• Title/Summary/Keyword: Concentration Efficiency

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Feasibility Test of Biohydrogen Production from Food Waste (음식물쓰레기의 수소발효 타당성 평가)

  • Han, Sun-Kee;Kim, Sang-Hyoun;Shin, Hang-Sik
    • Journal of the Korea Organic Resources Recycling Association
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.87-95
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    • 2003
  • Although extensive studies were conduced on hydrogen fermentation of organic wastewaters, little is known about biohydrogen production from organic solid wastes. The leaching-bed reactor treating food waste by heat-shocked anaerobic sludge was, therefore, operated at D of 2.1, 3.6, 4.5 and $5.5d^{-1}$ to find optimal D for hydrogen production. Successful operation of a reactor can be accomplished when it is operated at proper dilution rate (D). Operation at high D leads to the washout of biomass in the reactor while operation at low D leads to product inhibition due to the accumulation of excess VFA. These appear to limit the production of hydrogen to reach a higher level. All the reactors showed that, on day 1-3, hydrogen production was dominant and VFA concentration was higher than ethanol. Butyrate and acetate were major components of VFAs over the whole operation, though lactate was very high on day 1-2. Compared with other D values, D of $4.5d^{-1}$, resulted in higher butyrate/acetae (B/A) ratios during the fermentation. The trend of B/A ratios was similar to the hydrogen production, suggesting that butyrate formation favored hydrogen production. Ethanol increased significantly from day 4 when hydrogen Production stopped. It indicated that heat-shocked sludge was able to induce a metabolic flow from hydrogen-and acid-producing pathway to solvent-producing pathway. Operation at D of $4.5d^{-1}$ led to higher fermentation efficiency (58%) than those (51.5, 55.3 and 53.7%) at 2.1, 3.6 and $5.5d^{-1}$. The COD removed was convened to hydrogen (10.1%), VFA (30.9%), and ethanol (17.0%).

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Estimation of Terminal Sire Effect on Swine Growth and Meat Quality Traits (돼지 성장 및 육질 형질에 영향하는 종료웅돈의 효과)

  • Kim, H.S.;Kim, B.W.;Kim, H.Y.;Iim, H.T.;Yang, H.S.;Lee, J.I.;Joo, Y.K.;Do, C.H.;Joo, S.T.;Jeon, J.T.;Lee, J.G.
    • Journal of Animal Science and Technology
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    • v.49 no.2
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    • pp.161-170
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    • 2007
  • A submerged biofilm sequencing batch reactor (SBSBR) process, which liquor was internally circulated through sandfilter, was designed, and performances in swine wastewater treatment was evaluated under a condition of no external carbon source addition. Denitrification of NOx-N with loading rate in vertical and slope type of sandfilter was 19% and 3.8%, respectively, showing approximately 5 times difference, and so vertical type sandfilter was chosen for the combination with SBSBR. When the process was operated under 15 days HRT, 105L/hr.m3 of internal circulation rate and 54g/m3.d of NH4-N loading rate, treatment efficiencies of STOC, NH4-N and TN (as NH4-N plus NOx-N) was 75%, 97% and 85%, respectively. By conducting internal circulation through sandfilter, removal performances of TN were enhanced by 14%, and the elevation of nitrogen removal was mainly attributed to occurrence of denitrification in sandfilter. Also, approximately 57% of phosphorus was removed with the conduction of internal circulation through sandfilter, meanwhile phosphorus concentration in final effluent rather increased when the internal circulation was not performed. Therefore, It was quite sure that the continuous internal circulation of liquor through sandfilter could contribute to enhancement of biological nutrient removal. Under 60g/m3.d of NH4-N loading rate, the NH4-N level in final effluent was relatively low and constant(below 20mg/L) and over 80% of nitrogen removal was maintained in spite of loading rate increase up to 100g/m3.d. However, the treatment efficiency of nitrogen was deteriorated with further increase of loading rate. Based on this result, an optimum loading rate of nitrogen for the process would be 100g/m3.d.

