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Overcoming Over-Politicization and Extreme Polarization of North Korean Issue: The Institutionalization of Conflict Transformation in South Korean Society (북한문제의 과잉정치화와 극단적 양극화 분석: 갈등전환(Conflict Transformation)의 제도화 모색)

  • 이무철
    • Korea and World Politics
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.67-97
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    • 2018
  • This study aimed to lay the groundwork for overcoming extreme polarization due to over-politization of North Korean issue by applying an approach based on the concept of 'conflict transformation' in order to analyze the North Korea's intervention in 'South-South conflict' and the structure of conflict in South Korean society. First of all, it analyzed how North Korea intervened in the two presidential elections in 2007 and 2012, the 'candlelight protest' in 2008, and the 'candlelight protest' in 2014 that were conducted in South Korean society. To this end, this study analyzed the contents of articles published by North Korea's official media, the Rodong Sinmun. It also analyzed aspects and characteristics of the North Korea's intervention in South-South conflict, also substance and cause of extreme polarization and over-politization of North Korean issue in South Korean society in terms of conflict context, relations, and memories. As a result, not only inter-Korean relations but also relations between the conservative and progressive forces in South Korean society need to be reset to overcome them. And based on these new relationship settings, it is evident that reconstruction of mutual memory and sharing work are required. This study is meaningful in that it has tried to incorporate existing researches while compensating the limitation of existing researches through a conflict transformation approach.

A study on Strengthening Cyber Capabilities According to the Digital Transformation in the Defense Sector (국방 디지털 전환에 따른 사이버역량 강화 방안 연구)

  • InJung Kim;Soojin Lee
    • Convergence Security Journal
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.3-13
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    • 2021
  • As new technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), cloud, Internet of Things (IoT), big data, and mobile become organically integrated, a new era of digital transformation is emerging. As a result of this digital transformation, cybersecurity issues have surfaced as a negative side effect. Cyberspace, unlike physical space, has no clear limits, which leads to additional side effects and hazards. While promoting digital transformation in defense, conventional customs and behavioral approaches make it difficult to alter the cybersecurity strategy, even if it is vital to comprehend and prepare the attributes associated with time and technology trends. As a result, in this study, we will look at the direction of technology application in the defense as a result of digital transformation and analyze how to correlate from the standpoint of cybersecurity.

Class Conflict and Empathetic Society in Korea: Crisis Management in the COVID-19 Era (한국 계층갈등의 지형과 공감사회: 코로나 시대의 극복방안)

  • Suh, Moon-Gi
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.197-208
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    • 2020
  • This study attempts to identify the structure of class conflict in Korea and to suggest an alternative framework for a empathetic society. The objective and subjective level of satisfaction with life and class consciousness are in direct proportion, and status consistency signifies polarization. Distorted distribution structures and cultural values make income disparity and property disputes widen, which in turn lead to educational divides and status fixations, refracting or blocking the possibility of social mobility. By overcoming the COVID-19 crisis, it is not appropriate to go back to the past but to correct wrong consciousness and practices in the past, and the consistency between the state and members of society must be re-established. Through the process of innovation at the economic, global, and digital level, a major transformation is required in the new normal era, which prioritizes social development for human values. The conflict resolution depends on the solidarity of the community as a social foundation, since an empathetic society needs the trust and communication of the members of the society.

