• Title/Summary/Keyword: Complex scene

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A Study on the Expression Style of the Sci-Fi Movie Set Design (SF 영화 세트 디자인의 표현 유형에 관한 연구)

  • 김태은;김주연
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • no.33
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    • pp.122-128
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    • 2002
  • In the Sci-Fi movie, with future scene in its setting, how images are shown in the film is very important. Sci-Fi movie is supposed to be expressed In different way of its set design. This study suggests various types of expression in Sci-Fi movies. Sci-Fi movies construct the narrative upon the binary opposition of nature vs. culture, human vs. nonhuman. Sci-Fi movie is a contested terrain where conservative, liberal and radical ideologies are competing. While liberal Sci-Fi movies consider the opposition compatible, conservative texts show the paranoid towards science and nonhumans. And, Sci-Fi movies are expressed as utopian and dystopian. Utopian and dystopian elements are found in the history of architecture. Utopian element is often found in the religious architecture, and those buildings are geometric, orderly, and gorgeous. Dystopian element is often found in modern architecture, and those are asymmetric, distorted, and incompleted. Conservative movie, which developing of science is expressed negatively, retains both utopian and dystopian elements evenly. Liberal movie, such as Space Opera which science is expressed positively, is changed from futurist and mechanical type into more simple, geometric and orderly shrine type. Radical movie, which the boundary of human and science is expressed darkly, retains dark, complex, and incomplete dystopian expression elements.

Lossless Compression and Rendering of Multiple Layer Displacement Map (다층 변위 맵의 비손실 압축과 렌더링)

  • Chun, Young-Jae;Kim, Hae-Dong;Cho, Sung-Hyun
    • Journal of Korea Game Society
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    • v.9 no.6
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    • pp.171-178
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    • 2009
  • Multiple layer displacement mapping methods are able to represent more complex and general geometries which cannot be presented by single layer displacement mapping methods, and provide a realistic scene to digital contents such as 3D games and movies with relatively low costs. However, as we use more layers for details, data space is wasted more because lower layers have less displacement data than higher layers. In this paper, we suggest a lossless compression and rendering method of a multiple layer displacement map. Since we compress the map without data loss, the proposed method provides the same quality as the rendering result that uses an original multiple layer displacement map.

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Estimation of Moving Information for Tracking of Moving Objects

  • Park, Jong-An;Kang, Sung-Kwan;Jeong, Sang-Hwa
    • Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.300-308
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    • 2001
  • Tracking of moving objects within video streams is a complex and time-consuming process. Large number of moving objects increases the time for computation of tracking the moving objects. Because of large computations, there are real-time processing problems in tracking of moving objects. Also, the change of environment causes errors in estimation of tracking information. In this paper, we present a new method for tracking of moving objects using optical flow motion analysis. Optical flow represents an important family of visual information processing techniques in computer vision. Segmenting an optical flow field into coherent motion groups and estimating each underlying motion are very challenging tasks when the optical flow field is projected from a scene of several moving objects independently. The problem is further complicated if the optical flow data are noisy and partially incorrect. Optical flow estimation based on regulation method is an iterative method, which is very sensitive to the noisy data. So we used the Combinatorial Hough Transform (CHT) and Voting Accumulation for finding the optimal constraint lines. To decrease the operation time, we used logical operations. Optical flow vectors of moving objects are extracted, and the moving information of objects is computed from the extracted optical flow vectors. The simulation results on the noisy test images show that the proposed method finds better flow vectors and more correctly estimates the moving information of objects in the real time video streams.

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Single Image Based HDR Algorithm Using Statistical Differencing and Histogram Manipulation (통계적 편차와 히스토그램 변형을 이용한 단일영상기반 고품질 영상 생성기법)

  • Song, Jin-Sun;Han, Kyu-Phil;Park, Yang-Woo
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.21 no.7
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    • pp.764-771
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    • 2018
  • In this paper, we propose a high-quality image acquisition algorithm using only a single image, which the high-quality image is normally referred as HDR ones. In order to acquire the HDR image, conventional methods need many images having different exposure values at the same scene and should delicately adjust the color values for a bit-expansion or an exposure fusion. Thus, they require considerable calculations and complex structures. Therefore, the proposed algorithm suggests a completely new approach using one image for the high-quality image acquisition by applying statistical difference and histogram manipulation, or histogram specification, techniques. The techniques could control the pixel's statistical distribution of the input image into the desired one through the local and the global modifications, respectively. As the result, the quality of the proposed algorithm is better than those of conventional methods implemented in commercial image editing softwares.


  • Kim, S. C.;H. Hwang;J. E. Son;Park, D. Y.
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Agricultural Machinery Conference
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    • 2000.11b
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    • pp.300-306
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    • 2000
  • This paper introduces a new concept of automation for bio-production with tele-operative system. The proposed system showed practical and feasible way of automation for the volatile bio-production process. Based on the proposition, recognition of the job environment with object identification was performed using computer vision system. A man-machine interactive hybrid decision-making, which utilized a concept of tele-operation was proposed to overcome limitations of the capability of computer in image processing and feature extraction from the complex environment image. Identifying watermelons from the outdoor scene of the cultivation field was selected to realize the proposed concept. Identifying watermelon from the camera image of the outdoor cultivation field is very difficult because of the ambiguity among stems, leaves, shades, and especially fruits covered partly by leaves or stems. The analog signal of the outdoor image was captured and transmitted wireless to the host computer by R.F module. The localized window was formed from the outdoor image by pointing to the touch screen. And then a sequence of algorithms to identify the location and size of the watermelon was performed with the local window image. The effect of the light reflectance of fruits, stems, ground, and leaves were also investigated.

