• Title/Summary/Keyword: Complete Characteristics

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Difference in Bakery Choice Attributes according to Consumers' Characteristics and Purchasing Behavior (베이커리 소비자의 특성 및 구매행동에 따른 선택속성 차이)

  • Ryu, Si-Hyun;Kim, Sung-Ok;Seok, Seung-Yeon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.26 no.6
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    • pp.673-681
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze the difference in bakery choice attributes according to consumers' general characteristics and purchasing behavior. Among 350 questionnaires distributed to bakery consumers, 277 complete questionnaires (79.1%) were analyzed. Bakery choice attributes were classified into five factors: "environment and image", "bakery product features", "location", "employee service", and "price and sales promotion"; the mean scores of these factors' importance levels were 3.59, 3.58, 3.49, 3.36, and 3.00, respectively. Males considered 'employee service' factor significantly more than did females. Further, the importance level of 'employee service' factor was significantly greater as consumer's age increased. The importance levels of 'bakery product features' and 'employee service' factors were considered significantly more by consumers who spent KRW10,000-15,000 than those who spent KRW5,000 or less. 'Price and sales promotion' was considered to be more important by consumers who obtained information from the Internet than from the TV and radio. 'Location' factor was considered to be more significant as purchasing frequency increased. Such differences in importance level of bakery choice attributes according to consumers' gender, age, job, and purchasing behavior should be considered and applied to the development of marketing strategies targeted at consumers.

A Study on the Establishment of Design Criteria for Anchorage According to Port Characteristics

  • Park, Jun-Mo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.279-286
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    • 2017
  • This study suggests design criteria to evaluate the availability of anchorage in Korea to contribute to ship safety by presenting necessary design criteria for anchorage volume according to port development. Accordingly, the concept of "necessary volume of anchorage" is introduced to evaluate the volume of anchorage available in Korea's major ports, and classify these ports into three types according to the characteristics of incoming ship. Numerical simulations designed using MATLAB-SIMULINK have been carried out to track the irregularly of arrival and, waiting times along with the environmental conditions that affect anchorage and necessary volume of anchorage have been suggested based on these tests. Finally, in order to complete a function equation analysis, the necessary volume of anchorage with reference to cargo volume is addressed using regression analysis as follows. Group $A-Y_{NA}=0.0002X_{HA}-3.67$, Group $B-Y_{NB}=0.0002X_{HB}-6.82$, Group $C-Y_{NC}=0.0001X_{HC}+9.02$. This study contributes to a review of anchorage volume from the perspective of harbor development.

Effect of Initial condition on the Characteristics of Ehtanol Fermentation (발효 초기조건이 에탄올 발효 특성치에 미치는 영향)

  • 민경호;김휘동;허병기
    • Microbiology and Biotechnology Letters
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.479-484
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    • 1995
  • The effect of initial cell concentration on the characteristics of ethanol fermentation was investigated in the batch fermentation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae ATCC 24858. The characteristics were investigated in the range of 60 to 230 g/l of the initial sugar concentrations and 0.5 to 85 g/l of the initial cell concentrations. When the initial cell concentrations were 27 g/l for 60 g/l of the initial sugar and 85 g/l for 230 g/l, the fermentation time required for the complete consumption of the initial sugar was one hour, respectively. The ethanol productivity increased with the initial cell concentration so that, in the case of 100 g/l of initial sugar, the productivity rose up to 55 g/l/hr at 55 g/l of the initial cell concentration. The specific growth rate decreased according to the increase in the initial biomass concentration and finally became zero at around 25 g/l of the cell concentration regardless of the initial sugar concentration. The specific ethanol production rate was constant as 1.02 g/l/hr up to 150 g/l of the initial sugar. However, the rates decreased sharply with the augmentation of concentration of the initial sugar above 160 g/l. The overall ethanol yield represented a constant value, 0.475 g/g irrespective of the initial cell and sugar concentrations. The overall biomass yietd showed a trend to diminish in values with the biomass and ultimately to reach zero more than 25 g/l of the initial cell concentration.

