• 제목/요약/키워드: Communication Action

검색결과 619건 처리시간 0.022초

A Rule-based JMS Message Routing System for Dynamic Message Communication in based Distributed Systems (분산환경에서 동적 메시지 교환을 위한 룰 기반 JMS 메시지 라우팅 시스템)

  • Cho, Poong-Youn;Choi, Jae-Hyun;Park, Jae-Won;Lee, Nam-Yong
    • The Journal of Society for e-Business Studies
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    • 제13권3호
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    • pp.1-20
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    • 2008
  • Today's computing environment which is getting distributed to communicate with various systems needs dynamic inter-connectivity of the systems. MOM(Message Oriented Middleware) is popularly used for transmitting XML messages among the distributed systems for the inter-connectivity. But, they do not support event-based message routing functionalities with XML transformation for processing effective message routing, which is essential to inter-connectivity, and there is no integrated platform to cope with these requirements. Although event-based message routing and XML transformation have been studied in a wide range of computer science areas, development of message routing systems is considered as a tough job due to the technological difficulties. In order to address these requirements, we proposed a novel system, named RMRS(Rule-based Message Routing System), which supports event-based message routing as well as XML message transformation. To make the proposed system easy to use, we also redesigned ECA(Event- Condition-Action) rule to fit in our system and developed a tool to map source XML structure into target XML structure.

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A Study of the Diagnosis of the Health of University Library Organizations (대학도서관 조직건강성 진단에 관한 연구)

  • Yoon Yung Dai
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • 제19권
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    • pp.63-112
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    • 1990
  • The environment of the modern library is changing rapidly with advancements in information technology, massive increse in information, and with the changing needs of users for information in order to keep up with developments in science and technology. The library should also be in a constant state of change in accordance with the changing environment. But the current situation is that library organizations in Korea do not show any change. Here arises the need to diagnose the health of these organization. Organizational innovations can be achieved either by change in the organizational structure or administrative methods or in personal attitudes. In making organizational innovations, however, it is not sufficient only to change the organizational structure or the administrative methods without changing personal attitudes. The purpose of this thesis is to diagnose the health of university library organizations in Korea and to suggest prescriptions based on the results of this diagnosis, by means of organization development theory. In this study, the action research model and the diagnostic model were developed for the health of university library organization in Korea. The action research model consisted of 3 steps: diagnosis, intervention and evaluation. The diagnostic model comprised diagnostic criterion and diagnostic indicators. The health of an organization was selected as the diagnostic criterion. Diagnostic indicators were divided into 3 levels: personal job-satisfaction at the individual level, cohesiveness at the group level, and the organizational climate at the organizational level. Both the interview and the questionaire were used as diagnostic methods. The questionaire form was designed according to the Likert typle 5-point scale. For the investigation, 10 university libraries were selected from the private universities in Seoul, and questionaire sheets were sent to their 156 librarians and responses were received from 116 persons. An interview was carried out with a selected chief of departments of the library concerned. The results of the diagnosis show that the average personal job­satisfaction was 3.57, the group cohesiveness was 3.15 and organizational climate was 2.93, and accordingly the comprehensive health indicator was 3.22. The health of university library organizations in Korea was generally on the decline at all 3 levels. In particular, the organizational climate was in a very weak state. Most problems concern dissatisfaction with personnel policy, communications and non-professionally qualified directors. As the prescriptions, the following was suggested: institutionalization of the staff meeting for resolving problems with communication, appointement of professional directors, performance appraisal, conferring faculty status for librarians, and a suggest system. And for the improvement of the organizational climate, managerial grid training was suggested as one of the educational strategies for organizational development.

