• Title/Summary/Keyword: CoDisplay

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Low Hysteresis Organic Thin Film Transistors with Modified Photocrosslinkable Poly (4-vinylphenol)

  • Kim, Doo-Hyun;Kim, Hyoung-Jin;Kim, Byung-Uk;Kim, We-Yong;Kim, Ho-Jin;Hong, Mun-Pyo
    • 한국정보디스플레이학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2009.10a
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    • pp.563-565
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    • 2009
  • We introduce the new modification approaches of photocrosslinkable poly (4-vinylphenol) (PVP) for low hysteresis organic thin film transistors (OTFTs). The dielectric layers were composed of different PVP resin, low molecular melamine, and halogen free photo-initiator. The low hysteresis OTFT from one of the organic gate dielectrics has been realized. The electrical performance of low hysteresis OTFT with photocrosslinkable PVP exhibited a field-effect mobility of 0.2 cm2/Vs, a threshold voltage of - 0.04V, hysteresis of 0.4V.

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Well aligned carbon nanotubes grown on a large area Si substrate by thermal CVD

  • Lee, Cheol-Jin;Park, Jung-Hoon;Son, Kwon-Hee;Kim, Dae-Woon;Lee, Tae-Jae;Lyu, Seung-Chul;Kang, Seung-Youl;Lee, Jin-Ho;Park, Hyun-Ki;Lee, Chan-Jae;You, Jong-Hun
    • 한국정보디스플레이학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2000.01a
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    • pp.57-58
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    • 2000
  • we have grown vertically aligned carbon nanotubes on a large area of Co-Ni codeposited Si substrates by thermal chemical vapor deposition using $C_2H_2$ gas. The carbon nanotubes grown by the thermal chemical vapor deposition are multi-wall structure, and the wall suface of nanotubes is covered with defective carbons or carbonaceous particles. The carbon nanotubes range from 50 to 120 nm in diameter and about 130 ${\mu}m$ in length at $950\;^{\circ}C$. Steric hindrance between nanotubes at an initial stage of the growth forces nanotubes to align vertically. The turn-on voltage was about 0.8 $V/{\mu}m$ with a current density of 0.1 ${\mu}A/cm^2$ and emission current reveals the Fowler-Nordheim mode.

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Color Simulation to Demonstrate the Effects of the Filter Layer with $CoAl_2O_4$ on Inner Face of CRT Panel

  • Kim, Sang-Mun
    • Journal of Information Display
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.26-29
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    • 2005
  • Nanosize cobalt aluminate($CoAl_2O_4$) power was coated as filter layer for us to improve the color purity and contrast performances on the inner face of CRT panel. We simulated color properties by measuring the transmittance and thickness of the coated filter layer. Contrast performance could be improved and color gamut was also changed by the selective light absorption of filter layer at 580${\sim}$605 nm.

Response Characteristics for Low Voltage Liquid Crystal Display Employing a Constant Charge Model

  • Kim, Mi-Soon;Huh, Su-Jung;Suh, Duck-Jong;Ahn, Yi-Joon;Lee, Kyung-Jin;Ahn, Seon-Hong;Kim, Kyeong-Hyeon;Kim, Sang-Soo
    • 한국정보디스플레이학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2008.10a
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    • pp.228-230
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    • 2008
  • The response time characteristic of low voltage liquid crystals (LCs) is investigated and a new simulator for low voltage LCs is proposed. In order to enable low voltage operation, it is important to minimize Vth of LCs and variation of pixel voltage caused by dynamic capacitance operation of LC Display. Because dynamic capacitance variation is much larger for low voltage LC operation compared to that of conventional LC material, it is necessary to make a better model for dynamic capacitance operation. A proposed minimizing Vth of LCs and variation of pixel voltage study results through a new constant charge model improve response characteristics for low voltage LCs operation.

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A Dithering Algorithm for Full-Color (16,777,216-Color) Support in an LCD with 6-bit Driver ICs

  • Lee, Seung-Woo;Kim, Sang-Soo
    • 한국정보디스플레이학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2004.08a
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    • pp.389-392
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    • 2004
  • A new dithering algorithm, "Hi-FRC", to enable full (16,777,216) color display on LCD panel with 6-bit source D-IC's is presented. The conventional FRC can display only 16,194,277 colors. In addition, The LCD panel with Hi-FRC can meet the color grayscale linearity of TCO '03 because it can improve the color shift problem.

