• Title/Summary/Keyword: Color Calibration

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Noninvasive Hematocrit Monitoring Based on Parameter-optimization of a LED Finger Probe

  • Yoon, Gil-Won;Jeon, Kye-Jin
    • Journal of the Optical Society of Korea
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.107-110
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    • 2005
  • An optical method of measuring hematocrit noninvasively is presented. An LED Light with multiple wavelengths was irradiated on fingernail and transmitted light from the finger was measured to predict hematocrit. A finger probe contained an LED array and detector. Our previous experience showed that prediction accuracy was sensitive to reliability of the finger probe hardware and we optimized the finger probe parameters such as the internal color, detector area and the emission area of a light source based on Design of Experiment. Using the optimized finger probe, we developed a hematocrit monitoring system and tested with 549 persons. For the calibration model with 368 persons, a regression coefficient of 0.74 and a standard deviation of 3.67 and the mean percent error of $8\%$ were obtained. Hematocrits for 181 persons were predicted. We achieved a mean percent error of $8.2\%$ where the regression coefficient was 0.68 and the standard deviation was 3.69.

Human Motion Measurement with One Color Camera (한 대의 칼라카메라를 이용한 인체 운동량 측정)

  • 안정호
    • Journal of Biomedical Engineering Research
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.41-47
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    • 2001
  • 본 연구는 한 대의 칼라 카메라와 광학장치를 이용하여 인체의 운동량을 측정하는 시스템에 관한 것이다. 광학을 이용하여 인체의 운동량을 측정하기 위해서는 일반적으로 두 대 이상의 카메라로부터 획득된 영상으로 측정물체에 대한 좌표를 구하는 입체화상법을 사용한다. 제시한 시스템은 서로 다른 색의 칼라필터와 거울을 통과한 두 개의 광경로를 빔스플리터로 중첩시켜서 한 대의 칼라카메라로 영상을 획득하여 분석하는 것으로, 한 대의 칼라카메라가 두 대의 단색 가상카메라 역할을 하는 것이다. 단색 가상카메라는 적색, 녹색과 청색의 세 가지로 본 실험에서는 적색의 밝기가 가장 낮아서 녹색과 청색 가상카메라를 사용하였다. 광학장치를 이용하여 칼라카메라로 획득된 적색, 녹색과 청색별로 8bit인 24bit 디지털영상에서 녹색과 청색 영상은 각각 녹색과 청색의 가상카메라로 획득한 영상이다. 이 영상들을 이진화하여 측정물체를 배경으로부터 분리하고, 이진영상에서 일정한 면적을 지닌 영역의 중심을 측정물체가 영상면에 투영된 좌표로 본다. 녹색과 청색 영상에서 동일한 측정물체에 대한 영상선을 구하고 이들의 교차점을 측정물체의 공간좌표로 하였다. 이 시스템을 이용하여 직립 및 신전자세에서 척추의 형상을 측정하였으며 향후 시스템의 추가적인 개발과 적응분야에 대하여도 살펴보았다.

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Motion Capture using both Human Structural Characteristic and Inverse Kinematics (인체의 구조적 특성과 역운동학을 이용한 모션 캡처)

  • Seo, Yung-Ho;Doo, Kyoung-Soo;Choi, Jong-Soo;Lee, Chil-Woo
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SP
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    • v.47 no.2
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    • pp.20-32
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    • 2010
  • Previous hardware devices to capture human motion have many limitations; expensive equipment, complexity of manipulation or constraints of human motion. In order to overcome these problems, real-time motion capture algorithms based on computer vision have been actively proposed. This paper presents an efficient analysis method of multiple view images for real-time motion capture. First, we detect the skin color regions of human being, and then correct the image coordinates of the regions by using camera calibration and epipolar geometry. Finally, we track the human body part and capture human motion using kalman filter. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm can estimate a precise position of the human body.

