• Title/Summary/Keyword: Complex topography

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Numerical simulation of Hydrodynamics and water properties in the Yellow Sea. I. Climatological inter-annual variability

  • Kim, Chang-S.;Lim, Hak-Soo;Yoon, Jong-Joo;Chu, Peter-C.
    • Journal of the korean society of oceanography
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    • v.39 no.1
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    • pp.72-95
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    • 2004
  • The Yellow Sea is characterized by relatively shallow water depth, varying range of tidal action and very complex coastal geometry such as islands, bays, peninsulas, tidal flats, shoals etc. The dynamic system is controlled by tides, regional winds, river discharge, and interaction with the Kuroshio. The circulation, water mass properties and their variability in the Yellow Sea are very complicated and still far from clear understanding. In this study, an effort to improve our understanding the dynamic feature of the Yellow Sea system was conducted using numerical simulation with the ROMS model, applying climatologic forcing such as winds, heat flux and fresh water precipitation. The inter-annual variability of general circulation and thermohaline structure throughout the year has been obtained, which has been compared with observational data sets. The simulated horizontal distribution and vertical cross-sectional structures of temperature and salinity show a good agreement with the observational data indicating significantly the water masses such as Yellow Sea Warm Water, Yellow Sea Bottom Cold Water, Changjiang River Diluted Water and other sporadically observed coastal waters around the Yellow Sea. The tidal effects on circulation and dynamic features such as coastal tidal fronts and coastal mixing are predominant in the Yellow Sea. Hence the tidal effects on those dynamic features are dealt in the accompanying paper (Kim et at., 2004). The ROMS model adopts curvilinear grid with horizontal resolution of 35 km and 20 vertical grid spacing confirming to relatively realistic bottom topography. The model was initialized with the LEVITUS climatologic data and forced by the monthly mean air-sea fluxes of momentum, heat and fresh water derived from COADS. On the open boundaries, climatological temperature and salinity are nudged every 20 days for data assimilation to stabilize the modeling implementation. This study demonstrates a Yellow Sea version of Atlantic Basin experiment conducted by Haidvogel et al. (2000) experiment that the ROMS simulates the dynamic variability of temperature, salinity, and velocity fields in the ocean. However the present study has been improved to deal with the large river system, open boundary nudging process and further with combination of the tidal forcing that is a significant feature in the Yellow Sea.

Maritime Boundary Delimitation Regime for the Gulf of Tonkin Dispute and China's Position (해양경계획정제도에 대한 중국의 입장과 통킹만 사례고찰)

  • Yang, Hee-Cheol;Park, Seong-Wook;Kwon, Moon-Sang
    • Ocean and Polar Research
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.669-678
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    • 2004
  • Coastal states are adopting maritime boundary delimitation as their primary maritime policy because maritime jurisdiction directly relates to vast economic interest. This becomes specially important and sensitive when complex maritime boundary issues are involved between neighboring coastal states. China has not actively carried out nor declared maritime boundary delimitation until recently with any country except Agreement between China and Viet Nam on the demarcation of the territorial water, the exclusive economic zones and the continental shelf of China and Vet Nam in the Gulf of Tonkin on 25 December 2000 (hereinafter, the Gulf of Tonkin Agreement). The principles that governs maritime boundary delimitation are to consider primarily an agreement between States concerned, however, if no agreement can be reached, all relevant circumstances are considered to achieve an equity between concerned States. Relevant circumstances are length of coastline, form of coastline, existence and position of island or islands, speciality of geology/topography, and factor of economy and deffnce. Factors which sinologists are considering in regard to continental shelf delimitation of the Yellow Sea are as follows; i) geographical factor, ii) geological factor, iii) topographical factor, iv) environment and ecological (factor, v) historic interest, and vi) social and economic interest. The 'Gulf of Tonkin Agreement' is completed by basically applying the principle of delimitation according to median line which seems that China has adopted the maritime boundary delimitation principle of 'half and half' which was the intention of chinese government. At the same time, China recognized Viet Nam's dominion and sovereign right over the partial exclusive economic zone and the continental shelf of Dao Bach Long Vi in Gulf of Tonkin. This case can be considered as an example of mutual concession or compromise in delimiting maritime boundary for states of concerned.

Large eddy simulation of flow over a wooded building complex

  • Rehm, R.G.;McGrattan, K.B.;Baum, H.R.
    • Wind and Structures
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    • v.5 no.2_3_4
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    • pp.291-300
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    • 2002
  • An efficient large eddy simulation algorithm is used to compute surface pressure distributions on an eleven story (target) building on the NIST campus. Local meteorology, neighboring buildings, topography and large vegetation (trees) all play an important part in determining the flows and therefore the pressures experienced by the target. The wind profile imposed at the upstream surface of the computational domain follows a power law with an exponent representing a suburban terrain. This profile accounts for the flow retardation due to friction from the surface of the earth, but does not include fluctuations that would naturally occur in this flow. The effect of neighboring buildings on the time dependent surface pressures experienced by the target is examined. Comparison of the pressure fluctuations on the single target building alone with those on the target building in situ show that, owing to vortices shed by the upstream buildings, fluctuations are larger when such buildings are present. Even when buildings are lateral to or behind the target, the pressure disturbances generate significantly different flows around this building. A simple grid-free mathematical model of a tree is presented in which the trunk and the branches are each represented by a collection of spherical particles strung together like beads on a string. The drag from the tree, determined as the sum of the drags of the component particles, produces an oscillatory, spreading wake of slower fluid, suggesting that the behavior of trees as wind breakers can be modeled usefully.

