• Title/Summary/Keyword: Clustering sampling

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논제 부정 Access에 대한 Firewall의 과제와 대책

  • 변성준;서정석;최원석
    • Proceedings of the Korea Database Society Conference
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    • 2000.11a
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    • pp.227-238
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    • 2000
  • Firewall은 다양한 부정Access의 방지책으로서 확실히 유효한 수단이지만 이 Firewall은 사용자로부터 지시된 설정을 충실히 실행하는 것으로 설정 오류, 소프트웨어의 정지, 허가된 룰을 악용한 침입 등 반드시 사용자가 바라는 작용을 무조건적 상태에서 보증해 주는 것은 아니다. 따라서 사용자는 도입 후 에도 운용시에 Access log를 감시하고 본래의 Security Policy에 반하는 행위를 매일 매일 체크하지 않으면 안될 상황에 처해 있다. 본 연구는 이러한 부정Access에 대한 이와 같은 Firewall의 현상에 대한 과제 중에서 "부정Access를 어떻게 하면 일찍, 정확히 체크할 수 있는가\ulcorner"라는 주제를 선택하여 Firewall의 한계와 그 대응책을 실제로 부정Access를 시험해 보는 것으로 검증하기로 하였다. 실험결과에서 (1)Port Scan이나 전자메일 폭탄(서비스정지공격)등은 Firewall로 방지하는 것은 불가능하거나 혹은 Checking이 곤란하다. (2)공격마다 로그 수집을 했음에도 관계없이 Firewall의 로그는 번잡하므로 단시간에 사태의 발견이 대단히 곤란하다고 하는 Firewall의 한계를 인식하였다. 그리고 그 대책으로서 우리는 체크 툴의 유효성에 착안하여 조사한 결과, 결국 무엇이 부정Access인가에 대해서는 어디까지나 이용하는 측이 판단하여 Firewall 상에 설정하지 않으면 안되지만 체크 툴은 이 부정Access 정보를 데이터베이스로서 갖고 있음으로써 '무엇이 부정Access인가'를 이용자 대신에 판단하고 툴에 따라서는 설정을 자동적으로 변경하여 부정 Access의 저지율을 향상시킨다. 이처럼 체크 툴은 Firewall의 수비능력을 보강하는 위치에 있다고 생각할 수 있다.다. 4 장에서는 3장에서 제기한 각각의 문제점에 대해 RAD 의 관점에 비추어 e-business 시스템의 단기개발을 실현하기 위한 고려사항이나 조건 해결책을 제안한다. 본 논문이 지금부터 e-business 를 시작하려고 하는 분, e-business 시스템의 개발을 시작하려고 하는 분께 단기간의 e-business 실현을 위한 하나의 지침이 된다면 다행이겠다.formable template is used to optimize the matching. Then, clustering the similar shapes by the distance between each centroid, papaya can be completely detected from the background.uage ("Association of research for algorithm of calculating machine (1992)"). As a result, conventional NN and CNN were available for interpolation of sampling data. Moreover, when nonlinear intensity is not so large under the field condition of small slope, interpolation performance of CNN was a little not so better than NN. However, when nonlinear intensity is large under the field condition of large slope, interpolation performance of CNN was relatively better than NN.콩과 자연 콩이 성분 분석에서 차이를

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Selection of An Initial Training Set for Active Learning Using Cluster-Based Sampling (능동적 학습을 위한 군집기반 초기훈련집합 선정)

  • 강재호;류광렬;권혁철
    • Journal of KIISE:Software and Applications
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    • v.31 no.7
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    • pp.859-868
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    • 2004
  • We propose a method of selecting initial training examples for active learning so that it can reach high accuracy faster with fewer further queries. Our method is based on the assumption that an active learner can reach higher performance when given an initial training set consisting of diverse and typical examples rather than similar and special ones. To obtain a good initial training set, we first cluster examples by using k-means clustering algorithm to find groups of similar examples. Then, a representative example, which is the closest example to the cluster's centroid, is selected from each cluster. After these representative examples are labeled by querying to the user for their categories, they can be used as initial training examples. We also suggest a method of using the centroids as initial training examples by labeling them with categories of corresponding representative examples. Experiments with various text data sets have shown that the active learner starting from the initial training set selected by our method reaches higher accuracy faster than that starting from randomly generated initial training set.

