• Title/Summary/Keyword: Common Data Link(CDL)

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Analysis of Common Data Link Technology Trends for the Next Generation Korean Common Data Link Development (차세대 한국형 공용데이터링크 개발을 위한 국·내외 공용데이터링크 기술 동향 분석)

  • Kang, Wipil;Song, Juhyung;Lee, Kyunghoon;Lee, Dae-Hong;Jung, Sung-Jin;Choi, Hyung-Jin
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.39C no.3
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    • pp.209-222
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    • 2014
  • NCW is a new operational concept for modern warfare to improve the ability to conduct combat by connecting command and control system via network. To realize NCW integrating information sharing system between multiple platforms, CDL is considered as a key component for high-speed transmission of ISR data. Accordingly, further studies to enhance the performance of CDL are being performed around the world, and our government has also developed self-reliant CDL, MPI-CDL. However, the maximum data rate and networking performance of current CDL still fall short of the objective to enable multiple systems to share the large ISR data. Therefore, in this paper, we analyze the development flow and international technical trends of CDL, and present an approach for enhancing data rate and networking capacity of the next generation CDL.

Imagery Intelligence Transmission Analysis of Common Data Link (CDL) on Aeronautical Wireless Channel (항공통신정찰링크(CDL)에서 영상정보 전송을 위한 통신방안 연구)

  • Park Young-mi;Yoon Jang-hong;Kim Sung-jo;Son Young-ho;Yoon E-joong
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.9 no.7
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    • pp.1425-1431
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    • 2005
  • In this paper, we consider the ISR(Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance) system which collects the imagery intelligence from an airplane and CDL(common data link) communication system which transports the information obtained by the ISR system. The IMINT(imagery intelligence) consists of MPEG-2 transport stream packets and they transmit through CDL. We have some simulations for communication performances of CDL and show performance improvements using convolutional coding. We have compared BER performances under AWGN channel and fading channel which is caused by the velocity of an airplane.

Aeronautical Link Availability Analysis for the Multi-Platform Image & Intelligence Common Data Link (다중 플랫폼 영상정보용 공용 데이터링크의 링크 가용도 성능 분석)

  • Ryu, Young-Jae;Ryu, Jung-Hun;Pak, Ui-Young
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.37C no.10
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    • pp.965-976
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    • 2012
  • Multi-Platform Image and Intelligence Common data link(MPI-CDL) systems are designed to transmit the imaginary and signal intelligence data at an aeronautical to ground line of sight(LOS) link. This paper proposes a method to predict a link availability and analyzes the required link margin to satisfy a given link availability for MPI-CDL systems. To estimate a link availability the proposed method applies the conditional probability so that both a rain attenuation and a multipath fading are considered simultaneously. Link margins to meet the link availability for MPI-CDL systems are calculated according to an operating environment including frequencies, flight altitudes and transmission ranges. The required link margins for actual unmanned air vehicle systems are also given by simulation results.

Aeronautical to Ground Channel Modeling for Common Data Link (공용데이터링크를 위한 공대지 채널 모델링)

  • Park, Hongseok;Shim, Jae-Nam;Kim, Donghyun;Kim, Dong Ku
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.41 no.12
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    • pp.1876-1883
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    • 2016
  • The new channel model for high data rate common data link(CDL) is proposed. The Two-ray channel, which is composed of the reflected signals on the front ground of the receiver, is considered in this paper. This channel arises due to the curvature of the earth when the altitude of the transmitter is tens of kilometers and distance between the transmitter and the receiver is hundreds of kilometers. The Two-ray channel is modeled by estimating the maximum delay profile and the power delay profile, depending on the transmitting and receiving beamforming angle and the radiation pattern of antenna. The power delay profile has a larger effect on the bit error rate(BER) over signal to noise ratio(SNR) than the maximum delay profile, because the distance range is too long in the proposed channel model.

Security Architecture for T4 Class Common Data Link

  • Lee, Sang-Gon;Lee, Hoon-Jae;Kim, Hyeong-Rag;Ryu, Young-Jae
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.22 no.8
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    • pp.63-72
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    • 2017
  • In this paper, we propose a security architecture for HDLC-based T4 class common data link. The common data links are composed of point-to-point, multi-to-point, and point-to-multi mode. For multi-to-point mode, one node has a bundle of point-to-point links with different end-point on the other side of the links. Thus multi-to-point mode can be considered as a bundle of point-to-point mode. Point-to-multi mode is broadcasting link. For point-to-point mode we adopted robust security network scheme to establish a secure data link, and for multi-to-point mode we use broadcast encryption scheme based on ID-based cryptography to distribute encryption key for broadcasting message encryption. We also included MACsec technology for point-to-point data link security. Computational and communicational complexity analysis on the broadcast encryption have been done.