An Efficient Analysis Method of Multiple View Images for Motion Capture (모션 캡쳐를 위한 다시점 영상의 효율적인 분석법)

  • Seo, Yung-Ho;Park, You-Shin;Koo, Ddeo-Ol-Ra;Doo, Kyoung-Soo;Choi, Jong-Soo
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SP
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    • v.45 no.6
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    • pp.44-56
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    • 2008
  • Previous hardware devices to capture human motion have many limitations; expensive equipment, complexity of manipulation or constraints of human motion. In order to overcome these problems, real-time motion capture algorithms based on computer vision have been actively proposed. This paper presents an efficient analysis method of multiple view images for real-time motion capture. First, we detect the skin color regions of human being, and then correct the image coordinates of the regions by using camera calibration and epipolar geometry. Finally, we track the human body part and capture human motion using kalman filter. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm can estimate a precise position of the human body.

Development of the GOCI Radiometric Calibration S/W (정지궤도 해양위성(GOCI) 복사보정 S/W 개발)

  • Cho, Seong-Ick;Ahn, Yu-Hwan;Han, Hee-Jeong;Ryu, Joo-Hyung
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2009.03a
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    • pp.167-171
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    • 2009
  • 정지궤도에서는 세계 최초의 해양관측위성으로 개발된 정지궤도 해양위성(GOCI, Geostationary Ocean Color Imager)은 통신해양기상위성(COMS, Communication, Ocean and Meterological Satellite)의 탑재체로서 2009년말 발사 예정이다. 정지궤도 해양위성의 복사보정은 센서의 전기적 특성에 의한 잡음을 제거하기 위한 암흑전류 교정(Dark Current Correction)을 먼저 수행한 다음, 주운영지상국인 해양위성센터(KOSC, Korea Ocean Satellite Center)에서 수신된 위성의 원시자료의 Digital Number(DN)를 실제 해양원격탐사에서 이용하는 물리량인 복사휘도(Radiance, $W/m^2/{\mu}m/sr$)로 변환하는 복사보정을 수행한다. 정확도 높은 복사보정을 수행하기 위해서는 기준광원의 복사휘도와 센서의 물리적 특성을 정확하게 알아야 한다. 정지궤도 해양위성 궤도상 복사보정(on-orbit radiometric calibration)에서는 태양이 기준광원이기 때문에, 기준 태양복사모델(Thuillier 2004 Solar Irradiance Model)에서 지구-태양간 거리 변화(1년 주기)를 보정한 태양의 방사도 (Irradiance)를 이용하고, 태양입사각에 대한 태양광 확산기의 감쇄 특성 변화를 고려하여 센서에 입력되는 복사휘도를 계산한다. 센서의 물리적 특성으로 인한 복사보정의 오차를 줄이기 위해 우주방사선 및 우주먼지(space debris)로 인해 위성 운용기간 중 그 특성이 저하되는 태양광 확산기(solar Diffuser)의 특성변화를 모니터링하기 위한 DAMD(Diffuser Aging Monitoring Device)를 이용한다. 정지궤도 해양위성 주관운영기관인 한국해양연구원의 해양위성센터에서는 정지궤도 해양위성 복사보정을 수행하기 위한 S/W를 통신해양기상위성 자료처리시스템 개발사업의 일환으로 개발하였으며, 관련 성능 시험을 수행하고 있다.

