• Title/Summary/Keyword: Color based Image Segmentation

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Content-based Image Retrieval using Feature Extraction in Wavelet Transform Domain (웨이브릿 변환 영역에서 특징추출을 이용한 내용기반 영상 검색)

  • 최인호;이상훈
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.5 no.4
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    • pp.415-425
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    • 2002
  • In this paper, we present a content-based image retrieval method which is based on the feature extraction in the wavelet transform domain. In order to overcome the drawbacks of the feature vector making up methods which use the global wavelet coefficients in subbands, we utilize the energy value of wavelet coefficients, and the shape-based retrieval of objects is processed by moment which is invariant in translation, scaling, rotation of the objects The proposed methods reduce feature vector size, and make progress performance of classification retrieval which provides fast retrievals times. To offer the abilities of region-based image retrieval, we discussed the image segmentation method which can reduce the effect of an irregular light sources. The image segmentation method uses a region-merging, and candidate regions which are merged were selected by the energy values of high frequency bands in discrete wavelet transform. The region-based image retrieval is executed by using the segmented region information, and the images are retrieved by a color, texture, shape feature vector.

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Natural Image Segmentation Considering The Cyclic Property Of Hue Component (색상의 주기성을 고려한 자연영상 분할방법)

  • Nam, Hye-Young;Kim, Wook-Hyun
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SP
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    • v.46 no.6
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    • pp.16-25
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    • 2009
  • In this paper we propose the block based image segmentation method using the cyclic properties of hue components in HSI color model. In proposed method we use center point instead of hue mean values as the hue representatives for regions in image segmentation considering hue cyclic properties and we also use directed distance for the hue difference among regions. Furthermore we devise the simple and effective method to get critical values through control parameter to reduce the complexity in the calculation of those in the conventional method. From the experimental results we found that the segmented regions in the proposed method is more natural than those in the conventional method especially in texture and red tone regions. In the simulation results the proposed method is better than the conventional methods in the in the evaluation of the human segmentation dataset presented Berkely Segmentation Database.

Hair Classification and Region Segmentation by Location Distribution and Graph Cutting (위치 분포 및 그래프 절단에 의한 모발 분류와 영역 분할)

  • Kim, Yong-Gil;Moon, Kyung-Il
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2022
  • Recently, Google MedeiaPipe presents a novel approach for neural network-based hair segmentation from a single camera input specifically designed for real-time, mobile application. Though neural network related to hair segmentation is relatively small size, it produces a high-quality hair segmentation mask that is well suited for AR effects such as a realistic hair recoloring. However, it has undesirable segmentation effects according to hair styles or in case of containing noises and holes. In this study, the energy function of the test image is constructed according to the estimated prior distributions of hair location and hair color likelihood function. It is further optimized according to graph cuts algorithm and initial hair region is obtained. Finally, clustering algorithm and image post-processing techniques are applied to the initial hair region so that the final hair region can be segmented precisely. The proposed method is applied to MediaPipe hair segmentation pipeline.

Development of Real Time and Robust Feature Extraction Algorithm of Watermelon for Tele-robotic Operation (원격 로봇작업을 위한 실시간 수박 형상 추출 알고리즘)

  • Kim, S.C.;Hwang, H.
    • Journal of Biosystems Engineering
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.71-78
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    • 2004
  • Real time and robust algorithm to extract the features of watermelon was developed from the remotely transmitted image of the watermelon. Features of the watermelon at the cultivation site such as size and shape including position are crucial to the successful tole-robotic operation and development of the cultivation data base. Algorithm was developed based on the concept of task sharing between the computer and the operator utilizing man-computer interface. Task sharing was performed based on the functional characteristics of human and computer. Identifying watermelon from the image transmitted from the cultivation site is very difficult because of the variable light condition and the complex image contents such as soil, mulching vinyl, straws on the ground, irregular leaves and stems. Utilizing operator's teaching through the touch screen mounted on the image monitor, the complex time consuming image processing process and instability of processing results in the watermelon identification has been avoided. Color and brightness characteristics were analyzed from the image area specified by the operator's teaching. Watermelon segmentation was performed using the brightness and color distribution of the specified imae processing area. Modified general Hough transform was developed to extract the shape, major and minor axes, and the position, of the watermelon. It took less than 100 msec of the image processing time, and was a lot faster than conventional approach. The proposed method showed the robustness and practicability in identifying watermelon from the wireless transmitted color image of the cultivation site.

Research on Characterizing Urban Color Analysis based on Tourists-Shared Photos and Machine Learning - Focused on Dali City, China - (관광객 공유한 사진 및 머신 러닝을 활용한 도시 색채 특성 분석 연구 - 중국 대리시를 대상으로 -)

  • Yin, Xiaoyan;Jung, Taeyeol
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.52 no.2
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    • pp.39-50
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    • 2024
  • Color is an essential visual element that has a significant impact on the formation of a city's image and people's perceptions. Quantitative analysis of color in urban environments is a complex process that has been difficult to implement in the past. However, with recent rapid advances in Machine Learning, it has become possible to analyze city colors using photos shared by tourists. This study selected Dali City, a popular tourist destination in China, as a case study. Photos of Dali City shared by tourists were collected, and a method to measure large-scale city colors was explored by combining machine learning techniques. Specifically, the DeepLabv3+ model was first applied to perform a semantic segmentation of tourist sharing photos based on the ADE20k dataset, thereby separating artificial elements in the photos. Next, the K-means clustering algorithm was used to extract colors from the artificial elements in Dali City, and an adjacency matrix was constructed to analyze the correlations between the dominant colors. The research results indicate that the main color of the artificial elements in Dali City has the highest percentage of orange-grey. Furthermore, gray tones are often used in combination with other colors. The results indicated that local ethnic and Buddhist cultures influence the color characteristics of artificial elements in Dali City. This research provides a new method of color analysis, and the results not only help Dali City to shape an urban color image that meets the expectations of tourists but also provide reference materials for future urban color planning in Dali City.

