• Title/Summary/Keyword: Concept Value

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Luxury Brand Consumption Values and Signal Preference Based on Cultural and Economic capital (문화자본 및 경제자본에 따른 럭셔리 브랜드 소비가치와 브랜드 시그널 선호도)

  • Lee, Minhee;Lee, Yuri;Ahn, Minyoung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.64 no.4
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    • pp.91-105
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    • 2014
  • As luxury goods market has expanded and has become more affordable, luxury consumption value has become more diversified. The purpose of this study is to classify visible characteristics of luxury consumption by the degree of logo clarity, and to explain this classification in relation to personal luxury consumption values. Also, the study utilized the concept of cultural capital, in addition to the concept of economic capital, in order to aid understanding of current new luxury consumption trend and give directions on brand signal strategies for luxury brands. In order to develop a survey that could measure an individual's cultural capital, focus group interviews, each composed of 5 women in their twenties and thirties, were conducted. Then, the survey was conducted on 230 females residing in Seoul who have purchased at least one product from a luxury brand within a year. The results suggest that luxury consumption can be explained by 'self-oriented value' and 'others-oriented value' as suggested in precedent studies. However, no significant difference was found between economic capital and these two luxury consumption values. However, the more cultural capital one possesses, the more one is likely to pursue 'self-oriented consumption value'. In studying the correlation between luxury consumption values and preference for brand signal clarity, respondents with 'self-oriented consumption value' has shown low preference towards highly visible brand logo when design and quality were equivalent. Also, respondents with 'other-oriented consumption value' has shown high preference towards highly visible brand logo.

Effects of Network Externality on Perceived Value and Adoption of High-tech Products : Focusing on Convergence Products (네트워크 외부성이 첨단기술제품에 대한 가치와 채택의도에 미치는 영향: 컨버전스제품을 중심으로)

  • Park, Kyung Ja
    • The Journal of Information Systems
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.21-42
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    • 2015
  • Purpose The high-technology market shows characteristics of a highly interdependent network market in both supply-side and demand-side, compared to other markets. Particularly, for convergence products, connectivity with related elements, as well as characteristics of innovation itself, is relatively important to the extent that they combine functions provided by several devices into a single device. Therefore, this study aims to identify whether network externality exists in value and adoption of a convergence product and discover a source of network externality, if any. Design/methodology/approach: Through a preceding research analysis and a literature review, 'social influence' and 'network size' have been drawn as direct network elements. On the other hand, general (comprehensive) concept compatibilities including 'intra-technology compatibility', 'inter-technology compatibility' and 'complementary-technology compatibility' are regarded as indirect network elements. Findings: Major findings are as followed;- First, it is shown that the factors influencing on perceived value of a convergence products are 'social influence' and 'network size' as the direct network elements and 'complementary-compatibility' among indirect network elements. Second, it is also found that 'intra-technology compatibility', 'inter-technology compatibility', 'complementary-compatibility' and 'perceived value' have significant effects on adoption of a convergence product. Particularly, it is known that 'complementary-compatibility' is an important source of network externality as it plays a decisive role in value judgment and has significant effects on perceived value. It is worthwhile to notice that this study comprehensively explains effects of network on high-tech products by structuring comparability as a multi-dimensional concept, as well as direct network elements.

Plurality and intrinsic value of Truth (진리의 다원성과 본래적 가치)

  • Kim, Dong-hyun
    • Journal of Korean Philosophical Society
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    • v.143
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    • pp.27-46
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    • 2017
  • This paper research an answer to the question what is the relation between intrinsic value of truth and substantiality of truth. The concept of substantiality can be variably defined, but I characterize it as being an opaque concept. Michael P. Lynch, who is one of the most influential pluralists about truth, accept both that truth is substantial and that truth is intrinsically valuable. This paper analyzes Lynch's argument for the intrinsic value of truth, and will show that his argument is independent of his theory which insists that truth is manifested plurally. Moreover I will discuss how Paul Horwich who is a deflationist denying substantiality of truth explains the intrinsic value of truth. And comparing these two views, I will elaborate the reason why intrinsic value of truth and its substantiality are logically independent each other. Finally, I will suggest a brief case which shows an implication included in the conclusion that plural manifestation of truth does not generally entails plurality of value of truth.

