• 제목/요약/키워드: Clothing lifestyle

검색결과 253건 처리시간 0.025초

의복 추구혜택에 따른 소비자 유형별 천연 염색 의류제품의 소비행동에 관한 연구 (The Purchasing Behavior of Natural Dyed Apparel Products According to Clothing Benefits Sought)

  • 남미우;정재만
    • 대한가정학회지
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    • 제45권7호
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    • pp.105-117
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    • 2007
  • The purposes of this study were 1) to classify adult consumers according to their desired clothing benefits on natural-dyed clothes, 2) to identify the differences of life-style among the classified groups, and 3) to determine the interest in Korean traditional culture, interest in dyeing, and demographics among the groups. The survey subjects were 283 adults. The data were analyzed utilizing factor analysis, cluster analysis, $x^2$-test, one-way ANOVA, Duncan test and multiple regression analysis. Based on the 6 dimensions of clothing benefits that were identified by factor analysis, adult consumers were classified into three clusters: eco-friendly oriented group showing the highest scores in environment conservation and comfort in clothing benefits, individuality-oriented group showing the highest scores in individuality and quality, and indifference group showing lower scores in all of the desired clothing benefits. The eco-friendly group showed the highest scores in attitude toward Korean traditional culture, and tended to have the most interest in natural and traditional methods of dyeing. The group members appeared to have passive life-styles, be older and married, and have a higher income than the other groups. The more positive attitude they had in Korean traditional culture, the higher was the purchase intention shown in the eco-friendly group. The individuality-oriented group showed active life-styles. This group tended to be younger than the other group. The more affirmative attitude in Korean traditional culture and the greater interest in the natural dyeing, the higher was the consumers' purchase intention of natural dyeing apparels. The indifference group tended to be younger, unmarried, and have a lower income. This group was not interested in natural dyeing apparels. The study findings demonstrated that consumers with different clothing benefits sought have different buying patterns on natural dyeing apparels. Finally the marketing implications are discussed.

초상화 복식을 중심으로 본 퀸 엘리자베스 1세의 영화 의상에 관한 연구 (A Study of Queen Elizabeth I's Cinema Costumes Viewed from Her Portrait)

  • 성광숙
    • 복식
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    • 제62권8호
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    • pp.55-70
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    • 2012
  • In 16th century, during renaissance time, Britain's queen Elizabeth I, as a means to express her authority, had an exaggerated clothing styles and was the fashion leader of the time. Thus, through a media of Cinema, tried to find out the characteristics and different aspects of the history of clothing styles, of how they changed, ascertained, restored, and reappeared in the modern time. The research was based on the consideration of Elizabeth I's 33 portraits and her clothing styles; and the research is also from analysing the movies from 1937 to 2007, a total of 9 Cinema and 102 clothes. Movie costumes' most important mission is representing the cinema's timely and spatial background. Thus, it is inevitable that ascertaining and restoring Elizabeth I's portrait should be done. However, the movie costume has to show her dramatic lifestyle, dignity, absolute authority, and other visual images. In addition, the costume has to contribute in making artistic effect and thus the creativity of a designer to satisfy all these needs should be added. Based on the findings from the research, the characteristics of Elizabeth I's Cinema costume are first, ascertaining and restoring portraits, second, mixture of silhouette and detail depending on time period, third, partial change on clothing style design, fourth, emphasis of ruff collar, fifth, magnification colors, sixth, avoiding excessive swelling and decoration, and applying modern style on Protective costume. Thus, based on the research, creative design in Cinema clothing, plays an important part in the history of clothing design. I hope this research could work as a foundation reference for clothing design's history.

윤리적 소비의식 및 라이프 스타일이 지속가능패션 제품의 소비에 미치는 영향 (Effects of Consumer's Ethical Consumption Consciousness and Lifestyle on Sustainable Fashion)

  • 정미실
    • 한국의류산업학회지
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    • 제19권4호
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    • pp.421-433
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of consumer's ethical consumption consciousness and lifestyle on sustainable fashion. The data was analyzed by reliability analysis, factor analysis, cluster analysis, one-way ANOVA, Duncan's multiple range test, and multiple regression. The major results of this study were as follows. First, three factors of sustainable fashion were identified: eco-friendliness, recycling, and safety. Second, three factors of ethical consumption consciousness were identified: social ethics, environmental ethics, and public ethics. Based on these factors, the subjects were categorized into three clusters (high, middle, and low ethical consumption consciousness group). Third, four factors of life style were identified: pursuit of brand, appearance, cautiousness, and information. Based on these four factors, the subjects were categorized into three clusters (brand/appearance, cautiousness/information, and unconcerned group). Fourth, three factors of ethical consumption consciousness significantly influenced eco-friendliness factor of sustainable fashion. Also, the recycling factor of sustainable fashion was influenced by social ethics, environmental ethics, pursuit of brand, and pursuit of information. The safety factor of sustainable fashion was influenced by environmental ethics, public ethics, and pursuit of information. The results of this study suggest that practical and various environmental education need to be provided to consumers, because high environmental ethical consciousness consumers evaluated sustainable fashion positively. Additionally, accurate information on eco-friendliness, recycling, and safety of clothing products would need to be provided by fashion businesses through various routes, because those with information-pursuing lifestyle were found to have deep interests in sustainable fashion.

