• Title/Summary/Keyword: Compression ignition engine

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A Review on the Mixture Formation and Atomization Characteristics of Oxygenated Biodiesel Fuel (바이오디젤 연료의 혼합기 형성 및 미립화 증진 방안)

  • Suh, Hyun Kyu
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Automotive Engineers
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.183-192
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    • 2014
  • In this work, the mixture formation and atomization characteristics of biodiesel fuel were reviewed under various test conditions for the optimization of compression-ignition engine fueled with biodiesel. To achieve these, the effect of nozzle caviting flow, group-hole nozzle geometry and injection strategies on the injection rate, spray evolution and atomization characteristics of biodiesel were studied by using spray characteristics measuring system. At the same time, the fuel heating system was installed to obtain the effect of fuel temperature on the biodiesel fuel atomization. It was revealed that cavitation in the nozzle orifice promoted the atomization performance of biodiesel. The group-hole nozzle geometry and split injection strategies couldn't improve it, however, the different orifice angles which were diverged and converged angle of a group-hole nozzle enhanced the biodiesel atomization. It was also observed that the increase of fuel temperature induced the quick evaporation of biodiesel fuel droplet.

Numerical Analysis of the Effect of Injection Pressure Variation on Free Spray and Impaction Spray Characteristics

  • Park, Kweon-Ha;Kim, Byung-Hyun
    • Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.236-250
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    • 2000
  • Compression ignition direct injection diesel engines employed a high pressure injection system have been developed as a measure to improve a fuel efficiency and reduce harmful emissions. In order to understand the effects of the pressure variation, many experimental works have been done, however there are many difficulties to get data in engine condition. This work gives numerical results for the high pressure effects on spray characteristics in wide or limited space with near walls. The gas phase is modelled by Eulerian continuum conservation equations of mass, momentum, energy and fuel vapour fraction. The liquid phase is modelled using the discrete droplet model approach in Lagrangian form and the drop behavior on a wall is calculated with a new droplet-wall interaction model based on the experiments observing individual drops. The droplet distributions, vapour fractions and gas flows are shown in various injection pressure cases. In free spray case which the injection spray has no wall impaction, the spray dispersion and vapour fraction increase and drop sizes decrease with increasing injection pressure. The same phenomena appears more clearly in wall impaction cases.

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Effect of Injection Condition on the Diesel. Fuel Atomization in a Multi-Hole Nozzle (다공 노즐에서 분사조건이 디젤 연료의 미립화 특성에 미치는 영향)

  • Sub, Hyun-Kyu;Kim, Jee-Won;Lee, Chang-Sik
    • Journal of ILASS-Korea
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.8-14
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    • 2009
  • This paper present the diesel fuel spray evolution and atomization performance in a multi-hole nozzle in terms of injection rate, spray evolutions, and mean diameter and velocity of droplets in a compression ignition engine. In order to study the effect of split injection on the diesel fuel spray and atomization characteristic in a multi-hole nozzle, the test nozzle that has two-row small orifice with 0.2 mm interval was used. The time based fuel injection rate characteristics was analyzed from the pressure variation generated in a measuring tube. The spray characteristics of a multi-hole nozzle were visualized and measured by spray visualization system and phase Doppler particle analyzer (PDPA) system. It was revealed that the total injected fuel quantities of split injection are smaller than those of single injection condition. In case of injection rate characteristics, the split injection is a little lower than single injection and the peak value of second injection rate is lower than single injection. The spray velocity of split injection is also lower because of short energizing duration and small injection mass. It can not observe the improvement of droplet atomization due to the split injection, however, it enhances the droplet distributions at the early stage of fuel injection.

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A Study on the Spray Characteristics of Swirl Injector for Use a HCCI Engine using Entropy Analysis and PIV Technique (엔트로피 해석과 PIV를 이용한 HCCI 엔진용 스월 인젝터의 분무 특성 해석에 관한 연구)

  • 안용흠;이창희;이기형;이창식
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Automotive Engineers
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.39-47
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    • 2004
  • The objective of this study is to analyse the spray characteristics according to the injection duration under ambient pressure condition and to investigate the relationship between vorticity and entropy for controlling diffusion process that is the most important thing during the intake stroke injection process. Therefore, the spray velocity was obtained by using the PIV method that has been an useful optical diagnostics technology, and vorticity calculated from spray velocity component with vorticity algorithm. In addition, the homogeneous diffusion rate of spray was quantified by using the entropy analysis based on the Boltzmann's statistical thermodynamics. From these method, we found that as injection duration increases, spray velocity increases and the location of vortex is moved to the downstream of spray. In the same condition, as the entropy decrease, mean vorticity increases. This means that the concentration of spray droplets caused by the increase of injection duration is more effective than the increase of momentum dissipation.

