• 제목/요약/키워드: Classifying characteristics

검색결과 663건 처리시간 0.024초

습지 유형 분류 체계별 습지 분류 특성 -두만강과 한강을 사례로- (Wetlands Classifying Characteristics by Wetland Classifying Systems - Cases on the Tu-men River and Han River -)

  • 주위홍;구본학
    • 한국환경복원기술학회지
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    • 제9권6호
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    • pp.152-161
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    • 2006
  • This study is the primary study for analyzing the classifying characteristics of river wetlands in Korea and China. It is the first step for constructing the wetlands inventories and establishing the wetland conservation strategies in North-Eastern Asia. The case study sites are Han-river which is the representative river of Korea and Tu-men river which is flowing on the borderline of 3 nations, China, North Korea and Russia. The results are as follows : 1. The types of wetlands of Han-river in Korea and Tumen-river in China were classified by the methods of Koo(2002) which is focused on the topography and hydrology and Zhu(2002) which is emphasized the vegetation and habitats. 2. There are three features which are hydrology, topography and soil cover, and vegetation to classify the wetlands into each types. 3. According to the two wetland types by Koo and Zhu, classification system, wetlands in the case study area(Han river and Duman river) were classified by types. 4. In Koo's classifying system(2002), lots of Riverine, Lacustrins and Flat wetlands are found because the topographical and hydrological features are emphasized. On the contrary in Zhu's system(2002), there are lots of Palustrine wetlands because of emphasizing the vegetation. 5. By the topographic and geological characteristics of each sites, there are more wetland types in the lower Tumen river.

글로벌화 전략 제안을 위한 국내 패션 브랜드의 분류체계에 관한 연구 (A Classifying Model of Korean Fashion Brands for Global Strategy Development)

  • 추호정;최미영
    • 한국의류산업학회지
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    • 제9권5호
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    • pp.516-527
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    • 2007
  • This study was designed to make a proposal of a classifying model of Korean fashion brands as the first step in a long-term research plan developing a globalization roadmap for Korean fashion industry. On the basis of ownership advantages of a brand which included firm level attributes and brand level characteristics, fashion brands were classified into eight types. The proposed model was expected to provide an efficient and meaningful framework in developing global strategies both for academic and practical purposes. The model proposed four major categories of fashion brands including manufacturer brands, designer brands, retailer brands, and non-brands. Manufacturer brands were further classified into three groups of conglomerate fashion brands, fashion brands, and sports-specialized brands. Non-brands included small/very small-sized manufacturer non-brands, small/very small-sized non-brands, and OEM/ODM exporters. The classifying dimensions, brand type characteristics, and the globalization approach were discussed. Methods to test the reliability and validity of classifying were also discussed in the text.

우리나라 습지 유형별 분류특성에 관한 연구 -내륙 습지를 대상으로- (Classifying and Identifying the Characteristics of Wetlands in Korea -Cases on the Inland Wetlands-)

  • 구본학;김귀곤
    • 한국환경복원기술학회지
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    • 제4권2호
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    • pp.11-25
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    • 2001
  • A wetland is an ecosystem which is the most useful and highly-energetic transition area. This study has been carried out to classify and identify the various types of wetlands in Korea. The main objective of this study are 1) defining and classifying of wetlands, and 2) identifying the wetlands characteristics, and 3) studying cases on the natural wetlands such as Han river, DMZ(Demillitarized Zone), Upo wetland and Yong(Dragon) wetland. The results as follows: 1) Development of the indices for identifying and classifying wetlands in encompassing in such as Ramsar Conference, US NWI(National Wetlands Inventory), Hydrogeomorphic system. 2) Development on the classifying method on the wetlands in the level of supersystem, system, subsystem, class and subclass. The systems include Palustrine and Riverine, and the subsystems are Seasonal, Permanent(Palustrine) and Impersistent, Lower perennial, Impersistent (Riverine). 3) Finally, we find out Young wetland is Palustrine/Permanent/Slope/Persistent, and Upo wetland consists of various types of wetlands, those are, Palustrine/Permanent/Depression/Forest Deciduous, Palustrine/Permanent/Depression/Shrub Deciduous, Palustrine/Permanent/Depression/Persistent, Palustrine /Permanent/Depression/Hydrophytes, and Lacustrine/Permanent/Openwater/Hydrophytes. The taxonomy of this study stems from identifying and classifying wetlands with indices mainly based on hydrologic features and substrates. So, it is needed that consequent studies are to be performed with various viewpoints. And the studying cases were limited because of the restricted entrance into the DMZ, And, we selected only 10 crucial sites in Han river as the subject for wetlands regulation and creation. And, for advanced studies, drawing up inventory and mapping are necessary.

