and residue decomposition. The WEPP included an extensive field experimental program conducted on cropland, rangeland, and disturbed forest sites to obtain data required to parameterize and test the model. A large team effort at numerous research locations, ARS laboratories, and cooperating land-grant universities was needed to develop this state-of-the-art simulation model. The WEPP model is used for hillslope applications or on small watersheds. Because it is physically based, the model has been successfully used in the evaluation of important natural resources issues throughout the United State and in several other countries. Recent model enhancements include a graphical Windows interface and integration of WEPP with GIS software. A combined wind and water erosion prediction system with easily accessible databases and a common interface is planned for the future.

Vegetation Structure of Taxus cuspidata Communities in Subalpine Zone (아고산대 주목 군락의 식생구조에 관한 연구)

  • Cho, Min-Gi;Chung, Jae-Min;Jung, Hye-Ran;Kang, Mee-Young;Moon, Hyun-Shik
    • Journal of agriculture & life science
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    • v.46 no.5
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2012
  • This study analyzed on the characteristics of vegetation structure, species composition and DBH class distribution in order to conservation and effective management for Taxus cuspidata community in Mt. Seorak, Mt. Balwang, Mt. Taebaek, and Mt. Odae. The vegetation in upper, subtree and shrub layer was consist of 11, 22, 33 species in Mt. Seorak, 15, 21, 33 species in Mt. Balwang, 10, 23, 36 species in Mt. Taebaek, and 14, 30, 32 species in Mt. Odae. As a result of importance value at all study sites, T. cuspidata and Abies nephrolepis in upper layer, T. cuspidata, A. nephrolepis and Acer komarovii in subtree layer, and Tripterygium regelii in shrub layer were high, respectively. Species diversity in upper and subtree layer at all study sited were ranged 0.834~1.234 and 1.125~1.329, respectively. According to the DBH class of major three species, T. cuspidata in Mt. Odae site showed a reverse J-shaped curve, which was estimated that T. cuspidata community of this site might be maintained continuously as a stable state.

Vegetation Structure of Picea jezoensis Communities in Mt. Deogyu and Mt. Gyebang (덕유산과 계방산 가문비나무 군락의 식생구조에 관한 연구)

  • Cho, Min-Gi;Chung, Jae-Min;Jung, Hye-Ran;Kang, Mee-Young;Moon, Hyun-Shik
    • Journal of agriculture & life science
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    • v.46 no.6
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    • pp.33-41
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    • 2012
  • This study was conducted to provide the informations for conservation and effective management of Picea yezoensis community in Mt. Deogyu and Mt. Gyebang. The vegetation of tree, subtree and shrub layer was consist of 8, 20, 26 species in Mt. Deogyu, and 12, 23, 33 species in Mt. Gyebang. Importance value by layer P. yezoensis, Betula ermanii, Abies koreana at tree layer, B. ermanii, Quercus mongolica at subtree layer, and Sasa borealis at shrub layer in Mt. Deogyu, and P. yezoensis, B. ermanii, Abies nephrolepis at tree layer, Acer komarovii and A. ukurunduense at subtree layer, and Tripterygium regelii at shrub layer in Mt. Gyebang were high, respectively. Species diversity in Mt. Deogyu and Mt. Gyebang were 0.779 and 0.984 at tree layer, 1.052 and 1.161 at subtree layer, and 0.823 and 1.304 at shrub layer, respectively. According to the DBH class of major species, P. yezoensis in Mt. Deogyu showed a reverse J-shaped curve, which was estimated that P. yezoensis community of this site might be maintained continuously as a stable state.

The Great Western Woodlands TERN SuperSite: ecosystem monitoring infrastructure and key science learnings