2D Virtual Color Hairstyler with Skinny Smudge Tool (스키니 스머지 툴을 이용한 2D 가상 컬러 헤어스타일러)

  • Kwak, Noyoon
    • Proceedings of the Korea Contents Association Conference
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    • 2009.05a
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    • pp.776-783
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    • 2009
  • This paper is related to a 2D virtual color hairstyler using skinny smudge tool. The smudge tool is the popular graphic tool embedded in Adobe Photoshop. The smudge tool is used to smear paint on your canvas. The effect is much like finger painting. You can use the smudge tool by clicking on the smudge icon and clicking on the canvas and while holding the mouse button down, dragging in the direction you want to smudge. A disadvantage of previous smudge tool is to also smear pixels in the undesired region according to generating the target image as blending all pixels in a diameter of the master. In this paper to reduce the disadvantage, the skinny smudge tool based on the image segmentation for a master shape is proposed. The proposed skinny smudge tool has the advantage of applying the smudge effect to the desired regions regardless of the background as the master shape adhered closely to the contour shape is extracted by color image segmentation.

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A Study on Fabric Color Mapping for 2D Virtual Wearing System (2D 가상 착의 시스템의 직물 컬러 매핑에 관한 연구)

  • Kwak, No-Yoon
    • Journal of Digital Contents Society
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.287-294
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    • 2006
  • Mass-customization is fast growing a segment of the apparel market. 2D Virtual wearing system is one of visual support tools that make possible to sell apparel before producing and reduce the time and costs related to product development and manufacturing in the world of apparel mass-customization. This paper is related to fabric color mapping method for 2D image-based virtual wearing system. In proposed method, clothing shape section of interest is segmented from a clothes model image using a region growing method, and then mapping a new fabric color selected by user into it based on its intensity difference map is processed. With the proposed method in 2D virtual wearing system, regardless of color or intensity of model clothes, it is possible to virtually change the fabric color with holding the illumination and shading properties of the selected clothing shape section, and also to quickly and easily simulate, compare, and select multiple fabric color combinations for individual styles or entire outfits.

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Satellite Building Segmentation using Deformable Convolution and Knowledge Distillation (변형 가능한 컨볼루션 네트워크와 지식증류 기반 위성 영상 빌딩 분할)

  • Choi, Keunhoon;Lee, Eungbean;Choi, Byungin;Lee, Tae-Young;Ahn, JongSik;Sohn, Kwanghoon
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.25 no.7
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    • pp.895-902
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    • 2022
  • Building segmentation using satellite imagery such as EO (Electro-Optical) and SAR (Synthetic-Aperture Radar) images are widely used due to their various uses. EO images have the advantage of having color information, and they are noise-free. In contrast, SAR images can identify the physical characteristics and geometrical information that the EO image cannot capture. This paper proposes a learning framework for efficient building segmentation that consists of a teacher-student-based privileged knowledge distillation and deformable convolution block. The teacher network utilizes EO and SAR images simultaneously to produce richer features and provide them to the student network, while the student network only uses EO images. To do this, we present objective functions that consist of Kullback-Leibler divergence loss and knowledge distillation loss. Furthermore, we introduce deformable convolution to avoid pixel-level noise and efficiently capture hard samples such as small and thin buildings at the global level. Experimental result shows that our method outperforms other methods and efficiently captures complex samples such as a small or narrow building. Moreover, Since our method can be applied to various methods.

Color Intensity Variation based Approach for Background Subtraction and Shadow Detection

  • Erdenebatkhaan, Turbat;Kim, Hyoung-Nyoun;Lee, Joong-Ho;Kim, Sung-Joon;Park, Ji-Hyung
    • 한국HCI학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2007.02a
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    • pp.298-301
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    • 2007
  • Computational speed plays key role in background subtraction and shadow detection, because those are only preprocessing steps of a moving object segmentation, tracking and activity recognition. A color intensity variation based approach fastly detect a moving object and extract shadow in a image sequences. The moving object is subtracted from background using meanmax, meanmin thresholds and shadow is detected by decrease limit and correspondence thresholds. The proposed approach relies on the ability to represent shadow cast impact by offline experiment dataset on sub grouped RGB color space.

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Image Dehazing Enhancement Algorithm Based on Mean Guided Filtering

  • Weimin Zhou
    • Journal of Information Processing Systems
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.417-426
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    • 2023
  • To improve the effect of image restoration and solve the image detail loss, an image dehazing enhancement algorithm based on mean guided filtering is proposed. The superpixel calculation method is used to pre-segment the original foggy image to obtain different sub-regions. The Ncut algorithm is used to segment the original image, and it outputs the segmented image until there is no more region merging in the image. By means of the mean-guided filtering method, the minimum value is selected as the value of the current pixel point in the local small block of the dark image, and the dark primary color image is obtained, and its transmittance is calculated to obtain the image edge detection result. According to the prior law of dark channel, a classic image dehazing enhancement model is established, and the model is combined with a median filter with low computational complexity to denoise the image in real time and maintain the jump of the mutation area to achieve image dehazing enhancement. The experimental results show that the image dehazing and enhancement effect of the proposed algorithm has obvious advantages, can retain a large amount of image detail information, and the values of information entropy, peak signal-to-noise ratio, and structural similarity are high. The research innovatively combines a variety of methods to achieve image dehazing and improve the quality effect. Through segmentation, filtering, denoising and other operations, the image quality is effectively improved, which provides an important reference for the improvement of image processing technology.