Hierarchical Overlapping Clustering to Detect Complex Concepts (중복을 허용한 계층적 클러스터링에 의한 복합 개념 탐지 방법)

  • Hong, Su-Jeong;Choi, Joong-Min
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.111-125
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    • 2011
  • Clustering is a process of grouping similar or relevant documents into a cluster and assigning a meaningful concept to the cluster. By this process, clustering facilitates fast and correct search for the relevant documents by narrowing down the range of searching only to the collection of documents belonging to related clusters. For effective clustering, techniques are required for identifying similar documents and grouping them into a cluster, and discovering a concept that is most relevant to the cluster. One of the problems often appearing in this context is the detection of a complex concept that overlaps with several simple concepts at the same hierarchical level. Previous clustering methods were unable to identify and represent a complex concept that belongs to several different clusters at the same level in the concept hierarchy, and also could not validate the semantic hierarchical relationship between a complex concept and each of simple concepts. In order to solve these problems, this paper proposes a new clustering method that identifies and represents complex concepts efficiently. We developed the Hierarchical Overlapping Clustering (HOC) algorithm that modified the traditional Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering algorithm to allow overlapped clusters at the same level in the concept hierarchy. The HOC algorithm represents the clustering result not by a tree but by a lattice to detect complex concepts. We developed a system that employs the HOC algorithm to carry out the goal of complex concept detection. This system operates in three phases; 1) the preprocessing of documents, 2) the clustering using the HOC algorithm, and 3) the validation of semantic hierarchical relationships among the concepts in the lattice obtained as a result of clustering. The preprocessing phase represents the documents as x-y coordinate values in a 2-dimensional space by considering the weights of terms appearing in the documents. First, it goes through some refinement process by applying stopwords removal and stemming to extract index terms. Then, each index term is assigned a TF-IDF weight value and the x-y coordinate value for each document is determined by combining the TF-IDF values of the terms in it. The clustering phase uses the HOC algorithm in which the similarity between the documents is calculated by applying the Euclidean distance method. Initially, a cluster is generated for each document by grouping those documents that are closest to it. Then, the distance between any two clusters is measured, grouping the closest clusters as a new cluster. This process is repeated until the root cluster is generated. In the validation phase, the feature selection method is applied to validate the appropriateness of the cluster concepts built by the HOC algorithm to see if they have meaningful hierarchical relationships. Feature selection is a method of extracting key features from a document by identifying and assigning weight values to important and representative terms in the document. In order to correctly select key features, a method is needed to determine how each term contributes to the class of the document. Among several methods achieving this goal, this paper adopted the $x^2$�� statistics, which measures the dependency degree of a term t to a class c, and represents the relationship between t and c by a numerical value. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the HOC algorithm, a series of performance evaluation is carried out by using a well-known Reuter-21578 news collection. The result of performance evaluation showed that the HOC algorithm greatly contributes to detecting and producing complex concepts by generating the concept hierarchy in a lattice structure.

Concept Optimization for Mechanical Product Using Genetic Algorithm

  • Huang Hong Zhong;Bo Rui Feng;Fan Xiang Feng
    • Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.1072-1079
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    • 2005
  • Conceptual design is the first step in the overall process of product design. Its intrinsic uncertainty, imprecision, and lack of information lead to the fact that current conceptual design activities in engineering have not been computerized and very few CAD systems are available to support conceptual design. In most of the current intelligent design systems, approach of principle synthesis, such as morphology matrix, bond graphic, or design catalogues, is usually adopted to deal with the concept generation, in which optional concepts are generally combined and enumerated through function analysis. However, as a large number of concepts are generated, it is difficult to evaluate and optimize these design candidates using regular algorithm. It is necessary to develop a new approach or a tool to solve the concept generation. Generally speaking, concept generation is a problem of concept synthesis. In substance, this process of developing design candidate is a combinatorial optimization process, viz., the process of concept generation can be regarded as a solution for a state-place composed of multi-concepts. In this paper, genetic algorithm is utilized as a feasible tool to solve the problem of combinatorial optimization in concept generation, in which the encoding method of morphology matrix based on function analysis is applied, and a sequence of optimal concepts are generated through the search and iterative process which is controlled by genetic operators, including selection, crossover, mutation, and reproduction in GA. Several crucial problems on GA are discussed in this paper, such as the calculation of fitness value and the criteria for heredity termination, which have a heavy effect on selection of better concepts. The feasibility and intellectualization of the proposed approach are demonstrated with an engineering case. In this work concept generation is implemented using GA, which can facilitate not only generating several better concepts, but also selecting the best concept. Thus optimal concepts can be conveniently developed and design efficiency can be greatly improved.

