• 제목/요약/키워드: Commercial Facilities

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New Input Keyword Extraction of Equipments Involved in Ignition Using Morphological Analysis (형태소 분석을 이용한 발화관련 기기의 새로운 입력 키워드 추출)

  • Kim, Eun Ju;Choi, Jeung Woo;Ryu, Joung Woo
    • Fire Science and Engineering
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.91-97
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    • 2014
  • New types of fire accidents appear or the existing types disappeared because of rapidly changing society. We proposed a methodology of extracting new nouns from fire investigation data each of which is an accident report producted by fire investigators. The new nouns could be used in modifying the existing categories for classifying fire accidents. We analysed morphology of the product names and the ignition summaries using the proposed method for the fire accidents classified as the etc sub-category of the category of equipments involved in ignition. In this paper, we found "dryer" as a new sub-category of the agricultural equipment category and "boiler" in the seasonal appliance category from the product names of the fire accidents. We also extracted the new input keywords of "aquarium" and "monitor" in the commercial facilities category and the video, audio apparatus category from the ignition summaries respectively. Using the four subcategories, we reclassified 548 (14.39%) of 3,808 fire accidents assigned to the etc sub-category.

A Study of the recognitive element in the interior design of the private railroad station buildings. (철도민자역사 실내 환경디자인의 인지적 구성요소에 대한 접근 연구)

  • Kim Sang-Joong;Choi Kil-Dong;Kim Seong-Nam
    • Proceedings of the KSR Conference
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    • 2004.10a
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    • pp.1718-1724
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    • 2004
  • A station is not only the public space where socially diverse classes get together and cultural interchanges occur but also the personal and emotional space where the meeting and parting occur for each individual. Thus, it is necessity to consider this dual point from the beginning of the plan to make the simple, comfortable, intuitive and friendly environment for the users in the station. Also, it should be capable of active life style of moderner according to the change of the city environment. Furthermore, as a station is not just a single-purpose space anymore but the versatile space where fulfills the user's needs for the multi-function and the desire for diversity. As the station in these days opened 24 hours for users with the modern, commercial and cultural facilities, the interior design for a station needs to be designed to be easy to use, functional and able to vitalize the environment. In order to make a desirable interior environment in a station, first of all, it is required to grasp the characteristic of the space by analyzing the phenomena of an individual or a group act in a existing space formed by the interrelation between the human and the environment. To reduce the resistance against the new environment from the user, in other words, to increase the satisfaction, it is necessity to induce the behavior of the users to the desirable way toward to the new environment. Consequently, positive methodology with recognitive approach through cognitive psychology, spatial behavior research is required.

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Calculation Method of Transient Potential Rises of Horizontal Ground Electrodes Depending on Injection Point of the Ground Current (접지전류의 입사점에 따른 정보통신설비용 수평접지전극의 과도전위상승 계산 방법)

  • Ahn, Chang-Hwan
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers
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    • v.51 no.12
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    • pp.197-203
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    • 2014
  • When the lightning current is injected to the ground system of information and communication facilities, analysis of the transient potential rise in the ground system is one of main factors to effectively design the ground system. The performance of grounding systems is normally estimated with the grounding impedance and the transient potential rise which represents the electrical characteristics of the grounding system. The method for calculating the grounding impedance depending on the injection point of the lightning current was proposed. The delta-gap source model was proposed to calculate the grounding impedance in the case that the lightning current is injected to the center of the horizontal ground electrode. A new program which is possible to apply the frequency-dependent soil parameters using the Debye model was developed, because a commercial program for analyzing the performance of the grounding system can not apply to the frequency-dependent soil parameters. The experiment was carried out to confirm the availability of the simulation results with the same condition. Finally, the transient potential rises of a horizontal ground electrode depending on the lightning current waveforms were analyzed by using the results of the grounding impedance which is associated with the frequency-dependent soil parameters.

The Computer Simulation and Estimation of Membrane Mass Transfer Coefficients of Hollow Fiber Membrane G-L Contactors for SO2 Removal (SO2 제거를 위한 중공사막 기-액 접촉기의 모사 및 분리막 물질 전달 계수 추정)

  • Kim, Yong Kuk;Song, Hee Ouel;Lee, Hyung Keun;Kim, In-Won
    • Korean Chemical Engineering Research
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    • v.45 no.1
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    • pp.81-86
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    • 2007
  • Hollow fiber membrane G-L contactors are widely used to remove $SO_2$ emitted from industrial facilities. In this work, the mathematical modeling and computer simulation for hollow membrane G-L contactors is carried out to analyze $SO_2$ absorption behavior in hollow fiber membranes. The model is solved with the finite element method using a commercial software. Investigated is the dependency of $SO_2$ removal efficiency and mass transfer characteristics on gas velocities, membrane mass transfer coefficients and physical properties of contactors. The membrane mass transfer coefficients are estimated by fitting the experimental data with the simulated $SO_2$ removal efficiencies. In addition, a design methodology of membrane contactors is suggested.

Numerical simulation of fish nets in currents using a Morison force model

  • Cifuentes, Cristian;Kim, M.H.
    • Ocean Systems Engineering
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.143-155
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    • 2017
  • For complex flexible structures such as nets, the determination of drag forces and its deformation is a challenging task. The accurate prediction of loads on cages is one of the key steps in designing fish farm facilities. The basic physics with a simple cage, can be addressed by the use of experimental studies. However, to design more complex cage system for various environmental conditions, a reliable numerical simulation tool is essential. In this work, the current load on a cage is calculated using a Morison-force model applied at instantaneous positions of equivalent-net modeling. Variations of solidity ratio ($S_n$) of the net and current speed are considered. An equivalent array of cylinders is built to represent the physical netting. Based on the systematic comparisons between the published experimental data for Raschel nets and the current numerical simulations, carried out using the commercial software OrcaFlex, a new formulation for $C_d$ values, used in the equivalent-net model, is presented. The similar approach can also be applied to other netting materials following the same procedure. In case of high solidity ratio and current speed, the hybrid model defines $C_d$ as a function of Re (Reynolds number) and $S_n$ to better represent the corresponding weak diffraction effects. Otherwise, the conventional $C_d$ values depending only on Re can be used with including shielding effects for downstream elements. This new methodology significantly improves the agreement between numerical and experimental data.