Effects of Liquid Culture of Coriolus Versicolor on Lipid Metabolism and Enzyme Activities in Rats Fed High Fat Diet (운지버섯 균사체 배양액이 고지방 식이를 급여한 흰쥐의 지질대사 및 효소활성에 미치는 영향)

  • 문상필;고진복
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.88-94
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    • 2004
  • The effects of liquid culture of Coriolus versicolor on weight gain, food intakes, food efficiency ratios, serum and hepatic lipid concentrations, serum protein levels and serum enzyme activities, were studied in growing male rats. Sprague-Dawley rats were given four different types of diets for a succeeding period of 5 weeks, respectively: a normal diet group (7% corn oil), a high fat diet group (7% corn oil+15% lard), a 20% or 30% C. versicolor diet groups (high fat diet+20% or 30% C. versicolor in water) according to the levels of C. versicolor supplementation. The body weight gains of the rats fed the 30% C. versicolor diets were lower than those in the rats fed high fat diet. The epididymal fat pad weight of the rats fed high fat diet and 20% or 30% C. versicolor diets were significantly higher than that of the rats fed normal diet. The concentrations of triglyceride in the serum and the liver of the rats fed the 30% C. versicolor diets were more significantly decreased compared to rats on the high fat diet. The concentrations of total cholesterol in the serum and the liver of rats fed the high fat diet, 20% and 30% C. versicolor diets were similar to those of rats fed the normal diet. The HDL-cholesterol concentration and the HDL-cholesterol/total-cholesterol ratio of the rats fed 20% and 30% C. versicolor diets were significantly lower than those of the rats fed high fat diet. But the antherogenic index of the rats fed 20% or 30% C. versicolor diets were significantly higher than those of the rats fed high fat diet. There were no differences in the activities of glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase, glutamic pyruvic transaminase and alkaline phosphatase in the serum among the experimental groups. These results showed that the 30% C. versicolor diet feeding decreased the triglyceride in serum and liver of the rats.

The Effect of Grape Seed Oil, Perilla Oil, or Corn Oil-Containing Diet on Lipid Patterns in Rats and Fatty-Acid Composition in Their Liver Tissues (포도씨유, 들깨유 및 옥수수유의 급여가 흰쥐의 체내 지질패턴 및 간조직의 지방산 조성에 미치는 영향)

  • Kang Myung-Hwa;Park Won-Jong;Lee Ji-Hyun;Chung Hae-Kyung
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.38 no.1
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    • pp.3-10
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    • 2005
  • The study analyzed the lipid patterns and fatty acid compositions of serum and liver tissues in groups of Sparague-Dawley rats. Some of the groups were fed with an basal diet, which contained com oil (C), grape seed oil (GSO), or perilla oil (P), and the others were fed with a high fat diet, which had cholesterol (1%) and lard (10%) mixed with corn oil (CHF), grape seed oil (GSHF), or perilla oil (PHF). The amount of dietary intake was higher for the basal diet groups than the high fat diet groups. And diet efficiency was significantly low in the group of rats fed with the basal diet mixed with perilla oil. From the analysis of the serum lipid patterns, a significant decrease in total lipid concentration was observed in the group of rats fed on the basal diet mixed with perilla oil and the high fat diet group. The levels of triglyceride and phospholipid were significantly low in the basal diet group when perilla oil or grape seed oil was involved. The ordinary diet groups showed significantly higher in HDL-C than the high fat diet groups. There was no significant difference among the basal diet groups, whether the diet was mixed with grape seed oil, perilla oil, or com oil. However, a significant increase in HDL-C was observed in the group of rats fed with the high fat diet containing perilla oil. For LDL-C, there was a significant difference between the high fat diet groups and the basal diet groups. LDL-C was especially low in the group of rats fed with the high fat diet to which perilla oil was added, and the grape seed-added high fat diet group showed a decreasing tendency in LDL-C. The content of total fat, total cholesterol, and triglyceride was the lowest in the group of rats fed with the perilla oil-containing basal diet, and this group was followed in order by the grape seed oil-containing diet group and com oil-containing diet group. In the analysis of the fatty-acid composition in liver tissue, the high fat diet groups showed an increase in saturated fatty acids and polyunsaturated fatty acids, but a decrease in mono unsaturated fatty acids when compared to the basal diet groups. The composition ratio of fatty acids varied according to which type of oil the diet contains. Our finding suggest that grape seed oil was an apparent diet effect on the fatty-acid composition.