생명공학과 담배 및 다른 작물들의 응용 현황

  • 박성원
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Tobacco Science Conference
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    • 2001.05a
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    • pp.72-78
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    • 2001
  • 농업 유전공학 기술은 생산성 향상, 환경보전, 식품의 안정성 및 품질향상에 기여함은 물론 농업의 경쟁력을 높일 수 있는 유일한 대안으로 인식되고 있다. 전 세계적으로 유전자 재조합 작물의 경작지는 2000년 한해동안 지난해 같은 기간에 비해 11% 증가하였으며 이는 1996년 대비 25배 증가하였고, 선진국과 개발도상국은 각각 2%, 51% 1999년 대비 증가하였다. 1983년 유전자 재조합에 의한 식물의 형질전환이 성공한 뒤 종묘업계는 형질전환 종자개발과 보급에 열중하고 있으며 종자시장에 형질전화 품종이 차지하는 비율은 2000년 30억 달러에서 2010년이면 전체의 60%인 200억 달러에 이를 것으로 전망된다. 1995년 제초제 저항성 콩(라운드업레디콩)이 농가에 보급된 이후 2000년 형질전환품종 재배면적이 3990만 ha에 이르렀고 1997년 미국과 캐나다는 옥수수, 대두, 면화, 감자, 유채 등의 형질전환 품종 재배로 각각 3억1400만 달러, 5300만 달러를 벌어들였음. 형질전환 품종의 보급 증가속도는 소비자들의 GMO에 대한 거부반응으로 다소 주춤한 상태이다. 그러나 최근 종자회사들은 생태계 위해성 논란을 피해갈 수 있는 연구로 이러한 상황을 돌파하려 하고 있다. 우리나라에서도 유전자변형 생물체에 관한 법률이 제정되었으며 많은 대학과 연구소에서 형질전환 연구가 꾸준히 이루어지고 있고 최근 제초제 저항성 벼와 바이러스 저항성 감자가 개발돼 GMO 안정성 점검에 들어가 있고, 살충성 배추, 혈압강하 토마토, 지방산 강화 들깨, 병저항성 고추 등도 실험실과 포장에서 재배되고 있다. 이르면 4-5년 뒤 형질전환 작물들이 농가에 보급될 전망이다. 이처럼 체크 툴은 Firewall의 수비능력을 보강하는 위치에 있다고 생각할 수 있다.다. 4 장에서는 3장에서 제기한 각각의 문제점에 대해 RAD 의 관점에 비추어 e-business 시스템의 단기개발을 실현하기 위한 고려사항이나 조건 해결책을 제안한다. 본 논문이 지금부터 e-business 를 시작하려고 하는 분, e-business 시스템의 개발을 시작하려고 하는 분께 단기간의 e-business 실현을 위한 하나의 지침이 된다면 다행이겠다.formable template is used to optimize the matching. Then, clustering the similar shapes by the distance between each centroid, papaya can be completely detected from the background.uage ("Association of research for algorithm of calculating machine (1992)"). As a result, conventional NN and CNN were available for interpolation of sampling data. Moreover, when nonlinear intensity is not so large under the field condition of small slope, interpolation performance of CNN was a little not so better than NN. However, when nonlinear intensity is large under the field condition of

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The Effects of Pilates' Instructors Professionalism on Physical Self-perception and Psychological Happiness (필라테스지도자의 전문성이 신체적자기지각과 심리적행복감에 미치는 영향)

  • Seo, Soo-Jin
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.17 no.10
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    • pp.489-496
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study was to identify the effects of Pilates' expertise on physical self perception and psychological happiness among adults who participated in the Pilates movement for more than one year. From March 1, 2019 to May 30, 2019, a total of 262 Pilates participants in D and C cities were sampled using the Collective Clustering method. The STSS Ver20.0 statistics program was used to solve the research problem. The study found that first, there were no significant differences in physical self perception and that health had a negative effect on the body's emphasis on the body's neutral and that physical ability had a significant effect on Neutral emphasis on body and Member management. Second, the enjoyment of psychological happiness showed significant differences in An understanding of anatomical knowledge, instructors 'Attitudes, and membership management, while the confidence of psychological happiness showed significant differences in Neutral emphasis on body and Member management. This study shows that the Pilates leader's professionalism has a positive influence on participants and has contributed to presenting basic information regarding various variables.

Characterization of microbiota diversity of engorged ticks collected from dogs in China