현대패션에 나타난 다원주의적 표현성 (A Study on Expression of Pluralism in Contemporary Fashion)

  • 김지연;이경희
    • 한국의류산업학회지
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    • 제6권1호
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    • pp.9-16
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    • 2004
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze expression of pluralism in contemporary fashion. This study has three parts. They are to understand the concept of pluralism, to find the fashion environments of pluralism in terms of politics, economics, sociality, culture, science, and art, and to analyze expression of pluralism in contemporary fashion. The concept of pluralism in contemporary fashion is the diversity and compounds of fashion images. The environments of pluralism in contemporary fashion are multinational economic system, virtual world of internet. mass-culture and postmodern art. And expression of pluralism in contemporary fashion is analyzed into publicity. Publicity is expressed by using things of common lifestyle and the past that people used to and are well-known. Horizontality is expressed by coordination of male-female facts and property-poorness without high or low concept. Multi-nation is expressed by mixing various kind of national characteristics and Virtuality is expressed by layering and collaging complex facts that are not connected each other.

Framing Trend and Style Information in Magazine

  • Kwon, Yoo Jin
    • 한국의류학회지
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    • 제37권4호
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    • pp.491-505
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    • 2013
  • This study applies framing theory to the presentation of trend or styling information in fashion journalism. A qualitative content analysis was conducted with three lifestyle magazines. The findings include attribute, attitude, and source-based frames. The attribute-based frame was used to increase the versatility and feasibility of design by emphasizing particular attributes of clothes. To increase versatility, an item could be presented either as a basic or trendy design. To increase feasibility, fashion information could be customized by price points (i.e., affordable frame) or body type (i.e., flattering frame). The attitude-based frame includes prescriptive and rule-breaking frames. The source-based frame offers a source of trend or styling information. Expert, celebrity, and consumer frame emerged under the source-based frame. Findings reveal how fashion and style information is defined and crafted.

A Cross Cultural Study of Antecedents of Purchase Intention for Sports Shoes in Korea and China

  • Ko, Eun-Ju;Kim, Kyung-Hoon;Zhang, Hao
    • 마케팅과학연구
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    • 제18권1호
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    • pp.157-177
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    • 2008
  • Sportswear, including sports shoes, becomes a common and popular category because it gives young people a more relax lifestyle and greater versatility and comfort. It is believed that consumers prefer products of developed countries to products of developing or underdeveloped countries. This study tries to compare consumer behaviors for sports shoes in China and Korea. Our research model analyzed relationships among country-of-origin, perceived quality, perceived price, brand image and purchase intention for sports shoes in Korea and China. The country-of-origin was not found to play a significant role in Korea. But it was found to positively influence perceived quality in China. Brand image was found to play an important role in influencing perceived quality and perceived price in Korea and China. Perceived quality was found to influence positively purchase intention in both countries. Perceived price was found to negatively influence purchase intention in China. Implications drawn from this study were discussed.

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중년층 여성의 라이프스타일에 따른 의복구매행동에 관한 연구 (Middle Aged Women's Buying Behavior According to their Lifestyles)

  • 최경아;고미경;정성지
    • 한국의류학회지
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    • 제35권4호
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    • pp.385-395
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    • 2011
  • This study investigates the buying behavior of apparel by middle aged women according to lifestyles. Questionnaires were distributed to 300 women who lived in the Seoul area and between 40 to 65 years of age. A sample of 248 women responded. To analyze the data, Factor Analysis, Cluster Analysis, Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and a Duncan test were used. As a result, the respondents were clustered into 4 different groups according to lifestyles. The groups included practical oriented group, economic oriented and practical group, active oriented and appearance group, and economic group. Their buying behavior was as follows. First, the active oriented and appearance group shopped at department stores and specialty stores; however, the economic oriented and practical group shopped at discount stores more often than other groups. The practical group shopped more frequently using TV home shopping networks, discount stores, and outlet stores, the economic group shopped at off-price stores, discount stores, and online more than the other groups. Second, the active oriented and appearance group bought classic suits and semi-classic suits, imported brand and/or designer brand apparel more often than other groups. Third, the active oriented and appearance group perceived another person's appearance, advertisement, and shop display as a more important information source than other groups. Forth, the active oriented and appearance group considered design & style, harmony with self-image, brand name, color, and coordination with other clothing as more important selection factors for clothing than other groups. The economic groups considered coordination with other clothing; however, the economic oriented and practical group cited ease of care as more important factors.

