• Title/Summary/Keyword: Composite billet

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Reheating Process of Particulates Reinforced Metal Matrix Composites for Thixoforming (Thixoforming을 위한 입자강화형 금속복합재료의 Reheating 공정)

  • 이동건;안성수;강충길
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society For Composite Materials Conference
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    • 2000.04a
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    • pp.218-223
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    • 2000
  • A both mixing process of electro-magnetic stirring and mechanical process technique were used to fabricate particulate metal matrix composites(PMMCs) for variation of particle size. The PMMCs were tested for their tensile test for with and without heat treatment with T6. PMMCs fabrication processing conditions for both electrical and mechanical process are also suggested. In order to thixoforming of PMMCs, fabricated billet are reheated by using the optimal coil designed as a function of length between PMMC billet and coil surface, coil diameter and billet length. The effect of reinforcement distribution on billet temperature variation are investigated with calculated solid fraction theory proposed as a function of matrix alloy and volume fraction of reinforcement.

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Metal Flow and Interface Bonding of Copper Clad Aluminum Rods by the Direct Extrusion (직접압출에 의한 Cu-Al 층상 복합재료 봉의 금속유동과 계면접합)

  • Yun, Yeo-Kwon;Kim, Hee-Nam
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.18 no.6
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    • pp.166-173
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    • 2001
  • Composite materials consists of two or more different material layers. The usefulness of clad metal rods forms the possibilities of combination of properties of different metals. Copper clad aluminum composite materials are being used for economic and structural purpose. In this study, composite billet consists of commercially pure copper and aluminum(A6061) and experimental conditions consist of the combinations of clad thickness, extrusion ratio, and semi-cone angle of die. In order to investigate the influence of these parameters on the hot direct extrudability of the copper clad aluminum composite material rods, the experimental study have been performed with various extrusion temperatures, extrusion ratios, semi-cone angles of die, and composition rate of Cu:Al.

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An experimental study of the behaviour of double sided bolted billet connections in precast concrete frames

  • Gorgun, Halil
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.29 no.5
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    • pp.603-622
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    • 2018
  • Precast concrete structures are erected from individual prefabricated components, which are assembled on-site using different types of connections. In the present design of these structures, beam-to-column connections are assumed pin jointed. Bolted billet beam to-column connections have been used in the precast concrete industry for many years. They have many advantages over other jointing methods in component production, quality control, transportation and assembly. However, there is currently limited information concerning their detailed structural behaviour under vertical loadings. The experimental work has involved the determination of moment-relative rotation relationships for semi-rigid precast concrete connections in full-scale connection tests. The study reported in this paper was undertaken to clarify the behaviour of such connections under symmetrical vertical loadings. A series of full-scale tests was performed on sample column for which the column geometry and bolt arrangements conformed to successful commercial practice. Proprietary hollow core floor slabs were tied to the beams by 2T25 tensile reinforcing bars, which also provide the in-plane continuity across the connections. The contribution of the floor strength and stiffness to the flexural capacity of the joint is currently neglected in the design process for precast concrete frames. The flexural strength of the connections in the double-sided tests was at least 0.93 times the predicted moment of resistance of the composite beam and slab. The secant stiffness of the connections ranged from 0.94 to 1.94 times the flexural stiffness of the attached beam. In general, the double-sided connections were found to be more suited to a semi-rigid design approach than the single sided ones. The behaviour of double sided bolted billet connection test results are presented in this paper. The behaviour of single sided bolted billet connection test results is the subject of another paper.

Reheating Process of Metal Matrix Composite for Thixoforming (Thixoforming을 위한 금속복합재료의 재가열 공정)

  • 안성수;강충길;조형호
    • Composites Research
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.19-32
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    • 2000
  • The fabrication process of particulate metal matrix composites(PMMCs) with homogeneous distribution of reinforcement and reheating for thixoforming has been studied. Both of eletro-magnetic stirring and mechanical stirring were used to fabricate particulate metal matrix composites(PMMCs) for variation of particle size. The electrical and mechanical processing conditions for fabricating PMMCs are also suggested. For thixoforming of PMMCs, fabricated bi1lets are reheated by using the designed optimal coil with as function of length between PMMC billet and coil surface, and coil diameter and billet. The effect of reinforcement distribution according to variation of billet temperature were investigated with solid fraction theory with a function of matrix alloy and volume fraction of reinforcement.