A Conceptual Approach for the Effects of COVID-19 on Digital Transformation

  • Fu, Jia;Kim, Injai
    • The Journal of Information Systems
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.211-227
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    • 2023
  • Purpose In the contemporary landscape, marked by the enduring impact of COVID-19 and the recent disruptions stemming from the conflict in Ukraine, the purpose of this study is to navigate the era characterized by pervasive risk and uncertainty. Specifically, the study aims to dissect the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak on digital transformation, exploring the factors influencing this process and considering the multifaceted dynamics at play. The focus extends to the post-COVID-19 landscape, scrutinizing the implications and meanings of digital transformation both before and after the pandemic. Additionally, the study delves into future digital trends, with particular attention to climate and environmental issues, emphasizing corporate responsibilities in averting crises similar to COVID-19. The overarching goal is to provide a holistic perspective, shedding light on both positive and negative facets of digital transformation, and advocating for regulatory enhancements and legal frameworks conducive to a balanced and resilient digital future. Design/methodology/approach This study employs a comprehensive approach to analyze the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak on digital transformation. It considers various facets, such as smart devices reshaping daily routines, transformative changes in corporate ecosystems, and the adaptation of government institutions to the digital era within the broader context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. The analysis extends to the post-COVID-19 landscape, examining the implications and meanings of digital transformation. Future digital trends, especially those related to climate and environmental issues, are prognosticated. The methodology involves a proactive exploration of challenges associated with digital transformation, aiming to advocate for regulatory enhancements and legal frameworks that contribute to a balanced and resilient digital future. Findings The findings of this study reveal that the digital economy has gained momentum, accelerated by the proliferation of non-face-to-face industries in response to social distancing imperatives during the COVID-19 pandemic. Digital transformation, both preceding and succeeding the onset of the pandemic, has precipitated noteworthy shifts in various aspects of daily life. However, challenges persist, and the study highlights factors that either bolster or hinder the transformative process. In the post-COVID-19 era, corporate responsibilities in averting crises, particularly those resembling the pandemic, take center stage. The study emphasizes the need for a holistic perspective, acknowledging both positive and negative facets of digital transformation. Additionally, it calls for proactive measures, including regulatory enhancements and legal frameworks, to ensure a balanced and resilient digital future.

A Study on the Image of Kim Soo-young in the Media -Focused on the drama "The Count of Myeong-dong"(2004) (영상매체에 나타난 김수영 이미지 연구 -드라마 <명동백작>(2004)을 중심으로)

  • Son, Mi-young
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.8 no.6
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    • pp.89-96
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    • 2022
  • This study examines the strategy of delivering the drama's poet Kim Soo-young and his literary works to the public through the drama (2004). This drama shows Kim's inner self and his literary view by inserting poems into scenes where the poet suffers internal conflict, while presenting relatively less well-known poems to broaden the public's understanding of poetry. In addition, the drama maintains viewers' interest by properly placing elements of conflict, and effectively shows how the conflict affected his life and the world of time. Therefore, the drama is a meaningful text that embodies a poet named Kim Soo-young in three dimensions along with the historical transformation and social problems of the time and the literary chapter of the time through the video.

Transformational Experience of a Student Nurse with Diabetes: A Case Study

  • Choi, Hye-Jung;Hong, Young-Sang
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.192-200
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    • 2007
  • Purpose. The current study was aimed to investigate the transformational experience of a female student nurse living with type 1 diabetes. Methods. A case study of a 24-year-old diabetes patient was conducted, with interviews concerning the evolving process she had lived through during the period from her later high school years to her graduation from nursing college. Results. Followings were identified as 5-transformation process: With her diabetes-related limitation, the participant experienced 'conflict involving choosing a college and major'. The participant tried to be in charge of managing her diabetes and stepped forward to 'adaptation to college life as a new environment', and she learned more about the process of 'evolving awareness of caring' and developed herself further through the process of 'integration of the nurse identity into self-identity', and finally through the process of 'progression and preparation for getting a job' she achieved her goals, being positive about the future. Conclusions. The results of the study can provide individuals with diabetes a way of self-management and help the patients and their families in diabetes education. Further research will be needed to refine the results of this study and to learn more about the experiences of patients with type I diabetes in college years.

Adopting Process Management-the Importance of Recognizing the Organizational Transformation

  • Hellstrom, Andreas;Peterson, Jonas
    • International Journal of Quality Innovation
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.20-34
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate what happens within an organization when a process view of the business is adopted. With the example of an empirical case, we aim to illustrate: how members of the organization make sense of process management; what contributions members of the organization consider to be the result of adopting a process view; and the relationship between the functional and the process structure. The empirical base in this study is one of Sweden's largest purchasing organizations within the public sector. The results are drawn from interviews with the process owners and a survey to all members involved in process teams. The case findings reveal an ambiguous image of process management. At the same time as process management solved specific organizational problems, it generated new dilemmas. It is argued that it is more rewarding to consider the adoption of the process view a 'social negotiation' rather than the result of planned implementation. The study also highlights that the meaning of process management is not anything given but something being created, and its negotiation and translation into organizational practice is open-ended. Furthermore, the study gives an illustration of the conflict between the adopted process view and the existing functional organization.