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Analysis on Reflection Characteristics of the Key Competencies Proposed by the OECD Education 2030 in the 2015 Revised Home Economics Curriculum (OECD Education 2030에서 제안된 핵심역량의 2015 개정 가정과 교육과정 반영 특성 분석)

  • Yang, Ji Sun;Yoo, Taemyung
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • 제31권2호
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    • pp.113-135
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze the characteristics reflected in the 2015 revised home economics curriculum for the key competencies presented in the OECD education 2030 project. The results indicate that first, in general, about 46.5% of the competencies could be classified into the skill, attitude and value category; 17% into the learning concept framework category; 24.2% into the competency development cycle category; and 12.5% into the complex competency category. Overall, the competencies of the OECD learning framework are found to be reflected primarily in the achievement standards(59%), followed by characteristics(16.1%), teaching-learning and assessments orientation(9.4%), content system(8%), and goals(7.6%). Second, the key competencies were reflected in the middle school curriculum, more often in the descending order of action, problem-solving, communication, respect, creative thinking, conflict resolution, empathy, critical thinking, self-regulation, and student agency. In the high school curriculum, the competencies were reflected more often in the descending order of action, empathy, problem-solving, anticipation, global competence, self-regulation, student agency, literacy for sustainable development, reflection, and critical thinking. Third, the heat map shows that the competencies corresponding to the third and fourth levels are most frequently reflected in the curriculum. Therefore, it is advisable to develop effective plans to execute and support the reflection of key competencies in the curriculum. Through this study, home economics educators are expected to understand the inter-connectivity between the key competencies emphasized by the OECD learning framework and the competencies of home economics as a practical subject, and to scrutinize how to help individual students develop their overall competencies and be prepared for the future.

Effects of the Persuasive Message on Users' Attitude toward the Policy of Limiting Park Use (설득(說得) 메시지가 공원이용규제정책(公園利用規制政策)에 대한 이용자(利用者) 태도(態度)에 미치는 효과(效果))

  • Kang, Mi-Hee;Kim, Seong-Il
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • 제85권1호
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    • pp.24-33
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    • 1996
  • The theory of reasoned action was examined as a theoretical model which explains the relationships among belief, attitude, and intention regarding the policy of limiting the total number of visitors per day in the national parks during the high-demand season. Also, effects of persuasive messages developed to change users' attitude toward the policy positively were examined. Among the visitors in Kyeryongsan National Park, 563 visitors participated in on-site and mail survey. The number of visitors who had positive and negative attitudes toward the policy was in the ratio of 43 to 49. A significantly positive relationship was found between the sum of belief and outcome evaluation crossproducts and attitude(r=0.42). Intention could be explained with attitude in an acceptable power ($R^2=0.32$). The visitors who had negative attitude and intention regarding the policy before the treatment were changed positively by the two types of persuasive messages. Among the visitors receiving the persuasive messages, 74% answered that carrying out the policy is good and 66% intended to agree to carrying out the policy. It was indicated that the persuasive messages were an effective communication method between park managers and users.

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Effects of the Marital Conflict in Old Age on Elderly Divorce and Impulse to Commit a Crime (노년기 부부갈등이 황혼이혼과 범죄충동에 미치는 영향)

  • Kang, Sin-Sung;Lim, Wang-Kyu
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • 제13권9호
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    • pp.178-192
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    • 2013
  • This study is for the analysis of the influence that the factors(communication, domestic life, offensive action, economic problem) of marital conflicts of old age and ecological systems factors(individual, family, sociality) have a impact to the divorce of elderly(thoughts and attempts of divorce) and the impulse to commit a crime(violence, egoism, running away from home). The guinea pigs is 350 married people of ages greater than 55 in the capital area. The 338 collected data excluding incomplete 12 data were analyzed. Statistical methods used in this study were factor analysis, frequency analysis, reliability analysis, t-test, ANOVA, Hiearchical regression analysis and Scheffe test with SPSS 18.0. The result are as follows. First, the marital conflict and ecological systems have a severe impact to the divorce of elderly, the more the conflict of the domestic life and the offensive action, the conflict in communicative and economic problem are getting higher. Second, the marital conflict and ecological systems have a severe impact to the impulse to commit a crime, the more the conflict of a domestic life and the conflict caused by spouse's attack, the economic problem, the egotistic impulse are getting higher. Third, there are some statistically similar differences of all the parts(sex, academic ability, job, children coresidence, religion, physical condition, monthly average income) in the marital conflict by characteristic of sociology of population, ecological systems, the divorce of elderly and the impulse to commit a crime.