유아복(乳兒服) 구매비(購買費)에 따른 유아복(乳兒服) 구매자(購買者)의 의복(衣服)에 대(對)한 가치관(價値觀), 라이프스타일 및 구매실태(購買實態) (Clothing Values, Lifestyles, and Purchasing Situations of Purchaser groups classified by Purchasing Price for preschool children's Wear)

  • 신혜원;하오선;이정욱;김희라;김태인
    • 패션비즈니스
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    • 제9권4호
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    • pp.113-126
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    • 2005
  • The purposes of this study were to classify purchaser into three groups by purchasing price for preschool children's wear and to identify the differences of clothing values, lifestyles, considerations in purchasing preschool children's wears, and purchasing places among the classified three groups. One hundred forty people living in Seoul with children aging between 3 and 7 were surveyed for this study. Cluster analysis, frequency analysis, chi-square analysis, ANOVA, and scheffe test were used to analyze the data. The findings of this study were as follows; 1) Purchaser were classified into three groups, namely the group of high purchasing price(HP), the group of medium purchasing price(MP), and the low purchasing price(LP). The HP had more monthly average income than the LP. 2) The HP showed high concerns in aesthetic and social clothing values, the MP considered social clothing value more important, while the LP showed high concern in economic clothing value. 3) Regarding the differences in lifestyles, the HP was more fashion-oriented and leisure-oriented, the MP was fashion-oriented, while the LP was economy-oriented. 4) When purchasing preschool children's wear, the HP showed high concerns in design and brand, the MP in activity, laundry-and-care, and brand, and the LP in activity, laundry-and-care, and price. The HP mainly purchased preschool children's wears in department store and imported goods store, the MP in department store, traditional market, and discount store, and the LP in discount store.

아웃도어 의류제품의 추구혜택에 따른 세분화에 관한 연구 - 중·고등학생 소비자를 중심으로 - (A Study on Outdoor Apparel Market Segmentation by Benefits Sought - Focused on Middle School & High School Students -)

  • 안현진;이진화
    • 한국생활과학회지
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    • 제22권6호
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    • pp.659-672
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    • 2013
  • Nowadays, sports and outdoor market has been popular and expanding since the implementation of the five-day workweek and change of lifestyle. Outdoor clothing considered exclusive property of the middle-aged individuals in the past. Recently there is a drift towards having outdoor looking at the age of 10-20. The purpose of this study was to analyze the features of purchasing behaviors and demographics by each groups targeting middle school and high school students. The study was conducted with questionnaires towards people who live in the city of Busan and who have experiences of buying outdoor clothing. Data analysis was conducted via SPSS 18.0 with factor analysis, cluster analysis, ANOVA, cross tabulation, frequency analysis and Duncan's multiple range test. The results showed that there were five factors sought for outdoor wear benefits: Individuality/Fashion, Brand, Attractive appearance, Economic value, Comfort/Functional. Cluster analysis showed that there were four groups of outdoor wear benefits sought. Overall, the four groups were different in regard to purchasing behaviors and demographics. Based upon the results mentioned above, this study summarizes the key features of each group and can provide applicable suggestion for conducting strategic marketing activities.

패션제품의 충동구매행동에 관한 구조방정식 모델분석 (Analysis of Structural Equation Model on Impulse Buying Behavior for Fashion Products)

  • 박은주
    • 한국의류학회지
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    • 제29권9_10호
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    • pp.1306-1315
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    • 2005
  • Impulse buying has been considered a pervasive and distinctive phenomenon in the modern lifestyle and has been receiving increasing attention from consumer researchers and theorists. In the modern marketplace, spontaneous urges to buy and consume often compete with the practical necessity to delay the immediate gratification that purchasing provides. The purpose of this study is to conceptualize and test the framework of impulse buying behavior for fashion products using structural equation model. Data were obtained from 413 students attending universities during schedules classes in Busan. Analysis of the data, utilizing AMOS 4.1, supported most of the predictions. The results showed that situational variable(time available) and individual variable(fashion involvement) have direct effects on consumers' shopping emotions, including positive and negative emotion. Positive emotions had effects on all types of impulse buying(planned impulse buying, reminded impulse buying, and fashion-oriented impulse buying), while negative emotion affected two types of impulse buying(reminded impulse buying and fashion-oriented impulse buying). These emotional experiences influence impulse buying behaviors for fashion products serving as critical mediators. The findings suggest that time available and fashion involvement are good predictors mediated by shopping emotion to impulse buying behavior for fashion products. The implications of this research for future work on the shopping emotion and impulse buying behavior are discussed.