DVB-S2-based T4 class common data link performance improvement plan for UAV system application (무인기 체계 적용을 위한 DVB-S2 기반 T4급 공용데이터링크 성능 개선방안)

  • Bae, Jongtae;Baek, Seongho;Oh, Jimyung;Lee, Sangpill;Song, Choongho
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.26 no.12
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    • pp.1846-1854
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    • 2022
  • The sophistication and diversification of mission equipment for surveillance and reconnaissance is leading to a demand for large-capacity public data links. Overseas, a T4 class(274Mbps) common data link was applied to the Global hwak, a high-altitude unmanned aerial vehicle, and various research and development are being conducted in Korea. In this paper, we propose a structure in which pilot is additionally applied to improve SNR performance while minimizing data transmission rate loss in the DVB-S2 frame structure, which is a european satellite broadcasting standard, for high-capacity transmission of T4 class or higher in the common data link. For the performance evaluation of the proposed structure, the performance of the DVB-S2 was compared and analyzed by simulating the UAV data link channel environment. As a result of simulation, 0.15% of transmission rate loss occurred at T4 class transmission rate compared to DVB-S2 in the proposed structure, but improved SNR reception performance of 0.2~0.3dB was confirmed in the UAV channel environment.

A Resource Scheduling Based on Iterative Sorting for Long-Distance Airborne Tactical Communication in Hub Network (허브 네트워크에서의 장거리 공중 전술 통신을 위한 반복 정렬 기반의 자원 스케줄링 기법)

  • Lee, Kyunghoon;Lee, Dong Hun;Lee, Dae-Hong;Jung, Sung-Jin;Choi, Hyung-Jin
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.39C no.12
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    • pp.1250-1260
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    • 2014
  • In this paper, a novel resource scheduling, which is used for hub network based long distance airborne tactical communication, is proposed. Recently, some countries of the world has concentrated on developing data rate and networking performance of CDL, striving to keep pace with modern warfare, which is changed into NCW. And our government has also developed the next generation high capacity CDL. In hub network, a typical communication structure of CDL, hybrid FDMA/TDMA can be considered to exchange high rate data among multiple UAVs simultaneously, within limited bandwidth. However, due to different RTT and traffic size of UAV, idle time resource and unnecessary packet transmission delay can occur. And these losses can reduce entire efficiency of hub network in long distance communication. Therefore, in this paper, we propose RTT and data traffic size based UAV scheduling, which selects time/frequency resource of UAVs by using iterative sorting algorithm. The simulation results verified that the proposed scheme improves data rate and packet delay performance in low complexity.

RF Transceiver Design and Implementation for Common Data Link (공용 데이터링크 RF 송수신기 설계 및 구현)

  • Kim, Joo-Yeon
    • Journal of IKEEE
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.371-377
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    • 2015
  • This paper is about the RF transceiver designed and implementation for common data link. The trasmitter is configured as a frequency up-converter, a power amplifier and a duplexer. The receiver is configured as a duplxer, a frequency down-converter and a low noise amplifier. The maximum transmission distance, the reception sensitivity is designed to meet the electrical and temperature characteristics and the like. Using a modeling and simulation in order to meet the requirements of the RF transceiver has been designed and implemented. Transmitting output power and Noise Figure has been measured with 38.58dBm and 5.5dB, respectively. All of the electrical and temperature specifications was meet. Was confirmed all of the requirement specification by electrical characteristics test and temperature characteristics test.

Coverage Prediction for Aerial Relay Systems based on the Common Data Link using ITU Models (ITU 모델을 이용한 공용데이터링크 기반의 공중중계 시스템의 커버리지 예측)

  • Park, Jae-Soo;Song, Young-Hwan;Choi, Hyo-Gi;Yoon, Chang-Bae;Hwang, Chan-Ho
    • The Journal of the Korea institute of electronic communication sciences
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.21-30
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    • 2020
  • In this paper, we predicted the propagation loss for the air-to-ground (A2G) channel between the ground control system and the unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) using the prediction model for the aircraft recommended by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU). We analyzed the network coverage of the aerial relay system based on the medium altitude UAVs by expanding it into the air-to-air (A2A) channel. Climate and geographic factors in Korea were used to predict propagation loss due to atmospheres. We used the measured data published by the Telecommunication Technology Association (TTA) for regional rainfall-rate and effective earth radius factors to increase accuracy. In addition, the aerial relay communication system used the key parameter of the common data link (CDL) system developed in Korea recently. Prediction results show that the network coverage of the aerial relay system broadens at higher altitude.