  • Suzanne M Prober;Georg Wiehl;Carl R Gosper;Leslie Schultz;Helen Langley;Craig Macfarlane
    • Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.47 no.4
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    • pp.272-281
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    • 2023
  • Ecosystem observatories are burgeoning globally in an endeavour to detect national and global scale trends in the state of biodiversity and ecosystems in an era of rapid environmental change. In this paper we highlight the additional importance of regional scale outcomes of such infrastructure, through an introduction to the Great Western Woodlands TERN (Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network) SuperSite, and key findings from three gradient plot networks that are part of this infrastructure. The SuperSite was established in 2012 in the 160,000 km2 Great Western Woodlands region, in a collaboration involving 12 organisations. This region is globally significant for its largely intact, diverse landscapes, including the world's largest Mediterranean-climate woodlands and highly diverse sandplain shrublands. The dominant woodland eucalypts are fire-sensitive, requiring hundreds of years to regrow after fire. Old-growth woodlands are highly valued by Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities, and managing impacts of climate change and the increasing extent of intense fires are key regional management challenges. Like other TERN SuperSites, the Great Western Woodlands TERN SuperSite includes a core eddy-covariance flux tower measuring exchanges of carbon, water and energy between the vegetation and atmosphere, along with additional environmental and biodiversity monitoring around the tower. The broader SuperSite incorporates three gradient plot networks. Two of these represent aridity gradients, in sandplains and woodlands, informing regional climate adaptation and biodiversity management by characterising biodiversity turnover along spatial climate gradients and acting as sentinels for ecosystem change over time. For example, the sandplains transect has demonstrated extremely high spatial turnover rates in plant species, that challenge traditional approaches to biodiversity conservation. The third gradient plot network represents a 400-year fire-age gradient in Eucalyptus salubris woodlands. It has enabled characterisation of post-fire recovery of vegetation, birds and invertebrates over multi-century timeframes, and provided tools that are directly informing management to reduce stand-replacing fires in eucalypt woodlands. By building regional partnerships and applying globally or nationally consistent methodologies to regional scale questions, ecological observatories have the power not only to detect national and global scale trends in biodiversity and ecosystems, but to directly inform environmental decisions that are critical at regional scales.

Revealing hidden diversity in the Sheathia arcuata morphospecies (Batrachospermales, Rhodophyta) including four new species

  • Vis, Morgan L.;Tiwari, Sunil;Evans, Joshua R.;Stancheva, Rosalina;Sheath, Robert G.;Kennedy, Bryan;Lee, Janina;Eloranta, Pertti
    • ALGAE
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    • v.35 no.3
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    • pp.213-224
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    • 2020
  • The freshwater red algal genus Sheathia contains species with heterocortication (both bulbous and cylindrical cells covering the main axis) and homocortication (only cylindrical cells). When the genus was proposed, the species with heterocortication were revised, but all specimens with homocortication were assigned to Sheathia arcuata with the caveat that it may represent a species complex. Recent studies have described new species with homocortication and S. arcuata has been rendered paraphyletic. In the current study, new sequences of the rbcL and 5′ region of the cytochrome c oxidase subunit I markers were combined with previously published data to construct a robust phylogeny and circumscribe new species. Four new species, S. abscondita, S. californica, S. plantuloides, and S. transpacifica are proposed. Examination of morphological characters among homocorticate species show no diagnostic characters to distinguish among species, whereas S. plantuloides is only known from sporophytes (chantransia) so it lacks the typical morphological characters derived from the gametophytes for comparison. Although DNA sequence data would be needed to make a positive species identification, geography could be employed to narrow the identification to one or two species. The genus is geographically widespread having been recorded from oceanic islands and five continents, whereas the individual species typically occur on a single continent. With this study, the number of species recognized in Sheathia is raised to 17; seven heterocorticate and 10 homocorticate, making this genus one of the most species rich in the Batrachospermales. As well, the resulting phylogeny provides insights into the evolution of heterocortication in Sheathia.

State-of-The-Art Factory-Style Plant Production Systems

  • Takakura, Tadashi
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Bio-Environment Control Conference
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    • 1996.05a
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 1996
  • Factory-style plant production systems of various kinds are the final goal of greenhouse production systems. These systems facilitate planning for constant productivity per unit area and labor under various outside weather conditions, although energy consumption is intensive. Physical environmental control in combination with biological control can replace the use of agricultural chemicals such as insecticides, herbicides and hormones to regulate plants. In this way, closed systems which do not use such agricultural chemicals are ideal for environmental conservation for the future. Nutrient components in plants can be regulafied by physical environmental control including nutrient solution control in hydroponics. Therefore, specific contents of nutrients for particular plants can be listed on the container and be used as the basis of customer choice in the future. Plant production systems can be classified into three types based on the type of lighting: natural lighting, supplemental lighting and completely artificial lighting (Plant Factory). The amount of energy consumption increases in this order, although the degree of weather effects is in the reverse order. In the addition to lighting, factory-style plant production systems consist of mechanized and automated systems for transplanting, environmental control, hydroponics, transporting within the facility, and harvesting. Space farming and development of pharmaceutical in bio-reactors are other applications of these types of plant production systems. Various kinds of state-of-art factory-style plant production systems are discussed in the present paper. These systems are, in general, rather sophisticated and mechaized, and energy consumption is intensive. Factory-style plant production is the final goal of greenhouse production systems and the possibilities for the future are infinte but not clear.

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