• 제목/요약/키워드: Cleaning Robot

검색결과 184건 처리시간 0.038초

Triangular Cell Map Based Complete Coverage Navigation Method for Cleaning Robot

  • Oh, Joon-Seop;Park, Jin-Bae;Park, Yoon-Ho
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 제어로봇시스템학회 2001년도 ICCAS
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    • pp.129.3-129
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    • 2001
  • In this paper, a novel navigation method is presented for the cleaning robot in the unknown workspace. In order to do this, we propose a new map representation method and a complete coverage navigation method. First, we discuss a triangular cell map representation which makes the cleaning robot navigate with shorter path and increased flexibility than a rectangular cell map representation. Then we proposed a complete coverage navigation and map construction method which the cleaning robot can navigate the complete workspace although it has perfectly no information about environment. Finally, we evaluate the performance of our proposed triangular cell map comparing to that of the rectangular cell map via the existing ...

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Path-Planning for Cleaning Robot Using a Wall Tracing

  • kwang sik Jung;No, Yong-Jun;Lim, Young-Cheol;Ryoo, Young-Jae
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 제어로봇시스템학회 2002년도 ICCAS
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    • pp.108.1-108
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    • 2002
  • This paper is willing to propose a method of wall tracing, a moving algorithm between two points, when a Cleaning robot between two points moves. We use the information about obstacles and wall side in calculating different weight vector the each infrared sensors in cleaning robot. Therefore the cleaning robot navigates the wall. In the algorithm of wall tracing, the value of error in angle and distance between starting point and ending point should be zero to navigate the wall safely. The propriety of algorithm of the wall tracing is simulated as this method by using Visual C++. The result simulated proved to the simulation.

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가이드레일부착형 창문청소 장치의 동작 메카니즘 개발 (Development of Motion Mechanism for Guiderail Mounting Type Window Cleaning Device)

  • 김균태;전영훈
    • 한국건축시공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국건축시공학회 2016년도 춘계 학술논문 발표대회
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    • pp.255-256
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    • 2016
  • In order to overcome the limitation of conventional cleaning method by workers, variety attempts to develop a window cleaning apparatus has been tried. However, the existing cleaning devices were lack of consideration for avoiding projection parts of the window such as frames or profiles. In this study, operating mechanism of cleaning tool for avoiding the projections parts using a two-axis robot is proposed. Proposed mechanism is that a wiper are reposed in a relatively stationary in the vicinity of the projection and avoided the projection in this state. It is expected that the mechanism is the base of driving cleaning tool part in the new window cleaning apparatus.

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주행조건 식별을 이용한 로봇청소기의 진행각 추정을 위한 향상된 필터설계 (Improved Yaw-angle Estimation Filter as a Function of the Actual Maneuvers for a Cleaning Robot)

  • 조윤희;이상철;홍성경
    • 제어로봇시스템학회논문지
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    • 제22권6호
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    • pp.470-476
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    • 2016
  • This paper proposes a practical algorithm for the reduction of measurement errors due to drift in a micro-electromechanical system (MEMS) gyros that are used for a mobile robot. Any drift in a MEMS gyro will cause an unbounded growth of errors in the estimation of heading, which makes it nearly useless in applications that require high accuracy over a long operating time. In proposed method, maneuvers of a cleaning robot are observed through encoders' measurement process and a decision to correct bias drift will be made if necessary. The method used in this paper is called the "heading estimation filter". To evaluate the accuracy of the proposed method, a comparison was made between the estimation of the heading of the cleaning robot and one from a motion capture system.

고층건물 외벽 유지보수 건설로봇 시스템 개발을 위한 청소공정 작업절차 분석 (Facade Cleaning Process Analysis For Construction Robot System Design of High-rise Building External wall Maintenance)

  • 김대건;김복규
    • 한국건축시공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국건축시공학회 2011년도 춘계 학술논문 발표대회 2부
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    • pp.77-79
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    • 2011
  • As residents and building owners demand maintenance that is required to achieve sustainable building performance, efficient building management methods are required. Even though the demand for maintenance systems is increasing, current maintenance work for high-rise buildings mostly uses conventional ropes and gondolas that pose a high risk of accidents and exhibit poor performance and efficiency. Thus, there is an urgent need to develop an automation robot system that can reduce accidents and improve the maintenance efficiency of the conventional high-rise building façade maintenance system. As a preceding work for the development of an automation robot system, this study classified and analyzed the work processes of actual construction sites and proposed basic techniques for the work mechanisms of the robot system by investigating the motions of cleaning workers.

