• 제목/요약/키워드: Commercial Inverter

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Control Algorithm for 4-Switch Inverter of 3-Phase SRM (3상 SRM 구동용 4-스위치 인버터 PWM 제어 알고리즘)

  • Yoon, Yong-Ho;Lee, Byoung-Kuk;Won, Chung-Yuen
    • The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers P
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    • v.58 no.3
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    • pp.303-309
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    • 2009
  • Switched Reluctance Motor(SRM) has become popular for industrial application, particularly for low medium drives due to the advantages of SRM over the other ac motors: SRM can be manufactured with low cost because it has a simple structure. But, asymmetric bridge converter that generally is used for driving requires two discrete switching devices and freewheeling diodes per phase, and cause the SRM drives to be complicated and to increase the cost of overall system. Therefore, this paper suggests a new type of 4-switch converter for SRM. 4-switch converter topology is studied to provide a possibility for the realization of low cost 3-phase SRM drive system. For effective utilization of the developed system, a new current control algorithm is designed and implemented to produce the desired dynamic performance. With the developed power conversion circuit and control scheme, it is expected that the proposed system can be widely used in commercial applications with reduced system cost.

A design of hybrid PWM inverter using microprocessor (마이크로프로세서를 이용한 하이브리드 PWM 인버터의 설계)

  • 노창주;임재문;박중순
    • Journal of Advanced Marine Engineering and Technology
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.37-50
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    • 1987
  • In an effort to conserve electric power, variable voltage variable frequency pulse width modulated (PWM) inverters are being applied increasingly to the variable speed control of the induction motors. The use of the PWM technique in motor drive applications is considered advantageous in many ways. For industrial applications, the PWM drive obtains its DC input through simple uncontrolled rectification of the commercial AC line and is favored for its good power factor, good efficiency, its relative freedom regulation problem, and mainly for its ability to operate the motor with nearly sinusoidal current waveforms. The purpose of this paper is to design a three phase natural sampled PWM inverter using microprocessor with simple control algorithm and hybrid control circuit has been built to implement this PWM scheme. In this system, the microprocessor can be used only for calculations directly related to motor control tasks by the design of hybrid circuit which sends PWM signals to the motor.

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A Study on PWM Converter and Inverter Drive System by a Fuel Cell Simulator (연료전지용 Simulator에 의한 PWM 컨버터/인버터 구동시스템에 관한 연구)

  • Gu J.S.;Lee T.W.;Kim J.T.;Won C.Y.;Kim C.H.
    • Proceedings of the KIPE Conference
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    • 2003.07b
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    • pp.701-706
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    • 2003
  • Fuel cell is remarkable for one of the clean energy recently. But in the fuel cell case, it has characteristics with low voltage and high current. Therefore, for using domestic power, it should be changed to the power source with commercial voltage and frequency. In this paper fuel cell simulator having electrical characteristics is designed and constructed instead of fuel cell stack. Voltage generated from fuel cell is from 39V to 72V dc and should be boosted to 400v do for home appliances. A stand alone system including the inverter and DC/DC converter for the fuel cell is then proposed. Experimental result is used to support the analysis.

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Control Method of NPC Inverter for Continuous Operation Under One Phase Fault Condition (3상 NPC 인버터의 한상 고장시 연속적인 운전을 위한 제어기법)

  • Park Gun-Tae;Kim Tae-Jin;Kang Dae-Wook;Hyun Dong-Seok
    • Proceedings of the KIPE Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.6-10
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    • 2003
  • The reliability of power electronics system is very important In industrial, commercial and military applications. This paper presents the principles for NPC inverter as an available technology for the design and implementation of adaptive fault tolerant systems. The fault tolerance is obtained by the use of the particular construction. The control method is proposed to get the sinusoidal load current with constant amplitude. The strategy described in this paper is expected to provide an economic alternative to more expensive redundancy techniques which find justification only in a few specialized application.

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The Operation Characteristic of the LED Taxi Light for Wavelength According to Meteorological Changes for Hybrid System Using a ESS (하이브리드 시스템의 ESS를 이용한 기상변화의 파장별 LED 항공유도등 동작특성)

  • Hwang, Lark-Hoon;Kim, Jin-Sun;Na, Yong- Ju
    • Journal of Advanced Navigation Technology
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.265-274
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    • 2016
  • In this study, the system was composed of the booster chopper and the power converter, which is a pulse width modulation (PWM) voltage inverter using a hybrid power generation system solar cell energy and wind force, Furthermore, in order to compensate the PWM voltage type inverter was linked with the general commercial power source, and through a normal operation of energy storage system (ESS), the system operated the LED Taxi Light by Wavelength according to Meteorological Changes at the airport in an efficient manner. The performance of the system was compared with the solar cell characteristics specification. In addition, for phase synchronization with the PWM voltage type inverter, the grid voltage was detected so as to operate the grid voltage and inverter output in the same phase and to connect the surplus electric power with the system. Finally, by developing a control circuit at the same time from which an excellent dynamic characteristics can be obtained through applying to the airport runway taxi light, it was concluded that a variety of taxi light can be pursued.