A Study on the Stability and Sludge Energy Efficiency Evaluation of Torrefied Wood Flour Natural Material Based Coagulant (반탄화목분 천연재료 혼합응집제의 안정성 및 슬러지 에너지화 가능성 평가에 관한 연구)

  • PARK, Hae Keum;KANG, Seog Goo
    • Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology
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    • v.48 no.3
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    • pp.271-282
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    • 2020
  • Sewage treatment plants are social infrastructure of cities. The sewage distribution rate in Korea is reaching 94% based on the sewage statistics based in the year of 2017. In Korean sewage treatment plants, use of PAC (Poly Aluminum Chloride) accounts for 58%. It contains a large amount of impurities (heavy metal) according to the quality standards, however, there have been insufficient efforts to reinforce the standards or technically improve the quality, which resulted in secondary pollution problems from injecting excessive coagulant. Also, the increase in the use of chemicals is leading to the increases in the annual amount of sewage sludge generated in 2017 and the need to reuse sludge. As such, this study aims to verify the possibility of reusing sludge by evaluating the stability of heavy metals based on the injection of coagulant mixture during water treatment which uses the torrefield wood powder and natural materials, and evaluating the sedimentation and heating value of sewage sludge. As a result of analyzing heavy metals (Cr, Fe, Zn, Cu, Cd, As, Pb, and Ni) from the coagulant mixture and PAC (10%), Cr, Cd, Pb, Ni, and Hg were not detected. As for Zn, while its concentration notified in the quality standards for drinking water is 3 mg/L, only a small amount of 0.007 mg/L was detected in the coagulant mixture. Maximum amounts of over double amounts of Fe, Cu, and As were found with PAC (10%) compared to the coagulant mixture. Also, an analysis of sludge sedimentation found that the coagulant mixture showed a better performance of up to double the speed of the conventional coagulant, PAC (10%). The dry-basis lower heating value of sewage sludge produced by injecting the coagulant mixture was 3,378 kcal/kg, while that of sewage sludge generated due to PAC (10%) was 3,171 kcal/kg; although both coagulants met the requirements to be used as auxiliary fuel at thermal power plants, the coagulant mixture developed in this study could secure heating values 200 kal/kg higher than the counterpart. Therefore, utilization of the coagulant mixture for water treatment rather than PAC (10%) is expected to be more environmentally stable and effective, as it helps generating sludge with better stability against heavy metals, having a faster sludge sedimentation, and higher heating value.

Use Efficiency of Nitrate Nitrogen Accumulated in Plastic Film House Soils under Continuous Vegetable Cultivation (시설재배(施設栽培) 토양(土壤)에 축적(蓄積)된 질산태질소(窒酸態窒素)의 유효도(有效度))

  • Song, Yo-Sung;Kwak, Han-Kang;Huh, Beom-Lyang;Lee, Sang-Eun
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.347-352
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    • 1996
  • These experiments were conducted to monitor the change in $NO_3{^-}-N$ in a plastic film house where $NO_3{^-}-N$ have been accumulated in the soil of high level (about 370 mg/kg) The objective of this study was to obtain the information needed to establish the N Fertilizer recommendation based on the available N content in the soil for vegetable cultivation. The cultivated crops were chinese cabbage in the spring, lettuce in the summer, and chinese cabbage in the autumn. The crops were cultivated with and without N application. The concentration of $NO_3{^-}-N$ in the soil was analysed before and after the cultivation of each crop. When $NO_3{^-}-N$ in the soil is as high as 370 mg/kg. even without N application, the yield of the first season crop, cabbage in the spring was 175 ton/ha and that of second season crop, lettuce in the summer was 53 ton/ha. These yields were comparable with those obtained under the application of N fertilizer: meaning that no N application would be needed for those crops when $NO_3{^-}-N$ in the soil is as high as 370 mg/kg. The yield of third crop, cabbage in the autumn was higher under N application than that under no N application by 62%. The fate of $NO_3{^-}-N$ in the soil differed along with the crop sequence. In the first crop, 14.5% was absorbed by crop, 25.4% remained in the soil and 60.1% was unaccounted for. In the second season, 25.3% was absorbed by crop, 51.8% remained in the soil and 22.9% was unaccounted for. In the third crop, 62.8% was absorbed by crop, 19.4% remained in the soil and 16.8% was unaccounted for.