  • Wang, Seongjin;Hua, Xiuguo;Cui, Li
    • Journal of Veterinary Science
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.37.1-37.14
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    • 2021
  • Background: Ticks are one of the most common external parasites in dogs, and are associated with the transmission of a number of major zoonoses, which result in serious harm to human health and even death. Also, the increasing number of pet dogs and pet owners in China has caused concern regarding human tick-borne illnesses. Accordingly, studies are needed to gain a complete understanding of the bacterial composition and diversity of the ticks that parasitize dogs. Objectives: To date, there have been relatively few reports on the analysis of the bacterial community structure and diversity in ticks that parasitize dogs. The objective of this study was to investigate the microbial composition and diversity of parasitic ticks of dogs, and assessed the effect of tick sex and geographical region on the bacterial composition in two tick genera collected from dogs in China. Methods: A total of 178 whole ticks were subjected to a 16S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) next generation sequencing analysis. The Illumina MiSeq platform targeting the V3-V4 region of the 16S rRNA gene was used to characterize the bacterial communities of the collected ticks. Sequence analysis and taxonomic assignment were performed using QIIME 2 and the GreenGene database, respectively. After clustering the sequences into taxonomic units, the sequences were quality-filtered and rarefied. Results: After pooling 24 tick samples, we identified a total of 2,081 operational taxonomic units, which were assigned to 23 phyla and 328 genera, revealing a diverse bacterial community profile. The high, moderate and low prevalent taxa include 46, 101, and 182 genera, respectively. Among them, dominant taxa include environmental bacterial genera, such as Psychrobacter and Burkholderia. Additionally, some known tick-associated endosymbionts were also detected, including Coxiella, Rickettsia, and Ricketssiella. Also, the potentially pathogenic genera Staphylococcus and Pseudomonas were detected in the tick pools. Moreover, our preliminary study found that the differences in microbial communities are more dependent on the sampling location than tick sex in the tick specimens collected from dogs. Conclusions: The findings of this study support the need for future research on the microbial population present in ticks collected from dogs in China.

Study on Characteristics of Chemical Properties and Microbial Flora of Organic Farming Soil in Korea (유기농 토양의 화학적 특성 및 미생물상 연구)

  • Park, Kwang-Lai;Suga, Yuko;Hong, Seung-Gil;Lee, Chorong;Ahn, Minsil;Kim, Seok-Cheol;Hashimoto, Tomoyoshi
    • Journal of the Korea Organic Resources Recycling Association
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.77-83
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    • 2016
  • The objectives of this study was to investigate the difference between organic-farming and conventional-farming soils relatives to soil chemical properties and microbial flora. Fifteen soil sampling sites were chosen from the certified organic upland farm, considered with its location, crop and application of organic compost types. Soil chemical properties were analyzed by standard methods established by National Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Rural Development Administration. For the soil chemical properties, the values of pH were ranged from 4.5 to 7.3. The values of electrical conductivity (EC) in the sampling sites were below 2 dS/m of convention cultivation soil. For analyzing the microbial flora, the bacillus(16S rDNA) and cladothricosis(18S rDNA) were analyzed by using PCR-DGGE (Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis) in the soil of 15 sampling sites. Cluster analysis of biodiversity index was performed by using pattern of DGGE. DGGE patterns and clustering analysis of bacterial DNA from soil extracts revealed that the bacterial community was differentiated between less than 5 years and more than 5 years depending on the cultivation history. But there was no consistent tendency between cultivation history and regional trend in the case of molds. Therefore, it would be very effective to analyze bacterial clusters of organically cultivated soils in long - term cultivated soil for more than 5 years.

Information Visualization Process for Spatial Big Data (공간빅데이터를 위한 정보 시각화 방법)

  • Seo, Yang Mo;Kim, Won Kyun
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.23 no.6
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    • pp.109-116
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    • 2015
  • In this study, define the concept of spatial big data and special feature of spatial big data, examine information visualization methodology for increase the insight into the data. Also presented problems and solutions in the visualization process. Spatial big data is defined as a result of quantitative expansion from spatial information and qualitative expansion from big data. Characteristics of spatial big data id defined as 6V (Volume, Variety, Velocity, Value, Veracity, Visualization), As the utilization and service aspects of spatial big data at issue, visualization of spatial big data has received attention for provide insight into the spatial big data to improve the data value. Methods of information visualization is organized in a variety of ways through Matthias, Ben, information design textbook, etc, but visualization of the spatial big data will go through the process of organizing data in the target because of the vast amounts of raw data, need to extract information from data for want delivered to user. The extracted information is used efficient visual representation of the characteristic, The large amounts of data representing visually can not provide accurate information to user, need to data reduction methods such as filtering, sampling, data binning, clustering.