Bridge Park International Design Competition and Its Implications on Contemporary Landscape Design (브리지 파크 국제설계경기에 나타난 현대 조경설계의 경향)

  • Kim Ah-Yeon
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.33 no.5 s.112
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    • pp.15-30
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    • 2005
  • A deserted town once vibrant with active commercial activities around a railroad station now tries to find a way to escape from depression and revive its life with a renewed civic pride. An open space adjacent to the Main Street, the commercial district of Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts, is waiting to be transformed and reconfigured to be a new ecological park to boost the economy of the community. Bridge Park is 26-acre land abutting the Cape Cod Canal with a railroad bridge as a backdrop. The existing condition of the site with a small salt marsh, woodland, lawn, and the vestige of old railroad easement along with the proximity to the commercial district poses an interesting question of how to make a medium scaled ecological park within an urban context. This paper examines the winning design proposals for the Bridge Park submitted to the International Design Competition held in April, 2005. Six winning proposals were introduced and discussed in terms of categories related to the trend of contemporary landscape design such as; 1) ecological ordinariness and geometric figures, 2) topography and spatial imagination, 3) minimal programs and open put 4) time and process oriented design, 5) park and economic effects and 6) diagrammatic plan and photo montage. Bridge Park Design Competition confirms the complex characteristics representing the contemporary landscape design overcoming the dichotomy between nature and culture and the 'pastoral ecological design' and 'landscape as an art'. The Park becomes the activating agent for the community rejecting the conventional and passive role as a romantic picturesque landscape. Bridge Park International Design Competition is a meaningful event to test the idea of new ecological urban park, and to fine-tune the trend of the contemporary urban park design.

Development of Stochastic Model and Simulation for Spatial Process Using Remotely Sensed Data : Fire Arrival Process (원격탐사자료를 이용한 공간적 현상의 모형화 및 시뮬레이션 : 자연화재발생의 경우)

  • 정명희
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.77-90
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    • 1998
  • The complex interactions of climate, topography, geology, biota and hwnan activities result in the land cover patterns, which are impacted by natural disturbances such as fire, earthquake and flood. Natural disturbances disrupt ecosystem communities and change the physical environment, thereby generating a new landscape. Community ecologists believe that disturbance is critical in determining how diverse ecological systems function. Fires were once a major agent of disturbance in the North American tall grass prairies, African savannas, and Australian bush. The major focus of this research was to develop stochastic model of spatial process of disturbance or spatial events and simulate the process based on the developed model and it was applied to the fire arrival process in the Great Victoria Desert of Australia, where wildfires generate a mosaic of patches of habitat at various stages of post-fire succession. For this research, Landsat Multi-Spectral Scanner(MSS) data covering the period from 1972 to 1994 were utilized. Fire arrival process is characterized as a spatial point pattern irregularly distributed within a region of space. Here, nonhomogeneous planar Poisson process is proposed as a model for the fire arrival process and rejection sampling thinning the homogeneous Poisson process is used for its simulation.

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Landsat TM Based Land-cover Analysis of Cholwon (South Korea) and Wonsan (North Korea)

  • Song, Moo-Young;Park, Jong-Oh;Shin, Kwang-Soo;Yu, Young-Chul
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.1-14
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    • 2002
  • The land-cover of two regions of South and North Korea included in one Landsat TM scene was investigated by comparing different seasons and different band data over the multiple land-cover types. The relationships between the intensities of two bands in the 2-D plot are mainly linear in band2 versus band1 and band3 versus band1, polygonal sporadic in band5 versus band1 and band7 versus band1, and almost tri-polarized in band4 versus band3. The 2-D plot of band4/band3 shows the best capability to discriminate different main land-cover such as water, vegetation and dry soil. Some discriminations are not clear between city and dry field, or mountain and plain field in the scene of September. The digital number data of band4 from vegetated zones show stronger reflectance in September rather than April, while other band values tend to be lager in April than in September over each land-cover. NDVI presents high value in both regions in September. However the image of Wonsan area in April suggests weak vigor of vegetation in comparison with Cholwon area. Band ratios are very effective in eliminating the influence of the complex topography. The proper pairing of the band ratio improved the discrimination capability of the land-cover; band5/band2 for dry soil, band4/band3 for vegetation and band1/band7 for the water. The RGB combination of the three band ratio pairs showed the best results in the discrimination of the land-cover of Wonsan, Cholwon and even the Demilitarized Zone.