Bioactive Molecules Produced by Probiotics to Control Enteric Pathogens (프로바이오틱스가 생산하는 생리활성 물질의 장내 유해균 억제 효과)

  • Lim, Kwang-Sei;Griffiths, Mansel W.;Park, Dong June;Oh, Sejong
    • Journal of Dairy Science and Biotechnology
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    • 제32권2호
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    • pp.141-145
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    • 2014
  • There is a burgeoning number of products on the market that contain probiotics, but do they do you any good? What exactly are probiotics? They have been defined as living organisms that, when ingested in sufficient quantities, provide health benefits beyond basic nutrition. They are often referred to as "friendly bacteria" or "good bacteria." Probiotics have been claimed, amongst other things, to (i) reduce the incidence of colon cancer and other diseases of the colon, such as IBS, (ii) stimulate the immune system, (iii) have anti-hypertensive and anti-cholesterolemic properties, (iv) mitigate against the effect of antibiotics on the intestinal microbiota, and (v) protect against gastrointestinal infections. However, the scientific basis for many of these claims is not well-established. Indeed, the European Food Safety Authority has denied the use of several health claims associated with probiotics, particularly those related to mitigation of diarrhea following consumption of antibiotics. Thus, there is a need for research on the mechanisms of action of probiotics. We have been mainly interested in the use of probiotics to control enteric infections. There are several possible modes of action to explain how probiotics may protect the host from enteric pathogens, including competitive exclusion and immunomodulation. We have shown that probiotics produce bioactive molecules that interfere with bacterial cell-cell communication (also called quorum sensing), and this results in a down-regulation of virulence genes that are responsible for attachment of the pathogen to the gastrointestinal epithelium. These bioactive molecules act on a variety of bacteria, including enterohemorrhagic and enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli, Salmonella, Clostridium difficile and Clostridium perfringens, and there is evidence that they can inhibit the formation of biofilms by Listeria monocytogenes. These bioactive molecules, which are peptidic in nature, can exert their effects not only in vitro but also in vivo, and we have shown that they mitigate against E. coli O157:H7 and Salmonella in mice and Salmonella and E. coli K88 infections in pigs. They can be delivered in foods such as yoghurt and maintain their activity.

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A Study on Supporting Design Decision Making in Office Building Remodeling Projects by Introducing Mixed Reality (혼합현실 도입 오피스 건물 리모델링 프로젝트 설계 의사결정 지원)

  • Han, Mooyeul;Baek, Kwanyup;Lee, Kyung-Tae;Ko, Seonju;Kim, Ju-Hyung
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • 제22권1호
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    • pp.3-12
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    • 2021
  • In the remodeling projects, clients without architectural expertise have limitations in presenting requirements accurately. In some cases, designers and contractors may not recognize their demands exactly, and deliver final products that are different from the clients' intentions. 3D modeling visualizing final products in previous has been regarded as a solution to enhance understanding and communication. However, this approach has the limitation that the final results are presented as a virtual outputs. In the remodeling project, an alternative, mixed-reality, is likely to reinforce the reality as it enables to present remain structure and the parts to be built together. This paper examines the mixed reality as a solution to support decision making of clients and practitioners in remodeling projects. The examinations is conducted in high-rise office remodeling projects by means of action-research. Clients and practitioners, overview product models presented in the format of 2D drawings, BIM and mixed reality asked to evaluate the effectiveness of each methods in 12 standards. The results have shown that mixed reality has improved the sense of reality, making it easier to predict results, but recognizing patterns is difficult in some areas such as the floor, and it caused dizziness.