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사상체질 유형에 따른 손바닥문, 손금의 특징 (Characteristics of the Palm Prints and Palm Creases According to Sasang Constitutional Types)

  • 정민석;김이석;박성식
    • 한국한의학연구원논문집
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    • 제5권1호
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    • pp.101-110
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    • 1999
  • In Sasang constitutional medicine, the classification of Sasang constitutional types (Tae-Yang, Tae-Eum, So-Yang, and So-Eum) is important for the treatment. There are some problems with the methods used for classifying Sasang constitutional types; old methods such as pulse-palpation are not considered objective and recent methods such as immunohematology are considered expensive, painful and time-consuming. To overcome these problems, a body measurement and finger prints analysis were performed. The purpose of this study was to determine whether the palm prints and the palm creases could be helpful in classifying Sasang constitutional types. Thus, we looked for characteristics of the palm prints and the palm creases according to Sasang constitutional types. Before analyzing the palm prints and palm creases, 760 Korean (465 males, 295 females) were surveyed using two kinds of questionnaires for classifying Sasang constitutional types. As there were no Tae-Yang individuals, we were only able to identify the characteristics of the palm prints and the palm creases for Tae-Eum (288 persons), So-Yang (193 persons), and So-Eum (279 persons) individuals. In this study, the terminal points of D, closed crease, and open crease seemed to be helpful in classifying Tae-Eum and So-Eum individuals. Terminal point 11 and closed crease were frequent in Tae-Eum individuals; whereas, terminal point 7 and open crease were frequent in So-Eum individuals. Therefore, the palm prints and the palm creases seem to contribute to the classification of Sasang constitutional types.

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A Comparison of the Performance of Classification for Biomedical Signal using Neural Networks

  • Kim Man-Sun;Lee Sang-Yong
    • International Journal of Fuzzy Logic and Intelligent Systems
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    • 제6권3호
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    • pp.179-183
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    • 2006
  • ECG consists of various waveforms of electric signals of heat. Datamining can be used for analyzing and classifying the waveforms. Conventional studies classifying electrocardiogram have problems like extraction of distorted characteristics, overfitting, etc. This study classifies electrocardiograms by using BP algorithm and SVM to solve the problems. As results, this study finds that SVM provides an effective prohibition of overfitting in neural networks and guarantees a sole global solution, showing excellence in generalization performance.

서파(西陂) 유희(柳僖)의 『춘추괄례분류』에 보이는 『춘추』 범례 분류의 특징 (Characteristics in Classification of Chunqiu Introductory Remarks (凡例) demonstrated on Chunqiugwalyebulyu (春秋括例分類) by Seopa(西陂) Ryu-Hee(柳僖))

  • 김동민
    • 한국철학논집
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    • 제54호
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    • pp.115-151
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    • 2017
  • 본 논문은 서파 유희의 "춘추괄례분류'를 주요 연구 대상으로 삼아, 이 책에 보이는 범례 분류의 특징 및 그 학술적 가치를 밝히는 것을 목적으로 한다. 이 책은 "춘추" 범례의 기본 원칙을 바탕으로 정형화된 범례를 규정한 일종의 범례 종합 분류집이다. 서파는 "춘추" 범례 분류의 두 가지 기본 원칙을 제시하였다. 첫째, "춘추" 라는 책의 성격과 체계를 명확하게 규정함으로써 "춘추" 범례를 분류하게 된 배경을 밝혔다. 둘째, "춘추" 에 존재하는 필법과 의리가 범례 분류의 기준이 된다는 점을 천명하였다. 서파는 이러한 범례의 기본 원칙에 따라 유형별로 범례를 분류하여 정형화된 범례 규정을 확정함으로써 올바른 "춘추" 해석을 위한 토대를 마련하고자 하였다. 나아가 이 범례 규정이 잘못된 "춘추" 해석이 나올 가능성을 사전에 차단함과 동시에 왜곡된 이론의 존립 근거도 없애는 역할을 수행할 수 있을 것이라고 판단했다. 이 책은 다양한 범례의 체계적인 분석과 종합을 통해 "춘추" 범례 분류의 표준화를 시도했다는 점에서 학술적 가치가 매우 크다고 평가할 수 있다.

HCBKA 기반 IT2TSK 퍼지 예측시스템 설계 (Design of HCBKA-Based IT2TSK Fuzzy Prediction System)

  • 방영근;이철희
    • 전기학회논문지
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    • 제60권7호
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    • pp.1396-1403
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    • 2011
  • It is not easy to analyze the strong nonlinear time series and effectively design a good prediction system especially due to the difficulties in handling the potential uncertainty included in data and prediction method. To solve this problem, a new design method for fuzzy prediction system is suggested in this paper. The proposed method contains the followings as major parts ; the first-order difference detection to extract the stable information from the nonlinear characteristics of time series, the fuzzy rule generation based on the hierarchically classifying clustering technique to reduce incorrectness of the system parameter identification, and the IT2TSK fuzzy logic system to reasonably handle the potential uncertainty of the series. In addition, the design of the multiple predictors is considered to reflect sufficiently the diverse characteristics concealed in the series. Finally, computer simulations are performed to verify the performance and the effectiveness of the proposed prediction system.