Increasing demand formaritime security measures to streamline the maritime security (해양경비수요 증대에 따른 해양경비 효율화 방안)

  • Seo, Jin-Seok
    • Convergence Security Journal
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    • v.14 no.3_2
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    • pp.13-21
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    • 2014
  • Three sides by the waters of the country in which the topography of the peninsula is a treasure trove of natural resources in the country to recognize the importance of the sea and maritime territorial and maritime policy for the protection of rights, such as to promote the country striving to strengthen haeyangryeok. However, marine activities is 200 sea miles exclusive economic zone of the stage (EEZ) and the continental shelf extends as the, EEZ waters of the overlapping jurisdiction, Books sovereignty, marine scientific research and development, including the continental shelf surrounding the deepening relationship between the neighboring countries and complex understanding including international cooperation and coexistence between countries to be competitive. This time the Coast Guard 's maritime sovereignty existing patron driven from the accident prevention safety management system, from our sea, has been kept firmly. However, due to the new issue of disaster lies in the fate of marine police became dismantled. This real time so that you can be reborn as a marine police force structure. Structure to change the way the rescue operation. Expenses, Shore, you will need to increase the professionalism of pollution.

Downscaling of Land Surface Temperature by Combining Communication, Ocean and Meteorological Satellite (천리안 위성의 기상센서와 해양센서를 활용한 지표면 온도 상세화 기법)

  • Jeong, Jaehwan;Baik, Jongjin;Choi, Minha
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.122-131
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    • 2017
  • Remotely sensed satellite data is easier to collect and better to represent local phenomenon than a site data. So they can contribute to the activation and development of many research. However, it is necessary to improve spatial resolution suitable for application in the area of complex topography such as the Korean Peninsula. In this study, finer resolution Land Surface Temperature (LST) was downscaled from 4 km to 500 m by combining GOCI with MI data of Communication, Ocean and Meteorological Satellite (COMS). It was then statistically analyzed with LST data observed from the ASOS sites to validate its applicability. As a result, it was found that the errors decreased and correlation increased at the most validation sites, also the spatial distribution analysis showed a similar tendency but it expressed the complicated terrain better. This study suggests possibility of expanding the application range of COMS by producing finer resolution data available in various studies.

Distribution of Midday Air Temperature and the Solar Irradiance Over Sloping Surfaces under Cloudless Condition (맑은 날 한낮의 사면 기온분포와 일사 수광량 간 관계)

  • Kim, Soo-Ock;Yun, Jin I.
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.291-297
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    • 2013
  • Automated weather stations were installed at 9 locations with, three different elevations, (i.e., 50m, 100m, and 300m a.s.l.) with different slope and aspect in a small watershed ($50km^2$ area). Air temperature at 1500 LST and solar radiation accumulated for 1100-1500 LST were collected from January to December 2012. Topography of the study area was defined by a $30{\times}30$ m digital elevation model (DEM) grid. Accumulated solar irradiance was calculated for each location with the spatially averaged slope and aspect of surrounding circles with 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 grid cell radii, respectively. The 1500 LST air temperature from clear sky conditions with zero cloud amount was regressed to the 1100-1500 LST solar irradiance at 9 locations. We found the highest coefficient of determination ($r^2$ = 0.544) at 25 grid cell radius and the temperature variation in this study was explained by Y = 0.8309X + 0.0438, where Y is 1500 LST temperature (in $^{\circ}C$) and X is 1100-1500 LST accumulated solar irradiance (in $MJ/m^2$).

Wave Deformation Model in Orthogonal Curvilinear Coordinate System around the Coastal Structure (파향선 좌표계에 의한 해암구조물 주변에서의 파랑변형 모형)

  • 이동수;이종섭;장선덕
    • Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.22-30
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    • 1989
  • Wave propagation is changed by the effect of shoaling, current-depth refraction and shelter-ing etc. To solve these problems. numerous models have been developed. In the present study, a coordinate system is proposed based on the wave ray equation with the wave number equation including diffraction effects . The governing equation for the study was derived from the mild slope wave equation in non-steady state, including current effects (Kirby, 1986a) and trans-formed into an orthogonal curvilinear coordinate system on the basis of the wave ray equation. To obtain a numerical solution, an explicit finite difference scheme was used, and solved by the relaxation method. This model was tested for various cases: Firstly a submersed circular shoal and a constant unit depth. Secondly a submerged elliptic shoal on a slope, and finally a breakwater harbour with obliquely incident waves on a slope. The model was found to simulate the experimental results and other theoretical results in wave height and wave angle fairy well, and the applicability of the model around an arbitrary shaped coastal structure was also verified. To demonstrate the general usefullness of the present approach , the model is to be applied to a field situation with a complex bed topography.

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