Development of a Location Data Management System for Mass Moving Objects (대용량 이동 객체 위치 데이타 관리 시스템의 개발)

  • Kim, Dong-Oh;Ju, Sung-Wan;Jang, In-Sung;Han, Ki-Joon
    • Journal of Korea Spatial Information System Society
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    • v.7 no.1 s.13
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    • pp.63-76
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    • 2005
  • Recently, the wireless positioning techniques and mobile computing techniques were developed with rapidly to use location data of moving objects. Also, the demand for LBS(Location Based Services) which uses location data of moving objects is increasing rapidly. In order to support various LBS, a system that can store and retrieve location data of moving objects efficiently is required necessarily. The more the number of moving objects is numerous and the more periodical sampling of locations is frequent, the more location data of moving objects become very large. Hence the system should be able to efficiently manage mass location data, support various spatio-temporal queries for LBS, and solve the uncertainty problem of moving objects. Therefore, in this paper, we presented a hash technique, a clustering technique and a trajectory search technique to manage location data of moving objects efficiently And, we have developed a Mass Moving Object Location Data Management System, which is a disk-based system, that can store and retrieve location data of mass moving objects efficiently and support the query for spatio-temporal data and the past location data with uncertainty. By analying the performance of the Mass Moving Object Locations Management system and the SQL-Server, we can find that the performance of our system for storing and retrieving location data of moving objects was about 5% and 300% better than the SQL-Server, repectively.

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Seasonal fluctuations and changing characteristics of a temperate zone wetland bird community

  • Lee, Soo-Dong;Kang, Hyun-Kyung
    • Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.43 no.2
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    • pp.104-116
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    • 2019
  • Background: The composition of wild bird populations in temperate zones greatly varies depending on phenological changes rather than other environmental factors. Particularly, wild birds appearing in wetlands fluctuate greatly due to the crossover of species arriving for breeding during the summer and for wintering. Therefore, to understand the changes to species composition related to phenology, we conducted this basic analysis of populations to further the cause of the protection of wetland-dependent wild birds. Methods: It is wrong to simply divide a wild bird population investigation into seasons. This study identifies species composition and indicator species that change along with seasons. Wetlands to be surveyed are protected by natural monuments and wetland inventory and are in a state close to nature. In order to identify as many species as possible in wetlands, a survey was conducted in both shallow and deep wetlands. The water depth varied in these areas, ranging from 0.2 to 2.0 m, allowing for both dabbling and diving ducks to inhabit the area. Surveys were conducted using line-transect and distance sampling methods and were conducted at intervals of 2 weeks. The survey was conducted under the following three categories: the eco-tone and emergent zone, the submergent zone, and the water surface. The survey was conducted along a wetland boundary by observing wild birds. A PC-ord program was used for clustering, and the SAS program was used to analyze the changes in species composition. The data strongly indicates that day length is the main factor for seasonal migration periods, despite the fact that climate change and increasing temperatures are often discussed. Results and conclusions: The indicator species for determining seasons include migrant birds such as Ardea cinerea, Alcedo atthis, Anas penelope, and Poiceps ruficollis, as well as resident birds such as Streptopelia orientalis and Emberiza elegans. Importantly, increases in local individual counts of these species may also serve as indicators. The survey results of seasonal fluctuations in temperate zones shows that spring (April to June), summer (July to September), autumn (October), and winter (November to March) are clearly distinguishable, even though spring and summer seasons tend to overlap, leading to the conclusion that additional research could more clearly identify fluctuation patterns in species composition and abundance in the study area.

Community Structure of Macrobenthos around Kadugdo, a South Coast of Korea (가덕도 주변해역 대형저서동물군집 구조의 특성)

  • YUN Sung Gyu;PAIK Sang Gyu
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.34 no.5
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    • pp.493-501
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    • 2001
  • A study on the community structure of macrobenthos was accomplished around Kadugdo, a south coast of Korea. Sampling was performed bimonthly using a Smith-McIntyre grab ($0.05 m^2$) at ten stations from January to November, 1998. A total of 260 species was sampled with mean density of $1,729 ind./m^2$and biomass of $154.7 gwwt./m^2$during the study periods. Of these species, there were 96 species of arthropods ($37.0\%$), 89 species of annelids ($34.2\%$), 45 species of molluscs ($17.3\%$) and 30 species of others ($11.5\%$). Annelids were density-dominant faunal group with a mean density of $1,263 ind./m^2$which occupied $73.0\%$ of the total individual of benthic animals. Molluscs were represented as biomass-dominant faunal group with a mean biomass of $99.5 gwwt./m^2$ ($64.3\%$ of total biomass). The density-dominant species were a bivalvia Theora fragilis ($194 ind./m^2$) and five species of polychaetes, Lumbrineris longifolia ($177 ind./m^2$), Chaetozone setosa ($150 ind./m^2$), Sternaspis scutata ($116 ind./m^2$), Sigambra tentaculata ($106 ind./m^2$) and Hemipodus yenourensis ($94 ind./m^2$). And major biomass-dominant species was a bivalvia Ruditapes philippinarum ($45.6 gwwt./m^2$). Clustering analysis showed that the study area could be divided into two station groups and three stations: southwestern part of Kadugdo effected on Chinhae Bay, fisheries farming area and eastern part of Kadugdo effected on Nakdong River estuary.

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