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Determination of Color Value (L, a, b) in Green Tea Using Near-Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy (근적외 분광분석법을 이용한 녹차의 색도 분석)

  • Lee, Min-Seuk;Choung, Myoung-Gun
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    • v.53 no.spc
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    • pp.108-114
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    • 2008
  • Near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) is a rapid and accurate analytical method for determining the composition of agricultural products and feeds. The applicability of near infrared reflectance spectroscopic method was tested to determine the color value (L, a, b) of green tea. A total of 162 green tea calibration samples and 82 validation samples were used for NIRS equation development and validation, respectively. In the developed NIRS equation for analysis of the color value (L, a, b), the most accurate equation for L value was obtained at 2, 8, 6, 1 (2nd derivative, 8 nm gap, 6 points smoothing, and 1pointsecond smoothing), and for a, and b value were obtained at 1, 4, 4, 1 (1st derivative, 4 nm gap, 4points smoothing, and 1 point second smoothing) math treatment condition with SNVD (Standard Normal Variate and Detrend) scatter correction method and entire spectrum ($400{\sim}2,500\;nm$) by using MPLS (Modified Partial Least Squares) regression. Validation results of these NIRS equations showed very low bias (L: 0.005%, a: 0.003%, b: -0.013%) and standard error of prediction (SEP, L: 0.361%, a: 0.141%, b: 0.306%) as well as high coefficient of determination ($R^2$, L: 0.905, a: 0.986, b: 0.931). Therefore, these NIRS equations can be applicable and reliable for determination of color value (L, a, b) of green tea, and NIRS method could be used as a mass screening technique for breeding programs and quality control in the green tea industry.

Development of relative radiometric calibration system for in-situ measurement spectroradiometers (현장관측용 분광 광도계의 상대 검교정 시스템 개발)

  • Oh, Eunsong;Ahn, Ki-Beom;Kang, Hyukmo;Cho, Seong-Ick;Park, Young-Je
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.455-464
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    • 2014
  • After launching the Geostationary Ocean Color Imager (GOCI) on June 2010, field campaigns were performed routinely around Korean peninsula to collect in-situ data for calibration and validation. Key measurements in the campaigns are radiometric ones with field radiometers such as Analytical Spectral Devices FieldSpec3 or TriOS RAMSES. The field radiometers must be regularly calibrated. We, in the paper, introduce the optical laboratory built in KOSC and the relative calibration method for in-situ measurement spectroradiometer. The laboratory is equipped with a 20-inch integrating sphere (USS-2000S, LabSphere) in 98% uniformity, a reference spectrometer (MCPD9800, Photal) covering wavelengths from 360 nm to 1100 nm with 1.6 nm spectral resolution, and an optical table ($3600{\times}1500{\times}800mm^3$) having a flatness of ${\pm}0.1mm$. Under constant temperature and humidity maintainance in the room, the reference spectrometer and the in-situ measurement instrument are checked with the same light source in the same distance. From the test of FieldSpec3, we figured out a slight difference among in-situ instruments in blue band range, and also confirmed the sensor spectral performance was changed about 4.41% during 1 year. These results show that the regular calibrations are needed to maintain the field measurement accuracy and thus GOCI data reliability.

The Near-Infrared Imaging Spectroscopy to Visualize the Distribution of Sugar Content in the Flesh of a Melon