The High Power Active Filter System for Harmonic Compensation of 25kv Electric Railway (25kV 전기철도 고조파 보상을 위한 고전력 능동전력필터 시스템에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Jae-Chul;Rho, Sung-Chan;Lee, Yoo-Kyung
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Railway
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    • v.9 no.6 s.37
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    • pp.761-765
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    • 2006
  • At present, harmonic currents cause serious problems in power conversion system using the semiconductor switching device. Also some of the conversion system provokes harmonic currents against to the main power supply system and causes hindrances for the system. Main power impedance of the traditional LC passive filter method, influences on the filter characteristics and amplifies the harmonics when resonance phenomenon is occurred. And the traditional existing 2 level inverter systems show the limit in capacity of voltage and current in case of occurring sudden load change. So, to solve this problem active filter which uses cascaded H-bridge multi level inverter has been designed and ex-filter system circuits were totally investigated. With multi level active filtering system not only the size of filter but also the size of filter for transformer can be reduced by half and so as to the weight, while the capacity of inverter can be double sized and wave forms can be compensated exactly and precisely. Also by the benefit of the increase in rating capacity, the various currents owing to the load fluctuation can be dealt more steadily. In order to simulate the wave form of harmonics based on the measured data on the AC 25kV high speed Domestic Commercial railway, it was simulated with PSCAD/EMTDC and PSIM. Based on the results of this demonstration, the power supply system and inverter system would be more stable and also promoting its efficiency.

A Study of the Inverter Optimization Design for EEFL BLU (EEFL BLU 구동용 인버터 최적화 설계에 대한 연구)

  • Kim, S.B.;Lee, S.H.;Kang, J.G.;Cho, M.R.;Shin, S.W.;Lee, S.H.;Hwang, M.K.;Yang, S.Y.
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of IIIuminating and Electrical Installation Engineers Conference
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    • 2006.05a
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    • pp.241-245
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    • 2006
  • EEFL(External Electrode Fluorescent Lamp) for LCD displays are analyzed on electrical and optical characteristics by various electrode length. The electrodes of EEFL are coated at the outside of the glass tube. Brightness and efficiency of the EEFL are affected on lamp impedance characteristic. So, the experimental models are proposed for analysis and measurements of the brightness and efficiency of the lamps according to the electrode length. The sample of LCD backlight unit is used for these experiments, EEFL arrayed BLU of 32' for commercial TV display. The parameters of the experiments were quantised for simple result reading as the length of electrodes as 15, 23 and 30 mm. The inverter was designed and manufactured in the laboratory as the Full-Bridge switching inverter. The feature of the output were measured on voltages about 1000 - 1400V at the currents of 11 - 29 mA and the brightness $15,000\;cd/m^2-40,000\;cd/m^2$. The experiments have shown that the brightness are increased by increasing of the electrode lengths which have the lamp currents increased. But at an certain conditions, the brightness and efficiency were decreased because of unmatched between the inverter output and lamp impedance. The optimum applications of the EEFL BLU of 32' in this experiments have been shown to choose the parameters for driving frequencies of 100 kHz - 150 kHz, the brightness of $18,000-19,000\;cd/m^2$ and efficiencies of 40 - 45 lm/w.

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Study on Motor Characteristics due to Deviation of the Wheel Diameters with Parallel Operation

  • Lee, Hyung-Woo
    • Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.106-109
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    • 2013
  • It is desirable and advantageous to feed parallel propulsion with induction motors by a single voltage source inverter. However, effects of deviation of the wheel diameters on motor current, rotor speed and torque should be also considered for parallel operation. In order to understand the behavior and characteristics, a simple simulation model is developed by using a commercial Matlab Simulink. From the results, it is clear to manage the diameter deviation of the wheels which are connected to traction motors.

Commercial Development of a High Pressure Turbo Blower "Greenpressor" (고압 터보 Blower "Greenpressor" 개발)

  • Choi, Moon;Petrosyants, Vartan;Zakharova, Natalia
    • 유체기계공업학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2003.12a
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    • pp.323-323
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    • 2003
  • Many recent development activities suggest the possibility of a high-speed turbo(centrifugal) compressor or blower for the industrial application of compressed air supplying system when used with the most advanced high-speed motor, inverter technology, and advanced bearing for high rotational speed. The problems to be overcome are of reliability, the application of mass production methods, cost effective manufacture and competitive running costs. This presentation is not focused on a specific technology advances but on an overall review of our recent experiences while we have developed the high pressure turbo blower for the commercial purpose.

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Switching Pattern-Independent Simulation Model for Brushless DC Motors

  • Kang, Yong-Jin;Yoo, Ji-Yoon
    • Journal of Power Electronics
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.173-178
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    • 2011
  • In order to verify the performance of brushless DC (BLDC) motors, the simulation method has been widely used. The current of a BLDC motors flows on two phase windings to obtain a constant torque. However, the freewheeling current caused by the inductance component of a BLDC motor exists at the commutation point so that the current can flow on three phase windings at the same time. Due to the changes of the excited phases, the model equations are frequently changed during BLDC motor drive operation. The model equations can be also changed by the applied switching pattern since the current path in the inverter circuit changes according to switching pattern. A BLDC motor system can utilize various switching patterns for many different purposes. However, such changes of the model equations complicate the simulation procedure. In this paper, the technique to set up model equations is proposed to ease the simulation of a BLDC motor system through an inverter circuit analysis. The proposed technique will be verified using the C language. Although this method does not provide the level of detail obtainable from commercial simulation tools like PSIM or SIMULINK, it can provide an efficient way to quickly compare various conditions.