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외벽청소로봇(ROPE RIDE)의 등강 로봇 플랫폼을 위한 로프 모델링 및 검증 (Rope Modeling and Verification for the Robotic Platform of the Wall Cleaning Robot (ROPE RIDE))

  • 유성근;김태균;서명재;김화수;서태원
    • 로봇학회논문지
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    • 제14권3호
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    • pp.191-195
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    • 2019
  • This paper presents a rope modeling and verification for the robotic platform of the wall cleaning robot (ROPE RIDE). ROPE RIDE has the characteristics of climbing up and down using a rope fixed on the roof like traditional workers. In order to perform a stable operation with a wall cleaning robot, it is necessary to estimate the position of the robot in a vertical direction. However, due to the high coefficient of extension and nonlinearity of the climbing rope, it is difficult to predict the behavior of the rope. Thus, in this paper, the mathematical modeling of the rope was carried out through the preliminary experiment. Extensive experiments using different types of rope were used to determine the parameters of the constitutive equation of climbing ropes. The validity of the determined parameters of various ropes was verified through the experiment results.

345kV 송전선로 활선 현수애자련 청소로봇 시스템의 개발 및 적용 (Development of Cleaning Robot System for Live-line Suspension Insulator Strings in 345kV Power Lines and Its Application)

  • 박준영;조병학;변승현;이재경;박두용
    • 대한전기학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 대한전기학회 2007년도 제38회 하계학술대회
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    • pp.1769-1770
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    • 2007
  • To prevent an insulator failure, an automatic cleaning robot was developed for suspension insulator strings. The robot autonomously moves along the insulator string using the clamps installed on its two moving frames, and adopts a dry cleaning method using rotating brushes and a circular motion guide. In addition, a mechanized brush bristles and a voltage-balancing contactor are devised to increase cleaning efficiency and to prevent arc generation under live-line conditions, respectively. Moreover, a manual tool for its installation and removal is presented. We confirmed its effectiveness through experiments.

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개인용 로봇을 위한 학습능력 평가기준 및 청소로봇에 대한 적용 사례 (The Evaluation Criteria of Learning Abilities for Personal Robots and It's Application to a Cleaning Robot)

  • 김용준;김진오;이건영
    • 대한전기학회논문지:시스템및제어부문D
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    • 제54권5호
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    • pp.300-306
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    • 2005
  • In this paper we present a guideline to evaluate how easy the use of personal robots is and how good their learning abilities are, based on the analysis of their built-in commands, user interfaces, and intelligences. Recently, we are living with robots that can be able to do lots of roles; cleaning, security, pets and education in real life. They can be classified as home robots, guide robots, service robots, robot pets, and so on. There we, however, no standards to evaluate their abilities, so it is not easy to select an appropriate robot when a user wants to buy it. Thus, we present, as a guideline that can be a standard for the evaluation of the personal robots, the standards by means of analyzing existing personal robots and results of the recent research works. We will, also, demonstrate how to apply the evaluation method to the cleaning robot as an example.

어안렌즈와 천장의 위치인식 마크를 활용한 청소로봇의 자기 위치 인식 기술 (Location Identification Using an Fisheye Lens and Landmarks Placed on Ceiling in a Cleaning Robot)

  • 강태구;이재현;정광오;조덕연;임충혁;김동환
    • 제어로봇시스템학회논문지
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    • 제15권10호
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    • pp.1021-1028
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    • 2009
  • In this paper, a location identification for a cleaning robot using a camera shooting forward a room ceiling which kas three point landmarks is introduced. These three points are made from a laser source which is placed on an auto charger. A fisheye lens covering almost 150 degrees is utilized and the image is transformed to a camera image grabber. The widly shot image has an inevitable distortion even if wide range is coverd. This distortion is flatten using an image warping scheme. Several vision processing techniques such as an intersection extraction erosion, and curve fitting are employed. Next, three point marks are identified and their correspondence is investigated. Through this image processing and image distortion adjustment, a robot location in a wide geometrical coverage is identified.

송전선로 활선 애자 청소 및 점검용 로봇 기구부의 개발 (Development of Robot Mechanism for Cleaning and Inspection of Live Line Insulator)

  • 박준영;조병학;변승현
    • 대한전기학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 대한전기학회 2005년도 학술대회 논문집 정보 및 제어부문
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    • pp.421-423
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    • 2005
  • Power transmission lines have been playing a key role as the mainstay of national industry. When a power failure occurs, it can have severe effects on national security as well as national industry and economy. In this paper, we consider an insulator failure, which is one of the main causes of such a power failure. In spite of its importance, however, a shortage of manpower in the insulator maintenance field is getting more serious due to working environments with a high voltage and a high place. For this reason, a new active maintenance technique using a robot system is required to prevent such an insulator failure. In this paper, a new robot mechanism for insulator cleaning and inspection was developed. We confirmed its effectiveness through experiments.

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