  • Tsuta, Mizuki;Sugiyama, Junichi;Sagara, Yasuyuki
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Near Infrared Spectroscopy Conference
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    • 2001.06a
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    • pp.1526-1526
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    • 2001
  • To improve the accuracy of sweetness sensor in automated sorting operations, it is necessary to clarify unevenness of the sugar content distribution within fruits. And it is expected that the technique to evaluate the content distribution in fruits contribute to the development of the near-infrared (NIR) imaging spectroscopy. Sugiyama (1999) had succeeded to visualize the distribution of the sugar content on the surface of a half-cut green fresh melon. However, this method cannot be applied to red flesh melons because it depends on information of the absorption band of chlorophyll (676 nm), which is affected by the color of the fresh. The objective of this study was to develop the universal visualization method depends on the absorption band of sugar, which can be applied to various kinds of melons and other fruits. The relationship between the sugar contents and absorption spectra of both green and red fresh melons were investigated by using a NIR spectrometer to determine the absorption band of sugar. The combination of 2$\^$nd/ derivative absorbances at 902 nm and 874 nm was highly correlated with the sugar contents. The wavelength of 902 nm is attributed to the absorption band of sugar. A cooled charge-coupled device (CCD) imaging camera which has 16 bit (65536 steps) A/D resolution was equipped with rotating band-pass filter wheel and used to capture the spectral absorption images of the flesh of a vertically half-cut red fresh melon. The advantage of the high A/D resolution in this research is that each pixel of the CCD is expected to function as a detector of the NIR spectrometer for quantitative analysis. Images at 846 nm, 874 nm, 902 nm and 930 nm were acquired using this CCD camera. Then the 2$\^$nd/ derivative absorbances at 902 nm and 874 nm at each pixel were calculated using these four images. On the other hand, parts of the same melon were extracted for capturing the images and squeezed for the measurement of sugar content. Then the calibration curve between the combination of 2$\^$nd/ derivative absorbances at 902 nm and 874 nm and sugar content was developed. The calibration method based on NIR spectroscopy techniques was applied to each pixel of the images to convert the 2$\^$nd/ derivative absorbances into the Brix sugar content. Mapping the sugar content value of each pixel with linear color scale, the distribution of the sugar content was visualized. As a result of the visualization, it was quantitatively confirmed that the Brix sugar contents are low at the near of the skin and become higher towards the seeds. This result suggests that the visualization technique by the NIR imaging spectroscopy could become a new useful method fer quality evaluation of melons.

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Stereo Vision Based 3D Input Device (스테레오 비전을 기반으로 한 3차원 입력 장치)

  • Yoon, Sang-Min;Kim, Ig-Jae;Ahn, Sang-Chul;Ko, Han-Seok;Kim, Hyoung-Gon
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SP
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    • v.39 no.4
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    • pp.429-441
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    • 2002
  • This paper concerns extracting 3D motion information from a 3D input device in real time focused to enabling effective human-computer interaction. In particular, we develop a novel algorithm for extracting 6 degrees-of-freedom motion information from a 3D input device by employing an epipolar geometry of stereo camera, color, motion, and structure information, free from requiring the aid of camera calibration object. To extract 3D motion, we first determine the epipolar geometry of stereo camera by computing the perspective projection matrix and perspective distortion matrix. We then incorporate the proposed Motion Adaptive Weighted Unmatched Pixel Count algorithm performing color transformation, unmatched pixel counting, discrete Kalman filtering, and principal component analysis. The extracted 3D motion information can be applied to controlling virtual objects or aiding the navigation device that controls the viewpoint of a user in virtual reality setting. Since the stereo vision-based 3D input device is wireless, it provides users with a means for more natural and efficient interface, thus effectively realizing a feeling of immersion.

The Spectrophotometric Determination of Reducing Sugar in the Tobacco Leaves by losing a Color Developing Reagent, Blue Tetrazolium Chloride. (발색시약 Blue Tetrazolium Chloride를 이용한 잎담배중 환원당의 비색법적 정량.)

  • Lee, Mun-Su;Kim, Sin-Il
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Tobacco Science
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.38-43
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    • 1980
  • The spectrophotometric determination oi reducing sugar in the tobacco leaves was carried out by employing blue tetrazolium chloride as a color developing reagent. The absorption maximum of formazan dye which is the product of the reaction between blue tetrazolium chloride and fructose was shown to be $530^{nm}$. In the fructose concentration range of 0.02mg/ml-0.14mg/ml the calibration curve was well coincided to the law of Beer-Lambert. In order to take a look at the accuracy and/or recovery rate of fructose determination, the standard fructose was added to the tobacco leaves and the concentration of this standard fructose was estimated. A tittle lower concentration of the standard fructose compared with the pure one in solution was observed. However, an excellent analytical recovery was revealed under the -2% of relative error limit. When we carried out the quantitative determination of this reducing sugar by the method of visual read-out (without using the spectrophotometer), the relative error was obtained to be $\pm$10%.

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