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Pan-sharpening Effect in Spatial Feature Extraction

  • Han, Dong-Yeob;Lee, Hyo-Seong
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.359-367
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    • 2011
  • A suitable pan-sharpening method has to be chosen with respect to the used spectral characteristic of the multispectral bands and the intended application. The research on pan-sharpening algorithm in improving the accuracy of image classification has been reported. For a classification, preserving the spectral information is important. Other applications such as road detection depend on a sharp and detailed display of the scene. Various criteria applied to scenes with different characteristics should be used to compare the pan-sharpening methods. The pan-sharpening methods in our research comprise rather common techniques like Brovey, IHS(Intensity Hue Saturation) transform, and PCA(Principal Component Analysis), and more complex approaches, including wavelet transformation. The extraction of matching pairs was performed through SIFT descriptor and Canny edge detector. The experiments showed that pan-sharpening techniques for spatial enhancement were effective for extracting point and linear features. As a result of the validation it clearly emphasized that a suitable pan-sharpening method has to be chosen with respect to the used spectral characteristic of the multispectral bands and the intended application. In future it is necessary to design hybrid pan-sharpening for the updating of features and land-use class of a map.

Social Pedestrian Group Detection Based on Spatiotemporal-oriented Energy for Crowd Video Understanding

  • Huang, Shaonian;Huang, Dongjun;Khuhroa, Mansoor Ahmed
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.12 no.8
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    • pp.3769-3789
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    • 2018
  • Social pedestrian groups are the basic elements that constitute a crowd; therefore, detection of such groups is scientifically important for modeling social behavior, as well as practically useful for crowd video understanding. A social group refers to a cluster of members who tend to keep similar motion state for a sustained period of time. One of the main challenges of social group detection arises from the complex dynamic variations of crowd patterns. Therefore, most works model dynamic groups to analysis the crowd behavior, ignoring the existence of stationary groups in crowd scene. However, in this paper, we propose a novel unified framework for detecting social pedestrian groups in crowd videos, including dynamic and stationary pedestrian groups, based on spatiotemporal-oriented energy measurements. Dynamic pedestrian groups are hierarchically clustered based on energy flow similarities and trajectory motion correlations between the atomic groups extracted from principal spatiotemporal-oriented energies. Furthermore, the probability distribution of static spatiotemporal-oriented energies is modeled to detect stationary pedestrian groups. Extensive experiments on challenging datasets demonstrate that our method can achieve superior results for social pedestrian group detection and crowd video classification.

Fast Generation of Stereoscopic Virtual Environment Display Using P-buffer

  • Heo, Jun-Hyeok;Jung, Soon-Ki;Wohn, Kwang-Yun
    • Journal of Electrical Engineering and information Science
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.202-210
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    • 1998
  • This paper is concerned with an efficient generation of stereoscopic views for complex virtual environments by exploiting frame coherence in visibility. The basic idea is to keep visible polygons throughout the rendering process. P-buffer, a buffer of image size, holds the id of the visible polygon for each pixel. This contrasts to the frame buffer and the Z-buffer which hold the color information and the depth information, respectively. For the generation of a consecutive image, the position and the orientation of the visible polygons in the current view are updated according to the viewer's movements, and re-rendered on the current image under the assumption that, when the viewer moves slightly, the visibility of polygons remains unchanged. In the case of stereoscopic views, it may not introduce much difficulty when we render the right(left) image using visible polygons on the (right) image only, The less difference in two images is, the easier the matching becomes in perceiving depth. Some psychophysical experiments have been conducted to support this claim. The computational complexity for generating a fight(left) image from the previous left(right) image is bounded by the size of image space, and accordingly. It is somewhat independent of the complexity of the 3-D scene.

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The Study on Information Visualization Methods Using 3D interactive Animation (3차원 인터랙티브 애니메이션을 활용한 정보시각화 방법에 관한 연구)

  • 김성곤
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.299-308
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    • 2004
  • The methods of presenting information are more variable with advanced computer media technology. However, when we visualize information of database, it is more difficult to understand data meaning by complex date, which is not required by user. To compose new information, user needs to combine own his memory and new information presenting result. To be quickly explored new information and be exactly understood relationship of data structure, the data presenting of visualized information is more structured and presented with meaning form. It is possible to make information visualization system, which users can explore database by oneself, with supporting interaction to be able to control and combine relationship of three-dimensional scene graphic structure, presenting factors of animation and data structure of database. There are several diagrams, such as VR diagram, Form structure diagram and simulated diagram as the case study.

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FFT Based Information Concealing Method for Video Copyright Protection (동영상 저작권보호를 위한 FFT 기반 정보 은닉 기법)

  • Choi, Il-Mok;Hwang, Seon-Cheol
    • The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers P
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    • v.62 no.4
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    • pp.204-209
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    • 2013
  • FFT based fingerprinting to conceal more information has developed for video copyright protection. More complex information of video is necessary to prove an ownership and legal distributions in invisible form. This paper describes a method to insert more information and to detect them. $3{\times}3$ points structure is used to present information. The possible ways to show are 8bit, $2^8$ = 256 where one point of 9 is always turn on. The points are marked in frequency domain that both real and imaginary party numbers are modified. The five successive frames of same scenes are used to mark because the same scene has very similar shape in FFT result. However, the detail values of coefficients are totally different each other to recognize the marked points. This paper also describes a method to detect the marked points by averaging and correlation algorithm. The PSNRs of marked images by our method had 51.138[dB] to 51.143[dB]. And we could get the correlation values from 0.79 to 0.87.