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Serum Tumor Marker Levels might have Little Significance in Evaluating Neoadjuvant Treatment Response in Locally Advanced Breast Cancer

  • Wang, Yu-Jie;Huang, Xiao-Yan;Mo, Miao;Li, Jian-Wei;Jia, Xiao-Qing;Shao, Zhi-Min;Shen, Zhen-Zhou;Wu, Jiong;Liu, Guang-Yu
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.16 no.11
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    • pp.4603-4608
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    • 2015
  • Background: To determine the potential value of serum tumor markers in predicting pCR (pathological complete response) during neoadjuvant chemotherapy. Materials and Methods: We retrospectively monitored the pro-, mid-, and post-neoadjuvant treatment serum tumor marker concentrations in patients with locally advanced breast cancer (stage II-III) who accepted pre-surgical chemotherapy or chemotherapy in combination with targeted therapy at Fudan University Shanghai Cancer Center between September 2011 and January 2014 and investigated the association of serum tumor marker levels with therapeutic effect. Core needle biopsy samples were assessed using immunohistochemistry (IHC) prior to neoadjuvant treatment to determine hormone receptor, human epidermal growth factor receptor 2(HER2), and proliferation index Ki67 values. In our study, therapeutic response was evaluated by pCR, defined as the disappearance of all invasive cancer cells from excised tissue (including primary lesion and axillary lymph nodes) after completion of chemotherapy. Analysis of variance of repeated measures and receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves were employed for statistical analysis of the data. Results: A total of 348 patients were recruited in our study after excluding patients with incomplete clinical information. Of these, 106 patients were observed to have acquired pCR status after treatment completion, accounting for approximately 30.5% of study individuals. In addition, 147patients were determined to be Her-2 positive, among whom the pCR rate was 45.6% (69 patients). General linear model analysis (repeated measures analysis of variance) showed that the concentration of cancer antigen (CA) 15-3 increased after neoadjuvant chemotherapy in both pCR and non-pCR groups, and that there were significant differences between the two groups (P=0.008). The areas under the ROC curves (AUCs) of pre-, mid-, and post-treatment CA15-3 concentrations demonstrated low-level predictive value (AUC=0.594, 0.644, 0.621, respectively). No significant differences in carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) or CA12-5 serum levels were observed between the pCR and non-pCR groups (P=0.196 and 0.693, respectively). No efficient AUC of CEA or CA12-5 concentrations were observed to predict patient response toward neoadjuvant treatment (both less than 0.7), nor were differences between the two groups observed at different time points. We then analyzed the Her-2 positive subset of our cohort. Significant differences in CEA concentrations were identified between the pCR and non-pCR groups (P=0.039), but not in CA15-3 or CA12-5 levels (p=0.092 and 0.89, respectively). None of the ROC curves showed underlying prognostic value, as the AUCs of these three markers were less than 0.7. The ROC-AUCs for the CA12-5 concentrations of inter-and post-neoadjuvant chemotherapy in the estrogen receptor negative HER2 positive subgroup were 0.735 and 0.767, respectively. However, the specificity and sensitivity values were at odds with each other which meant that improving either the sensitivity or specificity would impair the efficiency of the other. Conclusions: Serum tumor markers CA15-3, CA12-5, and CEA might have little clinical significance in predicting neoadjuvant treatment response in locally advanced breast cancer.

Antioxidant Effects and Improvement of Lipid Metabolism of Acanthopanacis cortex Water Extract in Rats Fed High Fat Diet (고지방 식이 흰쥐에서 오가피 추출물의 항산화 효과 및 지질 개선 효과)

  • Park, Young-Sook
    • Journal of the East Asian Society of Dietary Life
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.37-45
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    • 2010
  • The effects of an Acanthopanacis cortex water extract on lipid levels, lipid peroxide, total antioxidant status and antioxidant enzyme activities were evaluated in rats fed one of the following diets for six weeks: normal diet and deionized water (ND), normal diet and Acanthopanacis cortex water extract (NDC), high fat diet and deionized water (HFD), high fat diet and Acanthopanacis cortex water extract (HFDC). The food intakes were significantly lower, but the food efficiency ratios were significantly higher in the high fat diet groups. The level of HDL-cholesterol in the plasma was significantly increased and the levels of LDL-cholesterol and triglyceride in the plasma were significantly decreased by the Acanthopanacis cortex water extract in the high fat diet groups. As a a result, the AI (atherogenic index) and CRF (cardiac risk factor) were significantly lower in the high fat diet groups that were treated with Acanthopanacis cortex water extract. The triglyceride and the total cholesterol of the liver were also significantly upregulated in the high fat diet groups, while the total cholesterol of the liver decreased in response to treatment with Acanthopanacis cortex water extract (HFDC). The plasma and liver concentrations of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) were significantly reduced by the addition of Acanthopanacis cortex water extract to the normal diet groups. The total antioxidant status (TAS) in the plasma was significantly upregulated by adding Acanthopanacis cortex water extract to the high fat diet groups. The activities of SOD, catalase and GST were also significantly higher in the Acanthopanacis cortex water extract groups when compared to the ionized water groups. The activity of GSH-Px and the concentration of GSH in the liver were significantly higher following the addition of Acanthopanacis cortex water extract to the high fat diet groups. Taken together, these results suggest that a supplementation of the diet of rats fed a high fat diet with Acanthopanacis cortex water extract improves lipid metabolism, reduces lipid peroxide and improves the activities of antioxidant enzymes, which may have favorable effects on antioxidant systems by improving the total antioxidant status (TAS).