The Transformation of Family Ethics in Korea (한국가족윤리 변천에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Chung-Duk;Kim, Soon-Ok;Park, Huh-Sik;Kim, Kyeong-Shin
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.37 no.6
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    • pp.23-40
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    • 1999
  • The aim of this study was to analysis the transformation of family ethics as appeared in Korean history. The contents of this study consist of two parts: literature reviews on the specific features of family ethics with lived history from the period of the Three States to 1950 decades and a survey research on family ethics and its transition after 1950 decades. For the latter, Questionnaires were distributed to the different each generations, from which 1194 data were obtained. The results can be summarized as follows: The transition of thought such as Buddhism, Confucianism and the change of economics condition are found to have impact on the family ethics in Korea. In contemporary history, The Korean War(6 25) had great influent on the change of the family ethics. Recently the conflict among the family members and family problems are influenced by the valiables such as generation and sex, especially with the changes of consciousness of feministic perspective. More over, while only miner change had appeared in Family Ethics during the society still remained in Eastern Value orientations before Cho-seon dynasty, the transformation Family Ethics seems to be the greatest with the cultural shock by the introduction of the Western Values depending on the religions and locality. Nevertheless, family-Centered orientations and confucianism(Hyo) have continued to remains as relatively important values.

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Russian Imperialist Ambition in A. Bestuzhev-Marlinsky's Allamat-Bek (A. 베스투줴프-마를린스키의 『아말라트-벡』에 나타난 러시아 제국주의)

  • Kim, Sung IL
    • Cross-Cultural Studies
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    • v.29
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    • pp.257-285
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    • 2012
  • The theme of Caucasus in Russian literature stemmed from A. Pushkin's The Prisoner of the Caucasus (1820) became expended when it reached to writer Bestuzhev-Marlinsky. The writer's magnum opus, Allamat-Bek (1832), was based on a real historical event. Being proponent to the side of Russian ideology, this work strongly presents that the primary task the Russian Imperialist government paused in this region at the time was civilization of the Caucasus through diplomatic and humanistic ways. There are three main protagonists in this work, but Berkhovsky and Sultan Akhmet-Khan are the characters who stand for the contradictory views toward the "war between Russia- Caucasus." While the former, Berkhovsky, thinks that the conflict between the two parties might be solved by means of communication and cooperation, the latter, on the other hand, is opposed to any of peaceful completion of this war. Allamat-Bek, the main hero of this work, however, passes away, going back and forth between loyalty and renegation. The author goes on to describe that Berkhovsky considers the Caucasus as Eden, the land of fruits, unlike Russia which appears as the land of labor. Yet, for Berkhovsky the Caucasus is presented as the land which needs enlightenment. This is the transformation of the so-called typical Western Orientalism. Bestuzhev-Marlinsky does not take side of either evil or good between the Russian Orthodoxy and the Islam, that is the conflict between the two opponent parties. The writer, instead, argues that this is just difference between the familiar and the strange, that is, the svoi and the chuzhoi. What is the very picture the writer wants to show the reader, then, is that it is petty and sad to see the unavoidable violent progress which happened and experienced by the indigenous people during the civilization of the Caucasus by the Russian Imperialist government.

A Study on the Continues Use Intention of Artificial Intelligence RPA in the Financial Industry (금융업의 인공지능(AI) RPA 지속사용의도에 관한 연구)

  • Kyeong-Rok Seo;Hyeon-Suk Park
    • Industry Promotion Research
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.55-68
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    • 2023
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the factors that influence the intention to continuously use the RPA program used in the financial industry for those working in the financial industry. In particular, the purpose of this study is to understand the will to accept and the perception of acceptance conflict by considering the characteristics of individuals in the relationship between work and information technology. As a result of the study, it can be confirmed that the RPA system based on intelligent process automation including artificial intelligence should be further strengthened in the transformation of a digitalized enterprise rather than the RPA based on simple task automation that is currently most used. In general, the phenomenon of cognitive dissonance was prominent for the adoption of new technology, but the phenomenon of cognitive dissonance did not appear for the continued use of RPA in the financial industry. Able to know. In the future in the financial industry, it is thought that the change in the labor organization will be accelerated as the suitability of repetitive tasks and technologies is increased.