A Case Study of SE and EVMS Techniques Application on Surion Helicopter R&D Program (수리온헬기 개발사업에서 시스템 엔지니어링 및 사업성과관리 기법 적용 사례연구)

  • Byun, Hyung Kyun;Lee, Sang Woo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Systems Engineering
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.51-62
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    • 2012
  • The System Engineering(SE) and the Earned Value Management System(EVMS), as parts of the scientific project management methodology, have been applied to Surion Helicopter R&D Program. The concept and application process of SE methodology, requirements management and applications output by DOORS program are described in this study. The concept and application process of EVMS, analysis results of schedule/cost variance for Surion RF equipment are also discussed in this study. Though the Surion R&D program is still on-going, it is found that the measures of effectiveness of SE and EVMS applications are verified.

Basic Study on Electrified Railway Design Management using VE(Value Engineering) Techniques (VE 기법을 이용한 철도 설계관리에 관한 기초연구)

  • Cho, Rae-Hyuck;Hwang, Sung-Gwang
    • Proceedings of the KSR Conference
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    • 2005.05a
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    • pp.849-855
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    • 2005
  • Railway fields are complicatedly connected with engineering such as physics, civil engineering, architecture engineering, electrical engineering (Telecommunication, signal, catenary, system), machine engineering and performance phase of project in domestic railway can be divided with four steps : planning, design, supervision, construction. Value Engineering is needed to reduce the cost of long period construction duration and periodically maintenance. Currently, railway design is difficult to act optimum design due to limited time, short of manpower, downsized of design company. therefore, VE concept in Design must require In order to solve this problem. it is called Design Management. This paper presents both item of design management and total design management tool of practical aspects, and describes LCC (Life Cycle Cost) analyze process and accomplishment process for applying VE concept

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Study on the Optimal Shape of Low Noise, New Concept Fan for Refrigerator (냉장고용 저소음 신형상홴의 최적 형상에 관한 연구)

  • 정용규;김창준;백승조;전완호
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering Conference
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    • 2002.05a
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    • pp.645-650
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    • 2002
  • In this paper, new concept, low noise axial fan was developed. The fan was designed to operate at high-pressure condition inside the refrigerator. This fan - we call it Alpha fan - has small turbo blades at trailing edge of axial fan. These turbo blades make alpha fan operate at high pressure and low noise condition. In order to find out the optimal value of design parameters, 6-sigma method was used. The design parameters are ratio between inner and outer diameter, Height, Install angle and Install position of turbo blade. Optimal value of turbo blade was found out and the noise generated from this fan is reduced about 3dB(A).

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Organizational Accountability in Health Care : Developing a Model for Analysis (의료기관의 조직 책무성 : 분석을 위한 모형 개발)

  • Lee, Geun-Chan;You, Myoung-Soon
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.213-248
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    • 2011
  • Past studies on organizational accountability have had similar limitations. First, empirical evidence of organizational accountability is rare as the majority of research takes a conceptual approach of the topic. Only a few of these studies are applicable to health care organizations (HCOs). To fill these gaps, we attempted to develop a model for analysis of organizational accountability for HCOs. Accountability for HCOs was conceptualized by two axes: answerability(X, horizontal) and value-creation(Y, vertical). Our concept building could relieve competing accountability mechanism which past studies stressed. Four elements of accountability(legal, economical, social, and clinical) were applied to specify each of the two features of organizational accountability. And then four types of accountability behavior were coordinated by this x-y axis : high A/high VC, high A/low VC, low A/high VC, low A/low VC. Finally, a multidimensional model of HCOs' accountability, enabling an empirically testable multi-level analysis, was proposed.

Co-creation: Overview and Research Agenda (Co-creation의 개념적 고찰 및 연구과제)

  • Hong, Soon Goo;Lee, Hyun Mi;Lim, Seong Bae;Kim, Na Rang
    • The Journal of Information Systems
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.203-223
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    • 2014
  • Co-creation is a new business strategy that creates "mutual value" for both the firm and the consumer through active collaboration among stakeholders. This includes a broader range of participants compared to the traditional environment. Co-creation is currently being applied to a wide range of fields such as marketing, manufacturing, governance, and other disciplines. With a growing interest in co-creation, it is vital to establish a clearly define concept of what co-creation is and what it encompasses. Therefore, the goal of this study is to define the concept of co-creation, to discover current research trends within this area, and to suggest a future research agenda. For this study extensive literature review on co-creation was carried out, adding this paper to the body of co-creation research as a pioneer study.