Five-stage Anger Model Approach to Narrative and Protagonist's Revolt Action Mechanism in the Movie, "The Man Standing Next" ('분노의 5단계 모델'관점의 영화 <남산의 부장들> 서사와 주인공의 거사 결행 기제)

  • Kim, Jeong-Seob
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • 제14권3호
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    • pp.285-294
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    • 2020
  • "The Man Standing Next" was a 'anger-character movie' that shows a fierce psychological game between the characters. Inspired by this point, it was analyzed the narrative structure of this film based on scene unit applying the 'Five-stage Anger Model' formulated by Lakoff and Kövecses and others. The results showed that the causality and feasibility of the protagonist's anger behavior were highly reflected above the model. In particular, among the five steps, the film-maker spent the longest time on 'anger control' justifying the hero's motivation for punishment or retaliation, while giving the shortest time to 'loss of control' to maximize the urgentness of the punitive actions. The detonator causing his anger at each stage was disposed two to six times each stage with neglect, contempt, arrogance, ostentation, mockery, unauthorized intervention, etc. Sneering of "Chief Security Officer" and insulting of "The President" make the protagonist feel the scorn of a terrible friend-murderer each functioned as a "rage trigger." In conclusion, the film follows the above sophisticated model in its narrative structure. Though it was a political drama that sets up a lot of anger scheme caused from public reasons, it reflects ordinary people's routine anger, which corresponds to 24 percent of the list of Nobaco's Provocation Inventory (PI). The producers elaborately reflected the anger procedure theory and balanced the public and private drivers of rage. It was considered to be derived from the intention to enhance communication with the audience increasing their understanding and aspiration for political movie that are usually heavy and unfamiliar.

Implementation of a storage device the noise elimination negative input that using adaptive filter. (적응형 필터를 이용한 잡음제거 음성입력 및 저장장치의 구현)

  • Ji, Yoo-Kang;Moon, Dae-Wong;Kim, Sa-Wung;Park, Soo-Bong
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 한국해양정보통신학회 2008년도 춘계종합학술대회 A
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    • pp.147-150
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    • 2008
  • The explanation of Tourism Guide of present whole country main tourist resort helps to understand the tourist resort. However, activity space of Tourism Guide is not state that can be understood all by upbringing by a natural voice. Because action of Tourism Guide is much in case of most sightseeing explanation to use microphone and speaker etc., as sticking that attach and uses to clothing and so on uses, there are much vexatious. Treatise that see hereupon makes use of establishment style fixing microphone and embody inputted obscene sounds by On-board system inflecting MCU (ATmega128), MSM7731-02 Oki-Dual Codec to minimize noise using ecad filter, and embodied a control program by serial communication method with filter codec. The resultant audible direction the maximum 59ms, the line echo maximum 27ms, the echo decrease maximum 35dB, it embodied the system which removes the adaptation elder brother noise of the back.

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Research on the relationship between the design of the most favorable ICONs and the formative factors in the GUI design - Focused on the design of the Graphic ICONs. - (사용자 선호지향 기반에 의한 GUI 아이콘 표현 유형과 조형 요소의 상관관계에 관한 연구 - 그림 아이콘 디자인을 중심으로 -)

  • Tao, Yu-Jin;Chung, Sung-Whan;Hong, Jung-Pyo;Hyoung, Sung-Eun
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • 제11권4호
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    • pp.521-530
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    • 2008
  • Graphical user interface design, the visual language to convey information about the icon and the user's information is a medium that can lead to action. Graphical user interface to communicate with the user icon, the user is easy to use, so any time you want to provide information effectively. Communication in order to increase the efficiency of the Graphic User Interface on the nature of the medium must be made to develop the appropriate icon. In this research icon of the type of icon painting. A picture of the icon representation of each type of detail, according to a rating of johyeongjeok identify the elements of the correlation between. On the type of representation of each of Art and Design elements that I know what I saw. The icon design based on user preferences provide guidance on the direction of design-oriented. When the data can be used to designs based on the theory has to offer.

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