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Theoretical Study of d/p Margin

  • Oh, Jun-Sik;Lee, Han-Yong
    • 한국정보디스플레이학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2000.01a
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    • pp.193-194
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    • 2000
  • We have calculated the d/p boundary values in which the low twist defect and the stripe domain defect can occur with dielectric constants and elastic constants and compared them with experimental data using the compensation factors. We estimated d/p margin for $250^{\circ}$ twist angle without experimental data and investigated qualitatively the reasonability of the behavior.

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Strategic Behavioral Characteristics of Co-opetition in the Display Industry (디스플레이 산업에서의 협력-경쟁(co-opetition) 전략적 행동 특성)

  • Jung, Hyo-jung;Cho, Yong-rae
    • Journal of Korea Technology Innovation Society
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.576-606
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    • 2017
  • It is more salient in the high-tech industry to cooperate even among competitors in order to promptly respond to the changes in product architecture. In this sense, 'co-opetition,' which is the combination word between 'cooperation' and 'competition,' is the new business term in the strategic management and represents the two concepts "simultaneously co-exist." From this view, this study set up the research purposes as follows: 1) investigating the corporate managerial and technological behavioral characteristics in the co-opetition of the global display industry. 2) verifying the emerging factors during the co-opetition behavior hereafter. 3) suggesting the strategic direction focusing on the co-opetition behavioral characteristics. To this end, this study used co-word network analysis to understand the structure in context level of the co-opetition. In order to understand topics on each network, we clustered the keywords by community detection algorithm based on modularity and labeled the cluster name. The results show that there were increasing patterns of competition rather than cooperation. Especially, the litigations for mutual control against Korean firms much more severely occurred and increased as time passed by. Investigating these network structure in technological evolution perspective, there were already active cooperation and competition among firms in the early 2000s surrounding the issues of OLED-related technology developments. From the middle of the 2000s, firm behaviors have focused on the acceleration of the existing technologies and the development of futuristic display. In other words, there has been competition to take leadership of the innovation in the level of final products such as the TV and smartphone by applying the display panel products. This study will provide not only better understanding on the context of the display industry, but also the analytical framework for the direction of the predictable innovation through analyzing the managerial and technological factors. Also, the methods can support CTOs and practitioners in the technology planning who should consider those factors in the process of decision making related to the strategic technology management and product development.

Colour cathodoluminescence of display materials

  • Nazarov, Michael;Nazarova, Tatiana;Ivannikov, Petr;Saparin, Gennadii
    • 한국정보디스플레이학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2005.07b
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    • pp.1580-1583
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    • 2005
  • We report simple new techniques to express analysis of display materials. Colour Cathodoluminescence combined with scanning electron microscopy and spectroscopy is a powerful, non-destructive, high-resolution method for investigation luminescent materials. Some applications of this method to powder phosphors used in display are demonstrated.

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Spatial Optical Modulator (SOM);Samsung's Light Modulator for the Next Generation Laser Display

  • Yun, Sang-Kyeong;Song, Jong-Hyeong;Lee, Tae-Won;Yeo, In-Jae;Choi, Yoon-Joon;Lee, Yeong-Gyu;An, Seung-Do;Han, Kyu-Bum;Victor, Yurlov;Park, Heung-Woo;Park, Chang-Su;Kim, Hee-Yeoun;Yang, Jeong-Suong;Cheong, Jong-Pil;Ryu, Seung-Won;Oh, Kwan-Young;Yang, Haeng-Seok;Hong, Yoon-Shik;Hong, Seok-Kee;Yoon, Sang-Kee;Jang, Jae-Wook;Kyoung, Je-Hong;Lim, Ohk-Kun;Kim, Chun-Gi;Lapchuk, Anatoliy;Ihar, Shyshkin;Lee, Seung-Wan;Kim, Sun-Ki;Hwang, Young-Nam;Woo, Ki-Suk;Shin, Seung-Wan;Kang, Jung-Chul;Park, Dong-Hyun
    • 한국정보디스플레이학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2006.08a
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    • pp.551-555
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    • 2006
  • A new type of diffractive spatial optical modulators, named SOM, has been developed by Samsung Electro-Mechanics for projection display and other applications. A laser display in full HD format $(1920{\times}1080)$ was successfully demonstrated by using prototype projection engines having SOM devices, signal processing circuits, and projection optics.

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