To correctly plant the value of sex to the juvenile, we cannot overemphasize the importance of the sexual education in schools. Therefore, the study for teachers' consciousness and view of sex is also necessary, because they are subjects of education and role-models of sex of their students. Especially, if teachers are over fifty in age, it is more important, because it is obvious, as they are in positions of managers and directors of education, that their view of sexual value and consciousness are influencing the aim of education and the course of education. Hereby this study was conducted to check their sexual consciousness, attitude, and condition and to prepare for the basic data needed for the development of a sexual education program suitable to them. The methods of the survey of this study are applied by modifying or supplementing those of precedented studies. They are used after analyzing reliance of items according to Cronbach's α figure calculating law, and modifying or supplementing items lower in reliance. The questionnaire survey was conducted among 1,000 randomly selected from teachers working in middle and high schools in Korea from June 14th in 2004 to June 30th. The survey analyzed 632 questionnaires suitable to it. The outcomes of the survey of this study are like the following: First, the objects of the survey consist of 64.6% men and 35.4% women. Among them, 41.1% are under fifty and the rest are over fifty. As for the periods of marriage, 15.5% are unmarried, 16.3% are under ten years, 18.0% are between ten and twenty, and 50.2% are over twenty. Second, with reagard to sex, 25.6% admit the necessity of a heterosexual friend. 32.0% say that they are conservative to sex. 54.1% are taught sexual education. 67.1% attribute sexual education to nursing teachers. Third, among those who answer that they enoughly know the concept of sex, seenig by age, 25.0% are under fifty and 58.1% are over fifty. Seening by the periods of marriage, 9.2% are unmarried, 28.2% are under ten, 49.1% are between ten and twenty, and 59.0% are over twenty. Among those who answer that they enoughly know the concepts of sexual harassment and sexual violence, seenig by age, in the turns by above-mentioned order, each 47.7% and 76.3%. Seening by the periods of marriage, each 9.2%, 28.2%, 49.1%, and 59.0%. Fourth, among those who answer that "teachers also need sexual education and sexual counsel," by age, each92.7% and 91.4%. By the periods of marriage, each 89.8%, 95.2%, 89.4%, and 92.4%. As a matter of course, we can infer the necessity of the sexual education and sexual counsel for teachers. Fifth, among those who answer that they are satisfied with their sexuality, by age, each 41.1% and 61.3%. By the period of marriage, each 4.1%, 63.1%, 64.1%, and 61.5%. As for the sexual desire like spiritual intercourse, physical intercourse containing sexuality, by age, each 71.9% and 93.5%. By the periods of marriage, each 54.0%, 81.5%, 90.3%, and 93.0%. The survey shows that those over fifty and having long marriage are feeling the stronger desire towards sexuality. Through the outcomes of this survey, a few suggestions are possible: First, it is necessary to check of the teachers' view of sexual value and to study deep about the sexual tendency of them in twenties, thirties, and forties. It is to make them teach their students on the firm basis, and also to develop suitable sexual education and counsel program.