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A Study on Accuracy and Reliability Characteristics of RBN/DGPS over the Designed Effective Service Area (설계 유효범위 이상에서의 RBN/DGPS정밀도 및 신뢰성에 관한 연구)

  • 고광섭;심재관;최창묵;정세모
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Navigation
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.157-165
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    • 2000
  • When the GPS system was come to the operation, the U.S Coast Guard initiated development of differential GPS system based on a marine radiobeacon. It has rapidly been spread out to many countries. DGPS equals to P(Y) code in a positioning accuracy. USA has recently determined to expand the coverage of DGPS to inland in order to install a nationwide DGPS chain. Korea is under processing for improving the DGPS as a nationwide positioning system. Before expanding the service area inside Korea, we need to verify the relation between the field strength and DGPS accuracy for the service area. The Japanese DGPS data is received in the southern Part of the Korean peninsula. The Korean DGPS was not a complete system, so we selected the Japanese DGPS data as a model for the study. This paper investigate accuracy and reliability characteristics of RBN/DGPS over the effective service area. Through the experimental and simulation study, we obtained the reliable and stable positioning accuracy in the southern part of the Korean peninsula. In addition, the characteristics of RBN/DGPS were examined in the land over the effective coverage from Japan. The results would be a basic reference to research the RBN/NDGPS in Korea.

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Effect of Chitosan and Mordant Treatments on the Air-permeability and Fastness of Silk and PET fabrics Dyed using Rhusjara ica (견(絹)과 PET 직물(織物)의 오배자(五倍子) 염색(染色) 시(時) chitosan 처리(處理)와 매염(媒染)이 공기투과도(空氣透過度) 및 견뢰도(堅牢度)에 미치는 영향(影響))

  • Hong, Shin-Jee;Jeon, Dong-Won;Kim, Jong-Jun;Jeon, Jee-Hae
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.113-119
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    • 2005
  • In our previous study, the color development characteristics in the dyeing of silk fibers and PET fibers using Rhusjara ica and related properties were meticulously reviewed. At the same time, the fabric specimens were endowed with chitosan treatment prior to the dyeing procedure in order to investigate the effect of chitosan on the dyeing behavior. The analysis of the colors only, however, would not give us complete elucidation of the effect of fiber characteristics and the mordanting characteristics. In this study, the effect of chitosan and metal mordant treatment in dyeing of silk and PET fabrics using Rhusjara ica has been studied. The change of air-permeability, wash fastness, and light fastness were also investigated.

The effects of salt stress and prime on germination improvement and seedling growth of Calotropis procera L. seeds

  • Taghvaei, Mansour;Khaef, Nazila;Sadeghi, Hossein
    • Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.73-78
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    • 2012
  • $Calotropis$ $procera$ L. is a perennial shrub distributed in saline areas of deserts of South Asia. Salt stress is a very challenging subject in arid and semi-arid areas. Germination stage is very sensitive and many plants do not germinate in saline soil. The objective of this study was identifying the salinity effect on seed germination of $Calotropis$ $procera$ L. The experimental design was a complete randomized block design with NaCl and $CaCl_2$ at five levels of isobar concentrations: 0.0, -0.01, -0.05, -0.1, and -0.15 MPa. Osmotic potential had significant effects ($P$ < 0.01) on germination percentage, germination rate, shoot length, root length, and seedling dry weight. All seedling characteristics decreased with decrease in osmotic potential. Shoot length and root length decreased more than the seedling characteristics. Germination was completely inhibited in -0.1 Mpa. Priming with NaCl and $CaCl_2$ (-0.1 MPa) for four days had significant effects ($P$ < 0.01) on the germination percentages. Priming improved the seedling characteristics in all samples, especially in -0.05 Mpa, but a decrease with decrease in osmotic potential.

Fuel Evaporation Characteristics of a Port Injection Type Motorcycle Engine with Changing Fuel Spray Timing (포트분사식 이륜차 엔진의 연료 분사시기에 따른 연료 증발 특성)

  • Lee Kihyung;Kang Inbo;Kim Hyungmin;Baik Seungkook
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B
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    • v.29 no.12 s.243
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    • pp.1360-1368
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    • 2005
  • This study investigates the characteristics of spray, such as evaporation rate and spray trajectory, for a 4-hole injector which is applied to a 4-valve motorcycle gasoline engine. Three dimensional, unsteady, compressible flow and spray within the intake-port and cylinder have been simulated using the VECTIS code. Spray characteristics were investigated at 6000 rpm engine speed. Furthermore, we visualized fuel behavior in the intake-port using a CCD camera synchronized with a stroboscope in order to compare with the analytical results. Boundary and intial conditions were employed by complete 1-D simulation of the engine using the WAVE code. Fuel was injected into the intake-port at two time intervals relative to the position of the intake valves so that the spray arrived when the valves were closed and fully open. The results showed that the trajectory of the spray was directed towards the lower wall of the port with injection against the closed valves. With open valve injection, a large portion of the fuel was lifted by the co-flowing air towards the upper half of the port and this was confirmed by simulation and visualization.

