• Title/Summary/Keyword: College Selection

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In Vitro Selection of High Affinity DNA-Binding Protein Based on Plasmid Display Technology

  • Choi, Yoo-Seong;Joo, Hyun;Yoo, Young-Je
    • Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology
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    • v.15 no.5
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    • pp.1022-1027
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    • 2005
  • Based on plasmid display technology by the complexes of fusion protein and the encoding plasmid DNA, an in vitro selection method for high affinity DNA-binding protein was developed and experimentally demonstrated. The GAL4 DNA-binding domain (GAL4 DBD) was selected as a model DNA-binding protein, and enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) was used as an expression reporter for the selection of target proteins. Error prone PCR was conducted to construct a mutant library of the model. Based on the affinity decrease with increased salt concentration, mutants of GAL4 DBD having high affinity were selected from the mutant protein library of protein-encoding plasmid complex by this method. Two mutants of (Lys33Glu, Arg123Lys, Ile127Lys) and (Ser47Pro, Ser85Pro) having high affinity were obtained from the first generation mutants. This method can be used for rapid in vitro selection of high affinity DNA-binding proteins, and has high potential for the screening of high affinity DNA-binding proteins in a sequence-specific manner.

A Study on the Clothing Practices of Korean High School Students (남여 고등학생의 의생활실태에 관한 조사연구 -착용선택기준과 착용감을 중심으로-)

  • Park Woo Mi
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.75-84
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    • 1984
  • The main purpose of the study were to investigate a selection motive of clothing and the feeling of wearing of Korean high school students. The results were as follows ; 1. For underwear, the body appearance and the hygienical aspect were shown as important factors in a selection motive of clothing. And the property of matter and hygienical aspect were shown as important factors in the feeling of wearing. 2. For outwear, a functionality and the psychological aspect were shown as important factors in a selective motive of clothing. And a exeroise and the psychological aspect were shown as important factors in the feeling of wearing. 3. For skirt, the psychological aspect was shown as an important factor in a selection motive of clothing and the feeling of wearing. For pants, a functionality was shown as an important factor in a selection motive of clothing. 4. A exercise was shown as an important factor in the feeling of wearing with the silhouette of outwear. 5. The hygienical aspect was shown as an important factor in the demand of selection motive of clothing for comfort.

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A Study on the Application of GIS and AHP for the Optimization of Route Selection

  • Lee, Hyung-Seok;Yun, Hee-Cheon;Kang, Joon-Mook
    • Korean Journal of Geomatics
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.95-101
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    • 2001
  • In a route plan, the route selection is a complicated problem to consider the spatial distribution and influence through overall related data and objective analysis on the social, economic and technical condition. The developed system in this study was compared and estimated by deciding a practical section for its validity and efficiency. Using Geographic Information System (GIS), the various information required for route selections in database was constructed, the characteristics of subject area by executing three-dimensional terrain analysis was grasped effectively, and the control point through buffering, overlay and location operation was extracted. An optimum route was selected by calculating the sum of alternatives to the sub-criteria weight, and from this result, there is a difference between real route and proposed route according to the prioritization of decision criteria based on the importance. This research could be constructed and applied geospatial information to the reasonable route plan and an optimum route selection efficiently using GIS. Therefore, the applications are presented by applying Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to the decision-making of information needed in route selection.

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How Does the Food Quality Matter in Beef Specialized Store?

  • KIM, Dong-Ho
    • The Korean Journal of Food & Health Convergence
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    • v.7 no.5
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    • pp.9-16
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study aims to confirm the importance of customer selection attributes of beef restaurants. This study found a selection attributes for a beef specialty restaurant, and proved the hypothesis through empirical analysis. Along with the increase in income levels over the past decade, the restaurant industry has grown. In contemporary society, where quality of life is becoming more important, the restaurant industry has expanded the importance of service quality. In particular, for meat consumption, per capita beef consumption is expected to increase every year; the effect of the Korea-U.S. Free Trade Agreement is also expected to further increase the consumption of high-quality and high-priced U.S. beef. However, like the study of general restaurant-selection factors in restaurant management research, studies of beef restaurants and commercial studies considering consumers' selection attributes are scarce. This study verified the characteristics of consumer choice for restaurants specializing in beef, and how quality, price, restaurant atmosphere, and employee service impacted customer satisfaction. We suggest that beef restaurants should focus more on atmosphere and service in addition to food price and quality, which are the choice factors for restaurants in general. This study empirically verified the importance of selection attributes, providing theoretical and practical implications.

Estimation of the genetic parameters of 24- and 30-month carcass traits for sire selection

  • Kim, Dae Jung;Song, Hyung Jun;Lee, Seok Hyun;Lee, Jung Jae;Jin, Shil;Cho, Sang Rae;Kang, Sung Sik;Won, Jeong Il
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.48 no.3
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    • pp.527-534
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    • 2021
  • This study investigated the possibility of performing selection using 30-month carcass traits by estimating the genetic parameters of 24- and 30-month carcass traits. Data used in this study were the carcass traits of 13,151 heads slaughter at the age of 24 and 30 months. As a result of the study, the heritability of backfat thickness, carcass weight, eye muscle area and marbling score at 24 months of age were estimated to be 0.588, 0.354, 0.467 and 0.587, respectively. The heritability of backfat thickness, carcass weight, eye muscle area and marbling score at 30 months of age were estimated to be 0.498, 0.577, 0.505 and 0.530, respectively. The ranking correlation was 0.516 between the carcass selection indices of 24 and 30 months of age. By providing a 30-month selection index, it is possible to use semen suitable for farm profits, and more semen information can be provided to farms than previously. Furthermore, studies on a selection index based on 30-month carcass traits are needed to provide highly accurate information.

The Effect of Nursing Students' Major Selection Motivation on their Career Decision Making Self-efficacy and Major Satisfaction (간호대학생의 전공선택 동기가 진로결정 자기효능감과 전공만족도에 미치는 영향)

  • Heo, Eun-Ju;Kim, Eun-Jeong
    • Journal of Convergence for Information Technology
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    • v.11 no.12
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    • pp.59-69
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    • 2021
  • This study aimed to clarify the effects of nursing students' major selection motivation on their career decision making self-efficacy and major satisfaction. For the goal, the study made a questionnaire survey of 300 nursing students in their 3rd or 4th year of a college in J City. 285 sheets were finally analyzed using the SPSS 25 Program. The findings of this research are as follows. Concerning general characteristics, there's a significant difference in influence on the abovementioned self-efficacy between personality and school satisfaction. Major satisfaction significantly varied depending on school satisfaction. There were significantly positive correlations existed between major selection motivation, and major satisfaction. Either intrinsic or extrinsic motivation affected the foresaid self-efficacy and major satisfaction in a significant, positive way. Regarding the influence of factors of major satisfaction on those of major selection motivation, curriculum and perception satisfaction had significant effects on intrinsic motivation as well as extrinsic one, while relationship satisfaction had such effect only on intrinsic motivation. These findings suggest that strategies for raising nursing students' major selection motivation should be taken, resultantly improving their career decision making self-efficacy and major satisfaction.