목소리 특성의 청취 평가에 기초한 사상체질과 음성 특징의 상관관계 분석 (Analysis of the Relationship Between Sasang Constitutional Groups and Speech Features Based on a Listening Evaluation of Voice Characteristics)

  • 권철홍;김종열;김근호;장준수
    • 말소리와 음성과학
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    • 제4권4호
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    • pp.71-77
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    • 2012
  • Sasang constitution experts utilize voice characteristics as an auxiliary measure for deciding a person's constitutional group. This study aims at establishing a relationship between speech features and the constitutional groups by subjective listening evaluation of voice characteristics. A speech database of 841 speakers whose constitutional groups have been already diagnosed by Sasang constitution experts was constructed. Speech features related to speech source and vocal tract filter were extracted from five vowels and one sentence. Statistically significant speech features for classifying the groups were analyzed using SPSS. The features contributed to constitution classification were speaking rate, Energy, A1, A2, A3, H1, H2, H4, CPP for males in their 20s, F0_mean, CPP, SPI, HNR, Shimmer, Energy, A1, A2, A3, H1, H2, H4 for females in their 20s, Energy, A1, A2, A3, H1, H2, H4, CPP for male in the 60s, and Jitter, HNR, CPP, SPI for females in their 60s. Experimental results show that speech technology is useful in classifying constitutional groups.

제약만족 최적화 문제를 위한 백트래킹 탐색의 구조화 (A Backtracking Search Framework for Constraint Satisfaction Optimization Problems)

  • 손석원
    • 정보처리학회논문지A
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    • 제18A권3호
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    • pp.115-122
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    • 2011
  • 모든 제약만족 최적화 문제의 해를 구하는 일반화된 알고리즘을 구하는 것은 매우 어렵다. 그러나 결정 변수의 특성에 따라 세분화된 문제는 해를 위한 알고리즘을 구하기에 더 쉽다는 가정을 할 수 있다. 이와 같은 가정 하에 문제를 세분화 시키는 문제분류규칙을 제안하고 세분화된 문제의 특성에 맞는 백트래킹 알고리즘을 개발한다. 백트래킹을 이용한 깊이우선탐색에서 해를 빨리 찾기 위한 방법 중 하나는 탐색되는 노드의 순서를 효과적으로 배열하는 것이다. 정적 특성이 우세한 무선 센서 네트워크의 클러스터 헤드 위치문제와 동적 및 정적 특성의 혼합특성을 갖는 RFID 리더 간섭 최소화 문제를 선택하여 최적의 변수 순서화 알고리즘을 개발하고 기존의 방법과 비교하였다. 결과적으로 문제를 세분화시킴으로써 체계적인 탐색을 위한 백트래킹의 구조화를 실현하였다. 또한 개발된 백트래킹 알고리즘의 성능이 우수함을 보였다.

치수규격 및 그레이딩을 위한 체형 유형화에 관한 연구(II) (A Study on Classifying Body Forms for the Standards Regarding Size and Grading Method(II))

  • 권숙희;전은경
    • 대한가정학회지
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    • 제38권10호
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    • pp.45-51
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    • 2000
  • This study illucidated the importance of drop Value in the resets of surveying the current values of sizing and grading. Therefore, it is meaningful to get the classification of body form with the appropriate distribution of drop values of the body. The distribution of drop value and the frequency of each form is very helpful to name the combined sizing or coverage of ready-made clothes. This study aimed at classifying body forms with various drop values using multivariate analysis for sizing and grading. Factor analysis and cluster analysis were done using measured values from unmarried women. The resets are as follows; The factor which explains body forms was obtained by factor analysis, and the representative major 18 items which have important roles in classifying body forms were selected among the measured values with high factor loading and communality. 1) The body forms were classified into 3 groups based on the characteristics, frequencies and distributions of them obtained from cluster analysis. 2) Each classified body form showed conspicuous difference in drop value and the difference of body form mainly resulted from the difference between bust and hip(drop value) in Korean unmarried women. 3) Discriminant analysis showed that the most significant discriminant factor of the trunk classification were bust circumference, upper bust circumference, hip circumference and stature. 4) The cover ratio of size studied in this study for the Korean Sizing system for women's garment were founded high.

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