A Practical Study of Unified Management System for Irrigation and Drainage Facilities (수리시설물 통합관리시스템 실용화 연구)

  • 김선주;박성삼
    • Magazine of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.40 no.3
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    • pp.42-53
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    • 1998
  • About 50 percent of irrigation and drainage facilities in our country are deteriorated as they were constructed over 40 years ago. Worsening the problems in function might be caused by these facilities' constant exposure to the elements. With these reason, efficient maintenance and management of irrigation and drainage facili- ties are required. A computerized system is tailored on the basis of the each characteristics'data of irrigation and drainage facilities. The unified management system to be introduced in this study is a package program consisting of three subprograms. Facility Management(FM) system, the first component, is a relational database system for image processing and registering the characteristics of irrigation and drainage facilities. The objective of this program is to manage the ledger of each facilities and to scan the characteristics of facilities. Telemeter(TM) system, the second component, monitors and processes the data from the sensors statistically. This system is preprogramed for the complete design of TC/TM system. Hydrological Data Management(HDM) system, the third component, executes the hydrological analysis using meteorological data. The unified management system can provide the latest information, such as image data, lists and items of facilities, and items of reforming and rebuilding etc., of the facilities to the manager. At the same time, this system can manage hydrological and meteorological data in realtime.

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The Effect of Hull Appendages on Maneuverability of Naval Ship by Sensitivity Analysis (민감도 해석을 통한 선체 부가물이 함정의 조종성능에 미치는 영향 분석)

  • Kim, Dae Hyuk;Rhee, Key-Pyo;Kim, Nakwan
    • Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Korea
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    • v.51 no.2
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    • pp.154-161
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    • 2014
  • Naval ships have hull appendages which are more exposed to the outside because of its small block coefficient compared with commercial ships. These exposed hull appendages like skeg, strut and shaft line affect the maneuverability of a ship. The effect of hull appendages has considered at initial design stage to estimate more accurate maneuverability. In this paper, sensitivity analysis is used to analyze the effect on maneuverability by hull appendages. 3 DOF maneuvering equations based on Mathematical Modelling Group (MMG) model are used and propeller & rudder model are modified to reflect the characteristics of twin propeller & twin rudder. Numerical maneuvering simulations (Turning test, Zig-zag test) for benchmark naval vessel, David Taylor Model Basin (DTMB) 5415 are performed. In every simulation, it is calculated that stability indices and maneuverability characteristics (Tactical Dia., Advance, 1st Overshoot, Time of complete cycle) with respect to the parameters (area times lift coefficient slope, attachment location) of hull appendages. As a result, two regression formulas are established. One is the relation of maneuverability characteristics and stability indices and the other is the relation of stability indices and hull appendages.

Prediction of practically chargeable cold energy in an ice storage system (빙축열시스템의 실질적인 최대 축열 가능량 예측)

  • Lee, D.-Y.;Kang, B.H.;Kim, M.S.
    • Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.133-146
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    • 1999
  • The charge operation of an ice storage system has been analyzed in this paper. The thermal characteristics of major components of the ice storage system. i.e., the refrigerator and the ice storage tank are evaluated from performance tests on an existing ice storage system. Based on the measured data for thermal characteristics, a simulation is carried out for the charge operation and the effect of the refrigerator size on the system performance is investigated. The results indicate that the larger the refrigerator size for a given storage capacity, the lower the inlet temperature of the ice storage tank so that the lower the efficiency of charge operation. It is also found that there exists an optimal size of the refrigerator with which the ice storage at the end of the charge operation is maximized, but the complete charge is not possible even with the optimally sized refrigerator. This leads to the result that the design capacity of the storage tank should be larger than the required amount of cold energy for the daytime cooling considering the practically chargeable amount of cold energy during the nighttime. Where the cooling load sharing of the storage is 40%, the nominal capacity of an ice storage tank needs to be larger than the required storage amount by 30%.

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