Implementation of an Expert System for COTS Fault Diagnosis (COTS 고장진단을 위한 전문가 시스템 구현)

  • Kim, A-Ram;Roh, Jin-Song;Rhee, Sang-Yong
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.275-281
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    • 2013
  • This space is for the of your study in English. If simple menu item changes or the addition of check items are necessary on GUI menu of existing test equipments for military facilities that are programmed by using RAD tools such as Visual C++, they should go through complex steps, such as numerous conducting steps, coding, flash design modification, recompiling and distribution. It is cumbersome process and waste much time. Also, on implementing them, it was worried about leaking secrets because a number of military security considerations were included. To solve such as the above problem, we proposed commercial RIA technologies and a COTS fault diagnostic knowledge-based system that implemented by the XML data design technique in this research. The proposed approach solves the problem of existing methods, reduced inspection time, and improved performance, usability, and maintainability.

Reference Trajectory Generation of Flight Tests Using an Aircraft through Post-Processing of GPS Receiver Data (GPS 수신기 데이터의 후처리를 통한 항공기 비행시험 기준궤적 생성)

  • Moon, Ji-Hyeon;Kwon, Byung-Moon;Shin, Yong-Sul;Choi, Hyung-Don
    • Aerospace Engineering and Technology
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.60-66
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    • 2010
  • This paper deals with a post-processing of GPS receiver data in order to acquire a reference flight trajectory of an aircraft test. The flight test using an aircraft that is carried out several times since 2007 is the integrated test to verify the performance of the tracking and communications facilities in Naro Space Center and Jeju Tracking Center. In order to analyze performance of the tracking and navigation equipments, true reference data should be used for performance comparisons. Therefore off-the-shelf commercial GPS receiver, DL-V3 made by NovAtel Inc., is operated on the test to collect the GPS navigation data and the collected data is post-processed by GrafNav which is the off-the-shelf post-processing program made by NovAtel Inc. Through the post-processing of the collected data, a reference trajectory is generated with small error range about several decade centimeter level.

Thermal Behavior of a Pipe-Rack Structure Subjected to Environmental Factors (외부 환경적 요인에 의한 파이프랙 구조물의 열적 거동)

  • Lee, Jong-Han;Lee, Jong-Jae;Kim, Sung-Yeon
    • Journal of the Korean Recycled Construction Resources Institute
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.165-170
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    • 2015
  • Pipe-rack structures supporting high temperature and pressure are of great importance to ensure the safety of the operation of the plants. If some damage occurred in the pipe-rack structure, the facilities not only bring damage to the commercial property, but also result in economic losses. Specially, since pipe-rack structures are exposed to various environmental conditions, it is essential to evaluate the thermal behavior of the structure caused by environmental conditions for the appropriate design and maintenance of the pipe-rack structure. Thus, based on a selected, typical pipe-rack structure, a thermal-stress coupled analysis was conducted to evaluate the temperature distributions and thermal stresses of the structure. For this, this study accounted for the operating condition of the pipe and the effect of environmental conditions, Yeosu in South Korea and Saudi Arabia in the Middle East. The results of the study showed the need for accounting for a variance in the environmental factors to evaluate the thermal behavior of the pipe-rack structure along with the working condition of pipe.

An Estimation of the Consequence Analysis for an Underground Installation of the LPG Storage Tanks (소형 LPG 저장탱크 매몰 설치에 대한 피해영향평가)

  • Song, Dong-Woo;Jun, Woon-Young;Lee, Su-Kyung
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Gas
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.62-67
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    • 2015
  • In this paper, the consequence analysis has been evaluated for the damage effects of the LPG storage tanks when they are installed on the ground or underground. They should be performed to identify measures to reduce risks for the LPG storage tanks which are more widely used. In order to conduct a damage effect evaluation of the LPG storage tanks installed underground, FDS was used to simulate the LPG storage tanks installed and housed within a facility. The maximum pressure of the storage facilities for the LPG storage tanks has been calculated from the FDS, and it's results are used as an input variable for Phast which is a commercial software for evaluating the damage effects. Getting results from the consequence analysis and computational simulations(diffusion range of LFL and UFL, jet fire or explosions) were quantitatively presented for the damage effects.

Space Design Marketing of Floating Architecture and Its Spatial Demands (플로팅건축물의 공간디자인마케팅과 공간수요 예측)

  • Pak, Sung-Sine
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.39 no.4
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    • pp.329-334
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    • 2015
  • Currently, image of floating architecture has been positively improved based on the normalization of a domestic representative floating building 'Some Sevit'. Features of the floating architecture are as follows: special experience (29.9%)> landmark (27.6%)> enjoyment of marine culture (21.5%)> center for tourism and regional development (16.0%)> eco-friendly space solving global warming (4.8%). Floating building has a distinctive image and at the same time offers a unique spatial experience to the public. Therefore, space design marketing of floating building is a communication process to exchange its spatial identity and image between the local government and the public, the corporation and customers. It is essential for the effective space design marketing that the spatial demands should be reflected into its program such as commercial, cultural and marina facilities. The unification of project leader and operator is also important. The transformed conditions would help the construction market to be active in the future.