Effects of Soybean Biodiesel Fuel on Exhaust Emissions in Compression Ignition Combustion (대두유 바이오 디젤연료가 압축 착화 연소에서 배기가스에 미치는 영향)

  • Han, Man-Bae
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B
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    • v.34 no.10
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    • pp.941-946
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    • 2010
  • This study aims to investigate the effects of soybean biodiesel fuel on exhaust emissions with regards to two combustion modes: conventional combustion(existence of PM-NOx trade-off behavior) and low temperature combustion(LTC) in a 1.7 L common rail direct injection diesel engine. As compared to conventional combustion, LTC was achieved by adopting a heavier exhaust gas recirculation and strategic injection parameter optimization. Two sets of fuels, i.e. ultra low sulfur diesel(ULSD) and 20% volumetric blends of soybean biodiesel with ULSD(B20) were used. Regardless of the fuel type, in LTC the simultaneous reduction of PM and NOx was observed and both levels were significantly lower than in case of conventional combustion. Under the given engine operating condition in the case of conventional combustion, B20 produced less PM and more NOx than ULSD. In the case of LTC combustion, B20 produced more PM and NOx than ULSD.

Comparison of Macroscopic Spray Characteristics of Dimethyl Ether with Diesel (Dimethyl Ether와 디젤의 거시적 분무 특성 비교)

  • Yu, J.;Lee, J. K.;Bae, C. S.
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Automotive Engineers
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    • v.10 no.5
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    • pp.73-80
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    • 2002
  • Dimethyl ether (DM) is one of the most attractive alternative fuel far compression ignition engine. Its main advantage in diesel engine application is high efficiency of diesel cycle with soot free combustion though conventional fuel injection system has to be modified due to the intrinsic properties of DME. Experimental study of DME and conventional diesel spray employing a common-rail type fuel injection system with a 5-holes sac type injector (hole diameter 0.168 ㎜/hole) was performed in a high pressure chamber pressurized with nitrogen gas. A CCD camera was employed to capture time series of spray images followed by spray cone angles and penetrations of DME were characterized and compared with those of diesel. Under atmospheric pressure condition, regardless of injection pressure, spray cone angles of the DME were wider than those of diesel and penetrations were shorter due to flash boiling effect. Tip of the DME spray was farmed in mushroom like shape at atmospheric chamber pressure but it was disappeared in higher chamber pressure. On the contrary, spray characteristics of the DME became similar to that of diesel under 3MPa of chamber pressure. Hole-to-hole variation of the DME spray was lower than that of diesel in both atmospheric and 3MPa chamber pressures. At 25MPa and 40MPa of DME injection pressures, regardless of chamber pressure, intermittent DME spray was observed. It was thought that vapor lock inside the injector was generated under the two injection pressures.

A Review on Spray Characteristics of Bioethanol and Its Blended Fuels in CI Engines

  • No, Soo-Young
    • Journal of ILASS-Korea
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.155-166
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    • 2014
  • This review will be concentrated on the spray characteristics of bioethanol and its derived fuels such as ethanol-diesel, ethanol-biodiesel in compression ignition (CI) engines. The difficulty in meeting the severe limitations on NOx and PM emissions in CI engines has brought about many methods for the application of ethanol because ethanol diffusion flames in engine produce virtually no soot. The most popular method for the application of ethanol as a fuel in CI engines is the blending of ethanol with diesel. The physical properties of ethanol and its derivatives related to spray characteristics such as viscosity, density and surface tension are discussed. Viscosity and density of e-diesel and e-biodiesel generally are decreased with increase in ethanol content and temperature. More than 22% and 30% of ethanol addition would not satisfied the requirement of viscosity and density in EN 590, respectively. Investigation of neat ethanol sprays in CI engines was conducted by very few researchers. The effect of ambient temperature on liquid phase penetration is a controversial topic due to the opposite result between two studies. More researches are required for the spray characteristics of neat ethanol in CI engines. The ethanol blended fuels in CI engines can be classified into ethanol-diesel blend (e-diesel) and ethanol-biodiesel (e-biodiesel) blend. Even though dodecanol and n-butanol are rarely used, the addition of biodiesel as blend stabilizer is the prevailing method because it has the advantage of increasing the biofuel concentration in diesel fuel. Spray penetration and SMD of e-diesel and e-biodiesel decrease with increase in ethanol concentration, and in ambient pressure. However, spray angle is increased with increase in the ethanol percentage in e-diesel. As the ambient pressure increases, liquid phase penetration was decreased, but spray angle was increased in e-diesel. The increase in ambient temperature showed the slight effect on liquid phase penetration, but spray angle was decreased. A numerical study of micro-explosion concluded that the optimum composition of e-diesel binary mixture for micro-explosion was approximately E50D50, while that of e-biodiesel binary mixture was E30B70 due to the lower volatility of biodiesel. Adding less volatile biodiesel into the ternary mixture of ethanol-biodiesel-diesel can remarkably enhance micro-explosion. Addition of ethanol up to 20% in e-biodiesel showed no effect on spray penetration. However, increase of nozzle orifice diameter results in increase of spray penetration. The more study on liquid phase penetration and SMD in e-diesel and e-biodiesel is required.