Effects of high energy diet on growth performance, carcass characteristics, and blood constituents of final fattening Hanwoo steers (고에너지 사양이 비육후기 거세한우의 성장, 도체, 및 혈액성상에 미치는 영향)

  • Chung, Ki Yong;Chang, Sun Sik;Lee, Eun Mi;Kim, Hyun Ju;Park, Bo Hye;Kwon, Eung Gi
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.42 no.3
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    • pp.261-268
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    • 2015
  • The aim of this study was to examine the effects of high energy diet on growth 26mon, 28mon, and 30mon in Hanwoo at different ages. High energy diet required not only an amount of concentrate on days of fattening periods but also induced cost for the management. We hypothesized that high energy diet was able to reduce a fattening period to reach a certain quality grade. A $2{\times}3$ factorial arrangement (High energy, control vs 26, 28, 30month endpoints) in a completely random design was used to feed 48 Hanwoo steers. Four steers were fed in same pen and 12 pens were used for treatment. Blood was drawn from each steers on every other months during early, middle, and final fattening periods. Over all ADG and feed efficiency were not different between high energy and control diet (P > 0.05). Dry matter intake was induced 30 mo-old early and final fattening periods at high energy diet. Serum glucose concentration were increased (P < 0.05) at 30 and 26month old steers. Marbling scores were greater at 30 month old than 26 and 28 month old Hanwoo steers. Carcass weight of Hanwoo steers were greater at 30 mon-old groups than other groups. These result indicated that high energy diet (+3% TDN) and slaughter endpoint collectively contribute to the observed quality grade compositional differences among three final fattening periods of Hanwoo steers.

Estimation of $CO_2$ saturation from time-lapse $CO_2$ well logging in an onshore aquifer, Nagaoka, Japan (일본 Nagaoka 육상 대수층에서 시간차 $CO_2$ 물리검층으로부터 $CO_2$ 포화도의 추정)

  • Xue, Ziqiu;Tanase, Daiji;Watanabe, Jiro
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.19-29
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    • 2006
  • The first Japanese pilot-scale $CO_2$ sequestration project has been undertaken in an onshore saline aquifer, near Nagaoka in Niigata prefecture, and time-lapse well logs were carried out in observation wells to detect the arrival of injected $CO_2$ and to evaluate $CO_2$ saturation in the reservoir. $CO_2$ was injected into a thin permeable zone at the depth of 1110m at a rate of 20-40 tonnes per day. The total amount of injected $CO_2$ was 10400 tonnes, during the injection period from July 2003 to January 2005. The pilot-scale demonstration allowed an improved understanding of the $CO_2$ movement in a porous sandstone reservoir, by conducting time-lapse geophysical well logs at three observation wells. Comparison between neutron well logging before and after the insertion of fibreglass casing in observation well OB-2 showed good agreement within the target formation, and the higher concentration of shale volume in the reservoir results in a bigger difference between the two well logging results. $CO_2$ breakthrough was identified by induction, sonic, and neutron logs. By sonic logging, we confirmed P-wave velocity reduction that agreed fairly well with a laboratory measurement on drilled core samples from the Nagaoka site. We successfully matched the history changes of sonic P-wave velocity and estimated $CO_2$ saturation a(ter breakthrough in two observation wells out of three. The sonic-velocity history matching result suggested that the sweep efficiency was about 40%. Small effects of $CO_2$ saturation on resistivity resulted in small changes in induction logs when the reservoir was partially saturated. We also found that $CO_2$ saturation in the $CO_2$-bearing zone responded to suspension of $CO_2$ injection.