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The Effect of Process Parameter in Direct Extrusion of Copper Clad Aluminum Composite Materials (Cu-Al 층상 복합재료의 직접압출시 공정변수의 영향)

  • 윤여권;김희남;김용수
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Safety
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.28-34
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    • 2000
  • Copper clad aluminum composite materials are being used for economic and structural purposes, The development of an efficient production method of copper clad aluminum composite material rods by extrusion is very important. This paper describes experimental investigations in the direct extrusion of copper clad aluminum rods through conical dies. There are several parameters that have an influence on determining a sound clad extrusion. These variables are extrusion temperature, extrusion ratio, semi-cone angle of die, extrusion force, extrusion velocity, friction of between the container and billet, percentage of copper used and ratio of flow stress of copper to aluminum. In order to investigate the influence of extrusion temperature, extrusion ratio, semi-cone angle of die on the hot direct extrudability of the copper clad aluminum composite material rods, the experimental study have been performed with these variation.

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Fabrication of $Al_2O_3/Al$ Composite Materials by Mashy State Forming and its Hot Extrusion Process (반용융가공에 의한 $Al_2O_3/Al$ 복합재료의 제조 및 열간압출공정)

  • Kang, Chung-Gil;Kang, Sung-Soo
    • Journal of Korea Foundry Society
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.248-258
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    • 1993
  • A semi-solid alloy in which solid and liquid phase are co-existing is obtained by stirring of A17075 molten metal. A semi-solid alloy is dependent on the corresponding temperature within the solid-liquid range, and the process parameters should be controlled accurately to obtain the homogeneous semisolid alloy. The fabrication possibility of fiber-reinforced aluminum alloy containing $Al_2O_3$ short fibers with vigorous agitation of short fibers were obtained by control of stirring time, solid fraction and impeller speed in extrusion billet fabrication processes. The microstructure to extrusion billet fabricated by low pressure casting was investigated for fiber dispersion state. The relationship between the extrustion force and velocity at hot extrustion, the flow strain and extrusion ratio were theoretically described. The surface defects with lubricants and without lubricant after hot extrusion were investigated. The composites materials after hot extrusion were measured by vickers hardness with extrusion ratio. It has become clear that the secondary working such as hot extrusion was very useful to obtained improved the mechanical properties of metal matrix composites.

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Fabrication of Metal Matrix Composites and Development of Forming System in Mashy State (반응고법에 의한 금속복합재료의 제조 및 성형 시스템의 개발)

  • 강충길;김현우;김영도
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.581-593
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    • 1990
  • A semi-solid alloy in which solid and liquid phase are co-existing is obtained by strirring of Al7075 molten metal. A semi-solid alloy is dependent on the corresponding temperature within the solid-liquid range, and the process parameters should be controlled accurately to obtain the homogeneous semi-solid alloy. The possibility o homogeneous fiber-reinforce aluminum alloy by addition of $Al_{2}$O$_{3}$ short fibers with vigorous agitation was investigated. The billet of composite materials was fabricated by squeeze casting, and homogeneous dipersion state of fibers in billet of fabricated metal matrix composites was observed. A slurry of semi-solid short fiber metal matrix composites is used in the direct rolling process, and this process showed the fabrication possibility of metal matrix composite sheets. The fabricated sheet was tested regarding vickers hardness, elongation and micro-structure. It has become clear that mashy state processing and working are very useful to obtain parts of composites material closed to near net shape.