Study on the Spray Control of Mixed Fuel Using Flash Boiling (감압비등을 이용한 혼합연료의 분무제어에 관한 연구)

  • Myong, Kwang-Jae;Yoon, Jun-Kyu
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B
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    • v.34 no.11
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    • pp.1005-1013
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    • 2010
  • This study was conducted to assess the spray control of flash boiling with mixed fuel in consideration of HCCI (Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition) engine condition. Mixed fuel existing in two phase regions can control the process of mixture formation under low temperature and density by using the spray resulting from flash boiling which is able to induce rapid evaporation of fuel spray as well as the evaporation of high boiling point component. Because HCCI engine injects the fuel early under ambient conditions, it can facilitate the chemical control of ignition combustion and physical control such as breakup and atomization of liquid fuel by flash boiling of mixed fuel which consists of highly ignitable light oil and highly volatile gasoline. This study was conducted by performing video processing after selected composition and molar fraction of the mixed fuel as major parameters and photographed Schlieren image and Mie scattered light corresponding to the flash boiling phenomenon of the fuel spray that was injected inside a constant volume vessel. It was found that flash boiling causes significant changes in the spray structure under relatively low temperature and density. Thus, we analyzed that the flash boiling spray can be used for HCCI combustion by controlling the mixture formation at the early fuel injection timing.

A Study on the Flow Rate Performance of Plunger-Type High-Pressure Pump for Compression Ignition Engine Using DME as Fuel (DME를 연료로 하는 압축 착화 엔진 용 플런저식 고압펌프의 유량 성능 연구)

  • Jeong, Jaehee;Lee, Sejun;Yu, Donggyu;Lim, Ocktaeck
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Gas
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2022
  • DME, a clean fuel that is being studied as an alternative fuel for diesel engines, can reduce exhaust gas, which is the one of the crucial problems of diesel engines, and has a very high cetane number and high oxygen content. DME is a fuel has properties similar with LPG and can use the infrastructure of LPG. In this study, The target was to build a database of basic data on the mass flow rate discharged for the performance evaluation of the plunger-type high pressure pump. In this study, the mass flow rate of the DME plunger type high pressure pump was analyzed by changing the common rail pressure and the motor rotation speed. The experimental conditions were the common rail pressure was changed from 300 to 500 bar and the motor rotation speed was changed from 300 to 1000 rpm. In addition, basic mass flow data were constructed to high-pressure pumps for DME. As a result of the experiment, in both cases the mass flow rate was increased.

Reaction Characteristics of Oxidation Catalysts for HCCI Engine (HCCI 엔진용 산화촉매의 반응특성)

  • Park, Sung-Yong;Kim, Hwa-Nam;Choi, Byung-Chul
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.165-171
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    • 2010
  • The Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition (HCCI) engine concept allows for both NOx and particulate matter to be reduced simultaneously, and it is a promising way to meet the next environmental challenges. Unfortunately, HCCI combustion often increases CO and HC emissions. The development of oxidation catalyst (OC) requires high conversion efficiency for CO and HC at low temperature. Conventional oxidation catalyst technologies may not be able to convert these emissions because of the saturation of active catalytic sites. The OC used in this study was 600 cpsi cordierite. Three kinds of OC with different amounts of Pt and Pd were used. The influence of the space velocity (SV), $H_2O$ and $O_2$ concentration was also studied. All types of OCs were found to have over 90% CO conversion efficiencies at $170^{\circ}C$. When in the presence of water vapor, CO conversion was increased, but $C_3H_8$ conversion was decreased. The performance of the OC was not influenced by initial the HC concentration. The 2Pt/Pd catalyst was better in terms of thermal aging than the Pt-only catalyst. The $LOT_{50}$ of both fresh and aged OC was increased with increasing SV and with the presence of $H_2O$.