The Effect of Extrusion Temperature and Die Angle on Mechanical Properties of $SiC_p$/2024Al Composites Fabricated by Powder Extrusion Method (분말압출법으로 제조된 $SiC_p$/2024Al 복합재료에 있어서 압출온도와 다이각이 기계적 성질에 미치는 영향)

  • 성병진
    • Journal of Powder Materials
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.44-52
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    • 1995
  • Effects of the extrusion temperature and die angle on the tensile properties of SiCIyAl composites in powder extrusion have been investigated. SiCP/Al composites were extruded at various extrusion temperatures (450, 500, $550^{\circ}C$) under the extrusion ratio of 25 : 1. The ram speed was maintained at 13 cm/min for all the extrusion conditions. The surface of the extruded rod appeared to be smooth without tearing at 450 and 50$0^{\circ}C$, whereas it was very rough due to tearing at $550^{\circ}C$. It was found that the tensile strength and elongation of the composites extruded at $500^{\circ}C$ are greater than those of composites extruded at $450^{\circ}C$ This is due to the easier plastic deformation of composite extruded at $500^{\circ}C$, compared with the composites extruded at $450^{\circ}C$. The effect of die angle was examined under 20=60, 120, $180^{\circ}$die angles at extrusion temperature of $500^{\circ}C$ under 25:1 extrusion ratio. The tensile strength of the composites extruded with 20=$60^{\circ}$approved to be higher than that of the composties extruded with 28 : 120 and $180^{\circ}$This is attributable to the higher extrusion pressure, which mixed composite powders could be densely consolidated at elevated temperatures, resulting from high friction force between billet and sliding surface of conical die.

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Thixoforging Process and the Problems of Hollow Type Metal Matrix Composite Part (중공형 금속 복합 재료 부품의 Thixoforging 공정과 문제점)

  • 이승후;허재찬;강충길
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Precision Engineering Conference
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    • 1997.10a
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    • pp.808-811
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    • 1997
  • MMC has excellent mechanical properties in many ways in automotive industrial, and get into the spotlight as a light materials substituted for iron and steel. But the know-how about MMC research lack, MMC is expensive and difficult to apply the sound parts. Especially it is difficult to produce the hollow type parts composed with MMC. Therefore, hollow type parts of metal composites by using thixoforming process which as co-existing solidus-liquidus phase, it is very important to obtain forming condition. In this study, MMC billet producted by electro-magnetic stirring and mechanical stirring process is formed to hollow type parts of thixoforming process and inspected of suitability for application. It is optimized production condition, and applied to experiment. After variable materials were produced for thixoforming process, it were inspected of suitability for application by comparsion with mechanical properties. In this study, used materials were A357, A380 10%vol, and 20%vol SiCp, and the size of particultes were 14$\mu\textrm{m}$ and 5.5$\mu\textrm{m}$.

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Multi-Step Reheating Process of Metal Matrix Composites for Thixoforming (Thixoforming을 위한 금속 복합재료의 다단 재가열 공정)

  • 허재찬;강충길
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Precision Engineering Conference
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    • 1997.10a
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    • pp.180-183
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    • 1997
  • The forming process of metal matrix composites by the die casting and squeeze casting process are limited in size and dimension in term of final parts without machining. The thixoforming process for metal matrix composites has numerous advantages compared to die casting, squeeze casting and compocasting. The characteristics of thixoforming process can decrease the liquid segregation because of he improvement in fluidity in a globular microstructure state and utilizes flow without air entrapment. Therefore, in order to obtain the sound parts of metal matrix composites by using thixoforming process which as co-existing solidus-liquidus pahse, it si very important to obtain reheating condition. However, for he thixoforming process, the billet with the desired volume fraction must be heated to obtain a uniform temperature distribution over the entire cross-sectional areas. To obtain the reheating conditions of composites, the particulate reinforced metal matrix composites for thixoforming were fabricated by combined stirring process which is simultaneously performed with electro-magnetic stirring process which is simultaneously performed with electro-magnetic stirring and mechanical stirring process.

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